

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 247 Member


    Nice! My husband has a wall full of "single player" board games. He's got a table where he sets up the games, and he figures things out and moves about the board. Its his happy place, rolling the dice many sided dice.
    Many years ago, when the boys were younger, he had the boys playing a sort of D & D game, but with G I Joes. We had a 2 car storage unit filled with a layout of a city, some buildings were ones we bought, and some were boxes we just sprayed with paint that looked like stucco. We even painted a Barbie house gray, and a Barbie cafe'. My husband took photos of each GIJoe and put on posters, with their stats. So they played, learning how to move troops, and strategize. I was in charge of the nurses, and had maybe 7-8. Hobbies are a good thing for a family.👍. My middle son was in robotics and used Legos to build certain things.👍

    This is amazingly cool!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,927 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,829 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,350 Member
    Did Body Attack DVD then took a walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10 Minute Trainer DVD.

    Lisa – I’m so sorry you’re having to go thru all this

    Just soup kitchen today. They don’t have any more shows at the Green Room. Looks like a nice day so I’ll probably go in the pool. Update: they had hot dogs. I was impressed that the cheese sauce they had on the hot dog was homemade, not that Velveeta stuff.

    Allie – the cottage sounds wonderful. If I lived closer, I wouldn’t mind one bit going up there for a few days. Sometimes it’s nice to get away from it all (no internet, TV). Now I know why you find it so relaxing.

    Just ordered a specialty bowling ball for Vince. Yes, it’s going to be a late father’s day present. For some reason, no one mentioned to me about taking a picture of one of his dye-cast cars. Any picture of Kyle Busch (unless it is my personal picture) is copyrighted and they can’t use it. So...I’m going to get him a black ball with a racing flag on it and on top of that the racing car. I think he’s going to like it.

    Went for a walk after dinner.

    Not much else. Trying to find this decoration for the screen door we need to install at the condo but so far unsuccessful. Maybe they no longer carry it.

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,460 Member
    I just told my husband to organize the leftovers on the kitchen.👍🙃💖. I had made sliced turkey, home made mashed potatoes, gravy, cornbread stuffing, and green beans. My favorite meal! I have an urge to take a spoon and dip into leftover gravy then swipe it thru the mashed potatoes! Aaaack. So less to be tempted if he does it! I had 3 scallops sauteed in olive bruschetta with garlic paste, then added a bit of roux and milk. It was put over fettuccine noodles and sprinkled with a bit of parmesan cheese. I then had coffee with a cookie. It was a good day.👍
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,556 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,829 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2021
    We have HOT weather in our forecast for tomorrow. We plan to cover sunny windows and stay inside. Air-conditioning is a blessing. 😎 I have the windows covered and I am ready as I can be. It is currently 10 PM and the air conditioner is running. Even with the air conditioner, the house is warmer than usual. We are lucky to live beside the Columbia River. I think it will make things a little bit more pleasant for us than for some other people.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Planting bulbs and flowers is wonderful. There is satisfaction in creating beauty for yourselves and others. WTG!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,896 Member
    edited June 2021

    Distance: 5.83km
    Elevation: 96m
    Moving Time: 56:08
    Elapsed Time: 1:08:28
    Pace: 9:37/km
    Calories: 606

    I stopped to take a few photos so my elapsed time is a little longer.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,493 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BP, T’ai Chi, returned R’s call.
    Bonus: bank, BiMart, Freddie’s, verified thrift store will take VHS tapes, Whaleshead beach walk with T.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, type hymns, wash comforter, finish guest bed, finish cleaning bathrooms, dust living room, touch up vacuum, wash sofa cover, figure out how to see what’s using all our mobile data, USE those torture bands/do that BB&B video, call S, fire district: finish and email draft minutes, drop off cookies, ongoing: input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Nothing but You, Do Your Thing, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick; practice dances: One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat),); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    Joyful June:
    22-Watch something funny and enjoy how it feels to laugh:
    23-Create a playlist of uplifting songs:
    24-Bring to mind a favorite memory for which you feel grateful:
    25-Show your appreciation to people who are helping others:
    26-Make time to do something playful, just for the fun of it:

    Beth love your 5 gallon garden, what are all those plants? Tomatoes? Basil? ??? amazed at how large plants can grow in those buckets.
    Penny that graph is inspiring. I want to STEP up ;)
    Debbie are there other possible garden volunteer helpers? Perhaps some 4-Hs or Scouts?
    Lisa does the VA have a second opinion or ombudsman option? Sounds like that MD isn’t listening to/believing you. :rage::noway::devil:
    Margaret I harvested the largest baby zuke that had no fading and put it in Joe’s morning veggie bowl. Like you I prefer to use them before they get too big. Will have to google the flowers, at this point I can’t tell the boys from the girls, but there are several so I have hope! The smallest of the faded ones dropped so I popped the other faded one off too.
    Heather amazing beach flowers! Loved the Bea stories and pics too.
    Barbie glad you have a/c. Could the hot weather have contributed to your sinking spell?
    Katla Likewise glad you have a/c. We do not, but fortunately if it gets hot here we can close the drapes, fire up the fans, and survive the couple of days until the fog returns. Joe just told me its forecast to get to 116 in Eugene this weekend, and over 100 in Portland. Don’t think there’s much A/C in Portland, those poor people must be miserable in the heat and humidity.
    Rebecca (((hugs))) have nothing to offer but prayers that Owain is ok and (((hugs))).
    Machka brava for using those power tools!

    At Freddie’s today ran into a gal I met at Better Bones and Balance class. She told me the class will start up again in the fall. Whoopsie! Time to get out those torture bands and start getting ready!!! Well maybe after the cleaning frenzy passes and my guest returns home ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    June: leaner/stronger/kinder than May.
    daily: sit with Joe: 25, weigh/wii: 25/0/0; steps>6362=9736! vits=21, log=25, CI<CO=23, CI<250<CO=17, Tumble=13, Shadow=15 mfp=23, outside=24, up hill=18, clean 10=34.
    wkly: Sun: Mon: Tue:LD=4. Wed:TC=3 PW=2. Thurs:PW=1, watched part of principles of pilates. Fri:TC=4. Sat:PW=2. rX x4=3.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/6:141.8 6/12:142.4 6/20:140.2 6/27: 6/30:
    mnthly: board mtg=1, grant=2, 21 plan=, waist=42.0
    bonus: AF=14 play= sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,048 Member
    Here's a tip for hot weather from one time I lost my air conditioning in Virginia. Run cold water in the tub and soak your feet. Works with dogs too. It will keep your body temp a little cooler. Hope everyone gets through this mess without too much discomfort.

    My cousin's funeral is today. I hope it is short, it will be outdoors and we aren't sure about chairs. There will be small kids too.
    I took over some cake yesterday. I'm ready for the whole thing to be over. Hope I can improve my attitude before I go.

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,221 Member
    edited June 2021
    My German chat didn't work out.
    Firstly she got the time wrong, thinking it was at night, despite me writing 10.30 GMT+1.
    I certainly won't be calling anyone at what would be nearly midnight for her.
    Secondly she did not appear in video, despite me clearly saying we were having a video call. She said she did not want people taking photos of her.
    I do not want to have a phone conversation only.
    So I said it wasn't going to work for me and left.
    Getting one thing wrong is excusable, but two is not.
    Oh well. It had made me wash my hair and put my face on, which is good for me. So I went out to the pharmacy to collect a prescription and then crossed the road to the Mediterranean shop. I bought frozen artichoke hearts and a huge frozen feta tart coil to have when my DSIL comes for the weekend. Her boyfriend is vegetarian. Plus an enormous bag of hummus. The shop is so cheap I am always shocked at the prices.
    Went out for my 5k run this morning and listened to German all the way in preparation for my video call. :# Haven't been running for over a week with the weather and Bea.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    A few that have resonated with me recently. :)


    Machka in Oz

    Machka- I am taking this to heart, this week (my vacation week). It is truth, but so hard to do it and not feel guilty or lazy.

    Katla, Barbie, Rebecca, and others in the PNW- I am just stunned by the heat that you are getting in your area! Do you ever remember having such a stretch of hot weather? My cousin lives near Washougal and says the heat has been crazy! Hang in there and keep cool!

    Lisa- Hugs to you, dear friend! Bless Corey for being so understanding and just sitting and holding your hand while you struggle. Sometimes that is all you need from someone.

    Heather- Love the pics with Bea (she is getting so big) and the pretty wild flowers that grow on your beach! Sorry your German polyglot person didn't work out!

    New girls: Welcome!

    I have been on vacation this week. I didn't go anywhere; so it was a Staycation.
    The temps here, in West Michigan, have been in the 60s all week. So...no beach days for me. Which is okay. I can't remember the last time I laid on a beach and did nothing. We have had rain for about two days straight. Anyway, I felt guilty for a few days for doing nothing but the absolute necessities for the first part of my vacay. I was grumbling about my lack of motivation to get any of the childcare projects started, to my daughter (on the phone) and she said, "Geez, Mom! You are on vacation! You aren't supposed to work! If you are doing things for work, it is no longer a vacation! Just grab a book and some wine and relax!" lol So I am. Unbelievably, I have lost five pounds this week. My only exercise has been a two/three mile walk each day. I have been eating mainly veggies; but have splurged once or twice on some breads. I have also managed to consume about six bottles of wine over the course of the past seven days. But still lost five pounds.... It's a vacation mystery. :| ttfn xoxoxo KJ