Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!! Even though it's been a short week, it's been super busy and I'm so glad it's Friday.

    Heather - thanks for the additional information on the flu shot. Knowing that makes me consider it more. Also, have fun at your shower, hopefully it's everything you want and more.

    better balance - Sounds like a busy but super fun weekend!!!! Enjoy!

    Abeare - sorry to hear about the hunting down of an OBGYN. Good luck I hope you find one close soon. My doctor is 75 miles away which takes at least an hour and 20 mins to get there. Last time I was induced, and hoping not to be this time, I just hope I make it. That's the closed actual OBGYN to me, w/in 4 hospitals. So well see what happens. Good luck!!

    atomdraco - sounds like you also have a fun weekend ahead!!! Enjoy!!

    dmcohee - Sounds like a crazy day you had. But I must admit I did laugh. LOL. That's awesome about the shower, glad you had one. I always think your only supposed to have one with your first, but now I'm excited to have one. I had my son 7 years ago, with no intentions of having another I got rid of all my baby stuff. :ohwell:

    Kristy - I always thought 13 weeks was the beginning of the second trimester, maybe I'm wrong though.

    My weekend will also be busy. My son has a football Jamboree ALL day tomorrow. Can say I'm not looking forward to the all day deal but it's his first game of tackle football ever so he's excited. (By all day I mean - 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m) of football then drive home for another hour or so....This is my Sat.

    Sun - Get my husband ready to get back out on the road. I'm a little sad, he's actually been home since July, but he was supposed to be within 200 miles of home for most of the winter, and now they are traveling 8 hours away and don't know how long they will be there. Then who knows, never know until they are heading to a new job. So we have to get his camper ready, clothes packed, grocerys bought and try to fit in some fun family time on Sunday before he has to leave. I just really hope now he will make it to the u/s next month. :sad:

    Other than that, we were supposed to attend 2 weddings, which we are not going to make. Things are going to be super busy for the next 3 months though. My sons in football with 14 games ahead of us, then goes right into wrestling which means 3 weeks of practice then for 8 wknds in a row, traveling to tournaments. On top of all the kid stuff, work is CRAZY and busy, with TONS of upcoming changes that will make it even more busy. :yawn:

    I know having a newborn and a 7 year old basically by myself will be rough at times, but I am so looking forward to getting some time off, even if I won't get any sleep at night!! :smile:

    Anyway, sorry that was Sooooo long, have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ash, that’s terrible! Vent away, anytime you need. I’m so sorry you are having such a rough time. Things happen for a reason, which makes me think all of those that you have called are just not the right one for you. Best of luck and I have my fingers crossed that you will finally get in contact with one that is just for you!:flowerforyou:

    Batter_Balance, I was SO close to doing the same thing last night! I changed into my workout clothes and sat on the couch and all I could think of was how much I didn’t want to get up. BUT I actually managed to pull myself up and kicked my butt into gear and made it to Zumba. It felt good during and after, but it took a lot to get there. I do like the idea of enjoying the alone time. I have a feeling this weekend will include a lot of couch time…my motivation always settles on the weekend for some reason.

    DH and I have had our nursery theme for a long time…Dr. Seuss! We love all of his books and the lessons he teaches. My mom and I bought a bunch of Dr. Seuss fabric a while back and she will be making everything we need. My sister is a pretty good artist so I think I might have to convince her to paint a few characters or a quote on the wall. If she won’t then I would have to resort to the wall decals or stickers, good thing there are tons to choose from. I can’t wait to get started! It’s going to be fun.:bigsmile:

    SOA is the BEST SHOW!! Love it!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Kim & Kristy - Sons of Anarchy is so addicting! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that show! I'm so glad you guys love it too! :bigsmile:

    Kim - your nursery idea sounds so cute! I've been looking at tons of decal ideas for trees with birds and dandelions (the ones you wish on) on (there are HUNDREDS) and this other website called there are so many good ideas!
    I think mine will be a nature theme, with trees, birds and maybe some cute animals, butterflies etc. we'll see! I'm so excited to get started, I think we'll wait until after my ultrasound in 2 weeks and than go full force! :bigsmile:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Rayna~ I love! There is so much great stuff on there! Your idea sounds absolutely adorable! I have so many design ideas, but DH is set on Dr. Seuss so I guess I will let him have this one. LOL is additcting! There are so many ideas that it makes me want to try them all!
    BTW I am counting down to the 28th too. That's my first dr appointment. Can't wait.:happy:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Dr's appointment went good, the baby was active but I still can't feel it. It measures 8cm. The hubby is thrilled each time seeing how active it is.

    I won't find out what it is until I'm 22 weeks, 7 more weeks to go. :ohwell:

    Kim-That is a great nursery theme. It's nice to have someone close do the art in the baby's room. One of my friends bro N law did the Dora painting for her lil girl.

    Ash-Good luck finding an OB, sorry you have to deal with unprofessionalism.

    Misti-Sounds very busy schedules ahead of you, and props for holding the fort while your hubby is out. Take care on those trips. Good luck to your son on his games, mine will be starting soccer next weekend too.

    Rayna-thanks for sharing the websites you found for the decals.

    Heather-spoke to my OB today and he said it'll be ok to sched a flu shot in next time's visit.

    Have a nice weekend, I will check in on Sunday. Tomorrow we will be in Laughlin enjoying a possible last summer river outing.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the advise Rayna, and to everyone on that gave me well wishes. I thought I’d give you a bit of backround on the situation and would love advise or suggestions.
    I haven’t seen my family Dr. in almost 10years (I doubt I can consider her my family Dr. anymore. I moved to Montreal from a small town 2hrs away about then and since then I was dealing with an OB (who was awful) up until 2 years ago when she up and moved back to Lisbon. The past two years I’ve been going to an RE (reproductive Endocrinologist) and he’s the one giving me the referral. He told me he can get me in with an OB he uses a lot, but I don’t like the hospital that OB is affiliated with (old hospital that is literally falling apart, they’ve been sued numerous times due to leaks and break while someone is mid surgery), not to mention the OB is a high risk specialist (hence why an RE is affiliated with him) and I’m afraid that means he’s more likely to do unnecessary interventions. So that’s my last resort. I basically got a list of all the OB’s from the hospital I like and checked them all out at and am calling the ones with the best ratings first. So this is probably why I’m not getting anywhere, all the good OB at the best birthing hospital in Montreal are booked solid and aren’t even taking on new patients. I’m even looking into GP’s at that hospital. The hospital off island is another fantastic one and would be able to get a great OB (he delivered two of my cousins kids) but getting to appointments without a car is difficult. The ones my husband attends would be ok, because we could take the car but when I go on my own I’d have to take bus, subway, bus, walk and it would take nearly 2hrs to do what takes 25minutes by car.
    Oh and no one knows I’m preggers yet so I can’t ask my co-workers or certain friends for advice on who their Dr. was or their experience finding an OB.

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Wow, Ash that's crazy! Maybe try to show up at one of the hospitals you like and try to get in with a doc in person. It's harder to say no to someone in person.

    Had my first Hypnobirthing class last night. I love it already. The class consisted of 5 other couples. 2 of the women are nurses and 1 is also a Doula. We are all having our babies at the same hospital and have found out that the hospital is really open to birthing plans which makes me so happy. Last night we did some breathing and affirmation exercises. It was awesome. Reminds me of yoga. I have a couple of homework assignments. I'll post more as I go along. But so far I highly recommend the class:0)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ash, sorry about all the trouble! Sounds terrible. So that leads me to ask you and the other ladies from Canada, how is the health care there? In the US I hear a lot about how socialized (is it all socialized in Canada?) is nice b/c it is affordable, and you have luxuries like 12 months maternity leave, but waiting lists for surgeries, etc. can take months. In the US it is easy but expensive by contrast. My friend recommended her OBGYN to me, I called and they set me up as soon as it was time for me to come in. Just like that. There are 8 drs in the practice and whoever is on call when I deliver will deliver so I can choose to see my refular OB or any one of the 8 at any appointment. I'm just curious to see the differences.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Better_Balance_2 - yeah in Canada it is a Public Health Care system, like in Alberta where I'm from I have an Alberta Health Card and everything is pretty much taken care of $ wise aside from prescriptions etc. but that is generally covered by your health plan at work. Maternity leave is great here, you get 1 year off - but you are on employment insurance through the government and usually get paid just less than half of your normal salary - which is scary but it's worth it because your job is protected during that time and you can return to work at the same pay as you left once the year is up.
    As for waiting lists it can be ridiculous here, that is one of the major drawbacks, there are more and more private clinics emerging because people are sick of waiting. I used a private clinic in Vancouver last year to see a specialist when I received some startling news from my family Doctor about my uterus potentially being bicornute or having a septum and was told I had to wait 9 months before I could see a gyno here in the city that I live. So I flew to Vancouver and paid $500 to see a gyno there - I didn't get any procedures done there because the surgery was too expensive for me there but I did get to talk to an expert and plan my next steps and get some piece of mind. It's also really hard for people to find even GP's here there are wait lists for everything, generally though when you are pregnant and need a obgyn you're bumped to the top of the list and should get someone quite quickly.
    I guess there's pros and cons to each! :wink:
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    nkster781 - I am the exact same as you, everyone keeps telling me that I am tiny, but I have gained 30lbs. All of it has been in my but & thighs & boobs. Hoping not to gain anymore than 35lbs. total, keeping my fingers crossed.

    Stephfilako - I was the same way my first tri-mester. I had to eat every 2 hours to keep from being sick. It finally wore off, a little ways into my second tri-mester.

    Kristy - Praying that Eric won't have to leave you, that would be awful.

    atomdraco - It will be really cool having cousins so close in age!!

    Ashley - Sorry to hear about you OB troubles. Hopefully you'll find a good one soon.

    I think I have lost my mind! LOL!! My Daughter(oldest child) turned 7 today, and she is having a sleepover with five 7 yro. girls. I hope I survive this night!! I am used to my 3 boys and only 1 girl. 5 girls together is ablsolutely nuts!! Crazy busy weekend, so I may not get to log all I eat, but trying really hard to keep drinking water. Everyone have a Great weekend!!!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Had my 39 (almost 40) week appt today. Got sent to triage because of my BP. Had an NST, he was doing good and BP leveled off. Still elevated but at my baseline. Almost got induced today but thankfully they didn't. Scheduled an induction at 41 weeks on the 16th hopefully he comes out on his own. My husband starts his leave today so he will be making the 12 hr drive from Ft. Campbell to here (instead of me calling him while I am in labor) so that is pretty good. If I go into labor this week he will be there, and will also be there for my induction so win win kinda of. Long day. Was in the hospital for 5 hrs. Will catch up with you guys later!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Just wondering for those non 1st time mommies, when the weight gain slows down. I've read you gain the most weeks 20- 30 but not sure how accurate that is... I'm at 32 weeks, and read the babies length wont get much longer but will now gain fat on itself... Just curious what others experiences have been!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to say a quick hi and let you know that Ellie and I are doing great. We got home yesterday afternoon and she is settling in very well. My pain level is fairly low, although the getting around is pretty slow right now. Our home office is downstairs and I've pretty much been sticking closer to Ellie's room, which is upstairs. This is my first trip downstairs all day!

    For those of you considering breast feeding, I highly recommend doing it. The beginning is very challenging, but it's pretty special once the two of you get it figured out.

    I'll try to get back in a couple days.
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found out I'm pregnant and would like to have a healthier pregnancy this time round. I gained 40 pounds with baby #1, just got back down to my pp weight (I have a Feb2011 baby), and would like to maintain throughout the 1st trimester. I had gestational diabetes the first time round and am hoping to avoid it this time.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Just found out that I am preggo!!! I calculated my due date to be May 2012...

    Still wanting to keep up on my running while pregnant!!! Staying fit and healthy while pregnant is my main stay.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi Ladies! Congrats to Holly- glad both of you are doing well!

    Hmmm, baby showers- I have one planned 4 weeks before my due date, which is making me nervous, as it's so close to the due date and I worry about if the baby's early.... I think 2 months before the due date sounds like great timing- you'll still be "small enough" to set up things and put everything away, plus have the energy!

    Hoping to breastfeed, but almost all of my friends/family who've done it have had issues, so we'll see how it goes!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all!

    Just introducing myself!

    Name: Emily
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
    Due Date: January 10th, 2012

    I just joined back up with myfitnesspal - I gained a little too fast in the last month, so I would like to get a better handle on my eating to keep things under control. I also need to get moving again! I am currently 23 weeks pregnant with a little boy.

    Starting pregnancy weight - 83 kilo
    current pregnancy weight - 91 kilo
    goal for next month appt - 93 kilo
    goal "limit" - around 100 kilo (we shall see)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome new peeps!

    I had a nice weekend and maybe I am finally getting that second trimester energy everyone talks about! We had a pretty full weekend - work party, baby shower, painting, cleaning, grill out at our place, and I was up late and up early and still managed to be productive and get a lot done instead of just laying around like I tend to do on weekends. My parents are coming Thursday so I did some cleaning and rearranging and even painted MORE TRIM in the basement. I think my work down there is done so my husband can finish the outstanding projects now. :smile: What a relief. The weather was great so I walked to and around the farmers market Saturday and read outside a lot. I typically am not "working out" on weekends unless it's walking to the coffee shop, farmers market, walking my dog or doing stuff around the house. I think I'm okay with that.

    I'm feeling more movement from the baby. When I was laying down reading last night I was feeling around on my bellly and actually felt something move from the surface. It was weird and amazing.

    I'm going to try to get to the gym twice this week but a friend and her daughter are coming for dinner tomorrow and I have cleaning to do to prepare for my parents so we'll see. Plus the weather is suppposed to be great which tends to make me come home. Maybe I'll get a run in this week.

    Better get to work. Hope you all have a great week!

    Here's a question for Monday - what types of exercise do you get in on weekends? Like I said I rarely go to the gym, but typically I always walk. Usually we walk to the coffee shop Saturday and/or Sunday which is about 25 or so minutes round trip. Lately we've been doing stuff around the house - painting, cleaning, etc. so I'm getting some burn in there too.

  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi Ashley,

    I am just trying to kick-start my fitness (better late than never). Tomorrow I am starting prenatal yoga, and I am going on vacation on friday - so I actually hope to work in at least 30 mins of walking daily! Otherwise - swimming is always great, if you have access to a pool.

    Let me know what you try!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Khrys1- love attending babyshowers. As a matter went to one this weekend. Had a blast!! I'm sure all will go well for yours :wink:

    Holly- Although I'm sure your ready for a change of scenery from the upstairs, be sure to be careful! Don't over due anything. We'll still be here :wink: Glad is well with you and the baby

    Atynk- not sure since I'm a first time mom but the weight continues to melt off instead of stay on...Not sure how the doc is going to feel about this...LOL...Mind you I'm still eating everything in sight

    Lexi- Good Grief, get some rest you definitely need it!!

    Gisele- Welcome!!

    Million of Peaches- Welcome!! I hope that you are able to continue your workout routine, I had to drop mine- I am just way to sleepy and tired to do anything!! Can't wait for the 2nd tri mester energy boost everyone keeps talking about!

    Bzbear2- Welcome!!

    Beter Balance- I'm so jelous of your new burst of energy! LOL....I had a jam packed Saturday and still had to stop and take and hour nap in the middle of hte day so I could continue through the evening. I hope you are able to do everything you are wanting to do and then some :wink:


    These cramps, holy cow, are they really suppose to hurt that bad? :noway: I had some late Saturday night (and I think it was because I may have overdone it throughout the day) that left me weak, breathless and in tears. Which makes me wonder: if those were cramps then what does labor pain feel like? All joking aside: the more I tried to take small breathes the more intense the pain got. It started at the bottom and it traveled up the right side...Yowzers!

    I'm thinking of mentioning it to the doctor- Suggestions??