

  • JCS_EVmom
    JCS_EVmom Posts: 14 Member
    Love reading all of the update, you all are very funny. I finished day 9! Feeling good, stronger and standing a bit straighter and taller.

    About a week before I started Insanity, I joined a gym. Do any of you also belong to a gym, if so, what do you typically do there? How ofter do you go?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Love reading all of the update, you all are very funny. I finished day 9! Feeling good, stronger and standing a bit straighter and taller.

    About a week before I started Insanity, I joined a gym. Do any of you also belong to a gym, if so, what do you typically do there? How ofter do you go?

    I get a free gym membership. So that is the only reason I have one. But the only time I ever go is to play basketball or something.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My week 2 Fit Test Results:

    Switch kicks 53 77
    Power jacks 49 56
    Power knees 88 102
    Power jumps 26 40
    Globe jumps 10 13
    Suicide jumps 15 15
    Push up jacks 24 35
    Low obliques 48 62

    These results make me feel much better than my first ones, I basically am at where I ended Round 1 of Insanity in May. I was off all of July from any form of exercise because of major surgery and took it lighter in August. I'm pleased.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.

    Last night I did the workout I should have done on Saturday, which I took as a rest day as was so tired from a very late night. My hrm went a bit mad, wouldn't go back down on heartbeat, got me worried until I realised it was playing up lol!!

    Would love to join you on your workout but not a good time for me just getting back from the school run, doubt I'd be able to keep up with you anyway!!

    I'm curious what does your body cleanse entail?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.

    Last night I did the workout I should have done on Saturday, which I took as a rest day as was so tired from a very late night. My hrm went a bit mad, wouldn't go back down on heartbeat, got me worried until I realised it was playing up lol!!

    Would love to join you on your workout but not a good time for me just getting back from the school run, doubt I'd be able to keep up with you anyway!!

    I'm curious what does your body cleanse entail?

    No worries! There is always next time. :glasses:

    And I am doing the beachbody 2 day fast cleanse. Basically I replace powder with food for two days. Here is a link (and hopefully I don't get in trouble for post this. Not sure on the rules here exactly) and Supplements|Weight%20Management
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I rocked Plyo Cardio this AM. I track my heart rate each workout and keep track. It's getting lower each workout even though I'm working so much harder and can do each workout w/fewer breaks.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.

    Last night I did the workout I should have done on Saturday, which I took as a rest day as was so tired from a very late night. My hrm went a bit mad, wouldn't go back down on heartbeat, got me worried until I realised it was playing up lol!!

    Would love to join you on your workout but not a good time for me just getting back from the school run, doubt I'd be able to keep up with you anyway!!

    I'm curious what does your body cleanse entail?

    No worries! There is always next time. :glasses:

    And I am doing the beachbody 2 day fast cleanse. Basically I replace powder with food for two days. Here is a link (and hopefully I don't get in trouble for post this. Not sure on the rules here exactly) and Supplements|Weight%20Management

    Sounds interesting, although I remain non the wiser....the link took me to a sign up page.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I rocked Plyo Cardio this AM. I track my heart rate each workout and keep track. It's getting lower each workout even though I'm working so much harder and can do each workout w/fewer breaks.

    Cool!! Today is the start of week 2 and I also can carry on for longer, go us!!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.

    Last night I did the workout I should have done on Saturday, which I took as a rest day as was so tired from a very late night. My hrm went a bit mad, wouldn't go back down on heartbeat, got me worried until I realised it was playing up lol!!

    Would love to join you on your workout but not a good time for me just getting back from the school run, doubt I'd be able to keep up with you anyway!!

    I'm curious what does your body cleanse entail?

    No worries! There is always next time. :glasses:

    And I am doing the beachbody 2 day fast cleanse. Basically I replace powder with food for two days. Here is a link (and hopefully I don't get in trouble for post this. Not sure on the rules here exactly) and Supplements|Weight%20Management

    Hey I just saw the link on your status and read that and your updates on it so far. Good luck with it, let us know the results!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    At lunch I went home and did Ho Ala ke Kino with Tony Horton - it's Awaken the Body. LOVED it. I've been trying to add this yoga DVD in daily to aid in recovery.
  • shaverkl191
    Ok so here are my Week 2 Fit Test results:

    1. Switch Kicks 82 85
    2. Power Jacks 30 36
    3. Power Knees 63 78
    4. Power Jumps 18 22
    5. Globe Jumps 6 7
    6. Suicide Jumps 13 14
    7. Push-Up Jacks 10 13
    8. Low Plan Oblique 35 40

    So I saw improvements in each exercise! Some better than others, but overall I am happy with the results!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am planning another workout for Monday at noon EST. I am starting a 2 body cleanse tomorrow. So hoping I just crash during my workouts.

    Last night I did the workout I should have done on Saturday, which I took as a rest day as was so tired from a very late night. My hrm went a bit mad, wouldn't go back down on heartbeat, got me worried until I realised it was playing up lol!!

    Would love to join you on your workout but not a good time for me just getting back from the school run, doubt I'd be able to keep up with you anyway!!

    I'm curious what does your body cleanse entail?

    No worries! There is always next time. :glasses:

    And I am doing the beachbody 2 day fast cleanse. Basically I replace powder with food for two days. Here is a link (and hopefully I don't get in trouble for post this. Not sure on the rules here exactly) and Supplements|Weight%20Management

    Hey I just saw the link on your status and read that and your updates on it so far. Good luck with it, let us know the results!!

    Yeah I don't know what happen to my first link. It should have taken you directly to the product. But oh well And thanks will do.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Ok so here are my Week 2 Fit Test results:

    1. Switch Kicks 82 85
    2. Power Jacks 30 36
    3. Power Knees 63 78
    4. Power Jumps 18 22
    5. Globe Jumps 6 7
    6. Suicide Jumps 13 14
    7. Push-Up Jacks 10 13
    8. Low Plan Oblique 35 40

    So I saw improvements in each exercise! Some better than others, but overall I am happy with the results!

    Wow well done, great improvement, amazing what you can achieve fitness wise in just 2 weeks!!
  • mama_monkey333
    I'm Melting, Melting. . . Just did 2nd Fit Test and compared my results. . . Almost can not believe it. Woo Hoo I love this program.

    SW 246
    CW 231 Down 15 lbs!
    GW 165

    Switch Kicks: 55 / 70
    PowerJacks: 20 / 22
    Power Knees: 40 / 56
    Power Jumps: 15 / 17
    Globe Jumps: 4 / 7
    Suicide Jumps: 8 / 6
    Push Up Jacks: 16 / 11
    Low Plank Oblique: 8 / 31

    Got really tired towards the end then dug deep for the finally. Those Push Up Jacks kill my wrist. . . not really away to modify those. I'm excited for week 3. . . just keep chuggin aloing. :happy:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I love reading everyone's week 2 fit test results. Keep up the hard worl. Way to go mama_monkey on the weight loss, 15 lbs in 2 weeks is amazing.

    I was out late at a concert today and so could only muster up Yoga this Am - will go home at lunch and do pure cardio and cardio abs. Tonight I'm hoping it's cooled down enough I can run a few intervals.

    My lower back is a little achy, it happened last time with Insanity too, hoping maybe to get into a massage this week. My massages really helped last time with the Insanity recovery.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm Melting, Melting. . . Just did 2nd Fit Test and compared my results. . . Almost can not believe it. Woo Hoo I love this program.

    SW 246
    CW 231 Down 15 lbs!
    GW 165

    Switch Kicks: 55 / 70
    PowerJacks: 20 / 22
    Power Knees: 40 / 56
    Power Jumps: 15 / 17
    Globe Jumps: 4 / 7
    Suicide Jumps: 8 / 6
    Push Up Jacks: 16 / 11
    Low Plank Oblique: 8 / 31

    Got really tired towards the end then dug deep for the finally. Those Push Up Jacks kill my wrist. . . not really away to modify those. I'm excited for week 3. . . just keep chuggin aloing. :happy:

    Hey hey hey, well done you!! I hate those power jumps.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did Pure Cardio on my lunch hour and am quite excited that I didn't have to ever take any breaks at all, I worked through everything, even those suicide jumps I hate. My HR average was 10 points higher than when I did this last week. Yeah!
  • mama_monkey333
    I did Pure Cardio on my lunch hour and am quite excited that I didn't have to ever take any breaks at all, I worked through everything, even those suicide jumps I hate. My HR average was 10 points higher than when I did this last week. Yeah!

    Wow! That's freaking awesome even Shawn T's minions take breaks. lol Always makes me feel better when I see someone else crawling on the floor tappin out. Can't even imagine making it all the way thru with no breaks. . . You my dear have earned the right to sing the rocky theme song today. :happy:
  • mama_monkey333
    I'm pretty exited at seeing such a dramatic 2 week weight loss but I also know ya lose alot in the first week or two due to water weight n what not. . . but i'll take it! Can't wait to see what the next 2 weeks has in store. . . Those 30 day Pics are gonna be awesome! And if anyone tells you "Oh I can't do Insanity because I'm too big" . . . They're just kidding themselves. I'm a chunky monkey mama moving with the best of them. . . might not look pretty and i might modify ALOT but "the proof is in da puddin!"