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Women 200lb+, Let's Be Magnificent This March!!!



  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @hap2go - I'm sorry to hear about your mother! Hope she's back walking again soon. And that her dementia doesn't deteriorate from anesthesia/hospitalization. Best wishes to you and your family.
  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to respond, it is very helpful. Still focus too much on numbers. What you wrote about sustaining is so true. I have never been at true sustaining point. Loved your last sentence," the longer it takes, the longer you have to practice and get things right" <3
  • alymc2
    alymc2 Posts: 9 Member
    New to so many things and feel encouraged by what I have read here.

    I am Aly
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'4
    SW: 212.2 (3/18/2021)
    GW: #1 185 #2 150ish

    Fitness goal: move with intention no less than 4 days (1 month)
    Nutrition goal: consistently tracking intake each day ( I sooooo struggle with this one)

    I guess that is it about me. It is so helpful knowing that I am not alone or broken because this seems to be a never ending struggle.

    March brings many opportunities …we got this!
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    @uyister At the one gym I've been going with this friend, for some reason I can't do their elliptical. Not sure what it is but those just give me problems. At my other gym, their ellipticals and the one I had many years ago I'm fine with. I ended up doing the bike and then switching to treadmill so she got her 45 min workout but only 20 for me on the treadmill.

    @goal06082021 yea I think I have the same 10 week slump myself. I never really counted when it stops so I can be good for a while and then all hell breaks loose. Right now I can easily get back but might be a few days to do so. I just keep at it with being as "good" as I can for that day; if it goes sideways I try to pick it back up the next meal. I'll also see about reevaluating to see what am I missing - not enough water, vegetables, protein, vitamins, etc and try to adjust if something was lacking. Usually I'll also see a picture of myself to remind myself I can do better nor do I want my family's health issues they have due to their weight etc.

    The guess pass expired for the one gym so I upgraded the new so we'll be using that one until she decides which she likes. I want to keep up a routine for her. I know she needs it and it's extra motivation for me to not slacking.

    Celebrated for St Patrick's Day yesterday. I had continued eating poorly Tues so my up in weight yesterday was well deserved. A bit surprised the weight wasn't still up this morning but I'm sure it'll haunt me another day. I didn't do too terrible yesterday food wise actually. My husband, while he's Italian, usually goes big for celebrating. We couldn't go to our usual place so it was more subdued of course but it was fun and very nice.
  • finngirl61
    finngirl61 Posts: 122 Member
    Even as I write this I know that its the healthier way to do this but does anyone else ever get discouraged on how long it takes to take off weight compared to how easy it was to put it on?

    I started November 27/2020 at 230 and 215.6 today. Maybe its just that I have unrealistic expectations but sometimes I am feeling discouraged.

    Can anyone else relate?

    I can certainly relate. I started to track last year in December, then quit, then started again in January, then quit again, then started again recently. I'm 69, almost 70, and it's so hard just to lise 5 lbs!! But @jspeyer is right. It is a journey tgat we go on to get healthy again and feel better about ourselves and not cringe when we look in a mirror. I am upping my protein, cutting back on carbs and sugar. Not cutting out carbs, but cutting back. Hang in there. A month, 2 months, 6 month's from now you will be glad you did! Look at @jspeyer- it took her awhile. But she stayed the course. ❤
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Thursday ladies!!

    I know the feeling! I could do well all week and then one bad weekend and I'm up 3 pounds. It takes so much effort to get it off and then if you don't watch it for a day or two it ruins all your progress. I'm on medication that makes me gain weight as well, so it's an uphill battle.

    I like how you said "move with intention". thats a good way to put any and all forms of exercise. Do you set reminders on your phone to track? Sometimes I do that and it helps.

    I've been doin pretty good. Tracking everything. I usually go over by a few calories everyday, still trying to make some adjustments. It's crazy how much your weight fluctuates everyday. I was weighing once a week but I did a couple check ins and it changes so much. I don't know what is accurate, what is water weight, and what is something else. I also work shift work so I find night shifts are difficult. I try to eat light during the day but I have a 4th meal at work (breakfast, lunch, dinner then a midnight meal) so it's hard to stay under my calories. I'm working on it.

  • alymc2
    alymc2 Posts: 9 Member

    I am on the slump struggle bus also. I keep saying, " it's ok I will do better tomorrow." Well my tomorrow is not happening the way it should in my head.
    I am changing 3 things 1- reminding myself daily , Little victories are still victories, 2 - setting goals that will help me reach my end goal, 3 - real accountability is something I need therefore this app and my wellness coach

    You made me think about the phrase "being good". Maybe we strugglers are setting ourselves up to kick ourselves. I am good but am I healthy...no. Reevaluating is a great idea with my brain being set on what are healthy choice instead of "good or bad" choices.

    Thank you for pushing me to think!!! (half the battle)
  • alymc2
    alymc2 Posts: 9 Member
    I need to not ignore my watch. I have set reminders for my watch and my phone but.... I tend to say, " let me finish this and I will move for a bit." Breaking that habit will probably be helpful.

    My wellness coach want me to weigh daily but to average it at the end of the week. He wants to look at things after a full month to see where I really am to create new targets of work. I have never seen or heard of this approach. I do feel looking at a weekly average creates less tension for a daily weigh in. This week is week one for me but will keep you posted on what happens from here.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @alymc2 I've tried to be very intentional about the words I choose to use - in all things, not just weight loss, but definitely in this arena. There are no "bad" foods, no one is "bad" for eating or not eating anything in particular. There are only choices that serve either our short-term goals, or our long-term goals. When I go buy a snack out of the vending machine at work because I'm peckish at 3 PM, that is a choice I'm making, with the full knowledge that this packet of M&Ms is 250 calories that I didn't plan for. The M&Ms didn't happen to me, I chose to buy and eat them because my short-term goal was to not be hungry. Maybe they'll fit into my longer-term goals, like staying under my calorie budget for the day or week, or fitting into a dress size whatever at a certain point in time. Maybe they won't. It's all about choices.
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    I like the idea of weighing daily then taking the average. I can see how it would take the pressure off.

    @speyerj @goal06082021
    You both have such good advice about the language we use and goals! I like the idea of saying "on track" and "off track", because when you say "off track" compared to being "bad" it almost makes you check in and be like whyyy am I off track. I don't know, it feels like a bigger pill to swallow when you are acknowledging that you not on the way to your goals, compared to just saying you're being bad. So thank you for that.

    I just went for a walk in the woods and got lost! my 30min walk turned into an hour and only because I ran into my neighbour who kindly lead me out. Who knows how long I would be out there if I didn't run into her. I was freaking out. Definitely got a good workout in, though!
  • seejanebird
    seejanebird Posts: 5 Member
    Starting over (again). Hoping I can find the right group to help me stay motivated. I like what I read so far!

    I'm Jane and I live in Louisiana (home of best worst food ever :))
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 230is (3/18/2021)
    GW: #1 150ish

    Motivations: Keep metabolic disorder and type 2 diabetes at bay. Relieve knee pain. Relieve plantar fasciitis pain. Travel with my family to cool places!
    Fitness goal: Walking (while birding) daily and bike riding 5mi 3 x per week. I should also add a stretching routing.
    Nutrition goal: ::sigh:: tracking food daily. I get so tired of doing this after a while, but I know it keeps one accountable. Shop the outside of the store; stay away from processed foods as much as possible.

    Evening cocktail: I'm sure that the empty calories in alcohol have been a big contributor to my weight gain. Switching to tea!
    Snacks: my jam is salty-crunchy snacks. I need to have something on hand that fits the bill or I know I'll eat stuff that I should not. I usually "need" one mid-afternoon. I might try protein chips (an exception to the processed food rule). Other suggestions welcome!
    Travel: I travel a good bit and I know the key is to be prepared so I don't resort to fast food and fried crap. BE PREPARED