50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Nice updates, thanks Keri :)

    Its nice to have a "port-of-call" when logging in.

    My NSV victory for this month has been my SV! (If thats possible)
    Finally, my plateau (of several months!!) has been broken and I I have lost some pounds (and some centimetres).
    One day at a time ... if I plateau again at least it will be in a different place :drinker:

    That is great Sallie,
    I am glad to hear that.
  • Trying to find out- -have I been added to this group? I am trying to figure out how these groups works. Can someone help me out??


  • Ah! Thanks Keri! I see I have been added to this group. I love the specific goals folks have set. They are all very reasonable!
    I had been trying to lose 2 lbs a week, but honestly 1 lb a week is more like it.

    For some reason, once I got off the healthy eating wagon this summer, I got myself (re) addicted to sugar and also large quantities of food. I am a bit discouraged- trying to get back into healthy habits again. I had gotten down to 203 lbs and so much wanted to get below 200. Now I am back up to 215.

    Oh well- I walked 4 miles today with my hubby and we are going to walk another mile tonight. I am currently enjoying a fresh delicious veggie salad! All of your goals and inspiration help mucho!

    Here are my goals for next week:

    1. 8 glasses of water each day
    2. 3 mile walks every other day
    3. "Sugar" sweet treat 1 x per week
    4. Add more salads- veggie salads-to weekly intake!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Nice goals Nancy - good luck to you and welcome :flowerforyou:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Nice goals Nancy - good luck to you and welcome :flowerforyou:

    I agree with you Sallie and thanks for being so sweet and welcoming too!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Fingers crossed for you KeriA it is time something good workwise comes your way!!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Thanks dfeledichuk I should hear this week and actually had a phone interview yesterday morning. I realized after hitting another 10 pound loss I hadn't adjusted my calorie goal down yet and since I wasn't losing these last 2 weeks I decided this might be the reason so I lowered my calories. So today I had a 0.8 pound loss. So maybe it is working. However last night I realized I hadn;t had any vegetables or fruit!!!! I had calories left (amazing) so I made a little quick veggie soup (no salt) and had a bit of plain non fat greek yogurt with a nectarine. Still stayed under. So I will be keeping an eye on this. I was amazed the veggies didn't taste too bland. I had some onions I put in with them. Have some leftover for today too. Well off to my run/walk and will check in later.
    Have a great week everyone.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi just wanted to report I lost 0.8 pounds after 3 weeks but now I think I have a cold or something. Hope all of you stay healthy.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    All in the right direction Keri, well done :)

    (Good luck with the cold)
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Keri, over the last year I had a very stresrsful time (lack of weight loss only added to my stress).

    I went for some blood tests and my doctor found some imbalances - probably developed through stress. I am getting these sorted now I have managed to lose some weight too.

    I know about plateaus and originally thought it was that ... but after a time it was getting most frustrating.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing - I just thought if I did you could decide if any of it was relevant to you.
  • spoccer
    spoccer Posts: 15 Member
    My first post ... wooo hooo! I've been at it 2 wks now and am pleased with the progress. I could not have done it without MFP and my friends. I look forward to posting and reading every day. I've had a couple of challenging days over the weekend but got back on track (whew!). I have been so paranoid that this will be yet another short-lived attempt at losing weight but you guys help more than you know. I've never been one to exercise, except for weight lifting the remote! Seems that exercise is the key for me. It allows me to eat a little more or make up for a splurge and I feel 100% better.
    I know this will seem trivial but just had to share two recent "ah-ha" moments I had. Last week I had to park way back in the lot at Sam's and the walk to the store was more refreshing than challenging. I had more pep in my step and was smiling all the way to the car! And ... I've noticed that I stop and pick up things off the floor that I would have left before. It was such a hassle (now that's really lazy!) and I would just leave the twig on the carpet or dust bunny on the floor for later. I found that now I stop to pick it up and my back doesn't hurt. I'm the "Stop and Stoop Queen"!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Keri, over the last year I had a very stresrsful time (lack of weight loss only added to my stress).

    I went for some blood tests and my doctor found some imbalances - probably developed through stress. I am getting these sorted now I have managed to lose some weight too.

    I know about plateaus and originally thought it was that ... but after a time it was getting most frustrating.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing - I just thought if I did you could decide if any of it was relevant to you.

    Thanks Sallie, I am glad to hear you are getting it sorted out. I plan to make a Doctor's appointment soon.
    I did lose another 0.6 pounds today. :smile: So that is adding up to 1.4 for the week. With my earlier 1.6 that adds up to 3 pounds for the month overall:happy: . I think one reason is that between the jobsearch and my cold :sick: I haven't been getting my normally over the top exercise in. Actually my exercise schedule is probably more like at the limit. Although to lose alot of weight I have heard of much more. But is that really sustainable? :noway: 1 hour a week for 6 days a week is but more not really for most people. Last year I often lost at the beginning of each quarter after a crazy exercise schedule during the break and then a bit of easing up as I got into the quarter and I would lose a few pounds. Then at the end of the quarter I would get so busy the weight loss would stall. That was last years cycle and I didn't want to repeat it this year. I just want to keep losing. Slowly but steadily.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    My first post ... wooo hooo! I've been at it 2 wks now and am pleased with the progress. I could not have done it without MFP and my friends. I look forward to posting and reading every day. I've had a couple of challenging days over the weekend but got back on track (whew!). I have been so paranoid that this will be yet another short-lived attempt at losing weight but you guys help more than you know. I've never been one to exercise, except for weight lifting the remote! Seems that exercise is the key for me. It allows me to eat a little more or make up for a splurge and I feel 100% better.
    I know this will seem trivial but just had to share two recent "ah-ha" moments I had. Last week I had to park way back in the lot at Sam's and the walk to the store was more refreshing than challenging. I had more pep in my step and was smiling all the way to the car! And ... I've noticed that I stop and pick up things off the floor that I would have left before. It was such a hassle (now that's really lazy!) and I would just leave the twig on the carpet or dust bunny on the floor for later. I found that now I stop to pick it up and my back doesn't hurt. I'm the "Stop and Stoop Queen"!

    Doesn't sound trivial to me. It sounds like a wonderful NSV (non scale victory). I love it. I remember how I hated to stand for long periods of time I would prefer to walk and of course sit and really don't love it that much but now it isn't as hard and I don't avoid it as much. My couch is old and gets lower and lower each year and I was having difficulties getting out of it. I wasn't the only one though. Now I can do it alot easier and in fact it is one of my exercises I do. I call them sit downs. Of course I get right back up again. I'll have to add you stop and stoop to my list. I also do push ups off a low wall we have.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Hi just wanted to report I lost 0.8 pounds after 3 weeks but now I think I have a cold or something. Hope all of you stay healthy.
    Congratulations on dropping some weight! The weather is changing fast! Maybe it's not a cold but an allergy?
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Well I continue to have a cold or as Gwen suggest an allergy and I continue to lose weight. Daily in fact a few tenths of a pound in each of the last 3 days. I lost faster last fall too but since I was in school it was dampened I feel. The only thing cutting this short this time would be a job. My rate of job interviews seems to be going up lately which is another good sign. If I get another cold I will think about wether I am eating enough calories to get good nutrition. Trying to keep the calories I do get relatively high quality though. With the cold I haven't felt up to exercise whereas allergies don't seem to affect me that way. So I am looking forward to getting more exercise as soon as this improves.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    How is everyone doing this weekend? I am still sick and hoping I am on the mend. I really miss my exercise. However I am losing weight. Lately I have had trouble drinking as much water since I went to the doctors and swallowing is a bit rough. I know some of you are making progress.
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congrats to all us "loosers" we will be winners in the long run. :love:
    Welcome to all the newbies :happy: ..... and for you sickies :sick: .... get better QUICK!!

    I know it has been a while... but life has been a bit hectic for the last 3 weeks. I am hoping that it will get somewhat back on track sooner than later!!

    I am pleased to report that I have been here on MFP for 90 days today.... and SOMEHOW managed to loose alomst 35#. I may not make my original goal of 44# by the end of Sept... but I am not giving up on myself ever again!
    My victory this weekend was being able to get a new pair of jeans....2 sizes smaller than what I was wearing 90 days ago!! :noway:

    I found out a couple weeks ago that my employer will pay up to $100.00 a year for us to join a gym or fittness center. Now I am trying to figure out what to look for and which would be better for me ~
    There is a great Fittness Center that is maybe 10 min from my house. But if I join that one ~ it is the ONLY one I can go to. However... with my hubby's insurance I think he can go to that one for free...... I still need to check into that part!!
    If I spend a little more $$ I can go with 24 Hour Fittness which is about 20 min from here, but I would be able to go to any of them in the country.... should I become financially stable enough to be able to travel. :wink: Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    My goals for this month....
    GET BACK ON TRACK!!!! :mad:
    Drink more water ~ :drinker:
    Take time to ride the bike EVERY NIGHT ~ No matter how tired I am!!! :yawn:
    Other than that... I dont have much to say... .right now anyway :wink:
    So you all have a great evening.... and a super week this week!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Congratulations Mary (McYoung) we have a few Marys, on your progress! Thanks for the update. If you don't make your goal you will get close. Nice NSV too. Getting into smaller sizes is so great! I give my old clothes a way. I have an LA Fitness near me and my son goes to 24 Hour Fitness since they had a Costco deal. Then they opened a new one and closed his so he gets it for the same deal for now. I want to visit it but it si farther from me. There is a variation in them as to what facilities they have. Hope you find just the right one.

    Like your goals for the week.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am starting to feel better today. In the last 2 weeks I have lost 3 pounds which is great after my plateau. HOpe we all have a great week.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just so you know I check daily in case someone posts on here. I am feeling better each day and think that soon I will be able to get more exercise. I have been able to keep my calories down just under my goal despite little exercise and I am proud of that. Hope all of your weeks are going well.