THE Team Week 5

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Make a “YOU” Turn.


Weight loss, and healthy living are not for the weak of spirit. It is difficult. It is far easier to give in to the pressures of the world.

I sent out several personal posts to past (and missing) members on our thread this week. I got back many replies, and most of them had one excuse or another why they weren’t on our thread anymore. I don’t know how many of the replies were honest with me or with themselves, but I do know that this has to be done EVERY day. (Not necessarily THIS team or any “team” persay…just the “Process”.) If we have a day where we fall away, we just need to get right back at it.

I am going to be away from the boards for most of the week. If I'm not back by Thursday night, someone start a new thread next Friday, please. I'm kinda burned out on the message boards right now. I'll check mail, though.:flowerforyou:


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
    - Theodore Roosevelt
    Make a “YOU” Turn.


    Weight loss, and healthy living are not for the weak of spirit. It is difficult. It is far easier to give in to the pressures of the world.

    I sent out several personal posts to past (and missing) members on our thread this week. I got back many replies, and most of them had one excuse or another why they weren’t on our thread anymore. I don’t know how many of the replies were honest with me or with themselves, but I do know that this has to be done EVERY day. (Not necessarily THIS team or any “team” persay…just the “Process”.) If we have a day where we fall away, we just need to get right back at it.

    I am going to be away from the boards for most of the week. If I'm not back by Thursday night, someone start a new thread next Friday, please. I'm kinda burned out on the message boards right now. I'll check mail, though.:flowerforyou:
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    HEYYYYY ALL. I'm so sorry I haven't been on the thread in a while. I had a lot of trouble at work this week and...long story short I got laid off. :sad: But all is well with the weight loss. Hope everyone is doing great and I need lots of motivation this week. So please send some emails or something.

    THIS IS MY progress since I started losing weight
    SW410/CW355/GW299/total progress - 55lbs

    THIS IS MY progress since I started the thread
    SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change

    Good morning, children! Can you say the word "plateau"? I know you can, say it with me now, P...L...A...T...E...A...U. Very good! Our friend Kathy is on a "plateau"!

    Grrrr! :grumble: I know, I know, this too shall pass. But what a bummer!
  • agapita1965
    agapita1965 Posts: 130
    Friday sure comes around quick!!!!
    I lost 1 pound this week.
    I've been exercising everyday, walking between and hour and hour and a half. I'm doing some resistance 4 days a week.
    I went up to 1500 cals from 1400 because of all the walking.
    So, I was expecting more of a loss.
    I'm not allowing myself to get discouraged because I am doing the right things.
    My goal goal this week is to keep focused, if I don't drop more weight then I will change things up next Friday.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I posted my status in the old thread.
  • prayerfulmom
    chantybear- congrats on your loss! Hope your recovered from all that school work.

    Anita- thanks for the update on Cole. Will continue to keep him in my prayers.

    Zano- nice goal setting. I was thinking I need to set a short term goal. I’m sure it will be a piece of exercise equipment=)

    Lulu- its good you recognize your bodies limitations and respect it. Walking is just as good as running it just takes longer. I love walking. I still haven’t fallen in love with running. I don’t think I ever will.

    Marykay-My goodness girl; you are doing great. Sorry about the job situation.

    Kristi- oh my goodness! That is great news. Way to look at your victories.

    Dewdrop-isn’t it bittersweet when we are sore post workout?! Reminds us we did it!

    CMR- thanks for all your hard work. I appreciate it. Its looking like I’m gonna need to stay very plugged in this week. Its good to have somewhere to come and share.

    Kathy- I am right there with ya girl. Two tough weeks on the scale for us=(

    Agapita- congratulations on your loss

    I am feeling discouraged. I need to reframe my thinking. I need to embrace that my
    body is unique. According to the number crunching I should have taken off 4 lbs over the last two weeks. I work out like a mad women training for a marathon and training for a 100 mile bike ride this year. I eat according to my workouts. I record every bite. Here is the catch. My kidney isn’t filtering properly. I am up 3lbs. Ugh! Part of me thinks I should just not get on the wicked scale. I know what I am doing is good for my body. I can not control the water retention my body challenges me with. OK, I’m done. I’m going to reflect on how beneficial this all is for my body. I bet you in a week or two I’ll get a shock. I hope so. On the bright side; this may make me happy when they finally put me on a diuretic:laugh:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost

    I had to weigh myself a couple of times to make sure the scale wasn't being funky... but if it was, it was a consistent funky. 3.9 pounds lost! Hurray! I can't believe it! I guess the change up in workouts is working!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change

    Good morning, children! Can you say the word "plateau"? I know you can, say it with me now, P...L...A...T...E...A...U. Very good! Our friend Kathy is on a "plateau"!

    Grrrr! :grumble: I know, I know, this too shall pass. But what a bummer!

    Now Kathy sing with me:
    19.gif "We're not giving up, NO!" 19.gif "We're not giving up, NO, NO, NO!" 19.gif "NO we're not!"
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    CM - I'll miss you, thsad2hz1.gif
    but I respect your decision for a break ~ treat yourself well:heart: We'll be right here.....

    Markay - Big bummer about the lay off! Great about the weight loss! Remember, when something is taken from our grasp, it is only so our hands are empty to recieve something better!! Be strong - focus on your health!

    Stillkristi- Per your mid week slump - for what it worth, I drink nothing but water Mon, Tue and most of Wednesday, BUT starting Wed. afternoon, I allow myself to have some different beverages - some mint tea w/stevia; some diet 7up (I know I know - I don't need to hear about the ickyness of artificial sweeteners:grumble: ); etc. and I allow myself that sort of stuff - on top of my water - through Sunday - I usually not really thirsty cuz of all that dang water, so its more of a sipping pleasure.... but it's my little trick (or treat?):tongue:

    Dewdrop - I am so glad you joined our thread - you are quite the encourager and I just love you for that!!:love::love: :love:

    Adopt4: Happy dance for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yenta4-emoticon-0031.gif

    Prayerful: Ditto on the "good to recognize your bodies limitations and respect it". You are definately doing all the right things to take care of yourself, give your body time to take care of you - you are so inspiring and I love your body for bringing you here!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Getfit - I can say plateauuuuuu, I can also say patieeeeence.....:bigsmile: Good for you for knowing that's what it takes! Well, that and a bunch of exercise and eating right, darnit:grumble:

    Yayyyyy Agapita!!! Another pound down!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.

    So, yeah, I'm down 2 lbs this week:bigsmile: after a two week wash out, so I'm happy!!! Total down is now 12 lbs in 8 weeks. Pretty sweeeet! Tata for nowsmiley_emoticons_flucht.gif
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.
    nitag: SW 220/CW 202/GW 145 - 2 lbs

    I am almost outta the 200's.. Geeze... Bout time..
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Thanks Prayerfull and Lulu!

    School work is not over, but I am taking a little break, and going to go for a run:smile:

    Good job guys on the loss!!!!

    Markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    Get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    Adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    Lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.
    Chanty: SW 148/CW 138/GW 125/-1 lbs
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Took to long to post!

    Markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    Get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    Adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    Lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.
    Nitag: SW 220/CW 202/GW 145 - 2 lbs
    Chanty: SW 148/CW 138/GW 125/-1 lbs
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change

    Good morning, children! Can you say the word "plateau"? I know you can, say it with me now, P...L...A...T...E...A...U. Very good! Our friend Kathy is on a "plateau"!

    Grrrr! :grumble: I know, I know, this too shall pass. But what a bummer!

    Now Kathy sing with me:
    19.gif "We're not giving up, NO!" 19.gif "We're not giving up, NO, NO, NO!" 19.gif "NO we're not!"

    No way, Jose! I just got done with a spinning class to be SURE I don't quit! :wink:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a quick weigh-in post. Am at work with a ton to do. I changed my weigh in day from Monday to Friday this week, so this is 5 days, but at least now I am in sync with the rest of THE team.

    Markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    Get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    Adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    Lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.
    Nitag: SW 220/CW 202/GW 145 - 2 lbs
    Chanty: SW 148/CW 138/GW 125/-1 lbs
    Kristi: SW/461 2-17-09 CW/443 3/6/09 GW/195 -3.4 lbs for a total of 18 lbs lost.

    [happy dance] :bigsmile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    [happy dance] :bigsmile:

    Dancing with you, Kristi! YAY! :drinker: And dancing burns some calories, right? :wink:
    So happy for ya! Way to go! :flowerforyou:
    And best of luck with all the things you gotta take care of at work.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dewdrop - I am so glad you joined our thread - you are quite the encourager and I just love you for that!!:love::love: :love:

    :blushing: :flowerforyou: :love: - learning from great masters, here :wink: (FC, arewethere and so on - you seem not to be a bad example yourself :wink: :flowerforyou: ). I do know what a positive thought makes for me, so trying to pay back all the good that has been done to me.

    lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.

    So, yeah, I'm down 2 lbs this week:bigsmile: after a two week wash out, so I'm happy!!! Total down is now 12 lbs in 8 weeks. Pretty sweeeet! Tata for nowsmiley_emoticons_flucht.gif

    Way to go, you too :drinker: .

    Setting a good example, aren't you guys? No one seems to have gained - cool!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hurray Stillkristi! You go girl!!

    Just got back from the gym. Learned a few lessons today:
    1. Rice Krispies cereal is not a good breakfast before a workout.
    2. Skipping the protein bar before a workout is not a good idea.
    3. Skipping the stretching part before exercising is not a good idea. (OW OW OW)

    Did not get close to my results yesterday, waah, but I think I know why (see above). Did 13 min on elliptical, 22 on treadmill, 14 on elliptical (new record!) and 3.5 mins on treadmill to make sure I met my goal. Total: 52.5 mins cardio, 501 calories burned. And I hurt. And exhausted. And I've learned my lesson well.... Will try the Special K protein water tomorrow before workout. Don't really want to buy that Max Muscle stuff if something else will do the same thing!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a quick weigh-in post. Am at work with a ton to do. I changed my weigh in day from Monday to Friday this week, so this is 5 days, but at least now I am in sync with the rest of THE team.

    Markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    Get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change
    Adopt4: SW274/CW256/GW191 - 3.9 pounds lost
    Lulubar: SW 205/CW 193/GW145/-2 lbs.
    Nitag: SW 220/CW 202/GW 145 - 2 lbs
    Chanty: SW 148/CW 138/GW 125/-1 lbs
    Kristi: SW/461 2-17-09 CW/443 3/6/09 GW/195 -3.4 lbs for a total of 18 lbs lost.

    [happy dance] :bigsmile:

    Kristi.. YEAH!!!! That is so awesome....

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hurray Stillkristi! You go girl!!

    Just got back from the gym. Learned a few lessons today:
    1. Rice Krispies cereal is not a good breakfast before a workout.
    2. Skipping the protein bar before a workout is not a good idea.
    3. Skipping the stretching part before exercising is not a good idea. (OW OW OW)

    Did not get close to my results yesterday, waah, but I think I know why (see above). Did 13 min on elliptical, 22 on treadmill, 14 on elliptical (new record!) and 3.5 mins on treadmill to make sure I met my goal. Total: 52.5 mins cardio, 501 calories burned. And I hurt. And exhausted. And I've learned my lesson well.... Will try the Special K protein water tomorrow before workout. Don't really want to buy that Max Muscle stuff if something else will do the same thing!

    Thats a great workout adopt4.. Good for you...

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    markay3: SW368/CW/355/GW/299/total progress -13lbs
    get_fit2009: SW175/CW164/GW140 - No change

    Good morning, children! Can you say the word "plateau"? I know you can, say it with me now, P...L...A...T...E...A...U. Very good! Our friend Kathy is on a "plateau"!

    Grrrr! :grumble: I know, I know, this too shall pass. But what a bummer!

    Now Kathy sing with me:
    19.gif "We're not giving up, NO!" 19.gif "We're not giving up, NO, NO, NO!" 19.gif "NO we're not!"

    No way, Jose! I just got done with a spinning class to be SURE I don't quit! :wink:

    No giving up on this team The Team..