Relapsers getting Real Healthy Accountability group- 2020-2021



  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    I'm feeling a bit better today - yesterday I ended up on target, ate lots of veggies and some extra water. Today I had a hurried breakfast of toast & eggs, but made a great lunch of reheated leek & potato soup along with a large salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, sautéed zucchini, and light dressing. I think I may do asparagus and salmon for dinner tonight - it sounds really yummy. I realized I've had very little produce waste over the last 4 weeks - only a small amount of spinach that started going bad and some lemons that I forgot about, but besides that I've actually been eating everything I've been buying. I've probably eaten more vegetables in the last month than I did the 2 months (or maybe more) before that combined!

    @ClearNotCloudyMind & @tinybry - thanks for the supportive words. It always feels strange bringing up my history but I've been determined to be open and honest in my grief, as I believe too many people shy away from losses like mine in the day to day. While my personal losses are newer in my life, my habit of emotional eating goes back to childhood, and I know it's going to take a lot of work to undo decades of problematic eating. One day at a time!

    @laurenebargar - I didn't know we could access the forums on the app!! :lol: I looked for it after seeing your comment and found it!

    @Dukare - great job working on taking care of yourself! Sounds like a great idea to focus on your actions rather than how much you are losing.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    @Dukare glad to see you back and kicking butt! I'm sure it's going to be an adjustment when mom has to go, but how great to have had her with you. I love the mentality to start now even if it's small. 2021 is gonna be a great year!
    @ClearNotCloudyMind we had lasagna last week after I had been craving it, great job with portion control.
    @HealthyTrent you have been killing it with your exercise keep it up!
    @renaegry I'm jealous of your gorgeous weather

    I had an iced coffee from Dunkin worked into my meal plan for today after seeing in the app that it was free coffee Monday in my area. But when I got there they told me it was only free with a purchase so I bought the cheapest thing on the menu and am currently having a staring competition with a donut that I thought my coworker would eat but he is not here today lol. I hate to throw food away but I do not have room in my calories or carbs for this flipping thing! This is my struggle today haha
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    @Gold6767, I love that struggle!

    Yesterday, I was voracious. I know it was the first day back at work since before the holiday, and those are stressful days in general. But I was literally eating everything in the kitchen, from hard pretzels for breakfast to Haagen Daaz at 8pm. Just not a good day at all.

    And I'm sore from yoga. Am I the only person in the world who can get sore doing a soothing, meditative exercise?
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Hello! And Happy New Year!!!!
    Sorry I was away for a week or so, my MFP was acting weirdo. For anyone who would like to add me as a friend to see my detailed diary or for additional support, you are welcomed to. I am happy to see new faces!
    Check In:
    I am currently floating in the 174lb area with a goal to get under 170lbs these first few months of the year. I have decided not to restrict so much this time and just try to stay under calories and workout 3 times a week. I am saying goodbye to all drinks that are not water, and cleaning out the kitchen slowly of high carbohydrate foods. I am thinking this more relaxed approach might help me get to my goal. I really do not want to have to push back aiming for the summer for fertility treatments.
  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    Hello All! Hope everyone is doing well and feeling a bit recharged after the holidays and ready for 2021! I'm going to be honest, I REALLYYYY fell off and am not sleeping again on top of it or working out... 😟 Too add more lack of movement to the fire, I have been playing tons of video games over the Holiday break—I suppose I needed a bit of a mental break from daily stressors, but I am happy to be back in a routine here returning to work again and refocusing on my goals. I guess the most important thing now is to just pick up where I left off.

    Has anyone else been feeling less motivated since COVID? I seem to find myself alot more bored AKA snacking more than I should and I have a lot more of a hard time getting in the workouts. Before I used to just pack my gym bag/take it to work and force myself to go to the gym after work. Does anyone have any tips on motivating yourself to workout at home? I really miss that gym energy, sounds cheesy but seeing everyone giving it 110% always motivated me to work just as hard. And in turn my workouts made me want to eat healthier. Lately I just feel restricted in so many ways...

    Sorry for the slightly downer post— I am ready to get back to it, that's why we are all here! 🙂
  • chocolate1902
    chocolate1902 Posts: 48 Member
    All that I can tell you is you should be very proud of you. Being transparent is helping others thru their own health valleys. You keep doing what you do.
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    I was so wanting to just go to bed early yesterday, but instead I walked 3 miles on the treadmill. I'm getting ready to go do some treadmill time now, too. My steps are poor so far today (barely over 2k) - hoping to get up to at least my 8k minimum for my stepbet before I go to bed.

    I'm proud of myself for stopping my starting-to-get-out-of-control eating after dinner yesterday before it got too bad. I managed to cut myself off when I hit around 1500 calories for the day - I was able to get the deficit I wanted after doing the 3 miles walking.

    @melichalupa - sounds like you've got a great idea of the approach you want to take to meet your goals!

    @roxinronni - good luck getting back into the groove! For me I've found a few things help motivate me to work out from home: I set a goal to walk/jog 1000 miles this year and am keeping track on this colorful fun chart in my bedroom, I'm excited to see it filled out! I also listen to audiobooks or watch tv while walking/jogging most of the time. I'll also break it up into smaller segments - focusing on 10 minutes at a time, and telling myself that I can reassess after 10 minutes. Usually I'll feel like I want to keep going, so I do.
  • Dukare
    Dukare Posts: 144 Member
    Hi all!

    These posts are so many (which is great!) My silly brain forgets half of it by the time I'm ready to respond ha. It's great!

    Love hearin the commitment, failures and successes. Totally understand and commiserate and celebrate!

    Veggie lasagna is delicious, and nutritious (veggies mmm, lasagna mmmm).

    I actually did yoga while pregnant and it really helped for a bit. Had the husband join once, he was kaput after 🤣

    I did the Bike Monday and yesterday I was dog tired, today I'm awake but did a 9 hr day since 5 am and the babe has been sleeping on me so I just vegged tonight. M'brains mush but I wish I could get a workout n shower in tonight...we shall see!

    I'm devouring sugar cookies myself. Them donuts just don't cut it ha. Nobody but my husband "at work" - aka at homez to eat the junk lol.

    I have definitely had days of just eating non-stop! I try to supplement by eating high protein and more water! Many times you are starving because you are dehydrated.... it sometimes works........ sometimes. Lol

    In these crazy times I hope everyone keeps their chin up, stay strong and rally! I'm a firm believer of lights at ends of tunnels, cracks of light in the tunnels and silver linings.

    Just keep swimming! Doing! Laughing! Fighting! ...but preferably let's not keep eating, that's a problem we already know gets us nowhere good, fast 🤣

    Jk. You enjoy that donut. Just workout the next day.
    You enjoy that whatever. Life is too short. Just don't eat it all the time. Don't eat 6 cookies in a day (I'm not saying I did anything) and above all- try.

    It's taken me 8 years of trying to finally start succeeding, and while I'm reverted back due to life n baby pregnancy fat, my how sweet that victory did feel! I don't think I've fallen down the slope of mountain I climb, I believe I have managed to reach the peak and am on the other side just happens to have another hill on this side I now have to get over 😆😆😪💃💃

    Cheers folks! Love hearing about your dailys!

    Trent. You is an inspiration. And you other fine folks that I know are kicking butt!

    Can you tell I'm a bit batty from sleep deprivation? .. hmm. .maybe it is the tea 😆

    Ok. Cheerio! I'm as always, going to try and keep abreast of everyone and of my lot. In case I go MIA, just now I'll eventually pop back in ha.

    WE can do it!!!!
  • SunnyBunBun79
    SunnyBunBun79 Posts: 2,228 Member
    Me!! I HAVE to stop the yo-yo weight... I was on MFP a long time back and lost a lot of weight , then I left thinking I could do it on my own and slowly gained it all back. This time I am REALLY struggling keeping under my calorie limit... add me coz i need all the help I can get!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I am so totally surprised at how quickly I lost my running endurance. I know it will come back. But that still doesn't make the huffing and puffing on a street that I have run 100+ times any less tolerable.

    The good news: the scale is steady, and not increasing. That's the bad news, too.

    And, yes, like @tinybry asked, what are your go to healthy eating options? I'm putting together a grocery list.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. The week has been going good. Either getting on the treadmill or going for a good outdoor walk. And been doing the core work out plan from mfp and the full body strong on Fitbit. Today is going to be a nice day -2C so will get in an outdoor walk today as well as a full body Fitbit workout. Will possibly do some an work as well. Eating has been good. Weight is coming down. After 2 days of being at the same weigh I have been logging it. So just about down 5 lbs (easy first 10 to loose went on fast and easy) but will wait till tomorrow to make sure weight is still down before logging it. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Checking in,
    Things are going pretty well this week since I recently went food shopping. Seeing lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in my fridge makes me feel really good. Prepped some chickpea salad and oatmeal for 5 days of breakfast and lunch this week. Which is making me bored but definitely staying on track.
    My go-to foods would probably be those plastic bins of spring mix, small grape tomatoes and sweet peppers, I make a big batch of quinoa early in the week to use throughout the week, and lemons (I use them for everything from seasonings to homemade salad dressings).
    Trying to aim for 3 days of workouts this week. So far I have one day and a skimpy yoga session last night. I am trying to get a “real” workout in today.
    Good luck everyone!
  • HealthyTrent
    HealthyTrent Posts: 157 Member
    so happy to see so many of you taking steps big and small towards your goals!

    After the marathon day of watching the news yesterday here in the US, I ended up not doing any walking last night, but I hit 10k steps because I worked in some standing/walking at my desk during the workday, so I felt okay about that decision. My eating's been on point the last few days and I'm feeling really good. Hoping to get maybe 3 miles in tonight.

    @laurenebargar - one of my mantras right now is that each choice is a fresh start. In the last 2 months I've had a few over-maintenance days and a handful of at-maintenance days. In the past I would've spiraled and let it completely derail me, but this time around I'm really trying to just acknowledge that I'll have those not-so-good meals/days, but that the next snack-time or mealtime or opportunity for exercise, I can make a new choice. You can totally keep going in the right direction, even with some bumpy days in the mix!

    In terms of go-to healthy foods (a few of you asked the group about it generally above), I really found for me simple is better. We're all different, but for me I have to have foods that are quick and easy to make, because most of the time I just don't have the energy to make a time-consuming or complicated meal. I buy the large containers of pre-washed greens so that salads are easy. I have a few frozen meals in my freezer that fit in with my calorie plan in case of emergency, along with some soups in the pantry that I can make in a pinch. Since I live alone, I've had to get used to eating a lot of leftovers to cut down on my meal prep. I'll usually make 3-6 servings of a protein at a time. I try to stick to a lunch/dinner formula with veggies (either salad or a quick steamed veggie) + protein (fish, chicken, seitan) and occasionally a more carb-y side, or sometimes a pasta-type dish that has protein in it and veggies on the side. I'm learning to use my instant pot and air fryer to make cooking faster/easier. I'm also eating veggies more - spinach in my eggs and smoothies, a side of sauteed zucchini at breakfast, etc. For snacks, the single serving greek yogurts, cottage cheese, pre-cut veggies, almonds, etc - all quick to grab type things, work really well for me. I have to be really careful, personally, with cheeses and nut butters because I tend to overindulge and the calories really add up!

    Basically the more thought I can take out of my daily meal prep, the easier it is for me to stick to healthy eating, and I HAVE to have quick/healthy meal options available for days where I just don't feel like cooking, so I try to plan ahead.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    so happy to see so many of you taking steps big and small towards your goals!

    After the marathon day of watching the news yesterday here in the US, I ended up not doing any walking last night, but I hit 10k steps because I worked in some standing/walking at my desk during the workday, so I felt okay about that decision. My eating's been on point the last few days and I'm feeling really good. Hoping to get maybe 3 miles in tonight.

    @laurenebargar - one of my mantras right now is that each choice is a fresh start. In the last 2 months I've had a few over-maintenance days and a handful of at-maintenance days. In the past I would've spiraled and let it completely derail me, but this time around I'm really trying to just acknowledge that I'll have those not-so-good meals/days, but that the next snack-time or mealtime or opportunity for exercise, I can make a new choice. You can totally keep going in the right direction, even with some bumpy days in the mix!

    In terms of go-to healthy foods (a few of you asked the group about it generally above), I really found for me simple is better. We're all different, but for me I have to have foods that are quick and easy to make, because most of the time I just don't have the energy to make a time-consuming or complicated meal. I buy the large containers of pre-washed greens so that salads are easy. I have a few frozen meals in my freezer that fit in with my calorie plan in case of emergency, along with some soups in the pantry that I can make in a pinch. Since I live alone, I've had to get used to eating a lot of leftovers to cut down on my meal prep. I'll usually make 3-6 servings of a protein at a time. I try to stick to a lunch/dinner formula with veggies (either salad or a quick steamed veggie) + protein (fish, chicken, seitan) and occasionally a more carb-y side, or sometimes a pasta-type dish that has protein in it and veggies on the side. I'm learning to use my instant pot and air fryer to make cooking faster/easier. I'm also eating veggies more - spinach in my eggs and smoothies, a side of sauteed zucchini at breakfast, etc. For snacks, the single serving greek yogurts, cottage cheese, pre-cut veggies, almonds, etc - all quick to grab type things, work really well for me. I have to be really careful, personally, with cheeses and nut butters because I tend to overindulge and the calories really add up!

    Basically the more thought I can take out of my daily meal prep, the easier it is for me to stick to healthy eating, and I HAVE to have quick/healthy meal options available for days where I just don't feel like cooking, so I try to plan ahead.

    Thank you so much thats actually so so helpful and so true, every choice IS a fresh start