Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Checking in:
    I have had quite the Christmas with the associated binging. What... a... mess. I’m currently having a large glass of white wine and thinking about how to regroup and plan for the new year. I am thinking of taking more full advantage of the free yoga, starting a HIIT routine and tightening the rules with food. Not an exact plan but definitely planning.
    I hope everyone who celebrates had a lovely Christmas and please stay safe out there.

    Anyone want to share want they have planned for the new year... in about a week?
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    @HealthyTrent The problem with the treadmill is space, rather than affordability. Our house isn’t small but with 4 of us rattling about there’s little space for new kit. I imagine if there was a folding one that might work... may research this.

    Lovely that you have a nature reserve nearby. Am guessing you’re reasonably urban? We’re lucky to live on the edge of a small town so it’s only a few minutes to walk out into the local woods and fields. We started doing daily walks as a family in lockdown and we still keep it up at weekends (when not bucketing down). It’s been the stand out pleasure from 2020 for me.

    @BronTonRollyBeau Another with a treadmill! Very jealous you have warmth. We just seem to have wind and rain at the mo.

    Yesterday was ok, but I snacked a bit on the leftover knödel while cooking turkey leftovers. That’s exactly the sort of behaviour I was trying to avoid so I’m keen to not let that happen again today. On the upside, my family have nearly finished off the mince pies for me and I didn’t feel like cake yesterday, so it was a better day than it might have been! Hoping the half kilo I regained over Xmas is quickly desposed of!
  • BronTonRollyBeau
    BronTonRollyBeau Posts: 24 Member
    @ClearNotCloudyMind yes I have a treadmill & love it.And its a fold up one.I did enjoy 2 fruit mince pies xmas night with a cup of tea but paid for it later ( I suffer reflux)
    I did ok considering it's easy to over indulge on special occassions but I could do better.
    I think it's ok to have a treat and don't want to say " never again" we should enjoy life but in moderation 🙂

    Here's to a great New year 🙋‍♀️
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    @melichalupa - glad to see you again! regrouping for the new year sounds good!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind - I live in a suburb of Denver, lots of single family homes and boring chain stores in our area. The nice thing about this city is that there are a fair amount of parks and trails that we can get to from almost any part of the city - there's a park that's walking distance for me with a small lake and trails that we can walk around if we want to get into an area that feels more naturey and less urban.

    Well, my day started out okay yesterday with my walk, but then I ended up drinking more wine than I should which led to more food than I should, and my calories in were just about equal to my calories out, which is not the goal! Today will be better. While I appreciate a few days off work, having too many unstructured days can backfire, and I'll be glad to work again tomorrow through Wednesday (we have the 31st and 1st off).

    I think my stretch goal is a bit out of reach for 12/31, but my goal of 232 is still reasonable, so that's what I'm aiming for. I weighed in at 233.5 this morning, so I only have to lose 1.5# by the 31st, which is in line with what I've been losing when I stick to things.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Yay! My new rower arrived.
    The seat/bar folds up when not in use.

  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Well, I was all over the place this weekend and definitely did not stick to my meal plan. I gave myself allowance to enjoy myself a bit but went way past a little. But I got in a good workout this morning before work and the junk food is out of the house so hopefully I can get back on track, trying to remind myself one weekend is not going to kill all my progress over months.
    @laurenebargar is your husband getting vaccinated? It's starting to roll out where I work and I'm curious how everyone in healthcare is doing.
    Hope everyone is enjoying whatever you celebrate or enjoying the lack of celebrating. Have a great week!
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Last week of the year:
    Plan: track and stay within calories for the week, add some more veggies to the day.
    Think: how do you want to plan for the new year? a workout routine needs to be planned so start doing that, plan the first two weeks of meals, maybe write it down.
    Do: forgive the past and be grateful for my blessings this year, they have been few but powerful.

    @Gold6767 I work at a hospital and currently the ICU, ER, and Labor/Delivery/NICU are receiving the COVID vaccine first. Honestly, most of the workers are not as enthusiastic as one may think to get it but are getting it anyway. Everyone wants to see what will happen with the first wave of vaccinations then will make up their minds.
    @HealthyTrent WOW great machine! I hope you see amazing results with it.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Gold6767 wrote: »
    Well, I was all over the place this weekend and definitely did not stick to my meal plan. I gave myself allowance to enjoy myself a bit but went way past a little. But I got in a good workout this morning before work and the junk food is out of the house so hopefully I can get back on track, trying to remind myself one weekend is not going to kill all my progress over months.
    @laurenebargar is your husband getting vaccinated? It's starting to roll out where I work and I'm curious how everyone in healthcare is doing.
    Hope everyone is enjoying whatever you celebrate or enjoying the lack of celebrating. Have a great week!

    Yes still not sure when though, but for his specific employer they will be requiring it of all employees (even office staff) not sure when any of that will actually go into effect though. I believe they are starting in ICU and then ER and then it will trickle out throughout the company. I agree with @melichalupa not many people are very excited, I think people are a little scared in general.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Finally had a few days back on track and I am feeling so much better already!

    My new fitness tracker is awesome, it was giving me some problems at first, but it turns out you dont want to configure a new tracker when you have been drinking (like I was on christmas) because it assumed I should be having a fast heartbeat and it threw everything out of wack lol, I reset it and the calories, steps and everything else seem to be very accurate. I also tried out ringfit adventure and wow its so much fun and actually a great workout, I was sweating and woke up sore but I had a ton of fun playing too.

    Today is my first day back to work after about 5 days off just going to make it through today, and then go home and do another workout session!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all! just checking in for the day. I'm so proud of myself - I got up at 6am to walk a mile and do some stretching. I did 10 minutes of walking at lunch, and then did another 30 minutes after work - got in 3 miles altogether. I also shoveled the snow, though I realized I should've just waited because it started snowing again and now you can't tell... oops. My little sister is staying with my temporarily (hopefully just for 1-2 weeks) but I have to make sure I keep on track even though my space is being disrupted a little bit.

    @gold6767 - that's great to focus on the fact that one off-track weekend won't derail all your progress! It's completely true. That's the biggest thing I'm focusing on with this effort I'm undergoing - that I can have a bad day without it completely wrecking everything... I just have to pick myself back up the next day and make my next choice a healthy one.

    @laurenebargar - glad you're already feeling better! Hope your workout session today went well.

  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    @laurenebargar hope your first day back at work went well?

    @HealthyTrent hows the new rower working out?

    For those of you working in healthcare through this, you’re all absolute heroes. I hope you can feel the love and gratitude being sent your way from pretty much everyone!

    I’ve decided today was the last day of Christmas indulgence. Tomorrow morning I am going to wrap and pack up the uneaten HALF+ of the cake. It’s just stressing me out not knowing whether to eat it or throw it away. So I’m going to put it into the back of a cupboard and defer the decision until later. Frankly just deciding to do that tomorrow is making me happier so pleased THATS over and done with.

    Then back to eating healthily and enjoying feeling my body de-gunking over the next few days. Looking forwards to it already! No idea when I’m back in schools, which is a pity as I’m supposed to be starting a new placement next week. Fingers crossed things come back under control COVID-wise or I’m going to be having a very wierd January!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! I woke up sore today - my hip and lower back were hurting. I took some Aleve and that seemed to really help - I was able to rally and get 11k steps via 60 min walking on the treadmill (3 miles) plus some quick snow shoveling outside. Now I'm going to go take a relaxing epsom salt bath before heading to bed. The scale was up for no good reason this morning which made me a little cranky, so I'm hoping it will be more cooperative tomorrow.

    @ClearNotCloudyMind - I've used the rower once so far - it's definitely a workout! It probably won't be an every day thing, but I'm glad I have it. I had to lookup a video on how one is supposed to properly use such machines - I took I'll probably go a little slower at first as I try to make sure I get in the habit of using it with the appropriate form. Years ago when I went to a gym, I definitely used it That's great that you're feeling ready to get back to healthy eating! I bet it will feel really good once you have a few days of it under your belt.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Had a bit of an epiphany this morning, when I noticed I was cold. That’s pretty much normal for when I am losing weight, and something loads of people on MFP comment on. I’d assumed it was due to less insulation as the fat came off but I wasn’t cold AT ALL over Christmas. And I was eating more. And I barely gained any weight.

    So I think I’m cold again because I’m back in a chunky calorie deficit and my body is dialling its fuel consumption back, including what it normally burns keeping me warm.

    Not sure what to do with this theory. Maybe I should welcome the cold as “proof” that I’m eating sufficiently little to drop weight. Or maybe I should consider dialling up my consumption to where I am not cold but possibly still losing (albeit at a slower rate). Anyway, stuff to think on. Hope you’re all enjoying the Twixmas period!
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Rashmi and everyone!! This looks like a great group, and would love to join in. I am a chronic relapser. I am getting older and think it's catching up with me! I NEED to feel better. Here I am again!
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    @ClearNotCloudyMind yeah first day back wasnt too bad! Its a busy week here at the end of the year and I got a cricut for christmas so when I get home ive just been doing crafts for awhile, although I must say its a wonderful distraction and something to do with my hands rather than eat!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all - just checking in a little earlier today rather than at the end of my day. I was very happy to see my weight drop back down to what it was on Christmas (my current lowest). Here's to continuing in the right direction! I'm eating lunch at the moment - leftovers plus some freshly steamed broccoli. I'm really enjoying this chickpea pasta that I discovered - it's very similar in taste and texture to regular pasta, but way higher in protein and fiber, so I plan on only using this type of pasta going forward. I've made black bean pasta and pea-based pasta before as well, but so far this chickpea pasta is my favorite alternative pasta.

    I've put in a grocery order for Friday. In the next two weeks I'm looking forward to some butternut squash soup w/carrots, onions, and celery, home-made baked seitan, more of my new favorite breakfast of sautéed zucchini with wilted spinach and poached eggs, and some tacos with low-carb tortillas, among other things. It's starting to feel really fun/enjoyable to be making a variety of healthy meals on a regular basis again.

    @ClearNotCloudyMind - interesting observation about your body temperature!
    @gettingmeback2013 - welcome!
    @laurenebargar - finding things to do with our hands rather than eat is so helpful. I got a few puzzles for Christmas, and should get one setup soon to work on during my free time.

  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    Feeling particularly stressed and agitated today. Because of some surprise work obligations I'm probably not going to have time off with my partner in January like we thought. With both of us in stressful jobs through all of this and not being able to do most of the things we do to unwind, especially travel, I just about blew a gasket with the news. So I was swearing up a storm shoveling the driveway late last night when I got home from work. I really want to buy a big bag of something sugary but I'm trying not to. Hoping the finish line is within sight for COVID because the stress is really building. My weight has been up but I'm trying to tell myself that it's due to higher weight workouts lately and hoping it'll drop off at the end of the week.
    @HealthyTrent that's fantastic to see your weight at your lowest at this time of year great work! What is Seitan? I'm not much of a cook...
    @melichalupa that's pretty much how it is here too, most people would rather not be first tier since the longterm has not really been studied yet. But no side effects from the first round so that's good news
    @laurenebargar keep up the good work
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    @Gold6767 - I'm definitely someone who tends to stress-eat, so I sympathize with your trying hard not to buy something sugary. Seitan is a meat substitute made from wheat gluten. It's high in protein, low in carbs. Traditionally the seitan dough is cooked in broth/water, but I use a baked recipe that results in a texture that I really like, and that has lots of spices to counteract the potential "blandness" of plain seitan. I'm not vegetarian, but I dated a strict vegetarian for a few years, and my wife went through vegetarian/vegan phases, so I like to mix things up with vegetarian protein sources sometimes.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    Hope everyone's having (had) a safe new year's eve! I was happy to see <231 on the scale this morning. I didn't quite make my 230 stretch goal, but I came pretty darn close! I've lost a total of 19.5 lbs in the last 40 days. I was off work today (and am tomorrow as well) - I ended up taking an easier day today, I walked 2 miles and am at about 9.6k steps, but am getting ready to get comfy for the night.

    Is anyone setting any specific fitness/health goals relating to 2021? I decided I am going to walk or jog 1,000 miles in 2021. I created a chart that I've got up on my wall to track my progress. It comes out to just under 2.75 miles per day, which is in line with what I've been doing the past month, so I know it's doable!
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    That’s brilliant @HealthyTrent! All that walking has definitely paid off. We’ve done loads of walking over the holidays to get out of the house and it does make me hungry...

    I’ve decided to prioritise weight loss over fitness for the first half of this year. I know that sounds daft, but exercise makes me so HUNGRY. I always seem to gain weight when I up my exercise. Should probably mention I’m mostly a cyclist and “exercise” means a 75mile hilly bike ride. And huge carb cravings.

    So... goal weight, then work on fitness. Hoping it works. Your 1000 miles sounds like a great goal. Where can you get to from yours in 1000 miles?!