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JUST FOR TODAY -- Daily Commitment Thread for 2021



  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    Solid day on Monday

    For Monday, stay within my commitments.

    - I'm grateful for my health and that I restarted MFP 01.01.2020. 405 day streak of logging activity and food, god and bad. I'm down 87.6# over that time with my health and fitness improving in synch with the weight loss.
    - 1900 calories: 1847
    - Work out for 90 minutes. Busy day, make the time: Made it happen with 93 minutes including a 54 minute, 2.48 mile treadmill walk
    - Eat dinner at the table: Done, nice meal with my bride
    - Invest 15 minutes on personal development: Done with my Monday morning workout ritual of Will Smith and Self Discipline
    - Invest 15 minutes on professional development: Done on treadmill walk with first half of HBR Ideacast 760, When Efficiency Goes Too Far
    - Invest 30 minutes on home duties: More than done with tax work, prepping computer changeover and keeping up with my stuff

    For Tuesday, keep on track. Keep my averages within scope.

    -I'm grateful for my bride on many fronts. Today it's that she never gave up on me. For months in 2019 she tried to get me to start walking again, knowing that I don't respond well to nagging or heavy handedness. Finally got me out the door on a cool November evening for a 1/8 mile out and 1/8 mile back walk. Every journey starts with a single step and her gentle persistence started me on my journey.
    -1900 calories:
    -Work out for 90 minutes:
    -Eat dinner at the table:
    -Invest 15 minutes on personal development:
    -Invest 15 minutes on professional development:
    -Invest 30 minutes on home duties:

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited February 2021

    January 2021
    🔹Word - Balance
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    January 2021
    Life Affirmations

    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    • Name: Terri
    • Age: 74
    • Height: 5'2"
    • SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    • Joined MFP: Jan 2015
    • 1st Goal: 190 Sept 2015
    • UGW: (145 ⏬ 140
    • 01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    • 31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    • 31 Dec 2020: 145.6
    • 1 Jan: 147.2
    • 8 Jan: 144.2 (lowest in many years)
    • 15 Jan: 145.2
    • 22 Jan: 144.9⏬
    • 25 Jan: 143.8⏬ My lowest weight in over 40 years. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I have reset my UGW.
    [*] 1 Feb: 144.4
    [*] Total weight loss: 83 ⏫

    January Daily Goals: Week 1
    Mon: ✅ Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun:
    1. Weight < 150: ✅ 1/7
    2. Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2 23.4 [/s] 23.1
    3. Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7: 30.9: 31.1
    4. Calories in the green ✅ 1/7
    5. Steps > 7500 ✅ 1/7
    6. Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅ 1/7
    7. Active hours > 6 daily ✅ 1/7

    Positive intentions for Mon 8 Feb:
    • Meditation 🎉
    • Daily Yoga🎉/tai chi practice
    • Laundry - put away 🎉
    • Outdoor walk 🎉
    • continue work on Hobbies room clear out
    • Daily Chores 🎉
    • Puzzles: 🎉 Watch TV: 🎉
    • Chapter 6 A walk in the Hindu Kush 🎉
    • Keep up to date with email 🎉

    It’s not surprising that so many of us are struggling with life. But, in truth, each one of us has done a tremendous job under unprecedented circumstances.

    It’s been almost a year now that our lives have been impacted by this poxy Covid. And our governments have not covered themselves with glory. But we have kept going through whatever fate has thrown our way. We have stuck with it, and we WILL get through this.

    Our lives may not be the entirely same, but we are adaptable, and will make it work for us.

    Spring is on its way.


    Terri 🦄
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    @snowflake1968 Thanks, yea 2020 was rough as far as keeping up with the healthy habits. I guess the important thing is not giving up and to continue trying until it sticks again. :-)

    @cschmitz110515 OMG, I'm glad YOU were not hurt more seriously in your bad fall. I live in Vermont and our road is a dead end road so it doesn't get cleared as well as the main roads...hence all the ice on the sides. As soon as my knee feels better, I'm planning to go to the gym to walk on the treadmill until our road clears up. I much prefer walking on our road though, so I can't wait for SPRING!! :-)

    JFY 2/8/21
    1. Log all my food for the day :| (I did log most of my food, but not all of it.)
    2. Drink more water :) (50 oz)
    3. Don't snack after 8pm :| (I did better than in the past, I only had a yogurt, but I had it after 8)

    JFT 2/9/21
    1. Log ALL my food for the day
    2. Drink more water
    3. NO diet coke
    4. Don't snack after 8pm
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY 2/7/21
    1. Log all my food for the day :)
    2. Go for a walk :) Except...our road was icy and after almost falling twice, I managed to fall the third time I slipped, square on my left knee and banged it all up. I did get in 1.5 miles before that though. After falling, I said the heck with this and called my hubby to come get me. LOL
    3. Drink more water :) (52 oz)

    JFT 2/8/21
    1. Log all my food for the day
    2. Drink more water
    3. Don't snack after 8pm

    Oh .. be careful on your walks! I miss SO much walking .. for me.. it is not only for exercise, but for my mental status. But we have ice on the roads, temps in the low teens, and the highs are only in the 20s. So I have not been out for 3 days now .. and really miss it. But best to be careful.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    @sarah74_vt I have lots of stories of my past falls, that was just the most spectacular. We live on the very edge of town in a small neighborhood of cul de sacs, so we aren't plowed out real soon or well either. Like you, I much prefer walking outside on area roads. But we are doing what we must to get through the winter! Think spring! :D

    Recap 2/8 M ~ rest day I guess but plenty of movement relocating office
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks (3 floors) :) 13/14 & 12k
    2) Net cals zero / 14c water >:) evening snacks again -222 & 12c
    3) Work in office: room relocation & organize / Facebook Live 12:00 / keep up w/ emails / AJNH in time remaining (meh) = 3.5/4
    4) Leave work on the dot / hair appt 5:00 :)
    5) Wish ex-roomie happy bday / boil eggs / prep lunch, snacks, water bottle / prep niece's bday card / declutter 15 min. / one other chore (several) = 5/6
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / 6:00 alarm (treadmill before work) big fat ZERO

    JFT 2/9 T ~ went to bed late & no early workout before work ~ bah
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks (3 floors)
    2) Prelog / net cals zero / 14c water / no evening snacking
    3) Treadmill or x-train after work
    4) Work in office: AJNH / emails
    5) Mail bday card on way home / prep lunch, snacks, water bottle & overnight oats / declutter 15 min. / one other chore
    6) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / Voltaren / BED BY 10:30 & TV OFF

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year! ~ 1.31.21
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and continuing to log / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement ~ made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up
    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    After eating a bunch of chocolate chips cookies last nite ... going to get back on track today. This weather has me so depressed... with the ice on the roads, I don't go out walking. Walking for me is more than exercise .. it is something I absolutely love to clear my mind .. get fresh air, and sunshine. But the next week highs are only in the 20s.

    Its been harder on my daughter also, because the garage is just too cold to sit. She calls about every hour.. just completely bored, and having nightmares again. I know it is because of the isolation. And the news does not help. Even when/if we ever get the vacine, now they are saying it may not work with the variants. So depressing. Hubby says we may have to live this way for a long time. I can do without the eating out, etc ... hubby and I get along very well. But its for our daughter, and seeing our son and the grandkids. I can't imagine going another year like this. Hopefully spring will come soon so at least we can visit with our daughter outside, but it looks like another week with bitterly cold temps.

    But like @Terri said .. under the circumstances, we are all still here!

    So goals today
    JFT, Tues, 2.9
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on getting in 8+ water
    3. mindful eating
    4. tonite ... post more goals on here. That helped me ... keeps me focused in the evenings when I want to just eat for comfort
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited February 2021
    UGH. I just had everything I typed wiped out. Let's just say hugs all around to everyone!

    Just for Today:
    1. NoBS 24H Plan & Assess
    2. NoBS Coursework
    3. NoBS Journal
    4. Intentional activity 15+ minutes (baby steps)
    5. 64+ oz water
    6. 30 minutes self care
    7. Consistent bedtime routine: Bed one hour early, wash & lotion, gratitude journal, daily readings, and then read. Lights out on time. Set alarm for morning.
    WOTY: Intentional I am intentional in my daily choices.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    - Work 6-2 ✅
    - weigh in ✅
    - food shop before leaving work! ✅
    - run the dishwasher❌
    - take out the trash if Matt hasnt❌Matt did it. And he even took out the bathroom trash. I was shocked. Lol
    - edit 4 pages of USS❌
    - bed by 8:30✅

    I didn't do the two things I gave myself to do when I got home from work yesterday. Instead I took a 2 hour nap and ate a half of a small pizza. Not the best night. Oh I journaled for a bit too. All I really did was repeat myself and talk about the same 3 topics over and over again. For some reason that's just how my brain works. It seems to run on a loop.

    Anyway, Matt closes tonight so I have the whole afternoon and evening to myself. I'm going to get some editing done and maybe fold some clothes when hockey comes on. But that's really about it I think. I just had a huge salad for lunch, so I'll just have something small for dinner. We'll see.

    - Work 6-1
    - mini habits
    - edit at least 4 pages(maybe more)
    - fold a basket of laundry
    - get rid of all of the bottles on the kitchen table
    - shower
    - bed by 8:30
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    I didn't do the two things I gave myself to do when I got home from work yesterday. Instead I took a 2 hour nap and ate a half of a small pizza. Not the best night. Oh I journaled for a bit too. All I really did was repeat myself and talk about the same 3 topics over and over again. For some reason that's just how my brain works. It seems to run on a loop.

    Anyway, Matt closes tonight so I have the whole afternoon and evening to myself. I'm going to get some editing done and maybe fold some clothes when hockey comes on. But that's really about it I think. I just had a huge salad for lunch, so I'll just have something small for dinner. We'll see.

    If you were tired after work yesterday, then you did exactly what your body needed you to do! Rest! And eating half of a small pizza isn't bad at all in my opinion. Heck, I've been known to eat half of a LARGE pizza! LOL! Journaling about the same three things over and over again makes me feel that your brain needs to work through those three issues and that's okay! Be kind to yourself right now. Your hormones, your body and your brain just need to rest and take care of themselves. (((Hannah))) 💖

    On a side note, I've decided since football is over for the year, I need to start watching either hockey or NASCAR. Wisconsin doesn't have a professional hockey team, but I'm originally from Minnesota so could cheer for the MN Wild. My boys played hockey when they were young and it was my very favorite sport! I can't remember which team you and Matt root for....?
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited February 2021

    January 2021
    🔹Word - Balance
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    January 2021
    Life Affirmations

    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    • Name: Terri
    • Age: 74
    • Height: 5'2"
    • SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    • Joined MFP: Jan 2015
    • 1st Goal: 190 Sept 2015
    • UGW: (145 ⏬ 140
    • 01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    • 31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    • 31 Dec 2020: 145.6
    • 1 Jan: 147.2
    • 8 Jan: 144.2 (lowest in many years)
    • 15 Jan: 145.2
    • 22 Jan: 144.9⏬
    • 25 Jan: 143.8⏬ My lowest weight in over 40 years. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I have reset my UGW.
    [*] 1 Feb: 144.4
    [*] Total weight loss: 83 ⏫

    January Daily Goals: Week 1
    Mon: ✅ Tue: ✅ Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun:
    1. Weight < 150: ✅ 2/7
    2. Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2 23.4 [/s] 23.1
    3. Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7: 30.9: 31.1
    4. Calories in the green ✅ 2/7
    5. Steps > 7500 ✅ 2/7
    6. Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅ 2/7
    7. Active hours > 6 daily ✅ 2/7

    Positive intentions for Tues 9 Feb:
    • Meditation 🎉
    • Daily Yoga🎉/tai chi practice
    • Laundry - put away 🎉
    • Outdoor walk 🎉
    • Fill out Vaccine Questionnaire for tomorrow 🎉
    • Daily Chores 🎉
    • Puzzles: 🎉 Watch TV: 🎉
    • Chapter 6 A walk in the Hindu Kush 🎉
    • Keep up to date with email 🎉

    We have been able to get out in the fresh air the last few days and it has really lifted my spirits. The cold weather and storms were beginning to get to me. Tomorrow DH and I are going to get our first vaccinations. It looks like we are getting the Astrazeneca version.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Terri 🦄
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    JFT - Monday Feb 8
    Scale 201.6 I changed the batteries and cleaned the scale.... OUCH
    1L of Water - :/
    Log all Food - :/

    JFT - Tuesday Feb 9
    Scale 201.0
    1L of Water
    Log all Food - this probably won't happen today, I'm already over and it's not even suppertime.

    @cschmitz110515 - I've had my own office since 2006 and I don't know if I could ever go back to sharing again. I think we'll see big changes in offices and workplaces long term because of Covid. We are in the middle of this polar vortex too. It currently has a Feels Like Temp of -39C

    @Bex953172 - My youngest twirled her hair when she was tired or upset. If hers was braided or anything she would twirl mine. She turned 30 on Friday and still twirls it when she's tired or deep in conversation. Hopefully Casey quits twirling items soon though. Maybe you need to keep it in braids for a while.

    @mytime6630 - We had an outdoor gathering for my daughter's birthday on Friday, they had a heater similar to this set up in the garage as a warming station. It wasn't warm enough to take your coat off, but it was comfortable. Another thing we did was used electric throws and it helped. Won't help the power bill any though :D

    @PackerFanInGB - We are a hockey and Nascar household. I don't really watch either but see enough to know what's what. I may watch some of the Nascar races this year because there is more road courses and they are adding dirt to some tracks. It could be exciting.

    I went to physio again today and am causing myself to go 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I was doing well last week and then when we went to the birthday party Friday night I stood too long. She fixed that on Saturday. I felt good on Sunday and cleaned my fridge. Today she told me, no bending and no squatting. I'm also not supposed to stand for more than 15 minutes at a time and I'm not supposed to sit for more than 15 minutes at a time. We need to get the inflammation down and she doesn't want me doing anything but what she tells me. This is discouraging as I wanted to get my craft room cleaned.

    I would braid it but her hairs all different lengths and goes in different directions, I think she has 2 crowns but not sure, it's also why she's the only one with a fringe lmao
    Another reason, bobbles. 3 girls, 3 sets of hair, and they never give me the damn bobble back, I practiced a few nice hairstyles for them (still not very good at it but I try) and im literally down to one bobble. Which is currently holding up my nest LMFAO!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. 1 set of lifts. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Post class plan right away on screen AND on site. TAKE BOOKS TO RETURN.
    2. Pit Crew: Video? MAKE VALENTINE'S DAY CARDS. Puns posted on Classroom; make sure everyone is connected.
    3. Classes: Progress Reports. Essay work. Grade late work.
    4. Planning: FANFIC? Lunges. Script for literature video. Write postcards. 20 PAGES DISPOSSESSED. Review video 1 to create transcript. Call dentist to check on meds; call doctor to see if prescription available. Set up appointments.
    5. Lunch: Pasta.
    6. Afternoon: Philosophy of ed. Walk after school. Buy stamps! LIBRARY.
    7. Evening: S&F 4. Dinner: Pizza. Breathe. Set 2 of lifts. DS9! Write postcards.
    8. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Chop celery and pack lunch. Set out clothes for tomorrow. Set up JFT for tomorrow.
    9. Shower. Review papers by desk. File or trash.
    10. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Wed book group. MH Monday check-in; Tough Question Tuesday; Whatever Wednesday AMA; Thankful Thursday. Indochino suit fitting - Atlanta or Nashville? THURSDAY STAY LATE

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    Today: 191.0

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for On Writing (Stephen King), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie), Hood Feminism (Mikki Kendall).
    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to discussion board for comments due Friday. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri. Unit plan for research (Idea for regular: comparing same story on sites with different biases).
    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week - Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals.
    6. Medical: Dentist call to schedule cleaning – March? ObG schedule for April. Schedule PCP for May.
    7. Theater: Little Princess.
    8. House: Siding. Or perhaps bathroom floor.
    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy bike rack for car.
    10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter. Community Kitchen. Emerge Georgia training.
    11. Family: Book group. Dinners?
    12. Writing: Blog post: Running, Racism and Rum: Learning to Handle Discomfort. Fanfic: Create a scene list for the Batgirl story. Finish the cafe scene for the Titans story. Open Wordpress in Safari.
    13. Lifting: 15 squats, 15 deadlifts, 10 shoulder presses, 15 arm raises, 15 pushups, 30 crunches, 15 side lifts, 15 back kicks, horse stance for 5 breaths.
    14. Other: Practice hair braiding with D. Check on appts for drs. Remind D to ask his dad about the table and check with home repair contractors. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format. Create test for infographics and visual information. Remember that M does not like surprises! Check dates of classes and update semester plan. She Should Run vision statement. Update standards on board. When to change bulletin board?

    WFTY: Persistence. Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous. I know it can't hold out forever, alas. But I'm enjoying it while I can.
    Reminder: Last year's WFTY was progress, and I am ... actually, I was going to say content, but it's more than that. I'm proud of myself, and I'm pleased with the progress that I made. Even without the challenges throughout the year, I accomplished things that I should be proud of; and given those challenges, I'm even happier about what I was able to do.
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Wednesday goals
    Stay green
    No booze/beer
    No chocolate
    Zwift workout
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY 2/7/21
    1. Log all my food for the day :)
    2. Go for a walk :) Except...our road was icy and after almost falling twice, I managed to fall the third time I slipped, square on my left knee and banged it all up. I did get in 1.5 miles before that though. After falling, I said the heck with this and called my hubby to come get me. LOL
    3. Drink more water :) (52 oz)

    JFT 2/8/21
    1. Log all my food for the day
    2. Drink more water
    3. Don't snack after 8pm

    Oh .. be careful on your walks! I miss SO much walking .. for me.. it is not only for exercise, but for my mental status. But we have ice on the roads, temps in the low teens, and the highs are only in the 20s. So I have not been out for 3 days now .. and really miss it. But best to be careful.

    I haven't gone out since I fell...mainly because my knee is sore. lol Once it feels a little better, I'll probably stick to a treadmill at the gym until our road clears up. I hear you about walking being good for mental health...I do my best thinking on my walks. Spring will be here soon (I hope) and we'll all be able to get out there again.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY 2/9/21
    1. Log ALL my food for the day :| (I did great logging everything until after dinner...ugh)
    2. Drink more water :) (52 oz)
    3. NO diet coke :)
    4. Don't snack after 8pm :/ (Big fail on this one)

    JFY 2/10/21
    1. Log ALL my food for the day
    2. Drink more water
    3. NO diet coke :)
    4. Don't snack after 8pm

    Let's try this again, Sarah!!
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    Good day on Tuesday

    For Tuesday, keep on track. Keep my averages within scope.

    -I'm grateful for my bride on many fronts. Today it's that she never gave up on me. For months in 2019 she tried to get me to start walking again, knowing that I don't respond well to nagging or heavy handedness. Finally got me out the door on a cool November evening for a 1/8 mile out and 1/8 mile back walk. Every journey starts with a single step and her gentle persistence started me on my journey.
    -1900 calories: 1824
    -Work out for 90 minutes: 93 minutes including a 2.47 mile, 54 minute treadmill walk
    -Eat dinner at the table: Done
    -Invest 15 minutes on personal development: Done with a MulliganBrothers sound bite on motivation. Trite but good background for working out
    -Invest 15 minutes on professional development: Done with the second half of HBR 760, When Efficiency Goes Too Far. Good reminder that just because something can be measured, or improved, doesn't mean it should be.
    Lost my buy in at the end with some economic theories.

    -Invest 30 minutes on home duties: More than done and kept up with my stuff

    For Wednesday, keep working down my monthly calorie average

    - I'm grateful for the many experiences in my life. When preparing for a personal computer upgrade I was reviewing a large file of pictures. Great, great memories. Came across a company reward trip to Jamaica that I had forgotten about. Wasn't thrilled with Jamaica but loved our resort and most importantly the time with sother couples. Great memories and great friends.
    - 1900 calories:
    - Work out for 90 minutes, find a way:
    - Eat dinner at the table:
    - Invest 15 minutes on personal development:
    - Invest 15 minutes on professional development:
    - Invest 30 minutes on home duties:


  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Tuesday Feb 9
    Scale 201.0
    1L of Water - :/
    Log all Food - :/

    JFT - Wednesday Feb 10
    Scale 200.8
    1L of Water
    Log all Food

    @bex953172 - The bobbles sure are hard to keep track of. I remember cleaning and finding them everywhere even long after our girls moved out. I like the word "bobbles" we just call them hair elastics or ponytail holders. Bobbles sounds more fun.

    @sarah74_vt and @mytime6630 - I love walking outside for the thinking time too. It sure helps clear the head. I don't have any equipment at home and probably wouldn't use it if I did. I like things that don't cost me money, walking, dancing, yoga or pilates. If my hip ever gets better I plan on getting back to it. I refuse to buy bigger clothes again.

    @WellingTX - I love how you are approaching this and improving all areas of your life.

    It is a balmy -41C with windchill this morning. Yesterday was a day and I hope today is better. I water froze and Rodger got it going, then the sink for some reason won't drain. A plumber friend is loaning a snake today, I hope it works. I fear it's more than a blockage as it happened suddenly.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,039 Member
    just a quick thought - if your sink is suddenly not draining is it possible that the drainage pipe is frozen?
    The last time my sink wouldn't drain it was because the pipe on the outside of the wall was frozen up. I managed to get it going again by hanging out the window pouring kettles of hot water on it.