

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,500 Member
    Penny! So good to see your post. You know how it goes... drop in when you can, no worries about answering everyone. And "doomscrolling" has become one of those things I'm learning to say "no," to, as well. Not useful, accomplishes nothing except making my cheese slip off my cracker AGAIN, and it's time to stop doing that. I'm getting better and better at reading the headline, but not diving in...

    Missed you!
    Lisa in AR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    I also do the same thing over my own health, my husband's health, the fact that Egg (the cat) is getting fat, whether or not y'all have checked in recently, whether my children have touched base with me, etc. I send my children a "just checking to make sure you're still alive," text after a couple of weeks.

    Lisa in Arkansas

    Dearest worrywart Lisa, my version of your "just checking to make sure you're still alive" was to flick my fingers at my kids as if sprinkling them with water and saying "Mother stuff, Mother stuff, Mother stuff". That was enough to make me feel better, and my kids (a) understood what I meant and (b) were mildly amused.

    So to Lisa and everyone else who might remember me: Yes, I'm alive! :smiley:

    Nothing really bad has happened in my life, but I've spent the past year doomscrolling. I went into a tailspin two summers ago after coming home from visiting family in New Hampshire. That was long before covid hit to exacerbate everything. :(

    Heather reached out last summer just after a man was killed by a polar bear in our town. (Thanks for not giving up on me, Heather! :flowerforyou: I started typing an answer a couple times but it felt so futile I didn't get far.) The man who was killed was sleeping in a tent at the campsite, where he was also the official host. I didn't know him at all. He moved in completely different circles (very active in online computer gaming, which I am definitely NOT). In addition, he was a seasonal worker and only came in summer, when we're usually away. Still, even though it didn't hit me personally, my anxiety levels have been through the roof and I haven't been ready to reconnect here.

    Now maybe I am. I'll take it slow and hope. :heart:

    /Penny at the


    Happy New Year, dear Penny!
    I doomscroll, too. :#
    Tailspin then Covid then polar bear is a lot. A lot.
    (((Hugs, Penny)))

    Karen in Virginia

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Dear Penny,
    So good to see you posting. <3
    Sending lots of love to you . Anxiety doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it. It just happens. Pops its ugly little head up now and again to say, "And you thought you'd got rid of me! Ha!Ha!"
    One comfort this year is we are not alone in our angst. It's OK.
    Strangely I find that helps me. The pressure to be strong and wonderful seems to have lifted this year as so many people have been honest with their insecurities.
    I've had a good year last year, getting on with my memoir, which made me anxious in the New Year that I couldn't live up to its new promise. I could feel the pressure creeping back. I seem to have got over the worst of that.
    I really, really hope that you will feel able to pop back in from time to time and send us your missives from the top of the world. We have sorely missed you.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: The idea that your DH is better with cycling than walking makes me wonder whether the satisfaction he has known so long from your cycling adventures has been a blessing and touch stone. He’s been through so much and he seems to have a positive attitude. I wish you both the best possible luck. :heart:

    Penny: It is a delight to see your post!!! I am sorry that you have been though a stressful time. Stress seems to have infected many of our lives these many months since the CoVID pandemic began. I hope we will hear from you more often. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I “undecorated” for Christmas. I still have a string of lights on our deck but the process of putting it all away is in the beginning stages. The garage is full of boxes of Christmas ornaments. There are two light strings left to unplug and put away. Once it is all back into its boxes, I will start hauling it all back up into the garage attic. I plan to get started later this morning.

    WHINE: I hope to get a message from our doctor that vaccine is available. I don’t know how long that will be. DH will likely get his vaccination long before I get mine. I am tired of lockdown. :ohwell: I suspect millions of people want to get on with life, too.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Lisa - I can get myself worked up and go down the rabbit hole with worry too. I have learned to control it over the last few years but it still likes to sneak in from time to time.

    Suzi - I bet my husband could do it too, but he laughed. He doesn’t have as much faith in his abilities as I have.
    It’s nice when you get surprise “money” to do something with that you normally wouldn’t.

    I keep a bag in my room and as I’m trying to decide what to wear I throw things in the bag that I decide I’m not going to wear again. When the bag is full I take it to the donation centre.
    My problem is memorabilia, especially stuff that came from my parents or grandparents house. I need to cut down some more and it’s very difficult for me to do.

    Penny - it’s nice to see you, I’ve thought of you often.

    Okie - 🙂 I like your Dad’s attitude.

    It was dark in the park last night, it seems most people took their Christmas lights down yesterday. I think I’ll take out outside ones down today.
    We are going to deliver the bunk beds today, we are not to visit in another’s home but we will go in long enough to set them up, wish her a happy birthday and see her reaction. Once we are back from that I should go get some groceries and I have a Christmas gift I need to exchange.

    I was hoping to rearrange some furniture today but that may wait until next weekend.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2021
    LaurieP: Welcome! :bigsmile:

    (((Annie in DE))): I am so sorry that your Auntie across the street has Covid. I would worry about my parents, too, if I was in your situation. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey: l have many “treasures” that once belonged to my parents. Among them are six Christmas Cactus plants. Some of them are currently blooming. I think fond thoughts of my mom every time I water them. :star:

    We have put our living Christmas tree back in its spot outdoors. I spent a good hour or so taking down Christmas lights on our deck. I have piles of boxes of ornaments in the garage and will be hauling them into the garage attic as soon as I can. This is a two-person operation/one pulley operation. One of us (me) is at the top of the ladder. DH is at the bottom of the ladder. He puts each box on the hook. I pull the box up and put it in its spot, then lower the hook for the next box. This will likely take a few hours.

    There is a bit of sunshine peeking through the clouds and I’m enjoying the view. I’ll be getting back to work right after we have breakfast.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    THESIS : 2h clocked today.
    I spent 50 minutes trying to transfer interview on android phone to macbook so I could do automatic transcription (even though I would have to review and listen). After downloading open source material and one 20 euro per year software program (7 day free trial after signing up with card) and looking lots online, it simply didn't work for unknown reason. My file was readable in its name on macbook finally after all that, but inoperable!
    So finally I spent a good hour transcribing live.
    I'm medium on typing, and I finally would skip a few words and write xxx to listen a 2nd time. it got me back in the swing.
    and I wrote to the director to answer her mail to us all from a few days ago asking who wants to present their work in 4 weeks, proposing to present my work for 15 or 20 min. That means I have to have something to present. Working on this interview is a good starting place, as I have a lot of experience on this subject and some first hand text and interview. I have to then analyse it intelligently in the context of my work and not in itself.

    Happy to have started up again!

    I procrastinated, and didn't start till 4pm!

    1.People on this thread and outside this thread's encouragement in working on that.
    2. Quiet mostly pleasant day today, with little walk (very cold out) a wee bit of tidying, and making some bean brownies that I mostly froze.
    3. 3 flowers, 1 candle, meditation tapes and Cbd oil on table to help me feel more calm inside.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ... Anxiety doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it. It just happens. Pops its ugly little head up now and again to say, "And you thought you'd got rid of me! Ha!Ha!"
    One comfort this year is we are not alone in our angst. It's OK.
    Strangely I find that helps me. The pressure to be strong and wonderful seems to have lifted this year as so many people have been honest with their insecurities.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
    It's true about anxiety and so on. last summer I told my renter (who is very nice and friendly upright guy) as he was leaving, that I had felt a bit depressed during lockdown sometimes. He said he thought we all did somewhat. (I know not everyone did, but many people dealt with emotional issues and it was not a secret).

    In season 4 of the brilliant animated series "Big Mouth" there are talking mosquitos that represent anxiety: Little things with high rather fast-speaking voices, sometimes buzzing around, sometimes following one or more people, sometimes gone... An apt (and funny) metaphor.

    Now going to send a couple of mails.
    I don't think I'm going to get to insurance nor to paper corrections today.

    I might go back on the recumbent bike as I didn't get much exercise beyond pottering, and 30 min slow walk outside.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,099 Member
    In grad school, there were two guys whose motto was: it wouldn't be the minimum if it wasn't good enough. Lol! I aimed a little higher than that. But I also had last minute papers that could have ended more gracefully given better time management.

    I had Sunday dinner and now I am out of calories for the day. Oh well.

    Annie in Delaware
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    I would love to be a minimalist. I have donated or thrown out a small room full of "stuff" over the past 8 months (while being "trapped" in the house with it due to COVID). However, I would still love to get rid of more. I gave away 4 boxes of books. I cannot lie, it was tough. I rarely have attachments to my stuff, but I loved having books around. Long ago, when I was in my 20s, I heard or read that children will learn and grow better if there are books around. So, I started my little library. However, since I never had kids, they just became dust collectors over time.

    Unfortunately, it's hard to give them away now. Many thrift shops I called won't take them and the libraries don't usually want them either. And, worse is that so many were technical or university texts and no one wants those. However, we will never open them again, so out they went. I did keep a few (maybe 10), but I'm sure those will eventually go too.

    It's also very difficult to get the mister to get rid of stuff. He is a clutterer and is not tidy with it and it drives me mad.

    My health, if interested:
    With my anemia, I'm still trying to exercise so I don't become a lazy blob. But, it’s a struggle. Not only am I limited in how much activity I can handle, but I am also eating more to try to drastically increase my iron stores. So, I’m gaining a bit of weight. Unfortunately, my shortness of breath is really getting me down. I thought I was getting better, but this morning, a short walk to the bathroom left me out of breath for a while. My procedure is tomorrow and I would love for it to give me a new start and my issues to dissipate. However, I’m a pessimist at heart and I am mentally planning for a very long, depressing few months and surgery in the spring or early summer.

    My new car has just over 200 miles on it (in just over a month) and the fuel gauge has not moved. I love that so much.

    As for perfection vs. completing - I heard somewhere “what do you call a graduated medical student with a D average?” Answer: “Doctor.”

    Rebecca, your envelopes are gorgeous. I get multiple calendars every year and toss all but one. I think I already tossed my used 2020 one, but will try to remember to save them for you next year.

    That’s it for now. I still have some catching up to do.

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Well lots of catching up to do..
    Im sorry i havent caught up..somehow last night i pulled some muscle where my scar is and didnt sleep well.. in alot of pain.. slept some this morning.. i did take some tylenol..and am just laying low today..
    Watching great performances on Public TV and they are doing Sound of Music..... enjoying it..

    Please take it easy. Recovery takes a long time. Far too long for me, but it needs to be done.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    It seems like Spring, Summer and Fall all skipped their turns this year during all this isolation!

    Carol in GA