Fun & Fit Sized - for the under 5'4" crowd - September 2011



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Check in if you can this weekend. Let us all know how you are doing. Posting is good for the soul.

  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi again! I'm just two weeks away from my first half marathon and today's 12 mile run was pretty tough!!! I did it, and I'm glad I don't have to do it again for another week, but I'm pretty proud of myself today!

    Having lost close to 50 pounds, I'm having trouble knowing how much smaller I should expect to get. My chiropractor looked at me this week and said she hoped I was about done, but I still think I could lose another 5-10 pounds and not be "too skinny" which is funny because I was so fat for 20 years!!!! Anyway, I'm hoping when I get there I'll know, but I really don't even care how much smaller I get, I just want to be healthy. Wearing a size six is amazing, but at 5'2" I should have been here all along!!!!

    Ok, I'm getting up to make some grilled chicken tacos for lunch (my first attempt, I hope they taste good!). Have a great weekend!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: This has been a much too busy day and I've had to budget my time, so for the first time in a long time, I didn't post food or exercise.:noway: I had to be somewhere at 7:30 this morning so I got up an hour earlier than usual so I'd have time to do my regular routine that includes walking the dogs for an hour
    this was a good chance to find out what it will be like in the winter when our days are so short.......we walked from 5:15 to 6:30 beginning in the dark so we walked on the streets that are flat and clean and everyone's house has a light in front......then when it started to get light we ventured down the paths into the open morning event went well but I was tired when I got home and hubby had steaks to grill
    our first bbq in our new house
    then I took a nap and went off to another event where once again I said no to birthday cake----tonight there were three of us declining the treat :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I leave at 10 AM tomorrow to go to a five day line dance workshop----.I can walk from the hotel to where the workshop is, so that along with full days and evenings of dancing should keep me burning calories......I packed my Isagenix supplies so I can prepare most of my own meals in my hotel room and avoid the pitfalls of restaurant eating.

    :sad: the wifi in the hotel isn't too good and last year I had to carry my laptop to the lobby to connect, so I plan to budget my computer time which may result in no posting of food and exercise but give me a chance to read the posts and check in with you
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Tomorrow is the day. I can officially workout again. I am super excited!! I have gained 8lbs since my surgery. I guess thats not to bad since my eating hasn't been the greatest and I haven't been able to workout at all. It's time to get back at it and start my training for my next 1/2 marathon which will be in April again. Can't wait for that first run!!:love::love: :love:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    trying to get back on track this week.... I've been pretty MIA the last couple of weeks!! It's been so freakin' busy at work, OT, run around all day kinda days. Blah. Doesn't exactly inspire one to go home and exercise. I was still eating well for the most part but not logging anything and after a week and a half of that and zero exercise i had only gained a pound and a half so it's nice to know that my metabolism is starting to understand what the heck it's supposed to do!! I've really been struggling with getting myself to exercise. I've been extra busy at work because we had a couple of medical assistant quit and haven't replaced them yet so that leaves busier times for the rest of us!! Which I don't mind, it just makes it hard to muster up the oomph to go home after a long busy workday and exercise. GAHH!! I need to really kick myself in the butt about that. I have to focus on the positive though, I've been excellent nutrition-wise!! Not many really bad meals, only sugary things here and there (like today..... I was WEAK!!! I gave into a craving for a large deli-style chocolate chip cookie. SO BAD!!!! ..... but so good :o) ) So anyways that's my challenge!! So here's to exercising after a busy workday with overtime!!! i really need to get myself to do it.

    Hey, just realized- that week and a half I wasn't logging I'd guess i was taking in 1600ish cals a day give or take some splurges.... so my system does seem to like more calories as far as maintaining goes.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Hey everybody!!

    Today I had my first pool-time in physical therapy. Jeannie you are right - the pool is an amazing workout. The therapist kept telling me breathe I don't want you to pass out in the pool. That made me a little nervous! I did NOT want to get out. The water was so warm. I can already tell that PT is helping my foot and the walk back to the printer/fax at work is getting faster. I am able to do the elliptical as well (working my way up on minutes) but I can't walk for exercise yet. She doesn't want me to hurt myself further. I am concentrating on what I CAN do. My eating is not perfect. I don't think it will ever be. I have to be in this for the long haul and I have to have my treats. I want to enjoy life!!
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I'm 5'3. So glad August is over, way too hot! Looking forward to cooler fall days.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am having a great time at the line dance workshop:bigsmile: dancing 8:30-noon, 1:00 to 3:30 and 7:00 to 9:00. I've been walking from the hotel to the workshop, morning and at lunchtime and driving over at night so I'm adding a lot steps to my pedometer. I'm eating only the Isagenix food I brought from home except for a lapse into that yummy trail mix with the M&Ms, nuts, and raisins, On Thursday I'll have pizza and salad with the group but I've declined going to restaurants for dinner and the sandwich lunches on site :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: daybyday, how great that PT is working for you and you're seeing results:bigsmile: glad you're enjoying life :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    Ok:) I am 5'1" would love to join!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tomorrow is the day. I can officially workout again. I am super excited!! I have gained 8lbs since my surgery. I guess thats not to bad since my eating hasn't been the greatest and I haven't been able to workout at all. It's time to get back at it and start my training for my next 1/2 marathon which will be in April again. Can't wait for that first run!!:love::love: :love:

    Babygurl - I have running too. It went better than I thought it would. I am trying for twice a week. Good luck coming back. Jeannie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My son is back in the hospital again for wanting to kill himself. This is our third round with it. I actually ate emotionally for the first time in years. The sugar made me ill. lol and I hope I have learned my lesson. I will catch up on the posts later today.

    Hanging in there,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Tomorrow is the day. I can officially workout again. I am super excited!! I have gained 8lbs since my surgery. I guess thats not to bad since my eating hasn't been the greatest and I haven't been able to workout at all. It's time to get back at it and start my training for my next 1/2 marathon which will be in April again. Can't wait for that first run!!:love::love: :love:

    Babygurl - I have running too. It went better than I thought it would. I am trying for twice a week. Good luck coming back. Jeannie

    I keep trying to add running to my fitness plan and I finally realized (at age 65) that I never liked running and never was a runner so why would it be different now? I love to walk and dance and that keeps me busy enough. Best wishes to both of you on your running.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :sad: :sad: Jeannie, I am so sorry about your son's troubles and yours as his mom........hang in there :heart:
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My son is back in the hospital again for wanting to kill himself. This is our third round with it. I actually ate emotionally for the first time in years. The sugar made me ill. lol and I hope I have learned my lesson. I will catch up on the posts later today.

    Hanging in there,


    Jeannie, so sorry you are going thru this. It must be awful! Sending hugs from all of us!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    So grateful to see curvy women here! For me personally, my hips are 7 inches wider than my waist, and I have an hourglass (thank goodness) figure. However, clothes are challenging to make me not appear larger than what I am: a distortion that I look at and believe that I am that frumpy looking. August was good to me, I started at 130, and on such a small person that is one huge difference in appearance.

    I am 4'11" and currently weigh 117. My goal weight is 115, maybe as low as 110. Don't want to lose the curves (and I don't think that I can anyhow) but I definitely want to tone. Something I guess I really need to get off my butt and make a bigger commitment to.

    Nikstergirl - wow, 12 mile run! and 50 lbs, sounds like you're really doing well.
    porffor - my calorie intake I try to maintain 1000 to 1400, going towards 1400 if I exercise but really no higher (I don't exercise much anyhow). But I'm much shorter. I do know that it's such an individual balancing act and if you don't eat enough then you don't lose.

    Jeannie - what a horrific experience as a parent, I'm so sorry.
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    This sounds like a great group! I am short myself.... I am only 5'0. August was my new starting month for my diet. I had originally started a diet back in March, but w/ in one week of starting my diet, I found out I was going to get laid off in June, and then the following week I got a really bad cold. I lost my motivation.

    I started my motivation back about a month ago. My boyfriend/fiancee is also losing weight and doing really well! His weight almost caught up to mine. I didn't want him to weigh less than me, so I got my motivation back! So, last month was good for me! I also joined a gym and I go 3-4 times a week.

    So far September has been good also. Since I have started the diet again, I am noticing the weight come off. I do love keeping track of what I eat on a daily basis.

    If anyone wants to add me for motivational support - please feel free. More friends for motivation - the better! :smile:
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My son is back in the hospital again for wanting to kill himself. This is our third round with it. I actually ate emotionally for the first time in years. The sugar made me ill. lol and I hope I have learned my lesson. I will catch up on the posts later today.

    Hanging in there,


    Jeannie - I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I am somewhat understand. Even though I am not a parent, I grew up with a mother who is bipolar, and she tried to kill herself and was in and out of hospitals when I was in high school. I hope he will recover soon!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers and thanks to all for the support for my son and our family. I am hanging in there and get to see him tonight. Visiting hours are very restricted right now.

    I have been snacking when I shouldn't and hope to get that under control today.

    Shorty - I am glad that your boyfriend is on the same track as you.

    Barbie - somehow I think walking frisky poodles might count as running.

    Happy Friday all,

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    That's happened with a family member of mine in the past, so I feel your pain... literally. Stay strong!! At least he's getting treatment whether he wants it or not and they can try to help him through things.

    well, I've been trying SO HARD to get back on track but dang it's been tough. I thought I had mentally re-commited myself but not fully aparently! I've been eating well apart from a few slips and I've already exercised twice this week, hopefully again tonight and tomorrow sometime to get four in this week. That's a win for me I think! It's hard to celebrate the small accomplishments, I always think I need to do more, ya know? But hey, working full time it's pretty good I got 2 or 3 workouts in this week!!

    Happy friday ladies! I'm so glad it's the weekend. It's been such a busy work week, had a few late days with OT. looong week- glad to relax this weekend!!
  • chelebe
    chelebe Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join. I am 5'1 and my nickname at work is "short round". Yea that make you feel great on a bad day.

    I am an emotional eater and I have lost 17 lbs but now I have stalled. I would like to lose about 30 more. I would like to break my invisible ceiling of 173 lbs.

    thanks for adding me to your group.:wink:
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Jeannie I am sorry to hear about your sons relapse. Hang in there it will get better. Go for a jog it helps get rid of stress. You will feel so much better when your done. Hugs and kissess going your way dear!!!:smooched: :smooched: