Calling all runners...



  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 694 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    Congratulations; what a great race and accomplishment. I didn't even know they have such long trail runs. Enjoy your victory.

    Trail run events can be very long.

    I decided to have a go at a trail Ultramarathon. An ultra is anything over the marathon distance.
    The one I'm doing is 100km. Seemed like a good idea at the time :D

    This is super crazy! How did that go?

    It's in a month, I'll let you know!
  • michelle_FR
    michelle_FR Posts: 191 Member
    You rang? 😁
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Spent some quality time in "Hell Canyon" in Borrego Desert California. I got a few short runs in. The heat was overwhelming.

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Spent some quality time in "Hell Canyon" in Borrego Desert California. I got a few short runs in. The heat was overwhelming.


    Absolutely beautiful, but it does look like it would be hell to run.
  • michelle_FR
    michelle_FR Posts: 191 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Spent some quality time in "Hell Canyon" in Borrego Desert California. I got a few short runs in. The heat was overwhelming.


    Just looking at this makes me thirsty 😰
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    So happy to find you guys! My people!! I'm a very slow runner....I call it my sexy turtle pace 🐢lol. I have been running off and on for about 10 years now, mostly off, if I'm being honest with myself. This time I am going to be more consistent with it, I swear 😁!! I usually end up quitting during winter but I'm hoping that keeping in touch with you guys will keep me motivated. Looking forward to reading all about your adventures...and hoping to share a little of mine. 😊
  • Zoomie402
    Zoomie402 Posts: 260 Member
    Devil_Dawg wrote: »
    Hey I'm an off and on runner. Started again a few months after some set back injuries, but hey let the family running team reunion begin.

    I'm in the same boat. An injury got me down, but I'm slowly getting back at it.

    I've ran the Goofy Challenge at Disney, and that same year, the 1/2 marathon in Disney Cali for the coast to coast medal. I've also ran the Chicago Half and countless other smaller races. In January 2020 I attempted to run Dopey, and 15miles into the full marathon, I felt and heard a pop in my foot with pain that shot to my knee. I had injured my plantar tendon. With Covid shutting down everything shortly after, I just lost motivation.

    Now with in person running slowly opening back up, I'm excited to get back at it. My foot gives me some issues even after treatment, but I know it will get stronger with time. I want to do at least one more Disney run before giving up my running career, and maybe a couple of Rock N' Roll's. And, of all things, I have not completed a local half or full marathon in the city I live in, so I need to add that as well!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,509 Member
    Ugh, I'm slightly nervous today, but also curious. Been training for a 10k running plan with a goal pace of 7:30min/km for about 5 weeks now. Most runs were in the range of 4-6.7km. Today there's an 80 minute run on the schedule. 80 minutes..that's nearly 10k for me! What's Garmin doing?!? But anyway: I'll go as far as I can. Aiming at 7km as a certainly, and maybe 8km as a stretch goal.
  • 7under2
    7under2 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, all. Just jumping into the group. I've been running for about 20 years. When I first started I added it to my exercise routine when trying to lose weight at the encouragement of my marathon-running friend. Two years later I had lost 60 pounds and started running full marathons and halfs with him. I was still overweight (200 @ 5'10") and eventually put 40 pounds back on over the years. I still continued to run, though, but it was causing hip problems and other injuries. Now I've recently lost 55 pounds and I'm at my lowest weight ever. Running is even more enjoyable and I'm posting some of my fastest times.
  • Zoomie402
    Zoomie402 Posts: 260 Member
    7under2 wrote: »
    Hey, all. Just jumping into the group. I've been running for about 20 years. When I first started I added it to my exercise routine when trying to lose weight at the encouragement of my marathon-running friend. Two years later I had lost 60 pounds and started running full marathons and halfs with him. I was still overweight (200 @ 5'10") and eventually put 40 pounds back on over the years. I still continued to run, though, but it was causing hip problems and other injuries. Now I've recently lost 55 pounds and I'm at my lowest weight ever. Running is even more enjoyable and I'm posting some of my fastest times.

    This is great to hear! I am in the same boat being overweight (again) and running causing issues. I love hearing that you have lost the weight and that running is more enjoyable.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,509 Member
    Done! Ran 8km at 10k goal pace. Very happy! I might have found some energy to run a bit more, but this was enough for today.
  • Zoomie402
    Zoomie402 Posts: 260 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Done! Ran 8km at 10k goal pace. Very happy! I might have found some energy to run a bit more, but this was enough for today.

    Gettin' that runners high! Well done on your run.
  • lianatherunner
    lianatherunner Posts: 45 Member
    I started running in 2019. I have a couple of half-marathons coming up. I've run the distance a few times now, which is pretty shocking to me. I'm thinking of doing a marathon in 2022, but I'll wait to commit to that when I see how I feel after the next couple of big races.
  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    Jumping on the thread for accountability...
    I did used to run - got as far as a half marathon plus lots of 5 and 10k races... then stopped. Dunno why.
    Now back on the C25K wagon. I'm on week 2, day 2. Just got some nice new trainers as the ones I had previously (for the above mentioned races) are 10 years old and rock hard! Still finding running up hill hard, but the level and down hill sections see me running at 'faster-than-old-me' pace, so I must be doing something right in the meantime!
  • TX_Bluebonnet
    TX_Bluebonnet Posts: 244 Member
    About 10 years ago I started a C25K program and did a 5K, 10K, a bunch of half marathons, a full marathon, and even a mud run. Now after not running for a few years I started back at it again using the same C25K program as before. Earlier this week though I set the program aside at week 5 because I decided I'd just rather jog when I can and walk when I can't. I may eventually go back to the C25K program after the summer heat's over with, but for now I'm enjoying the casual, un-timed jogging/walking process much more.
  • TX_Bluebonnet
    TX_Bluebonnet Posts: 244 Member
    Jumping on the thread for accountability...
    I did used to run - got as far as a half marathon plus lots of 5 and 10k races... then stopped. Dunno why.
    Now back on the C25K wagon. I'm on week 2, day 2. Just got some nice new trainers as the ones I had previously (for the above mentioned races) are 10 years old and rock hard! Still finding running up hill hard, but the level and down hill sections see me running at 'faster-than-old-me' pace, so I must be doing something right in the meantime!

    Glad to see you got some new trainers! Do your body a favor and switch them out way sooner than every 10 years. The recommendations I've read are in the range of every 300-500 miles. I, personally, don't keep track of the actual miles per running shoes because I switch around between various pairs, so instead I just keep an eye on the bottom tread wear.

    As for running up hills, some advice I came across long ago said to think of it as if you were riding a bike and how you'd downshift to a faster cadence (with shorter strides), instead of trying to muscle your way up the hill with a slower cadence (and longer strides). It's pretty flat where I live in Texas, but it really helped me out when I ran some races in hillier areas.
  • anderson_btb
    anderson_btb Posts: 115 Member
    Hello. - runner here. Looking to complete my second marathon this November. Hoping to improve my time over my first marathon this past April.
    If you would like to talk plans and progress connect with me. Looking for ideas and best practices.

    Keep showing up!
  • fit_in_that_little_black_dress
    Hi....Re-joing mfpal....had a rough start to 2021 and am hoping to get myself back into a running routine...Had good intentions in January...joined a run the year deal...2021 miles in 2021. Most of my miles are walking so far, but I did manage to run 7 miles for the past 3 days. Please add me and perhaps we can cheer each othe on.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Only started this year with c25k can run 7k ish now, not very fast though, but do enjoy it