Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 4

Great job tackling the first half, ladies! Let's get right into the results of week 3.

Pink Team is our winning team this week, with a total loss of 6.7 pounds! Megamoo04 pulled out a huge 6.4 pound loss for the team, making her the pink star! You all completed our crunches challenge a total of 39 days to give your team 14.5 points.

Blue Team had a total of 6.3 pounds lost. Sarah61587 had a 2.2 drop, way to go Blue MVP! You guys had 37 days of crunches, and a total of 13.7 points.

Purple Team, you lost a grand total of 5 pounds this week, with j991i leading your team with a 3.2 pound loss. You did 48 days of crunches, giving a total of 14.6 points.

Green Team fell short this week with only 3.4 pounds lost. Feydruss had the biggest loss with 2.2 pounds. You ladies did 29 days of crunches, and had 9.2 points.

This week, our Questions of the Day go to:
Monday: arcticbear
Tuesday: tjutrostina
Wednesday: kristyann86
Thursday: j991i
Friday: persanta

This week, our challenge is to do a legitimate workout each day. That means you burn calories doing something OTHER than cleaning, cooking, etc. You need to burn calories by: Walking, Running, Using Exercise Equipment, Dancing, Zumba, Aerobics, Sports, Calisthenics, Circuit Training, etc. You may still log calories burned by regular daily activities like cooking, cleaning, breastfeading, sex, mowing the lawn, things like that. This is to encourage everyone to INTENTIONALLY exercise!

If you have any questions about the challenge or want to check if a certain activity counts as "INTENTIONAL" exercise, just email me! You ladies are working your butts off (literally!) Keep up the awesome effort!


  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Great Job ladies :)
    Pink Team!!! We are rocking! Let's take this week too and show them we're here for business!!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Congrats to pink and Megamoo! :-)
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm excited for this weeks challenge! I will actually be motivated to hop on my elliptical now!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Can't believe we are already at week 4!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I've already forgotten what my goal is for this challenge. ;)

    Peanut, I'm still travelling. I'm spending probably 4-5 hours a day walking around, pushing 80lbs in the stroller, carrying babies, sometimes up and down steps or hills. Can this still count as exercise? There's no way I can organize a specific workout while travelling with twins!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Great job last week ladies . . . . . . week 4 is going to be THE week for Team Purple :) good luck to all and get your groove on w/your workouts :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Congrats to everyone! GO TEAM PINK!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Great job last week ladies . . . . . . week 4 is going to be THE week for Team Purple :) good luck to all and get your groove on w/your workouts :)

    We are going to ROCK IT!!!!
  • SiyaL8R
    Team Purple let's bring the heat and make it burn. WE can do it!
  • megamoo04
    Congrats to pink and Megamoo! :-)

    Thank you :)
  • almille
    Great challenge! I know I need to step it up a bit, last week was mediocre for me and this weekend was awful. Cravings and cramps really got to me last night, but here's a new Monday!

    Let's pick it up Green team! Haven't gotten much of a chance to chat with you all. How is everyone doing?

    I'm enjoying the progress I'm making, but I've hit my first roadblock. I have shin splints. I've been babying them for a bit, but they aren't healing very well because I'm on concrete all day at work and Im getting sooooooo bored with the elliptical which is hard on my knees and the stationary bike which I can't get a really good workout on.
    I'd like to be swimming, but I can't afford the Y right now (c'mon, a monstrous joining fee for just three more months before I go back to my college gym?).

    Any ideas on low impact cardio exercises or how to heal shin splints faster?
  • megamoo04
  • kaleighmorgan
    Way to go, Pink Team!! I started this week's challenge with a 10 mile run :D I'm very excited! (And I'm going to bring it this week.) A friend of mine on here suggested 1,000 jumping jacks a day (10x100) because you burn 1 calorie per every two jumping jacks a.k.a. 1,000 jacks x 7 days = 7,000 jacks / 2 calories = 3,500 calories = 1 lb. of fat a week!!! I'd like to mini-challenge as many members of MY team (PINK) that are willing to see if we can't tackle that and get another week in first place!!
  • megamoo04
    Way to go, Pink Team!! I started this week's challenge with a 10 mile run :D I'm very excited! (And I'm going to bring it this week.) A friend of mine on here suggested 1,000 jumping jacks a day (10x100) because you burn 1 calorie per every two jumping jacks a.k.a. 1,000 jacks x 7 days = 7,000 jacks / 2 calories = 3,500 calories = 1 lb. of fat a week!!! I'd like to mini-challenge as many members of MY team (PINK) that are willing to see if we can't tackle that and get another week in first place!!

    ill give it a try, is it all 1000 at 1 time or can we spread it out?
  • Magic_Girl
    Way to go, Pink Team!! I started this week's challenge with a 10 mile run :D I'm very excited! (And I'm going to bring it this week.) A friend of mine on here suggested 1,000 jumping jacks a day (10x100) because you burn 1 calorie per every two jumping jacks a.k.a. 1,000 jacks x 7 days = 7,000 jacks / 2 calories = 3,500 calories = 1 lb. of fat a week!!! I'd like to mini-challenge as many members of MY team (PINK) that are willing to see if we can't tackle that and get another week in first place!!

    Wow! That's a great idea! I'm definitely going to do it! GO PINK! We definitely are going to get first place again this week! :bigsmile:
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Not if Green can help it! Nothing more motivating to get back in the saddle than a little friendly competition :tongue:
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    LOL, bring it! 1000 jacks a day????? Holy hell, lol. I'll give it a shot. I'm doing the Walk at Home challenge at 5 mile a day, but I will try to fit in as many jumping jacks as I can throughout the day! Anything for my team!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Great work everyone!
    Come on Green team, let's pull it together this week! We can do this!!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Ok! Monday: Question of the Day

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I am finding people asking me to 'just have a bit of this chocolate cake' or ' have a chocolate' - or 'Go on, you know you want to', offering a cookie.

    I am considering putting a sign on my office door saying: 'Please don't feed this bear'. I've also found myself saying things like, 'I'm trying really hard to be good'. And also just saying, 'No thank you' and then walking away.
    I'm thinking that if it wasn't for the pressure I feel put under by others, I would find it easier to stick to my plan. I'm reminding myself that it is just me who has the power to choose.

    And well done Pink Team!


    Come on Team Purple!!!!!! Next week is our week!!! xx
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    Dealing with Food Pushers is one of the most difficult things. I just say no thank you, or that I'm not hungry, most often they just move on from there and offer some to someone else. When they are very persistent the "oh one won't hurt you" I just think - 1 is 1 more than I had planned on, and it is important to stick to my plan because before I planned I over ate every day. Therefore "No thank you, it does look great, but I'd rather not have any right now. "

    Socially I have a harder time dealing with keeping myself in check, I always do better if I go in with a plan to a social situation, know what Im going to let myself eat and try to stick to it- I make through it about 50% of the time.