

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member

    Did Gilad Strength in Motion DVD then I started to go for a walk and it started to rain hard so I went home and just rode the recumbent bike. Although it isn’t raining right now, I don’t want to take a chance that it will start to rain. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill, but if it’s raining I’ll just forgo it and do a DVD at home. Soup kitchen tomorrow.

    Kim – have you ever heard of the book “Get out of My Life but first would you drive me and cheryl to the mall”. I swear, when Jess was a teenager, I used to take that book into the bathroom otherwise I was afraid I’d kill her (jk about the kill part, but I did need to calm down).

    Vince saw this cat at the Humane Society in the paper (they routinely advertise cats and dogs that they have). The cat is 11 years old and he was talking about how it probably won’t get adopted. If we were to get another cat, I honestly don’t want an older one because it’ll most likely pass on at the same time as our others. They are like 12, 11, and 10. I don’t know if he’s ready for another one or not.

    Sharon Seattle – I never add in my exercise calories, either. But I do admit that in the evening I might have some saltine crackers and/or applesauce and figure that can come out of my exercise calories. I usually burn (according to the pedometer) about 200/day so I figure I’m OK. Many times I have a hot flash and keep the applesauce in the freezer. The mahjongg I play is the American Mahjongg. You have a card with “hands” and you have to match your hand to the one on the card. I have a book called “Winning American Majongg” by Elaine Sandberg. The site we use is Real Mahjongg Online. The good thing is if you don’t have 4 players, the computer sits in as the 4th (or however many is needed) player.

    Karen – you might very well be on to something about that guy being on the spectrum.

    I think it’s good that we talk about other things than food/exercise. Oh, that’s good. But our lives also affect how/what we eat. I know that when I’m stressed or bored, eating is my go-to. Yet, I know there are some people who when they are stressed eat less. Wish I was one of them! Another thing is that by talking about other things, we can get a different perspective. Like I never thought of that uncommunicative, un-looking guy as being a video gamer or on the spectrum. I have a feeling that on the spectrum is more like it, but I’m not sure. And I’ll never be.

    Barbara – I was thinking of Lowes or Home Depot mainly because they do open earlier. But then I was thinking that in a way this might also be a blessing in disguise. I told you we need a new door at the condo. Well, now I can go down and help Vince paint it. And sometimes when someone says they’ll be there to do work, they don’t come. I can wait until they do come and not have the pressure of “I have to get back to work” Then I know that I want to go to Iowa for Thanksgiving since Jess can’t come home this year. Then it’s Christmas and we’ll be going to FL in Feb. So maybe after that. I’m so blessed that I’m not in the position of HAVING to work but WANTING to work and help people. My problem at Lowes or Home Depot is that I’m not very handy so I don’t know how much help I’d be to a customer other than being a cashier. And who knows how things will be in March? Maybe some of the fast food places will be open for breakfast, not just drive thru. So we shall see what time brings.

    KJ – one of the things I think about is I wonder how Pete is going to take PJ’s teen years? Pete seems to have this idea that things are going to go a certain way, and we know that teens many times have their own ideas. We’ll see…..

    BG gypsie – welcome.

    RV Rita – I understand that they just found parts of a UFO. How’s that affecting you?’

    joy…. - welcome. I’m sorry about the diagnoses, but so glad that you are cancer free. Keep coming here for encouragement

    Vicki – if you’d like to, you can come to NC to clean <hint, hint>. Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever had bear meat. After what you said, I really don’t care to, either

    I’ve started again crocheting those towel toppers, mainly because I got some summer towels. I saw what they were charging for those towels at the farmers market and I almost died. I recognized some of the towels as having come from the dollar tree. It took me an hour to do the whole thing.

    Went for my walk then played mahjongg by the pool. Had to come in early since my tablet’s battery was running low

    Lisa – nice roof

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus. They can always find a child or a teenager in need of a blanket. Besides the joy of giving, I also have the joy of choosing the colors and pattern that I want rather than having to do what someone else wants. I did red, pink, and purple for awhile and now I'm doing red, white, and blue. I order the yarn online so I am not at the mercy of what colors are available at a local store. Also I don't go into stores now.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Lisa like the new roof!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Allie - It is illegal here too over 44 hours unless you are a Manager or Supervisor. I know I could call the Labor Board and would get paid, but I also know that employers always figure out a way of firing someone after a complaint has been made so I’m weighing my options carefully. For now, I’m leaving it as is because there are so many positives to the job. This Administrator keeps talking about retiring so I’m waiting to see how it all plays out.

    I’m so relieved your son took your advice. It might be a hard road to travel but maybe it is a start on the journey.

    Barbara - Sorry you were disappointed. I understand it but I don’t have any sound advice to help you change your expectations.

    Katla - your sitting room sounds beautiful. I would sit there looking at the scenery as well.

    Heather - I’m sorry your plan for Johnny fell through he would have been thrilled to be invited to your son’s to watch the game. Hopefully Bea stays Covid free.

    Rita - I wouldn’t call myself religious either. I don’t go to church or anything anymore but I do believe that prayer works and that saying helped me immensely. I believe my husband had been depressed for a number of years, during those years I lost my Grandmother, our girls both moved out, I lost my Dad and we had several financial setbacks one after the other. When we lost our house my husband wouldn’t even go to court with me or work harder at finding work. He didn’t work for 2 years before we lost it and didn’t for more than a year after. I was holding a lot of resentment and had lost a lot of respect for him. I hope your husband keeps his word and tries hard for you.

    Annie - I was thinking that I needed to ask some of the writers on here for advice on where to learn to set a scene and explain feelings and moods. I don’t want to be an author but I do want to write a memoire for my daughters. Over the last year I have been reading my Mom’s diaries and they have brought up so many memories of my youth that I want to share them. My thought is to copy my Mom’s diary entry and in some my Grandmother’s too and then write my memory of the event. An example would be putting Mom’s and Grammie’s entries on the day they became a Grandmother and Great Grandmother and then telling how I felt to be a Mother.
    My Grandmother’s diary on that day started with “I’ve always thought myself a great grandmother and today I was awarded the title”. She went on to put Lauryn’s name, birth date/weight/time and her impression of meeting and holding her for the first time.
    I want to be able to express how I felt and I’m not sure how to do that and really get the feeling across.

    Sue - I hope your Mom comes with you, I agree at that age she should be able to do as she pleases.

    I was off today and it was really too hot to do much. My daughter and granddaughter came out to help me clean up the craftroom a bit so I can put the Grands in there to sleep this weekend. I did go stock up on some treats and ran some errands. It was nice to be in air conditioned spaces. One of my errands was getting my glasses tightened up, wearing goggles over them for the last 7 months had stretched the nose piece and misaligned the bows a bit because of the pressure. My eyes have been strained because I wear progressives and I couldn’t keep them where they needed to be. We were set free of goggles on Monday so I thought it would be worth it how to get them fixed.

    It is currently 945 pm and 21C so I think it’s time I go water my plants.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Snowflake))) - The room where I look out the window is wonderful. I have a comfortable chair & frequently look at the Columbia River. Seeing the river is a delight. :heart: The Columbia River headwaters are in Canada and eventually go past my house on the way to the Pacific Ocean. :star:

    I spent a good long while trying to find the right yarn to make a baby blanket for our newest unborn grandson. I hope to get the yarn and complete the knitting well before DGS is born. :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Morning ladies,very early morning..
    I am taking something called Mega Health Blood Builder that has iron,b12,beets etc in it,honestly it has been odd,the last few days i have been going on 4-5 hrs sleep and dont need a nap which i guess is a good thing..
    We are supposed to get the remnants of Elsa here today ,so will work inside house today,leave Homie at Toms ,dont want to go out in torrential rain..
    Havent heard anything from disability and its close to 4 months since I filed but i know it takes time.
    Ill try and get some.more rest,have comfirmed my appointment for the sleep study Sunday night,geesh i hope i dont have sleep apnea,one less thing i have to worry about.
    Havent heard from my brother in a week,abd have totally blocked my SIL from social media ,just cant take the negativity anymore..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    You know you're tired when ...

    We were up early today to get my husband his Pfizer - second jab.

    When we came home, I laid down for a 1 hour nap and got up 3 hours later!

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,455 Member

    Yes. A thousand times yes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Friday! I wish it really made a difference in the scheme of things, but it is Friday and tomorrow is short work day!
    I left migraine medicine at home yesterday morning, so left work to come home and get it. I was going to just deal with it until I got home, then decided that was a BAD idea. If caught early it sometimes only takes one pill. I wish I could say I was productive yesterday at work, but between migraine, meds, and SIL leaving at noon......I got a couple of things done in between customers. SIL told me last night she just cried most of the day. Like I really care anymore. I have a migraine, yet was at work. SMH. I really am trying to quit whining but...
    Oldest mechanic is not in good health. He had a brain anyurism (sp) in the early 90s and survived in tact. Did really well until he was finally permitted to drink alcohol occasionally. Well, he is an alcoholic and there is no occasionally. He has been in not good health for at least the last 20 years. Another anyurism, CO poisoning, "episodes" where he about passes out, lastly a stroke. I can't change him, I know that, but neither do I understand. Most people would have died already, but somehow he pulls through it all! I swear he is afraid of the shower/bath. Combine that with lingering alcohol and it is awful! He thinks it is good that he wears the same pants he did in jr high. (I think those are even too big now). He has two adorable grandchildren and just doesn't GAF! He was suppose to train my son in law on repairs, but......yeah.....he couldn't be bothered after getting someone in that he actually respects. So yesterday when he left due to the 3rd episode in an hour, I asked what we are planning on doing about the situation. Response from DH and Sister in law-" What do you want us to do? We have tried hiring with no success. " Actually, I tried hiring. I tried to run the ads, but they didn't like my wording. I changed to their wording, we did get a few applicants. Hired 2, neither still work there. I could help in the back of the shop if SisIL would stay and knew more than the books. I CAN'T do more than I already am though. No one wants to work with a grump *kitten*, smelly, mean, and disorganized person. No one wants to work being micromanaged with no distinctive job. No one wants to work where they get no training. I fear the shop won't survive then next two years if something doesn't change. It may not last that long if my son in law doesn't get some appreciation and respect for all he does. He is now carrying most of the repairs, pick up and delivery, clean up in the back of the shop, and helping up front (more so if I am not there. For starters, maybe we need to schedule in a business consultant to come in, observe, suggest, and train how to make our business better. Cleanliness, organization, computers, and comforts might go a long way! With most of our manufacturers doing more and more with the mass merchants, I see a bleak future for small dealers. I am not a business degree holder, but do know that you have to provide excellent service and value to keep the customers coming back. That starts with exceeding expectations. Clean and well lit showroom and equipment, a clean and organized repair area. Mechanics who are properly trained and working in a positive, clean, organized, and comfortable area. Job descriptions, expectations, and rewards. Gone are the days of people just wanting to work and think for themselves about what needs doing. Yes, this all takes time and money, but are not impossible. All I know is that if things don't change soon, I may be retired (or looking for a different job) sooner rather than later. The blinders need to come off the two owners! I seriously feel like the only two people who care are me and my son in law ( and his care is quickly fading!) I think that as soon as he can get their house out of mine and my DH's name, he will quit. That means maybe another year or two. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. Yes, what I want done takes money, time, and energy, but the outcome would be so worth it. Give me a reason to raise prices. I need to show customers professionalism, cleanliness, and timely repairs done right the first time. To do that I need more people willing to work. For that I need an environment for them to work in that values and rewards them. I need trained mechanics and counter help. I want to work 30-40 hours a week. I want a better work/life balance. I want a few Saturdays off a month. I need to visit other shops in town. Maybe I need my brother to come into town to help us make the changes necessary to be the place everyone wants to work. He has built and sold a multi-million dollar repair business (yes cars not mowers, but same concept). Maybe I need to just walk away (can't do) I feel like I am in the rapids which are getting rougher as I get closer to the waterfall. No business is perfect, but things need to change or that won't be a worry anymore.

    Thank you for letting me vent. I don't know where else to do it.

    Kylia in Ohio trying to keep from going over the falls

    PS: A local restaurant is no longer open for lunches due to lack of employees. SMH!

    Who owns the business?

    If you are not the owner, you can leave and go wherever you want to go. Although if your DH is an owner, that could be problematic. What kind of work would you LIKE to do?

    I don't think I could work for family or in a situation where I am excessively attached to the job. I like a certain amount of distance between work and home and I like knowing that I could hand in my notice at any time and go ... if I wanted to.

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Machka- My husband and his sister own it. Our customers think I do. When I asked why? The responses were
    I seemed to know what was going on.
    I provide good customer service.
    I know the products and parts.
    I am always there.
    One day, someone asked me when did we hire the new girl. I was confused....then realized they were talking about SIL. They were surprised when I told them she was an owner.
    So yes, me leaving would be problematic.
    Some days I do wish I could just leave though. While everyone is replaceable, I think if I left, the place would go out of business. Not a happy position to be in.