February 2021 - daily or weekly check-in



  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    MFP Starting Weight: 135.5 lbs
    Goal Weight: 112 lbs

    December starting weight: 132.9 lbs
    January starting weight: 129.8 lbs
    February starting weight: 126.3

    2/01 - 126.3
    2/05 - 124.4
    2/12 - 123.9
    2/20 - 124.4 (forgot to weigh yesterday and this is the WRONG direction)
    2/26 -
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Highest Weight: 240+
    MFP Starting Weight: 193
    Goal Weight: 125

    January starting weight: 185.0
    February starting weight: 182.3
    February goal weight: 177.0

    02/01: 182.3
    02/02: 181.7
    02/03: 181.0
    02/04: 181.4
    02/05: 181.9
    02/06: 181.2 - tempted but stayed true💘
    02/08: 181.0
    02/09: 182.3 - grrrrr. Maybe it's sodium?
    02/10: 181.7
    02/11: 182.6 - miscalculated and went over cals
    02/12: 180.8 - first time seeing 180 this month!🌟
    02/13: 179.7 - Wow! Yeah!
    02/14: 185.0 - sodium and sugar from last night
    02/15: 183.6
    02/16: 182. 7
    02/17: 183.4 - expected from sodium and carbs
    02/18: 183.6
    02/19: 183.4
    02/20: 182.5 - late dinner tonight, so weighing a little more in the morning wouldn't surprise me.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,605 Member
    Thank you for keeping us going : - )

    MFP start weight: 191 - October 28.18
    UGW 112-118
    5'2", 60

    Week 1
    02/01 - 137.5
    02/02 - 137.1
    02/03 - 135.9 - Closer to what I felt like I should be weighing.
    02/04 - 136.3
    02/05 - 134.8 - I have felt pretty lean all week. I need to not let the weekend get away with me.
    02/06 - 135.8
    02/07 - 136.1 - All over the place this first week.

    Week 2
    02/08 - 137.5 - Superbowl aftermath. I will work hard to get this back down.
    02/09 - 137.2 - Worked out extra yesterday to try to mitigate Superbowl. Hoping to see a good drop this week.
    02/10 - 134.4
    02/11 - 134.2
    02/12 - 134.3 - We are in a cold snap here for a few more days, so workouts have to be indoors. Yay Youtube!
    02/13 - 135.5 - No reason for this gain except maybe that I drank way more water yesterday.
    02/14 - 135.6 - Lots of water/liquid again, plus it has been too cold to get on the trails for a week.

    Week 3
    02/15 - 136.3 - I had Ribs yesterday. I expect this weight to go up further before I can try to get it back down. It was a choice that I made, but these choices have consequences of course. I used to have Ribs once per week, but I have cut it way back to once per month or less. I know that certain foods are detrimental to weight loss and try to limit them.
    02/16 - 135.3 - Worked out like crazy yesterday, pretty happy to see a drop.
    02/17 - 134.8 - Slept in today, so got a better number
    02/18 - 134.4 - Closer. I was 134.1 in January
    02/19 - 133.3 - New low for me to aspire to now that I have touched it once.
    02/20 - 133.5 - Planning Pizza today, so will try to work out lots before that.
    02/21 - 136.0 - Pizza, beer, and then so much water after the salty pizza. Big jump!

    Final Week
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,085 Member
    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA.

    February starting weight: 207.6
    February goal: 202.6

    2/01 – 207.6
    2/02 - 207.6
    2/03 - 208.8 I am a train wreck right now.
    2/04 - I woke up running and forgot to weigh
    2/05 - 208.6
    2/06 - 207.2 Not much time for eating yesterday. It ended with late-night dinner of unhealthy frozen food. However, the calories must have been low for the day overall. Surprised to see this lower number.
    2/07 - 207.7 Pizza yesterday with DD and DGS . A rare treat. Back on plan today.
    2/08 - 207.4 Pleased that its going back down.
    2/09 – 206.6 I am happy to see this. I am expecting a high-sodium social dinner tonight so I will watch my p’s and q’s today and drink plenty of water.
    2/10 – 207.2 There’s that sodium bloat rearing its ugly head. Travel today will probably not help!
    2/11 - 206.8 I am shocked to see it down nearly ½ pound the day after travel. I will be watching the scale closely over the next couple of days. Sometimes I hide after sodium and/or travel, but it usually finds me.
    2/12 - 206.0 Very pleased after a couple of off-days in my schedule.
    2/13 - 206.0 After the horrid BINGE last night on my snacks, I will take this and be grateful for it. Tightening the belt today and getting down to business so the weekend does not derail me.
    2/14 - 206.4 A had a glucose drop last night that was swift and severe so there were extra calories at the end of the night. On another note, I felt like I was losing the same pounds over and over so I did a little experiment. Starting with Jan 1st , 2020 weight, I went back and counted every single drop of weight I had lost from day to day based on my records. I have lost 103.8 pounds in total! Yay!!!! Well, NOT SO FACT FOLKS. I got on the scale to calculate the difference overall from the starting weight on 1/1/2020 to today and I have gained 12.4 lbs.
    I think it’s pretty sad that I worked so hard to lose over 100 pounds with so much sacrifice, hard work, exercise, research and so much more, only to be heavier. I will mark this up to self-sabotage and try to be kinder to myself in 2021. I will try to keep and take care of what I have worked for. So, if you feel like you are losing the same pounds over and over, it could be true. I am going to try to stop this madness!
    2/15 - 208.8 One Meal yesterday. This is about as unfair as it gets! Pushing water today.
    2/16 - 207.2 On my way back down. Thank you to the extra water and its effects. Pushing more water again today.
    2/17 - 204.6 I finally flushed out the sodium. Making good choices is key. Yesterday was a good day.
    2/18 - 204.4 I was extra hungry last night and ate very late. I will try to space out my meals and do better planning today. Only slept 4 hours which is more like my typical but I do believe that it affects the scale. If nothing else, my eating window is 20 hours! Perhaps I will sleep better tonight since I am tired. In any case, I am happy for the small drop on the scale.
    02/19 – 204.8 Lack of movement perhaps. Diet had a bit more sodium than usual but was right on in terms of healthy and the portions were very good.
    02/20 - 205.0 My adult son’s birthday today. I will try to stay focused.
    02/21 – 205.,0 Grateful to have the same numbers glaring at me from the scale. My calories were okay yesterday but OMGosh on the choices I made. Horrid, Horrid little girl I was! Absolutely nothing fueling or replenishing about what I stuck in my pie-hole. That makes me feel gluttonous and (almost) childlike. I was a limited thinker yesterday. Today I will ponder before I put my greedy little fingers upon anything!
  • psychoborg
    psychoborg Posts: 37 Member
    Starting weight January 1st: 68 kg.

    February starting weight: 62.8 kg
    February goal: 59.9 kg

    2/01 - 62.8
    2/02 - 62.6
    2/03 - 62.3
    2/04 - 62.1
    2/05 - 61.8
    2/06 - 60.8 dehydration
    2/07 - 62.2 post cheat day

    2/08 - 62.4
    2/09 - 62.2
    2/10 - 61.6
    2/11 - 61.6
    2/12 - 61.5
    2/13 - 61.3
    2/14 - 60.9

    2/15 - 61.5 Valentine's day concequences. A huge dinner, snacks and a bottle of wine.
    2/16 - 61.1
    2/17 61.3
    2/18 60.7 I ate a lot yesterday so expected to see a higher number. So yay!
    2/19 60.7
    2/20 - Didn't weight because I was not sticking to my eating goals and felt discouraged
    2/21 - 61.2 This week was a mess, hoping to get better next week.

    2/22 - 60.2 wonder if it was sodium retention before or dehydration now haha.