Let it GO! Decluttering (simplifying) your life of (people, places or things) success stories?



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,140 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal and @sargemarcori

    You ladies are on a roll. How inspiring! I may take a break this week from organizing and de-clutting since I have several appointments and I don't want to star anything that I can't finish the same day.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    @Gisel2015 - I agree that it helps to clear ‘headspace’ while decluttering. Best wishes with your appointments. I have A LOT of work ahead so I’ll be here for a while and look forward to supporting one another when you are ready!
  • Sixteen_Tons
    Sixteen_Tons Posts: 61 Member
    Below is a rambling post I did yesterday. In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned one past guilt I was working on.
    I've since moved this to the 'Things I can't change category'. I'm moving on, just trying to resolve the result. Ex- engineer, hate incongruities.

    " Hi all,
    I know this is completely not a weight loss issue, but, I need some perspective. As part of reaching out, today I had breakfast with an old girlfriend (it's very, very over.) My wife will always be my love, 40 years & counting.

    I have to admit it was a real eye opener, when we were dating she was always a little risk adverse, to the point she wouldn't try new things because she might fail. I was working with her to try new "safe' things and it seemed to be working. Eventually after 4 years we broke up because she would not even discuss the possibility of having a family.

    Scroll forward 40 years, she has had one relationship 30 years ago. Since then she has completely isolated herself, to the point of having no outside interests, except gong to work at a job she's over-qualified for. she lives with her father, and literally only goes out for work. She had breakfast with me because of our past, but, will not even consider a continuing friendship.

    Can anybody help me understand this, I've never been a people person, but, I have a good life, a great family, some outside interests, and fond memories of the past, except this one.

    I'm baffled by this. Can anybody make sense of this? I know I can't change things, but, for my own peace of mind I need to understand it.

    I'm so sad for her, she had such potential and choose to become a hermit. Has anyone else seen this in someone close to them?"
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,174 Member
    I made the decision to throw out my marriage about 2.5 years ago. During that time, I got rid of a lot, but more stress was added, as he made my life a living hell.
    But I sorted through all of our belongings, packed up all of his, and sent him on his way.
    Since then, I managed to get custody and mobility rights, and moved my son and I across the country.
    To do this, I had to massively downsize. I took a 1500sq ft home stuffed full of belongings, and a 2000 sq ft art studio plus two garages, and downsized it all to fit in a 5x8 Uhaul trailer.
    I had a small library, over 50,000 books. I can fit all my absolute favorite books onto 1 bookshelf now, with room to spare. My art supplies were massively downsized. I went through my belongings multiple times, minimizing what I wanted and needed, and only brought the things that I truly loved.
    I got rid of almost all my furniture, save a double sized bed for my son, and a small dresser. We brought out our favorite books (12 bankers boxes full), our favorite clothes (4 totes full), a few odds and ends, and my art supplies and gear (Which is my profession).
    I still had room in the trailer, as well!
    We packed it all up and moved it across the country, in my truck, and I have not missed anything I left behind, besides my best friend.

    Since then, I have only bought a handful of items. A few new sets of clothes, since most of mine didn't fit, a computer for work, a few odds of things for work, a smart watch for my fitness health, a new set of headphones for working out, and I did buy two new to me books and a pair of running shoes.

    I want nothing more to do with clutter. I don't want my belongings to weigh me down.

    And it feels so good now.

    So proud of you- what courage you had!
    I'm thinking moving across the country was a wise move- the more distance you have from him, the more peace.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,174 Member
    Currently I am not sleeping well. I was thinking one reason could be is that I have a bed with storage drawers underneath; i bought it when I had a small apartment. I think it inhibits energy flow. I will declutter those drawers and put things in containers and donate some items.

    I have a lot of journals in those drawers; some empty and some full. I don't know what to do with them. Do you throw away journals? Who would want to read them besides me?
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,140 Member

    I wish I had an answer for you but journalism was never something that I was interested in doing. I did start one 55 years ago (very young and naive), and I stopped writing after 8 to 10 pages. I was going to dispose of it, but as long as my husband and I are still alive, I will keep it. That is if I find it, because I don't even know where it is now.

    If what your wrote will help you in the future, or if you documented historical events, maybe you can keep it. If not, just put it way and review your writings once a year until you decide what the best option is.
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