30lbs to lose... Started AGAIN yesterday (Darn Lockdown Snacking)



  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Hi ladies, I made it home today and after unloading the car, cleaning the kitchen and doing some laundry I realized I was debating if I should just go to sleep for the night (5PM?). We had a very good time, with long talks way into the night and too much food. Tomorrow morning I’ll find out how off my scale got, and I’ll jump back in the game.
    If I did not say it lately, I want you to know how much I am enjoying our little group, the stories and the support!
    Catherine, I love eggplants and never tried butternut squash soup- but sounds delicious.
    Barb and Katrina- I’m on board with you on the more veggies strategy. I cut mine drastically these 2 weeks, not on purpose, simply because there was no more room left on my plate.
  • fittwitt1972
    fittwitt1972 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 48 and have 25-30pds to loose as well. I got a Fitbit for Christmas. Great when I'm at work. Elevator is broken and its 8 flight of stairs up and down all day. But on my days off I'm a slugs. Any movement is good movement. You homeschool. Can you fit 15-20 mins of dancing with your kids in there? I'm a night time snackers as well. And a very bad water drinker. When I'm asked what I got for Christmas I say I got fat. But the weight gain was happening once Covid started really if I'm honest. Hang in there. We WILL loose the Covid porage belly!!!
  • cbaldridge76
    cbaldridge76 Posts: 33 Member
    I strongly believe to stay on your weight-loss track, you need a workout buddy. Even though it is virtual, we can all do this together. So, who wants to take this journey with me?

    My name is Cris.
    I am looking to lose about 65 lbs. This past year I have notice my body slowly breaking down. I can feel my calves hurting everyday after I put in a 8-hour shift at work. I notice I have been breathing harder with the slightest exercise. So, today is starting a new page in my life. Add me if you want to get fit with me. I am not looking to date anyone, but just friends I can get motivated with. So, we can either chat through here (can't log on at work) or maybe through snapchat or another program. This way we can support each other through-out the day.
    I just joined the Edge Fitness Gym. So, wish me luck.
    Please add me if you want to do this together.
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Catherine, I’m with you, homemade soups are the BEST! I love butternut squash as well. I’ve used it in vegan chili with good results. Once I even subbed it for potatoes in a healthy version of Shepherds Pie I made for my husband. I love eggplant as well. I love it shredded with pasta sauce.
    I’m glad you’ll have the opportunity to get together with one of your friends again. So good for mental health these days!

    Speaking of mental health, Gabi did your little trip away with friends do wonders for yours? I’m imagining it did! I look forward to the day when we can all take trips easily!

    Katrina, I didn’t do well with increasing veggies today! At least my soup had plenty!
    Tomorrow is another day.

    My big goal this year is to listen to my body better. So today I only walked. It was tough. I purposely didn’t wear a sports bra so I couldn’t change my mind once I got outside. My hams have been a little tight this week. I think I haven’t stretched them long enough on the cold days as I’ve been eager to get back inside.

    My day:
    Exercise: ✅
    Tracked: ✅
    Under: ✅ (barely)
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    I was planning to make chilli this week using Quorn mince, but now I wish I'd bought another squash instead - will have to try that next time! Listening to your body more is another great goal, Barb. My massage therapist would say so is stretching - I always forget to stretch and it's always obvious!

    Sometimes a little break is good for the soul, and does more good for your health than the holiday eating does bad. Back at it tomorrow, Gabi - you've got this!

    Have you had an activity tracker before, @fittwitt1972? I use a Garmin these days, but I used to love my little Fitbit too - I feel more motivated to get more steps in when something is counting them. Nothing wrong with being a part-time slug as long as you adjust your calories accordingly - with 8 flights of stairs most of the time, I'm sure you must be getting in some good cardio!

    Good luck with your gym adventures, Cris. Be careful about overdoing it - ease yourself into a routine. Are you making changes to what you eat, or are you focussing more on working out?
  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 394 Member
    Other than the tomato zuchinni soup i discovered this year, i have never really made or eaten many soups. Want to try a squash soup that i made once years ago, but haven't recently. My ex did make a lasagna with eggplant instead of noodles once and it wasn't a very tasty eggplant. Has sort of made me not like eggplant. Have had extra veggies this weekend, but also continued to overeat. Letting it go and resolved to try and focus on portions. This week I have tons of leftovers, just have to work on portion control. Should start paying mind to steps goals too i think. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    This morning my scale showed +4lb, hopefully most of that is water and I will see in 3-4 days the actual weight. The 4 days away with absolutely no plans, were good for my head, Barb. The earliest we went to bed was 2AM and spent the entire time eating, talking, playing games and going for a short walk here and there.
    I ended up bringing back the squash, mushrooms and broccoli, because when push comes to shove (or when asking the husbands) , we tend to go back to potatoes. So that’s what I’m making today and will be 3/4 of my plate.
    Katrina- if the eggplant is pealed and the slices roasted just a bit, will make a fantastic moussaka (layered something with ground meat/tomato sauce).
    Barb - what a very good resolution, to slow down and listen to your body. For most of us would be the opposite, but you have been exercising for so long and so intensely, it’s great.
    Catherine- glad to hear your break goes well, with new recipes and walks with your friend. I’m back at work today and not very enthusiastic at that.
    Have a good Monday!
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    I need to correct myself. When I said I like eggplant roasted with pasta sauce, I meant spaghetti squash instead of eggplant. Then you can just shred it after you’ve roasted it with a little salt and olive oil. I do love eggplant too. Roasted mainly and I LOVE it in lasagna. Makes me wonder Katrina, if you’d like it if you had it properly roasted.

    Gabi, I’m so glad you had a good time with your family and friends! It sounds like fun!
    The good news is since you were only gone 4 days, those 4 pounds have to be mostly water weight unless you managed to eat an additional 3500 calories each day you were gone! But good for you for being mindful and checking. I’m sure it helped you get back on track! I hope your first day back at work was easy and uneventful.

    So I’ve decided to change my little checkmate mark tally to include my veggies goal since I got off track while family was here and have had a hard time getting back on the veggie train!

    Exercise: ✅
    Tracked: ✅
    Under: ✅
    2+ Veggies✅

  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 394 Member
    Back to work today and it was busy. Squeezed in an extra surgery to repair a nasty laceration on a doggy. Did not get a lunch break, but at least i could eat my lunch for dinner when i sat down to write in charts. One of our least favorite clients brought in his dogs for heartworm treatment today, that client was actually pretty pleasant to deal with today. My little papillon patient with protein losing enteropathy came in today and I've turned her around! I'm so excited about that as i was super worried about her. She is recovering her protein levels and gained a whole 1.8 lbs which is a lot for an 11 lb dog. Hoping she stays on the mend. Good thing about being busy today was i didnt have time to snack extra. Bad thing was after surgery I forgot to put my fitbit back on so I dunno what my steps would've been today plus i should probably be under calories goal but MFP doesn't have the full compliment of steps today.

    Also exciting i got my new glasses! The new pair are comfortable enough i did wear them all day inside. Only had them about knocked off my face once by a wiggly labradoodle.

    Calories ✅
    Steps 🚫 (more than fitbit says though)
    Sleep 🚫 (stayed up too late)
  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 394 Member
    Regarding eggplant, i think if it was roasted a bit prior to using for lasagna maybe that would've helped with the flavor. He also didn't peel it so... it was kinda bitter that way.

    Gabi I'm glad you enjoyed your break. Don't worry about the water weight it'll come off. But time for us both to get back at the goals. The refresher and time off was lovely.

    Barb i haven't tried spaghetti squash yet as a "pasta" but I should. I have a butternut squash i need to cook too. Have never cooked one before.
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    Apparently, we're back into a full-on national lockdown. There have been so many nothing-y announcements, and I'm still on holiday, so I missed the 8pm briefing.

    I can't meet anyone socially, but I can leave my house once per day to exercise with one person. Now trying to figure out if walking very slowly and talking counts as a social interaction or exercise. I mean, I'm very unfit, so probably yes for me, but no for my friend.

    Maybe the acid test is, if you have to wear a sports bra it counts as exercise? I can just picture our male PM's face if that's put to him in his next briefing as one of the member of the public random questions!

    Trying to resist the urge to eat everything. It won't help. I still need to lose more weight to get my Covid risk down and binge eating won't get me where I need to go. That's what I'm trying to tell myself.

    Feels a bit surreal. I thought we were already pretty strict locally, but we're back to March levels of stay at home, and pretty much everything shut.

    I suppose if it feels like it's March again, at least I'm lighter now than I was in March. So I haven't really 'gone back' in time.

    Katrina, butternut squash skin is really tough! I tried using a peeler on it a couple of times, realised that wasn't going to work, and just ended carving it up with a small knife. It's pretty easy to cook once you've got the skin off though. I'm going to pick up some more regularly if I can.

    Well done on helping your clients - that must be so rewarding to see your animals getting better!

    Great idea to add in a veggie goal, Barb!

    Hope the first day of work wasn't too terrible, Gabi. I still have a couple of days left... I'm so glad I took the time off for me. It feels like my own little delayed Christmas, just minus all the festive food. (With that said, I have been eating more chocolate biscuits than usual - although within calories, mind.)

    I'm sure most of that is just water weight - give it a few days.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    I did not get back on plan and the scale gave me another pound. How exactly should I go about smelling those roses?
    Anyway, there’s always the new day. I’ll report tomorrow.
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    Keep posting, Gabi. You'll get there.

    Another day of maintenance (well, I am on holiday) but trying not to tip over from maintenance into over-eating.

    I made a horrible looking but lovely tasting leftovers meal today... A stew made with stuffing balls (sage, rosemary, breadcrumbs and veggie sausage) and a sauce based on a butternut squash soup portion, reduced down. As I don't put cream in my homemade soups, they all reduce well. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me before to repurpose them. :)

    Sadly, eating biscuits also occurred to me. I'm rather fond of them at the moment.
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    OK, I might have had a bit of a comfort eat and gone over my calories by rather a lot.

    Found out that someone I volunteered alongside has just died from Covid. I didn't know her well, but she was the sort of bubbly, outgoing person who would talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime and make you feel as if you'd been friends for ages. I think what struck me was just how nice she was, and how unfair that made it?

    Silly, really. Like Covid cares whether you're a nice person or not. But she did so many kind things and society will be poorer without her contribution, and without her smile. She really was a good'un.

    I'll pick myself up tomorrow. Because I can. Because I'm still here.
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Oh Catherine, I am SO sorry to hear about your friend! It sounds like she was a very lovely person. I know it has to be very sobering for you, experiencing that loss after an even stricter lockdown there. I’m hoping you have some more of that stew left. It sounds like a nice soothing comfort food! I wish we could be neighbors- I’d have you put a portion outside your door so I could try it! It sounds delicious! Are you still doing the vegan thing? From what I hear, a number of people in England do Veganuary.
    I LOVE your litmus test as to what constitutes exercise, whether you have to wear a sports bra! That’s kind of how I measure it as well!
    Tell me more about those chocolate biscuits. Are they homemade or store bought?
    Be patient and kind to yourself, Catherine! You’ve come so far!

    Gabi, I’m not worried about you getting back on track. The fact that you posted both yesterday and today tells me you’ll be back on track tomorrow. Who knows, this 4-5 day indulgence may be just the trick for your body to drop a pound or two beyond the 4-5 you gained! Sometimes that’s exactly what happens. I think it’s the body letting go of worry that it won’t have enough calories to sustain itself. My opinion anyway.
    Be kind to yourself as well!

    Katrina, you doing okay???

    Turns out I lied yesterday. I was NOT under calories. I forgot to log 2 cookies I ate! Oops! I’m a fraud!

    My day today:
    Under: ✅
    2+ veggies✅

    I made myself a big salad at lunch today to make sure I was getting veggies in. My husband actually asked me to make one for him as well! Usually he’ll only agree to eat a salad at dinner.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Catherine- I’m so sorry to hear about your friend; she made a big impression on you in a short time, so she was very much a friend. Sickness isn’t choosy or fair , but losing wonderful people hurts in a different and deeper way . Wish you were here, or us there.

    I was not mad at the 5lb , I was mad because I know I can’t control much , but what reasonable explanation is there for not being able to control the spoon? You get me Barb, right?
    It’s scary how fast things can go sideways. I have to think at this for a while.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    I think in my case everything comes down to sleep quality/quantity. So would be safe for future to assume lack of sleep it’s the main reason for all of my cranky, weird or plain mean posts. My friend gave me a sleep cream to put on my forehead and neck, and guess what- nothing .
    Second cranky reason would be lack of outdoor time.
    Today’s a brand new chance- One foot in front of the other!
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    Thanks, ladies. Just made a small donation to one of the causes she supported in her name, as it felt like the sort of thing she would have been pleased with. Feel a little bit brighter for it.

    Ah, January in England. It is:
    • Veganuary (where you go vegan all month)
    • RED January (where you Run Every Day all month)
    • Dry January (where you don't drink any alcohol all month)

    There's nothing particularly wrong with the first and last one, but RED January can be a bit dangerous if you don't normally run and then increase your mileage without building it up.

    I think technically I'm currently a "flexitarian", which I'm defining as I eat vegetarian food out of preference, and only eat non-vegetarian food where allergies/medical need comes into play. I could never easily go vegan due to allergies, and to an extent, the same thing applies to going veggie. The only animal products I'm consciously eating are cheese (I love it, and I'm allergic to vegan alternatives) and proteins (there are some derivatives in my protein bars, and I need to balance my macros every so often).

    I made some more stew today. I think I'm going to make some carrot soup next, and maybe try reducing some of it into a stew base or pasta sauce. I'm quite taken with this new approach as there's very little I won't eat in a soup (it's the texture) and I think this is going to be how I up my veggie intake. It feels like the sort of life hack I bet my mom would have liked to know when I was a fussy child. :lol:

    I'd never forget 2 cookies, Barb - were they not memorable? I hope you enjoyed them, cookies should leave more of an impression that that! :wink:

    I've found a particular store-bought selection of biscuits which 'feel' Christmassy (for no other reason than they're the sort of biscuits my mom would buy at Christmas) and - and! - I'm not allergic to any of them, so I can eat any type I want, rather than studiously staring at the back of the box, trying to figure out which ones are safe and which ones are deadly. I suppose Christmas chocolates/biscuits have always been my own personal roulette.

    Lack of sleep can really do a number on you, Gabi. Is there anything in particular making it difficult at the moment?

    I haven't been trying lately, so that's on me (I need to make an effort tonight; back at work in the morning!) but some things that have helped previously:
    • white noise (I quite like rain sounds and there are loads to choose from on Youtube)
    • listening to Andy Puddicombe speak (he's got a new show on Netflix over here - he's the former monk behind Headspace - doesn't matter what he's saying, he could read the phone book, his voice is really calm and helps me zone out)
    • listening to re-runs of television shows I know really well
    • making sure I'm the right temperature (too cold and it can be hard to drift off, too warm, snap - there's a Goldilocks of temperature)

    Of course, when I really can't sleep at all, it tends to be some kind of stress/worry that's been bothering me more than I thought. Anything like that weighing you down, Gabi?
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Gabi, nothing goes as planned when we are sleep deprived! I feel for you. If you really have entered perimenopause, sleep disturbances are very common during this time. I was a FANTASTIC sleeper before I hit that stage. But it just means that we have to figure out what works best for you to get things calmed down in that dept for you. Before perimenopause I could drink FOUR caffeinated sodas at supper (if we went out to eat and I ordered a soda, I felt like I had to get my money’s worth!) I would have NO trouble falling asleep. Now if I have soda with caffeine after 1:00, I’m awake until the wee hours. I’ve mostly figured things out for myself. BUT if I have a long todo list for the next day, I lie awake for hours! Which doesn’t help me tackle that todo list! Sometimes I take NatureMade’s melatonin formula and that helps. I’ve sprayed lavender on my pillow case. I’ve not done a good job of limiting screen time before bed, which is supposed to help.

    In case anyone needs a good laugh, let me tell you what I did today. My husband was leaving for work and had his hands full. So I took the garbage and walked it to the dumpster. As I was walking to the dumpster, I heard a car pull up behind me. Knowing it was my husband, I walked in the middle of the drive and twitched my booty at him. When the car passed, I realized it WAS NOT my husband! Did I mention I was wearing my snoopy pajamas?!? I was so embarrassed!

    I cannot believe what is going on at the Capitol! Very unsettling!

  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Watched a couple episodes of Homeland tonight to take my mind off current events.

    Definitely would’ve been stress eating if I didn’t have to be accountable!

    Tracked: ✅