
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    Aw Allie, it’s terrible. Wish I could be there to comfort you.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    My first job was at Baskin and Robbins ice cream. I wanted to get a job, and my mother told me no. That I would be working all of my life, so I should take high school for school and friends. As a junior, I disobeyed, and got a job. For any familiar with Eugene -- this was the B&R on Villard, across the street from the UO campus. It was one of the best jobs I've ever had. The people I worked with were amazing; I loved interacting with the campus people, and the job was easy. I also learned cake decorating working there.

    Still in Washington State
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I am slated to get my first covid vaccine shot this Friday. My husband is refusing to get it as he thinks it may be dangerous. From what I have read, the first shot may bring on mild symptoms of the virus but the second shot has a chance of having a worse effect than the first. Hope not!

    Carol in GA

    Hooray! I will be praying that any side effects you have from the vaccine will be mild.

    Take care.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited January 2021
    Top three most used kitchen appliances in my kitchen:

    Coffee pot -- used at least once a day
    Microwave -- used multiple times a day, mostly by my kids
    Electric griddle -- I don't even bother putting this away, I use it so much. It has a permanent place on my counter.

    My mom lost a tree last night. She owns three lots, two of which have not been cleared. She spends thousands of dollars a year on tree maintenance, and they were just here a couple months ago removing trees, but apparently, they missed one. Fortunately, when it fell, it fell towards the back forest, not toward her neighbor or toward the street, and is now braced up by another tree. She said she's not going to worry about it. (I don't agree, but not my forest, not my tree) In her defense, if it falls all the way, it won't hit anything. She has had trees take out power lines and block the street. She's lived here for 30 years, so I guess she knows what she's talking about. I'm just a city girl. I was freaked out. She was calm.

    Missing the Willamette Valley
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Just had a crying jag,have very small veins and a nurse and a PCA come and say they have to draw blood from both my arms.
    To say it was excruciating is an understatement ,i was bawling away ,they were only able to get one arm... but i got up about 10 min after they left ,and did my 4 laps around the cardiology wing...now they are looking for an infection in the blood really? Im about ready to slap someone and it wont be the nurses....

    Oh, Allie. Do they have a chaplain on staff who can come in and talk and pray with you? I think you could use some in-person encouragement.

    Take care.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    So sorry Allie. Grrrr! :# I would be thoroughly p....d off with them.
    Love to you. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Top 3 kitchen appliances. Hmmm, I guess cooktop, oven and microwave.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    Katla - if I broke my glasses I would be blind until new ones came in or suffering a massive headache from trying to see.

    Machka - I picked strawberries for two weeks one summer, miserable work. When I quit school, my Dad found a job as a live in babysitter for me. It was harvest season and I had the two girls 4 and 2 all day. Their parents left around 6am and got home around 11 at night. I did laundry, washed floors, cooked, took the girls to the doctor if necessary. Those two girls are beautiful women now.

    My first job that had taxes deducted was at a motel with restaurant attached. I washed dishes, cleaned rooms, waitressed and cooked in the few months I was there.

    Heather - it was exploitation I’m sure.

    Barbara - it’s nice that Joe is inviting you more often. I understand the frustration though if you’re in the middle of something.

    Lisa - I love when you tell us about your life.

    Viv - I hope you feel better soon. I thought the same thing when I first saw the Masked Singer but have really got into the guessing of it. I haven’t guessed correctly on any season yet.

    Machka - I bet that a lot of complaints aren’t filed due to the cost maybe that’s what needs to happen here. 911 put out their yearly call of “nuisance calls” and one this year was that their food was delivered cold.
    We have started watching a lot of Investigation Discovery Network, I think the show that is the most scary to me is Fear Thy Neighbor, you never know who is going to move in beside you.
    Do your neighbour’s leave the dog alone when they go away for a weekend?

    Kelly - Your morning with Tim sounds like my morning with Rodger every day I have off. I sleep in compared to him everyday of the week. He doesn’t sleep well or for long times so is usually up anywhere from 230 in the morning on. By the time I get up around 730 or so he is ready to get into projects or whatever when I just need time to wake up and have coffee. I have learned to be prepared if we are working on something together.

    Heather - Edie looks so happy to have a new friend.

    My daughter had to take Ember to the vet yesterday, she was vomiting and had diarrhea. They gave her an antibiotic, I will check in and see how she is feeling later today. Kaitlyn had to sit in her vehicle and wait while they took Ember in. It was hard on both of them I think.

    Carol - I had the first Phizer vaccine on Boxing Day and had no reactions whatsoever. I am scheduled for the second one on Jan 20th, I’ll let you know how it goes. About 1/2 of our staff have been vaccinated now and there have been no reactions except a couple with pain at the injection site.

    Kylia - I think my most used appliance is the dishwasher. I grew up without one and swore I would have one in any house I lived in. I have lived in quite a few without it as an adult but don’t like it. I need to have ours looked at as it’s not draining properly. I rarely use the microwave and could live happily without it I think.
    My newest fun thing is the electric tea kettle Rodger bought me for Christmas. I’ve been drinking a lot more tea because of it.

    Marise51 - where in Western Canada are you? I’m outside of Edmonton.

    Flea - my daughter went against our wishes and got a job when she was close to turning 13. They had just changed the laws that 12 year olds could work at some fast food places in some capacity. We thought she should concentrate on school and not worry about working. She applied, went for an interview and accepted the job offer all before telling us. She told us when she needed to have her social insurance number for the paperwork. We had a long talk and decided to let her. She did well and kept up with cadets, school and work for quite a while. McDonald’s taught her a lot and we were outraged at how customers treated these young people.

    Okie - I have a friend I went to school with on Facebook that posted a video of the snow she was getting in Texas. I’m not sure where she is but I know it’s near Katy.

    Rita - your pain isn’t diminished just because someone else is struggling too. Hugs to you.

    Allie - hugs to you.

    I went to Michael’s today, I have a $50 gift card from Christmas that I thought I would see if I could find something to buy. I didn’t, but I bought two plaster decorations to paint that were 80% off for Christmas presents for the Grandchildren next year. I may go back and buy one for myself too.

    Cathy - my parents drove me to work too, it was 25 miles each way and the opposite direction of my Dad’s work which was 50 miles. It was a lot to ask of them. Once I had a licence I didn’t have a car.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in WA: I am sorry to hear that your DB is now in ICU for CoVid & that you have 5 additional family members who also have CoVid. I hope they all recover. :heart:

    Lisa in Arkansas: I agree with your comments to Heather about the use of supplements such as iron. Vitamin D3 is an example of a supplement that improves my quality of life and reduces the effects of limited daylight hours in fall and winter. I take a few carefully chosen supplemental vitamins and they have improved my quality of life. :flowerforyou:

    (((Allie))): Sending good thoughts and prayers for your health and wellbeing. I think of you every day. :star:

    Viv UK: I fell too. Sending you lots of sympathy because I know what it is like. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: I would not volunteer to stay in the isolated cabin for 1 month for any amount of money. It would be too risky for DH’s health. Alone? No way for that, either. :noway:

    Carol in GA: I am happy that you’re getting a CoVid vaccination. I look forward to getting them for DH & myself, but there is no timetable to tell us when our turn will come. So far, our pharmacy has no information about when they will receive the vaccine. :grumble:

    Kylia: Top three (5) kitchen appliances—1. Refrigerator-freezer, 2. Stove top and oven, 3. Coffee pot, 4. Dishwasher, 5. Microwave—mostly used for de-frosting & re-heating or making popcorn. I don’t want to give up any of them. I can live without a dishwasher but really like the convenience. :flowerforyou:

    We have a gray, overcast sky today and are quite content to sit in our bedroom sitting area with the electric heater nearby. I gave up watching TV because of a lot of unpleasant news. I’ll woman-up in a bit and see what is happening locally and nationally.

    Katla in overcast NW Oregon
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Kylia One thing that has helped our tree last so long is I no longer fold down the branches when I put it away. I do have to use more boxes but I think it is worth it. I also this year took it outside to air it out before constructing it. It is one of those you have to insert the branches. I did and it was not so musty this year.

    Lisa I know your had gastic by pass surgery so it a very good idea to take adding fiber slowly. From those I know who have had this surgery anemia can be an issue, and they take supplements for that. I would go with what your doctor or nutritionist tells you is your best course.

    As I said I am reading about how important our microbs in our gut is and how the foods we eat influence them, and sometimes our microbs influence what we eat. Fascinating to me. They also influence our immune system and sometimes our mood.

    Another thing they talked about is to change your diet slowly if you can. I know this is what they recommend for Drew, my dog. As I changed her dog food I added a bit more of it each time I fed her. If I feed her something new I only give her a small amount. The only time I notice her digestion is a bit off is when I give her her meds for heartworm and flea and tick. I do plan to ask the vet about that.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    My first job was the summer before I started college. I was hired to type data into the county tax documents and this was done on a huge manual type writer. I think I got paid $400 at the end of the summer.

    Carol in GA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,059 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Other- dust, vacuum- 1hr, 18min 32sec= 362c
    Zwift bike trainer- 1hr 4min 36sec, 18.7amph, 948elev, 140ahr, 160mhr, 20.16mi= 616c
    Strava app = 533c

    Total cal 978
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    I was talking to Edie on Zoom about all the appliances we didn't have when DH and I were young. I said we didn't have washing machines.
    She said, "Ooohhh, that's horrible, dirty clothes are so not my style!" :D
    We didn't have fridges or freezers or anything much. I was trying to explain about mangles for squeezing water out of the clothes and said you could squash your fingers flat, but she didn't understand.
    We had a huge "geezer" above the bath that went off with a WOOMPH when we pushed the lever. Very scary!

    My second Saturday job was in a toy shop. I was 15. The proprietor didn't like me because I wasn't subservient enough. I was supposed to be dusting the shelves every minute if there were no customers. I wanted to go on holiday and spun some long story about why I had to take the time off. She sacked me.

    My third Saturday job was as a waitress in the Sunset Strip restaurant. Good tips. I wasn't very good, but I lasted well over a year.

    In between I picked blackcurrants for a day. Worst job ever! :#

    All good here.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have a cloudy day. Wet pavement and decking reveals there has been some precipitation but it is not currently raining. I plan to ride my tryke in the garage to burn some calories. :star:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    I was talking to Edie on Zoom about all the appliances we didn't have when DH and I were young. I said we didn't have washing machines.
    She said, "Ooohhh, that's horrible, dirty clothes are so not my style!" :D
    We didn't have fridges or freezers or anything much. I was trying to explain about mangles for squeezing water out of the clothes and said you could squash your fingers flat, but she didn't understand.
    We had a huge "geezer" above the bath that went off with a WOOMPH when we pushed the lever. Very scary!

    All good here.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    “Dirty clothes not her style” 😂😂.

    I grew up with a wringer washer, with the rinse tub behind it. Washing was an all day chore. I don’t remember when Mom got an automatic machine exactly. She hung clothes on the line long after she had a dryer. My Grandmother used a big washtub on the wooden stove to boil the whites and towels. She used an old broom handle to get them out of the boiling water and put through the wringer. She used Mrs. Stewart’s bluing liquid, since her name was Mrs. Stewart I always thought it was hers.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Machka - I bet that a lot of complaints aren’t filed due to the cost maybe that’s what needs to happen here. 911 put out their yearly call of “nuisance calls” and one this year was that their food was delivered cold.
    We have started watching a lot of Investigation Discovery Network, I think the show that is the most scary to me is Fear Thy Neighbor, you never know who is going to move in beside you.
    Do your neighbour’s leave the dog alone when they go away for a weekend?

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I think they do leave the dog at home alone when they go away on weekends, when they go out in the evening, and when they go to work during the day. I get the impression they aren't home much. They've got a tiny back yard and a balcony. Often the dog (a large black one) is tied up on the balcony. We can just see the balcony from one of our windows. I think the dog must have been in the back yard this past weekend because I couldn't see it on the balcony.

    The barking stopped late in the afternoon yesterday (Sunday) so I presume that's when they came home.

    I feel sorry for the dog and I don't know why you'd get a dog if you're never home and don't take it with you. Maybe they just wanted a guard dog.

    M in Oz

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    I love my pressure cooker, microwave and washing machine. When first married we didn’t have a washing machine but had a spin dryer which was great.

    First job was at 16, a lab assistant in a factory which made parts for motors. I loved it, used to go on factory floor to test things and of course hob nob with the young apprentices (of course)

    Kate UK ❤️