Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member
    *** February 25th ***

    Good morning all~~

    I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep.....dang. I read through all of yesterday's posts--hugs to all of you.
    Tracy - that is some story of your brother--wow! Glad he is free now. And buttercups? Aw.....gorgeous.
    Missy - good to see you. Dawn has always had a heck of a time with this site, and now you too. Curses!
    Lynn - my goal now is to avoid the alcohol altogether and moderate the food/sweets, but not deny myself much. Having hot soup is the best thing for me now. 😊
    Sara - I want the next chapter of my life to be no longer haunted by money worries, and the divorce will give me that. I will revisit new life goals once it is complete, and I feel free.
    I hope that you have a great day at work today, rocking them eyebrows!!

    Maybe I should try to go back to sleep for a bit.....

    *flopping onto favorite lounge chair...*

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hi all!
    Many of you know I have a chocolate lab that is very adventurous. She has run of our property. Last night she came home with a cut on her leg. I did glue it shut, but it is pretty deep, so I did schedule a vet appt. UGH. Hoping just for some antibiotics. She did this to me once before and stitches were horrible on a leg. They split and were just too hard to heal. So fingers crossed!
    Not much else new...waves to all! Hope you have a great Thursday!

    CW 192.2
    HW 207
    GW 189
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Hi all!
    Many of you know I have a chocolate lab that is very adventurous. She has run of our property. Last night she came home with a cut on her leg. I did glue it shut, but it is pretty deep, so I did schedule a vet appt. UGH. Hoping just for some antibiotics. She did this to me once before and stitches were horrible on a leg. They split and were just too hard to heal. So fingers crossed!

    Aw Lynn - Poor Maggie! This is awful news. When is the vet appointment? I hope that things go well for you. Please keep us posted.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Maggie - you make your mother ill when you do things like this, dont you know that? Glad you have an apt to get it looked at - how old is Maggie?? Dog mommies sometimes suffer more than the dog.

    Reorg at work - dont know quite what that means yet, but I saw the email so I know it is waiting for me tomorrow.

    I will get my 6k by the end of the day and that is a good constant for me. Food eeh not so much.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    Lynn, hoping for the best. We had a Great Dane growing up and he injured the tip of his tail. Blood flew everywhere for quite a while. My poor mom (the dog was her idea, thank goodness). But it healed, eventually. I hope Maggie's cut heals ok, too.

    I had a nice jog today-warm (40?) and sunny. I know it will get colder again and I am not looking forward to that, but I am trying to enjoy the warmth while we have it (and yes, I know that 40 doesn't seem warm to most of you).

    Lana, that night waking sucks. I had a problem with that for years. (Now I just can't fall asleep, but I rarely wake during the night and almost never stay awake when I do.) I discovered that melatonin was the root of my night waking, of all things. But I know you are feeling really stressed these days, and sometimes we just have to ride out that stage. I know how gorgeous Chapel Hill is during the spring--we visited on April 1st of my senior year in high school, and I fell so in love with the place. Maybe the beauty will help you through this.

    Take care, all.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    Ha, joke is on me. Last night, I couldn't fall asleep *and* I woke up for an hour in the middle of the night! Today is a day off, so IDC so much, but man, I should have known that bragging about it would bite me in the butt :)

    I was hungry during the night too, so that also sucked. But again, IDC b/c I have the day off and it is sunny and warm!
  • janek1705
    janek1705 Posts: 26 Member
    Love the name if the group and its exactly what I do.
    This is my 3rd go at weight loss. First was a long time ago. The 2nd I started fall of last year and I did so well and was at the lowest weight in years, but ended up taking a break in November when we went on vacation and that turned in to a holiday break and so on. Now I'm back at it, feel good and motivated but also very disappointed in myself since I gained back what I lost. I am determined to shed what I gained back and hit my all time low my summer.
    HW 300
    CW 279
    GW 185
    Summer goal 240
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning! FRIYAY!
    Maggie did escape with no stitches. Got antibiotic salve, pills and a wash. Now we have to get her to leave it alone without wearing that cone everywhere. She is so clumsy with that thing :smiley: Maggie is just three years old. I am a pro at cuts with her. She also cut her tail once. She sits in the back of the car and always waits for me to let her out. Well one day she snuck out the front with me and was in my blind spot. Her tail got nicked by the door. Luckily not slammed in it. Well imagine a waggy tailed lab. OMG it looked like someone got killed in our garage. I should not have brought her in. That was a rough one to heal too because she is always wapping that tail against things. She is a handful :wink:
    Sara- thinking of you today at work. That place just always seems to be in turmoil. bad management and now restructure.
    Lana - how are you doing today?
    Maureen - maybe you can curl up in today's sunshine from a warm window and take a nap - sounds heavenly.

    CW 193.2
    HW 207
    GW 189
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member


    Peep - BBL

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    @janek1705, Welcome. You are among those who understand. And have fun.

    Lynn, that's funny you had the tail bleed too. And their tails whap on everything. I'm thinking I'd have just waited until it healed and repainted all the walls, or gone with "polka dot." My mom had her work cut out for her and we kids were no help, I imagine.

    I did get a long nap in, missed most of the sunlight. I had a 3 hour dental appointment to start my day, getting stuff done for caps on 6 damaged teeth. I thought I would have pain after the anesthetic wore off, but I've been on Ibuprofen and so far, no pain. I think I'll stick with the pills for several more days. I have fake, plastic, temporary caps on now and it looks better than before, so I imagine the real caps will be a great improvement. I plan to have all my teeth done over the next couple of years--I grew up with really sensitive teeth and apparently a more acidic mouth than is typical, so lots of metal fillings when I was young. Those mental fillings have expanded and contracted over the years so my teeth have had a lot of cracks and I'm just lucky that only a couple needed root canals.

    I've had a hard time adjusting to 1350 cals but today hasn't been hard. I still have about half left. It helps that I couldn't eat until all my sensation came back. I'll have cauliflower and black bean patties with salsa for dinner. That will fill me up--and leave room for a mini cone. I try to have a treat everyday to ward off ever feeling deprived.

    Looking forward to 48 F tomorrow--I'll be dying from the heat on my jog :) And the mud from melting snow will be unbelievable so I might skip the DP for a few days.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Good evening,

    Definite Fri- yay!! Boss is so busy that I dont see her as much.

    Juggling money to make sure bills are covered, cant do this every month as there isnt the money to juggle, so time to take some serious decisions. Not bad ones, just serious ones.

    I was finally able to get my w2 forms and a refund would be really welcome.

    Came home to find a large package on my door -pre made meals and I didnt order them maybe my father had....I checked the address it was for the man who is 2 doors down and very frail, so I schlepped that box to his door and banged loudly. My good deed for the day - as I was coming back I found a 'diamond' stud earring will ask neighbors if its real. Probably isnt but hey who knows?

    Got my 6k in and tired from a very productive but long week.

    Asparagus on sale so - chicken teriyaki with asparagus over rice - makes 4 and so one in the freezer which makes 4 leftover meals in freezer.

    Stay warm and safe and sane out there.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member
    *** February 27th ***

    Good morning everybody and welcome to Janek 👋🏻

    Lynn - that is good about Maggie and no stitches, and that is a funny story about your garage looking like a murder scene. 😳

    Maureen - good luck with all that dental work. I am happy for you that you are not in a lot of discomfort.

    Sara - that was a good deed you did schlepping that box to your neighbor. Regarding the stud the post threaded? If yes, it may be real. Just a thought. I feel you on the juggling of money. It's scary.

    I hope that you all get out there (somewhere) and do something nice for your yourselves. 👍🏻

    Lana 🌴
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    I woke up at 1:17 pm today. Wow, had no idea I needed that much extra sleep. No drugs involved, either. It's warm and I'm missing it, but sleep trumps everything else in my book and if I need it, I need it. Just getting my coffee in and maybe Dp--despite the mud. IDK. Too early to decide (according to the way my body feels).

    Sara, good of you to check that label and find the true owner. I'm terrible about assuming things like "I just forgot I ordered this." Might not think to check the mailing label.

    My fake teeth feel weird when I suck in coffee--like they contract. Or something. I'm sure I'll get used to whatever the permanent ones feel like, but this is weird.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Good afternoon just.

    Maureen temps never feel right regardless of why because they are not an estimate not molded to your tooth space, but it will not be long.

    3300 steps so far. All outside errands are done and dishes are washed so cooking is next.

    Very windy and that is not always helpful.

    Will go check for mail and then binge watch something. I can finally make an apt for taxes to get done. I made less money this past year so I am thinking a refund.... that would be really nice.

    Stay safe and safe out there.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Good morning,

    Slept in as Sunday is the only day I can,

    Cookies are on tap for today and I will donate 2 dozen or find out how many people make later today. Freeze them and ignore them the bake sale is April so that is not bad.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,875 Member
    edited March 2021

    Goodness gracious - It is March!

    Hi all~~ I totally ditzed out on checking in yesterday.

    I hope that you all have a good day today. 💗

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,398 Member
    Hi All! Going to work on my March goals. Made it to Zumba 3x last week. Hoping to do the same this week.


    Hope all is well with you all!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all!
    March goals - grand idea!!! I will start mine too!
    Sara - you are such a kind and generous person. You are amazing!
    Quick check in - waves to all! BBL
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 629 Member
    March goals--that's hard b/c my birthday is this month. I will have cake and no guilt or concern. I may even gain a pound. But here in WI it's the edge of spring by the end of March and I do so much better getting outside once it isn't cold and icy. I usually lose more quickly in spring, summer, and fall. But I'll watch you all go after those goals.

    Sara, thanks; I've never had temps like this and they feel so odd, very different than one temporary crown after a root canal. I'm glad to know that will pass. And I'll have my new, permanent crowns put on the 15th, so not long now.

    I'm expecting my son to arrive home tonight from Miami--a 2 day drive for him, and it sucks, I know. Then he and I can make a plan to put my house on the market. I want him to have enough time to find a place to live and I want his help with the tasks of getting things in order to show the house. I hate that kind of work and the only thing that makes it tolerable is good company.

    So, enjoy the evening, folks.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Good evening,

    One more round of chicken teriyaki (actually last one will be tomorrow night). Dont make it often but it can still get boring.

    Put package tape on the end of the ziploc bag of cookies in the freezer because I know they will become tempting.

    March goals?? Hmmm may just have to get in line and make one.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.