Begin Again......AGAIN



  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    March 27: 187.6
    April 3: 183.4
    April 10: 184
    April 17:183.2

    Total loss:4.4lbs

    April 24: 182
    May 1:185

    March 27 was the end of aunt flo. Then may 1 was the end of aunt flo. Looking at that # tells me I lost a solid 2 lbs. I ain't mad at it!! Progress is progress!! I need to get my calories under control. I been emotional eating real bad. Finished taxes yesterday and celebrated with ice cream and Oreos soooooo much stress comes with tax time!! Being a business owner is exhausting enough and now we are starting a second business!! Yep!! Let's just see if we can make my head explode this year!! Hahaha
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    I've been back 175 days and I have gained 15 lbs I am in a struggle yes I lost 2 of those lbs I gained. Just a lil frustrated yesterday I did not log. Ate ok for the first half of the day and then I just lost it. I wanna do this for real and keep it off. I've never had this much trouble getting started before. 😢😢😢Y'all I'm a lil down today
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @Be_theBest_Me awww hun, we're here for you. you got this. just one day at a time. don't think about anything else except today and it will carry on. sending hugs ❤️
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Ok sooooooo I'm really giving it my all. 183.4 yesterday! Today up +.4. that's not bad with a rest day yesterday and I did have 2 cupcakes. Ate early and went to bed at like 4:30!!! Yep!! Slept 12 hours!! It's crazy!!!! I am a lil sore. Well here's to progress!! I need this.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Okie dokie good morning in a good rythum I think now. I did eat in the middle of the night. Gotta get those late night feeling like I'm starving cravings down. Gotta go for the water not the grazing ......184.2 ate salty pork chop bites in the middle of the night. Lil bloated today 😳ok gonna work on that
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Y'all need a lil update!! 179.8 making some progress happen!! Been busy!! Got family coming down All the time and business is finally getting back to normal!! The ranch is growing like crazy and we are pushing to have more jobs going soon!!! Been doing some IF! That's helping me remember what hunger is and that it's ok to be hungry for a lil bit!! Excited to get back in the swing and make some strides happen again!!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @Be_theBest_Me how're u getting on hun?
  • teeenabeana
    teeenabeana Posts: 92 Member
    Same here! This is my third time tracking on MFP, but I know that if I did it before I can do it again. Here's to losing the quarantine weight! Looking for support buddies, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    @Be_theBest_Me how're u getting on hun?

    Well PMS set me back again but I'm getting back on track and pressing forward. My mom caused some stress eating. Trying to see why I eat and make sure it is for the right reasons!! Overall doing ok!! How are you ma'am??
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Same here! This is my third time tracking on MFP, but I know that if I did it before I can do it again. Here's to losing the quarantine weight! Looking for support buddies, feel free to add me as a friend!

    Glad you added me!! We can cheer each other on and watch progress happen!!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    @Be_theBest_Me how're u getting on hun?

    Well PMS set me back again but I'm getting back on track and pressing forward. My mom caused some stress eating. Trying to see why I eat and make sure it is for the right reasons!! Overall doing ok!! How are you ma'am??

    doing OK too. treadmill arrives today!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    March 27: 187.6
    April 3: 183.4
    April 10: 184
    April 17:183.2

    Total loss:4.4lbs

    April 24: 182
    May 1:185
    May 7: 183.4
    May 13:181

    Total loss:1

    May 22:179.4
    May 28: 182 aunt flo
    June 4:184ugh
    June 10:

    Overall loss:3.6 as of today

  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Y'all starting all over again ugh 😫 I feel like I'm stuck in a bad movie
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    me too 😢
  • IDoThisForMe69
    IDoThisForMe69 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I'm starting over again for like the 3rd time, I think...maybe it's the 4th. I've lost over 100 pounds 2 separate times now. I have zero excuses for gaining the weight back and discontinuing working out. Just lazy and I like food. I started walking again last Monday (7/12/21) and have only missed one day of either walking outside or going to the gym and using the treadmill. I also started logging my food again. My relationship with food is so unhealthy that it causes me anxiety when I first start this process. I am not actually going by BMI to set a goal weight, my coach set one for me, because the BMI charts are just not realistic...not for me...not for anyone. That being said, I still have over 150 pounds to lose...for the 3rd time.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    hey how're u @Be_theBest_Me
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    hey how're u @Be_theBest_Me

    Been super stressed and trying to get my mind in control!! Sitting at 184 right now!! How are you
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @Be_theBest_Me awww bless. you got this hun! I'm back on track, just a few lbs away from my lowest so hoping that will be gone in no time. nearly at my first 14lbs again.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    @Be_theBest_Me awww bless. you got this hun! I'm back on track, just a few lbs away from my lowest so hoping that will be gone in no time. nearly at my first 14lbs again.

    Keep it up!!! That's wonderful