What's on your "after I get the vaccine" list?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I get my first Pfizer dose this afternoon. In the immediate, the biggest change will be that schools re-open to full time in-person learning April 5 for the rest of the school year. This will actually be a huge shift given that we've been on-line only since last March 2020. With that, I'm not sure what my office is going to start to require. As it is currently, I'm in person in the office three days per week and WFH two days per week. With kids going back to school, it is unclear as to whether or not I will need to return to full time in the office. The big hiccup there is that, as of now anyway, not much in the way of summer camps or summer child care options are open and/or available...so most people will still be looking at a situation where their young children will be home during the summer and parents will still need to be given the latitude to WFH until at least the fall.

    Other than that, I don't see much changing for me and my family in the near future. NM still has pretty strict restrictions in place, so those are more or less going to dictate what things we can do that we aren't already doing. We never really stopped seeing family and close friends during this whole thing...we have a very small circle of family and friends...really, my mom and her boyfriend...my sister and her husband we see a couple times per year, and two other families that we're really close with and have continued to see on a regular basis throughout this whole thing...so no change there really. Our own personal risk assessment of these interactions was low risk to begin with, as even before the pandemic we all pretty much went to work/school and home and did some grocery shopping once per week or so. We're all family people with young kids, so it wasn't like we were galivanting around town to begin with. I've been going to the gym a couple times per week to hit the weight room and I've kept all of my medical and dental appointments throughout this whole ordeal.

    We are planning on a long weekend out of state for spring break as my work will no longer require quarantine for out of state travel once vaccinated. This will be our first real getaway in over a year but still a cautious one. We have rented a cabin in the mountains near Vallecito Lake in the Durango, Co area and will be pretty secluded away from others. We may spend an afternoon or something in Durango proper, but that'll be about it.

    Going forward, and depending on timing, I plan on taking my youngest boy to Tampa, FL so he and I can go to the Miami Dolphins vs. Tampa Bay Bucs game...he's been begging me for a daddy/Henry trip somewhere like I did a few years ago with my oldest...and much to my chagrin as a Dolphins fan, he loves Tom Brady and would love to see him play in person and I myself haven't been to a Phins game live since Marino retired. If it all works out timing wise, I also plan on taking my oldest to Phoenix when they host the Green Bay Packers as he is a rabid Packers fan. We don't know specific dates of these games yet, only the opponents...so a lot will just depend on timing.

    We also recently found out that the hot-air balloon company we had booked with last March for my oldest boy's 10th birthday is now flying again...they still have our money, so all we need to do is book our flight. Unfortunately, my oldest boy isn't quite as excited about that now as he was last year...but we're going to do it anyway.

    I'm also really hoping that we can have a return to live, in person sports soon. We have a great minor league soccer team here that started up in 2019 and we've yet to see a game. We bought season tickets last year before the pandemic, but obviously most of the season was cancelled so we received a refund. They're really good and I'd love to get out there and watch.

    But again...a lot will really depend on our governor and what/when certain restrictions are finally lifted.

  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,150 Member
    I am fully vaccinated and so is my husband, so I feel very good about it and with another level of protection around. However, I am, and I will be still careful and watch for new infections/variants. Staying away still from people that don't use common sense and don't have interest in protecting themselves and their community. I will be wearing masks in public until it is reported by the scientific community, that herd immunity has been achieved and it is OK to be without masks in public.

    1) Seeing/visiting my "vaccinated" family (two kids and their families) and friends. Mostly in an outdoor and not crowded setting.
    2) Shopping on my own.
    3) A massage and a facial (I don't know if they are open)
    5) Vacations (we canceled everything last year), but they will be domestic, although going to Hawaii implies wearing a mask for many hours. I don’t feel good about it.
    6) Probably dinning out more, but only outdoors.
    7) Go back to the gym, when is open. Much of the mechanical equipment has been moved outdoors so I may try to go next week. Our summers are very hot and working out outside is not possible; if the indoor gym doesn't open during the summer I will be very sad :'(

    I have been getting my dental, eye, medical, and tests appointments as needed as soon as the offices were open. I never stopped my routines check-ups unless the sites were closed. I also had periodic haircuts under safe conditions when the salons were open. The last one was yesterday.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »

    Just wanted to add how sad and disappointed I was to return to read the other Covid prep thread and find it closed. :( I realize where it had headed but couldn't it have been edited or something? That whole thread was currently my go-to for information; I trusted some of the input there more than on other social media.


    I was working on it, dang it! :wink:

    If it can't be re-opened for comments, is there anyway it can be "archived" and at least read? It really is a pretty awesome real time account of the past year.

    It's been reopened :)
  • elmusho1989
    elmusho1989 Posts: 321 Member
    Can't wait to meet up with friends and go back to work
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,935 Member
    Ann I could hug you ❣️

    Wait a second... I just did 🤗
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    I'm a homebody, and Canada, Ontario's restrictions haven't been too bad in comparison to some other countries, so not a lot has changed for me.

    The main thing on my list is travelling to Europe, but only plan on doing it next year either way. I'm young and Canada has been slow with the vaccine roll out, so I'm not expecting to get it until fall at least.
    Will be nice to see people's full faces again.
  • ybeavis1
    ybeavis1 Posts: 13 Member
    I’ve had the first jab. once I’ve had the second I shall visit my sisters - I haven’t seen them for a year. Haircut as I look like a yak. Then later in the year a trip to Tunisia I hope!
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    It won't be for a while but I want to go to a sold out ballgame with family/friends and high five random people sitting around me when the home team scores
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Well...had my first... hoping everyone gets theirs soon, so can safely meet up in parks and in work places! Mostly looking forward to seeing family again.... lockdown ending & community transition rates going way down low
    In the meantime staying at home, safe in my bubble, protecting the beleaguered NHS
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Strangely enough, one of the things I miss the most are retirement parties. In this case, "party" means staff gathering in the lunch room for 20 minutes of speeches and gift presentation and grocery store slab cake. But at least it marks the event. During the pandemic I've lost three long-time coworkers, people I've spent over 30 years of my life with for 40 hours a week, without any kind of ceremony. One day they're there, and then they're not. Poof, gone. I've found myself sadder about this than I would have thought.

    Right?! We’ve had 30+ year employees leave without cake, embarrassing stories, and other festivities. Makes me sad to not celebrate their dedication and launch into a new life.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Go back to the gym Yay!
    Get on a plane and travel! yay!
    and just relax and quit staring and glaring at people who don't wear masks. .or talk too much in a small space like an elevator, .. just not worry .. it will be amazing to embrace humanity.
  • suzij27
    suzij27 Posts: 199 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    However, I am, and I will be still careful and watch for new infections/variants. Staying away still from people that don't use common sense and don't have interest in protecting themselves and their community. I will be wearing masks in public until it is reported by the scientific community, that herd immunity has been achieved and it is OK to be without masks in public.

    I have been getting my dental, eye, medical, and tests appointments as needed as soon as the offices were open. I never stopped my routines check-ups unless the sites were closed.

    The biggest challenge for the past 6-9 months has been avoiding people in public who are not wearing their masks properly and keeping 6’ distance in public places. Sometimes I wonder if common sense even exists anymore.

    I had the J&J shot 11 days ago, but no one else in my home has been vaccinated. Most of my friends have. I will continue to meet with friends outdoors for now.

    What I miss the most and look forward to is going to plays with friends which includes riding in one car and dinner or lunch beforehand. I’d also like to go on a beach vacation, just not sure where. This would require a plane trip or I would already be planning it. And Ieant to visit my 85 year old mother which requires a plane trip or a really long at ride.