

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,740 Member
    Barbie - how rude of Jake’s granddaughter. I hope she makes it up to him somehow.

    Rebecca - I wish you lived closer you could raid my scrapbooking leftovers. I’m trying to decide if I should sell some more of it.

    Janet - I love it! “Choose your hard”

    Debbie - happy Birthday

    Ginny - we do work well if we each have our individual tasks more than if we have to do something together.
    We each a couple of project in mind to keep us occupied if the weather holds. His are more creative/artistic and mine are more practical. I’m sure we’ll figure out which and how Soon.

    I did keep moving today, I took the tree down and was going to leave the rest, but as I was sitting thinking about it, I realized if I didn’t do it today I probably wouldn’t until next weekend and that’s Rodger’s birthday. So everything is put away, except for one candy bowl, I always miss something. My regular decorations are back, I want to make a couple more furniture changes tomorrow, but the majority is done. It always looks so bare and feels so cold when I take Christmas down.

    I finished everything but my bathroom before supper and did the bathroom after supper before taking a long well deserved bath with a CBD oil bath bomb and a cup of tea. If those bath bombs weren’t so pricy I would use one daily.

    Machka - when we moved to Alberta 23 years ago Christmas we sold almost everything. Rodger came by bus in September the girls and I and my babysitter left by bus Christmas night and arrived in downtown Edmonton about 75 hours later. 9 suitcases between us 4 and my girls were only 6 &8. Then we had a house fire in 2005 and quite a bit. We built it all up again and then when we lost the house in 2016 and moved here we were forced to downsize again. There isn’t much left that I would be willing to part with.

    Rodger and I watched the movie Soul on Disney Plus tonight. It was pretty good. I had heard that it was by the same producers or writers as Inside Out and I could see that, but I liked Inside Out better.

    Tomorrow we will be delivering the bunk beds. I think I’ll go buy a helium balloon or two to tie onto them. I also need to get a card for her. In preparation of this gift her parents moved the playroom to the basement the last couple of days. She was also gifted a massive Barbie House this week.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You have been busy! I have our Christmas decorations out of the house but they’re not put away yet. I expect to be hauling boxes up the ladder to the garage attic for much of the day tomorrow. :p
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 850 Member
    Well, thanks to Barbara and Katie I had to go back and check out Lisa's word for the year! lol To my knowledge, none of my relatives ever actually had a still, but there was homemade hootch out there and it packed one heckuva punch! When my maternal grandfather passed, we went and stayed with my dad's brother for the few days that we were in that area. It was about a 6 or 7 hour drive from home, and I was pretty wiped when we got there, I was 18, and had been driving since I was 16, and I only "spelled" dad, but it was still a long day. My uncle decided I needed something to either pick me up or help me sleep, I'm not sure which, and I don't remember too much about how I did sleep that night, but I do remember gasping for air when I drank the stuff! (which I did do voluntarily, nobody was pouring booze down my throat, and it was only one small glass) 40 plus years later and that memory still sticks..... can't remember what I went into a room for earlier, but remember that.... :# lol oh well, it's all good.
    Tracey, the doll bunks and mattresses and pillows are amazing! You two not only do excellent work, but so quickly!
    Janet, you too are amazing! You worked hard to get where you are and, while I may have seen those photos before, I do not have a problem seeing them again and again! I can certainly see why your friend would call you Sassy!
    Machka, I'm sorry to hear that your hubby seems to be deteriorating, I had hoped he would plateau for several years, and then do a natural decline. Having you explain more about his injury helps me understand why that's probably not going to be the case. I can only imagine the frustration you must sometimes feel when he starts to melt down, not being able to do as much as you both used to. I imagine his frustration levels must also be pretty high at times. Please don't hesitate to vent here, this is a safe space! I do like your choice of word/phrase, to go with the flow.
    Rori, my heart goes out to you. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the patience that you do with your hubby and his condition, you are an amazing individual for sure!

    Tomorrow I shall probably start taking down Christmas. I didn't put up as much as I had wanted to, but now I'm kind of glad because that means there isn't as much to take down! Sunday is always my housecleaning day and I shall start, as usual, with our bedroom and ensuite, then the rest of upstairs. When I head downstairs, I think I will do the undecorating first instead of vacuuming right away. That way anything that lands on the floor will be taken care of later and I won't be upset with myself for making a mess when I've just cleaned! Definitely by Monday afternoon, all will be packed away til next year. Hubby has been talking about building shelving in our garage and I think we are actually going to do it sometime this spring/early summer. When we do get it done, I plan on moving some of the Christmas stuff out of my "office" and into the garage. My space is upstairs and it's a pain packing all that stuff down, then back up. If it's in the garage, it's already on the main floor and will be much easier to access.
    I worked today, first time in two weeks that I had to work a full shift! I only work Thurs, Fri and Sat and with Christmas landing on a Friday, I was off early on the 24th, and off the 25th and 26th. Then off early again on the 31st, off Jan1 and then worked the full day today. I'm knackered! And on that note, I think I shall take myself off to the shower and go to bed.
    Hoping everyone has a great day! (evening, night, morning....) Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies (and returnees!).
    Evelyn, on very soggy Vancouver Island
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Rebecca, I love the calendar envelopes!

    Janet, Congratulations! I also like that entry about choosing one's hard. So true.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »

    Julie-I agree with Machka-just get the thesis done. I went several years ABD (all but dissertation). After my first son was born it was hard to fit in. Then I got pregnant with second and was hitting time limit. I just cranked it out. It occurred to me that my professors and the school wanted me to finish as much as I did (it looks better for schools to have high completion rates, especially at Ph.D. level). You want to do a decent work, but I have seen many get paralyzed because it wouldn’t be brilliant enough.

    Allie-I used Arnica cream on the scars from my hip replacements. The nerve endings are bothersome and unfortunately they just take time. Would a side pillow help with the battery pack device (not sure how they fit on)-kid of like laying on your side with a pillow helped when very pregnant?

    Annie in Delaware-exercise is good for us, but for me the key to weight is still ci/co. I know when I dropped from the 170s to the 140/130s the difference in feeling better was way more than I thought.

    Had another "odds and ends day." Laundry done (will iron tomorrow). Bathroom closet organized (now to keep it that way!). Threw out out of date stuff. At least I know what I have in there now. Found extras of things I had bought because I forgot I had them. Wrote out list of household projects I want to complete this year. Starting on work to finish painting door frames and new doors. Have to go to Lowes early tomorrow and pick up a strip of door stop and some wood filler. Got a good walk in outside-mid 30s and not much wind so brisk but not too cold. Think I am keeping my lighted gnomes out for a while longer just because they make me smile.

    Sil in Switzerland was brought out of medical coma and seems to be aware (this is from her son to my other SIL). With time difference communication happens at odd times. It does sound like she is very lucky to have made it this far.

    Going to clear out emails while I watch some tv. That way I am doing something necessary, but not overly energetic!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I'm so sorry about your SIL. That sounds like good new about her being aware.

    I agree with you about getting thesis done. Yes, for sure the school is happier too. it's better for their stats for each person who finishes their thesis, and finishes it relatively quickly.
    Also agree about ci/co for weight.
    I love when closets are sorted!
    Good idea about clearing out mails (and computer files) while doing TV. I don't do that enough and need to find a routine to do so.
    Yes! One of my dissertation readers told me, "It doesn't have to be good; it just has to be signed." That advice was liberating because perfectionism can be debilitating. I revise the statement for my perfectionist students -- "It doesn't have to be good; it just needs to be submitted." I have so many students who don't turn work in because it doesn't meet their expectations. My eldest is like that. He failed a class a couple years ago because he had a paper to submit. He had it written. It was done. But not perfect. In anger, he deleted the whole computer file. Didn't submit anything. Failed. So frustrating.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    I agree also, to a point. Early in thesis I went to a a talk to all by the then director of PhD studies, he told some anecdotes of people who spent a long time (and one who dropped after years and was happy to do so) and said it doesn't have to be the work of a lifetime. I held that advice in mind.
    18 months ago I was notified with little notice that I had to furnish 100 pages (no quality required). so I did what one might call a page dump! I worked hard for a month, but a month was not enough for me to assemble 100 good pages (plus corrections, since I'm non-native), so it was really just getting pages out there. I was allowed to continue but got (understandable) criticism.

    With my own students, I have some who do great work, some who do not bad work, and some who furnish the number of words required so they can pass, and clearly furnish no effort (write off the top of their heads). So I wouldn't say "it doesn't have to be good" to my own students, and yet, the students who do a word dump do pass, and those who don't don't. So there's something to it.

    @Machka I've moved a ton too, and intercontinentally a few times, so gotten totally rid of stuff several times and lived with very little several times. I've also gone backpacking quite a few times. 10 weeks max. The most minimalist was 2 week stints on el camino, probably similar to you guys biking, aiming for 6k max, including weight of bag (1K) water (1k) some food (a bit of nuts and GF options emergency food to get through in case of food shopping issues (no shops, shops closed etc) (0.5-1k) which leaves about 3k for clothes, (1 change of warmer or lighter) toiletries, maps, anything else. Whenever I came back, my, home (which is not too full) seemed overfull.

    I can get rid of books probably. I hesitate, as they are kind of like old friends. I still like to keep some. My big, quality dictionaries were great boons for years, but how often do we looks things up in dictionaries now?

    I'm actually concerned that some day (could be in 10 or 20 years) there may be major electricity or hacking issues that make our 100% computer dependancy dangerous, so I tend still to want to have some paper stuff. (major documents and some books).
    But I could sort a bit.

    I need to get rid of even last few favorite DVDs I guess, since computers no longer come with DVD players (and I don't have a tv and the external DVD player I bought for computer years back didn't seem to ever work).

    I could probably get rid of some clothes. I don't have a ton, at all, but there are a few things I haven't worn in years, and don't feel like wearing now. My clothing style has been very lowkey of late: jeans simple shirts, maybe a simple dress over jeans...maybe I should wait till past COVID when we actually start seeing people normally, presuming that happens in 6 months or a year or two. (???)

    I definitely need to get through papers. I have some doubles.
    I can't get rid of all.
    Scheduling 30 min per day on paper sorting might work.

    Art supplies. I have quite a bit. It's rather expensive to buy all again.
    So I'll keep some around for now. And it's helpful to have stuff handy when I need it.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Machka9 I'm sorry your DH has plateaued and is apparently deteriorating.
    I agree with you about exercise helping to keep our minds (and bodies) well. A teacher-friend-colleague around was talking to me about memory about 15 years ago, and back then I noted that if I got exercise my memory was better. I also saw that during this lockdown period if I went for even a 10 minute walk outside before starting classes (at 8:30am in the dark) my mind was sharper, and I was more upbeat.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,489 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: leaner/stronger 14 mins wii, tested Bluetooth speaker, it’s waterproof so took out to deck and did 10 mins T’ai Chi sheltered from the rain, typed hymns.
    Bonus: practiced One Margarita, watched another livestream, all caught up.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, call R & S, fire call data into state system, corrected roster to Cal-Or, minutes and letter to Howard, index mutual aid files, watch STAS Day 19, submit grant pics and receipts, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed; broadcast cover crop seed in veg garden areas, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reconcile Joe’s EOB’s Thrivent shows only 2263.48 so far, next BGBS ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan next year’s garden, wishlist replenishments, Monday: call roofer, pickup library book.
    Happier January:
    2: Make time today to do something special for yourself: 10 mins TC on the deck breathing in the rain washed air. :smile: .

    Welcome @ladybug2021 ! Would you let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale?
    Lisa I miss Calvin and Hobbes too. :cry: And I love the commercials that feature movie clips with characters saying “no!” ;)
    Welcome back, Melodybug!
    Janetr I never tire of your inspiring story and pics. “pick your hard” really resonated.
    Machka ((hugs)) what Evelyn said.
    Julie like you I prefer to have some hardcopies. I do not trust the cloud and keep files on laptop or usb drive, but even those would be inaccessible during long power outages.

    Had to march in place nearly an hour to meet step goal, now I’m falling asleep zzzzz…

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    January: leaner/stronger/kinder than December.
    daily: sit with Joe: 2, weigh/wii: 2/14, steps>5592=5777 vits=2 log=2 CI<CO=2 CI<250<CO=2 Tumble 5=1 Shadow 5=1 mfp=2 outside=1 up hill=0
    wkly: BB&B,T’ai Chi or SWSY x3 =1 rx= dance=2 clean 60 mins=.5 packwalk=
    mnthly: board mtg= , grant= , 21 plan= bonus: AF=1 play=2 sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    "A C is a degree" There is some truth to that.

    On the other side
    I have pretty much heard that your thesis report has a major impact on getting a job afterwards (as do thesis teacher recommendations).
    By accident my thesis teacher sent me the recommendation for another new young student (who told me she has written nothing after 1-2 years). The recommendation was flourishing. For me she send the minimal, non committal letter!

    Also I was at lunch and I heard some real criticism on the thesis of a friend-colleague (who already had a tenured job before getting his thesis- possible in some practical fields, and is relatively well-known, liked by some, not by others). I defended him a bit, but they were a rather central bunch and some were meanly criticising person after person like that.

    This said, for some jobs Phd is required and the Phd is not the only thing they take into consideration, but also teaching experience, and other stuff, and different selection committees fonction differently... And also there are bits in my field where a Phd is not required (so they won't necessarily look at it or the report) but it can be helpful to have that plume in one's cap. Some of my colleagues in same level have PhDs and that can be argued to have such and such a slight position improvement.

    Anyway, I'm in it so it's best to go forward, due to my field.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Had another decent night's sleep. I got a lot of exercise (several hours walking!), fresh air, listened to "headspace guided meditation (animated podcasts)" on Netflix to fall asleep. I had CBD oil (delivered), I accidentally got very tiny bottles- no wonder it was so cheap!- and had a couple of drops. I also had a glass of wine. (I may still have a glass sometimes max 2-3 times a week, not sure).

    Grateful today: home more spacious and having part of time (or some times) to organise as I like.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Tried to edit last post but it won't take edit (bug- I've had that happen before). here's a redo, that is partly redo and partly new.

    Had another decent night's sleep. I got a lot of exercise (several hours walking!), fresh air, listened to "headspace guided meditation (animated podcasts)" on Netflix to fall asleep. I had CBD oil (delivered), I accidentally got very tiny bottles- no wonder it was so cheap!- and had a couple of drops. I also had a glass of wine. (I may still have a glass sometimes max 2-3 times a week, not sure).

    Woke at 7ish and listened to meditation tapes. I opened curtains wide to get lots of daylight. Now at 10 am still dragging in bed. Contrary to weather report, the clouds seem to be letting up, at least momentarily.

    Last day of "school vacation".

    I would like to:
    1)Go for at least 30 min walk before midday (to help sleep -wake rhythm)
    2) Spend 2h on thesis
    3) Continue working on habit of at least:
    a.15 min tidying/cleaning
    b.2x 15 min papers
    c.15 min financial stuff
    d.meditation (check, online guided visualisation)

    4)review collective collegues's mail and give feedback
    5)write to __and invite her to meeting.

    6)Go through insurance numbers and choose best insurance option for me and start to take action on that level. (can be part of 3.c., but will likely take more than 15 min!)

    7)If time: start correcting some papers for Monday and Tuesday's classes
    8) Print out 2021 goals/resolutions/projects/plans/aspirations, and break down to January goals and this week's goals.

    Grateful today:
    -home more spacious and having part of time (or some times here and there) to organise as I like,
    -my 3 now tallish plants (about 3-4 feet tall) which have survived amazingly after years, sometimes with no water for months!
    -having been able to spend time with friends yesterday and about 10 days ago
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,388 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, my friends,

    - I always love to see your before and afters--I know how much work and emotion went into that journey, how hard it is to achieve being that person you were meant to be, and how hard it is to stay there. Also loved "choose your hard." Kind of awesome.

    On minimalism

    I think that it's a concept that is very individual--my idea of minimalism and yours probably aren't the same. I've been inadvertently minimalist (divorce, moving into a 5th-wheel), and inadvertently maximist when I was married to the military, and they will move anything from one assignment to another--they'll pack up and move your trash can full of garbage if you don't get it out of the way on moving day.

    My honest opinion is that people usually place too much value on stuff in general. There are two things in my house that belonged to my mother that matter to me, and two small boxes of things that my husband has taken everywhere we go that matter to him, and the rest is... stuff. It doesn't bother me that it's there, but I wouldn't miss it if it was gone...

    That said, I also have a maximum limit in terms of furniture in a room--and if there are one too many pieces in a given space, I get quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I never know where that limit is until I exceed it.


    On word of the year/theme for the year:

    I liked "still" as a word for the year, but am even more pleased with "no," and that's the one I'm sticking with. In particular, the negative tapes that spin inside my head often need me to say "no, that's not true" as necessary. Also known as "warting," as in being a worrywart.

    For instance, was trying to get hold of my sister over the end-of-year break, and her phone number said she was "unreachable." Reached out to my youngest niece, who lives with her, no answer. I ran every scenario in my head from my sister being dead and her children forgetting to let me know to my sister being mad at me for something I didn't know I said and casting me into the outer darkness and blocking my phone number. Finally reached out to my older niece, and she said no, her mom's phone had been off for a bit (probably didn't pay the bill, but I didn't ask), and everyone was OK.

    I also do the same thing over my own health, my husband's health, the fact that Egg (the cat) is getting fat, whether or not y'all have checked in recently, whether my children have touched base with me, etc. I send my children a "just checking to make sure you're still alive," text after a couple of weeks. They think it's funny. I think it's all exhausting--and it's time I said "no" to worrywarting - it is genuinely wasted energy if there ever was, because it does not change the situation in the slightest.

    Whoo, didn't know I had that much to say this early in the morning!
    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    edited January 2021
    Janetr - I LOVE looking at your pics. So inspiring. <3
    I'm not 100%with the hard post though. I think it can be hard work getting to the good place, but once you are there it becomes second nature and it's not hard anymore, just a good habit.
    One thing that can still be a little hard for me is keeping communication lines open. I still have to work on that one from time to time. But I do know when there is the slightest tangle and I try to correct it as soon as possible. The smoother the lines are, the more you notice the slightest kink.
    Years ago I did a personal development course over four years and that helped me more than anything to pursue an authentic way of living. It helped me draw boundaries, speak truth, simplify things and know when I have gone off course. It didn’t shield me from pain, that comes with life, but enabled me to be more self aware and to experience how good life feels when you are living "intentionally" as Barbie puts it. (Thanks for the compliment, Barbie) :D
    Climbing out of a hole you have dug for yourself can be hard work and life always has brickbats to throw at you, but taking responsibility for our own choices can transform our lives.
    Plus, we can always change our attitude. :D<3

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Greetings from SFL.

    It has been a lovely 3-day weekend. The weather starts off cool in the mornings (around 70’ish) with a slight breeze and then warms to the 80s. Yes, I am completely spoiled here in SFL. The air conditioner kicked on for the first time on Thursday.

    Today will be a day of some chores. Laundry, general pick up, light dusting, taking down the Christmas lights, cleaning the master bathroom, and possibly washing the car. I will certainly miss the Christmas lights.

    Every year the reps pull together money and send restaurant gift cards to all of the office staff. I figured with it being such an unusual year (they typically distribute them during the annual holiday party) they would forgo the tradition. What a big surprise it was to receive an email saying we were all receiving $130 to request as an electronic gift card to any place we would prefer. I selected Amazon dreaming of all of the books I could read throughout the year. After much thought I decided I would order a puzzle board since I have been enjoying putting them together (the second one is almost done – more on that later). I have been using the kitchen counter which makes for cooking challenges. The puzzle board will make it much easier to move around the house – heck I could puzzle while watching TV in bed! LOL. It isn’t something I would spend my own money on since it’s a little expensive, but felt it was OK to buy with gift money. 😊

    Tracey – I am sure your hubby could put this together in an hour to two. I considered it but would have had to buy some additional tools….. Love the baby doll bunk beds. Adorable!!


    Lisa – So glad to see you more frequently posting. I have missed you. I think many have the same retirement adjustment. “No”, very appropriate!

    Michelle – The trees are lovely. Wow, what a ton of work to do. I think if I were to do that at my house the trees would stay up year round.

    Barbie – Thank you for posting Gretchen Rubin’s goal versus resolution. It brought some light as to why I may not be maintaining my weight over the years. I have always set a “goal” weight. I must shift my paradigm. Aw, I want to send Jake a big hug. Darn kids!! I so agree with dealing with one’s emotions prior to decluttering/downsizing/etc.

    Janetr – Did you build another snowperson with all of that snow? 😊 Beautiful picture.

    Betsy – Happy birthday!!

    Katla – Wow, 3001 days in a row!

    Flea – I can completely understand your mixed feelings about your niece. I hope with more time you are completely able to shift your feelings towards her (even though she has made/makes some bad decisions).

    Debbie – Happy birthday!!

    Heather – I am so happy you were able to have a visit with the grands even if from a distance. Yeah, Johnny cooking!

    Beth – Maybe start with another room? 😊

    Machka – Just reading your goals makes me tired! Although, when I think about it I have separate lists spread about and if I were to pull them together I would probably have a book too. I limit my self to the calendar (reminders and such about doctor’s appointments, birthdays, etc.), a goal spreadsheet, and a work to-do list. I will also write a home to-do list when things start piling up.

    Barbara – It’s interesting…I finally pulled myself out of the pre-holiday funk and told myself I am in control of my situation. Reaching out to my work friend was really my way of taking control of feeling isolated, but in turn found I was also helping someone else.

    Rebecca – You are so creative, making your own envelopes and your creative recycling!

    Interestingly enough I have been using the box method for years. Back in my early 20s I was getting so tired of dusting so many knickknacks I decided to box everything up with labels. If I missed the item I would take it out, if not I would give it away or donate it. Charlie and I did the same thing when we first joined two very well-furnished homes. Our home had the best from either house along with our personal stuff. We boxed everything else, numbered each box, and each box had a detailed index card. The boxes were put into storage. If we pulled something out we put a date next to the item on the index card. At the end of a year we got rid of everything not touched more than 3 times. We got rid of a ton of stuff. It is something I continue to do, but since I do not have a ton of stuff anymore there isn’t a need to numbers and index cards.
    Every six months I go through all of my clothes. Anything that has not been worn the previous season (we have two in Florida – warm and hot) gets donated. I will no no longer buy a kitchen gadget unless it has multiple uses. My overall shopping strategy is I am either replacing something or it is a need. Yes, got the puzzle table, but that was a gift and will bring me tons of enjoyment. If I find I tire of puzzles I will sell, donate, or give it away.

    Ginny – Prayers to your SIL. TG she is aware.

    Welcome back MelodyBug!

    Whew – I am caught up. We have a busy group since the 1st. So glad to see from those we have not heard from in a while.

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,865 Member

    First ride of the year!

    My husband does better with cycling than with walking. Although he has balance issues and feels unsteady while walking, he feels fairly confident when cycling ... but prefers quiet roads and wide paths. Busy roads unnerve him and make him feel unsteady as do narrow paths where he has to concentrate more.

    Also, although he has left leg issues, the cycling seems to allow him to compensate. His right leg goes around and then the left leg follows, more or less.

    This is a brain ... I'll put this into a spoiler because even though it is just a labelled drawing, some people don't like looking at anatomy.

    As mentioned earlier, my husband's main injury is to his left temporal lobe which you can see labelled in the image. It shows up on the scans as a large white patch now.
    He also has a small white patch in the frontal lobe, slightly on the right side.

    His diffuse axonal injuries are between the squiggly "grey matter" and the corpus callosum (white matter). The axons are sheared between those two areas in numerous spots and that shearing shows up in scans as tiny white flecks.

    Researchers are reasonably sure what each of the lobes is responsible for, although that may not be 100% accurate, but when little spots are damaged all over, they can't tell what exactly is damaged.

    "The corpus callosum connects the left side of the brain to the right side, each side being known as a hemisphere. The connection allows information to pass between the two halves."

    "Each side of the brain controls movement and feeling in the opposite half of the body. The hemispheres also process information, such as language.

    Therefore, physical coordination and taking in complex information requires both sides of the brain to work together. The corpus callosum acts as the connector."

    In my husband's case, we have to assume that damage has been done to the axon or area responsible for sending messages to his left leg and right arm.

    Also, both the left temporal lobe and corpus callosum are responsible for language. In my husband's case, he has trouble naming objects, colours, people etc. etc. and that gets worse the more tired he becomes, then he gets frustrated, and his brain doesn't like that so it refuses to give him his words, and he becomes more frustrated and not only can't name objects, but also can't express to me what exactly is going on. It's usually best to get him somewhere quiet as quickly as possible ... but that can't always happen, like if we need to go through a checkout line.

    There are numerous other ... symptoms? results? of his brain injury. I don't think I've ever listed them all here. But we deal with these things every day.

    And his "team" know about them ... his neuro specialists, his neuropsychologist, his rehab doctors, his GPs, his ophthalmologist and optometrist, the neurologist he sees for his epilepsy, etc. etc.. Every time he sees a new doctor or support person I prepare a document, or revise an existing document, to explain the whole situation.

    Plus I've learned more about the brain than I ever imagined I would!

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,829 Member
    Hey all! Have I even posted on the January thread yet? lol I have been reading, though. I have been tossing around a few words to be my word this year. Intention, Move, Focus, Completion...and they all seem so exhausting to me. What does it say about me, that I am coming off a week and a half vacation and I am still exhausted? I have decided that my word for 2021 is going to be ME. At first I felt a little guilty. ME seems like such a selfish word/action for the new year. But what are our resolutions or commitments but self serving words to better our selves? I am really going to have to start putting myself on my "to do" list. Due to the type of work I do (childcare) and the fact that I do it in my home, I feel like all of my energy is used doing things for my job or my family. I can feel an emotional rock bottom, uncomfortable under my backside. I have decided to actually write in time for myself on my calendar. Seems like a simple thing to do, but it never occurred to me to make an appointment with myself. I think, if I see it scheduled on there, I would be less likely to schedule something else over it. SO...today (my last day of vacation) I am going to take 10 minutes and write down my exercise time, my meal times, and some "me" time each evening.
    Introduction- My name is KJ (Kelly), I am 54 years old/young (depends on the day), 5'8" tall and weigh 245 pounds (yea! I lost the five pounds I gained over the holidays!). I have had an in home childcare for 27 years. Married to my husband Tim for almost 32 years. We have three children; son (34), daughter (31), son (27). Daughter is married, living in Texas and has gifted us with two grandsons (ages 3 and 1). I have been in the process of growing my business and getting my group license, which will allow me to take up to 12 children. To do this, my husband has stepped up to be my assistant/partner. I am also in the process of turning my childcare into a outdoor school. Where 80% of our learning and time is spent outdoors. I am hoping to have this in full swing by June of this year. Hobbies...hmmmm...I love to read, swim, hike; Not spending much time on hobbies lately. (This is where the ME time will help). I am an extroverted introvert and an optimist. There is always a silver lining. I will pretty much always find it.
    JanetR- Everytime you post your before and after pics it is so inspiring! Thank you!
    Pip- You and Kirby look great! Love the pic of Yogi giving you a big doggy kiss! lol
    Machka-Wow! Interesting insight into thesis/dissertation work. I had a flash of myself when I was in high school. I had a few classes that I would show up for the quizzes, tests, exams to get the important grade, but then not turn in a large portion of my daily assignments. I only had one teacher that would let that slide. lol
    Karen VA amthelaldayni on instagram is where you will find the cool macrophotography!

    Cooking and food prep for the week, today! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,288 Member
    I did keep moving today, I took the tree down and was going to leave the rest, but as I was sitting thinking about it, I realized if I didn’t do it today I probably wouldn’t until next weekend and that’s Rodger’s birthday. So everything is put away, except for one candy bowl, I always miss something. My regular decorations are back, I want to make a couple more furniture changes tomorrow, but the majority is done. It always looks so bare and feels so cold when I take Christmas down.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    There was always something we forgot when we would put all the Christmas up at my Dad's. He always called that the spirit of Christmas past.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country