GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I got back to the weight room Thursday, but my lifts are so light. I looked back at some notes from 2019, and I was about +30lbs on squat, +40lb dreads, +20 bench. So disheartening...

    OK I’m old as dirt besides which everything hurts, so I guess I come at this a little different but I figure every day I show up is a win.

    I’ve had to tell myself, I’m lifting way more than people who don’t, I can’t increase every time, eventually there’s a glass ceiling, and although I don’t table dance in 6-8 inch heels or HIIT Mr Baby One More Time every second day, I do yoga and other stuff, and how awful would it be if shooting above my ability in one medium shipwrecked the other things I love doing?

    It’s not like I’m competing. Problem is, I think folks like us compete with ourselves. I’m both proud to be one of those people nowadays, and a little concerned about folks like us knowing when to reel it in.

    The constant push push push, at least for me, is part of my OCD type AAAAAA personality.

    TL:DR Jeez, lady, if you’ve been away for a minute, cut yourself some slack.


    I have to agree for the most part. I wouldn't say you are old as dirt😉
    I know something is usually better than nothing. I still want to lift and be strong, but I have to deal with weird schedule and the AC going out(again). My husband keeps reminding me that I'm old(I don't feel old) and that one wrong move could result in permanent injury. I went back to lift today, broken AC and all. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
  • theeldestberry
    theeldestberry Posts: 815 Member
    I got back to the weight room Thursday, but my lifts are so light. I looked back at some notes from 2019, and I was about +30lbs on squat, +40lb dreads, +20 bench. So disheartening...

    OK I’m old as dirt besides which everything hurts, so I guess I come at this a little different but I figure every day I show up is a win.

    I’ve had to tell myself, I’m lifting way more than people who don’t, I can’t increase every time, eventually there’s a glass ceiling, and although I don’t table dance in 6-8 inch heels or HIIT Mr Baby One More Time every second day, I do yoga and other stuff, and how awful would it be if shooting above my ability in one medium shipwrecked the other things I love doing?

    It’s not like I’m competing. Problem is, I think folks like us compete with ourselves. I’m both proud to be one of those people nowadays, and a little concerned about folks like us knowing when to reel it in.

    The constant push push push, at least for me, is part of my OCD type AAAAAA personality.

    TL:DR Jeez, lady, if you’ve been away for a minute, cut yourself some slack.


    Progress is built on the half-assed workout.

    Anybody can do it on the days they feel great. Doing something when you don't want to it's what keeps the eventual progress possible.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    I did it! New 1RM for bench press...

    130lb!! (last tested 1RM was 115 lb)

    Except...I'm a bit sad. My butt lifted off the bench, so it wouldn't have been a pass in a comp... But it went up easy, so I know I can do it. 😊. 135 was a no go, though.


    It's funny, because the 135 fail is sticking with me more than the 130 complete... And even that is bugging me because it wasn't flawless. Sigh. #perfectionist

    I almost want to go back down and try 130 again. Lol.
  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I did it! New 1RM for bench press...

    130lb!! (last tested 1RM was 115 lb)

    Except...I'm a bit sad. My butt lifted off the bench, so it wouldn't have been a pass in a comp... But it went up easy, so I know I can do it. 😊. 135 was a no go, though.


    It's funny, because the 135 fail is sticking with me more than the 130 complete... And even that is bugging me because it wasn't flawless. Sigh. #perfectionist

    I almost want to go back down and try 130 again. Lol.

    Lady I would be thrilled if I hit that with my entire *kitten* off the bench! That teeny tiny lift was nothing!!! You aren’t talking comp PR’s so I say it counts 😁😘
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    I did it! New 1RM for bench press...

    130lb!! (last tested 1RM was 115 lb)

    Except...I'm a bit sad. My butt lifted off the bench, so it wouldn't have been a pass in a comp... But it went up easy, so I know I can do it. 😊. 135 was a no go, though.


    It's funny, because the 135 fail is sticking with me more than the 130 complete... And even that is bugging me because it wasn't flawless. Sigh. #perfectionist

    I almost want to go back down and try 130 again. Lol.

    Lady I would be thrilled if I hit that with my entire *kitten* off the bench! That teeny tiny lift was nothing!!! You aren’t talking comp PR’s so I say it counts 😁😘

    I'm taking it! 😁 Next big assed goal is 150. 😁
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    I did it! New 1RM for bench press...

    130lb!! (last tested 1RM was 115 lb)

    Except...I'm a bit sad. My butt lifted off the bench, so it wouldn't have been a pass in a comp... But it went up easy, so I know I can do it. 😊. 135 was a no go, though.


    It's funny, because the 135 fail is sticking with me more than the 130 complete... And even that is bugging me because it wasn't flawless. Sigh. #perfectionist

    I almost want to go back down and try 130 again. Lol.

    Lady I would be thrilled if I hit that with my entire *kitten* off the bench! That teeny tiny lift was nothing!!! You aren’t talking comp PR’s so I say it counts 😁😘

    I'm taking it! 😁 Next big assed goal is 150. 😁

    You've seen the ugly, grindy PRs I've posted, count it!
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Fresh of the turbo trainer. Pretty freaky looking…excuse this dank *kitten* looking garage. Like over half that crap isn’t even mine!

  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    Fresh of the turbo trainer. Pretty freaky looking…excuse this dank *kitten* looking garage. Like over half that crap isn’t even mine!


    looks dark in there. haha
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    edited August 2021
    Got in there and did a short session. I had errands to run before 6pm. This took me all of about 20 min!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Back when I was doing stronglifts, I tested my 1RM (one rep max) for squat. The most I ever lifted in a single squat was 230lb.

    Then I hurt my hip. I have been slowly rehabbing it ever since and have been basing my squats on a max lift of 205.

    Tonight I tested my squat 1RM... And I did 240lbs! A gain of ten pounds on my best ever! I am sooooo happy!!!


  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »


    thank you :smile:

  • carelynn114
    carelynn114 Posts: 290 Member
    edited August 2021
    Also, don’t get me on form! The dancer in me still wants my toes turned out!! I’m working on it! 😜
  • Ander254
    Ander254 Posts: 180 Member
    KA Amazon I been looking at this thread for hours...Great Stuff
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member

    Went to the gym. It closed early, tried to run outside, but didn’t beat the rain… soooo. Lifted random stuff in my garage! Approx 25lbs gas can!! Not dangerous right? 😂

    Love it and thanks for sharing! Not dangerous at all... Unless you're smoking haha.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    Ander254 wrote: »
    KA Amazon I been looking at this thread for hours...Great Stuff

    Thank you! 😊
  • Ander254
    Ander254 Posts: 180 Member
    @KickassAmazon76 why do you deadlift in socks? Does the arch hurt your back after you bench?

    Tons of questions
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,667 Member
    Ander254 wrote: »
    @KickassAmazon76 why do you deadlift in socks? Does the arch hurt your back after you bench?

    Tons of questions

    Well... I also go it depends on whether I had them on already. I lift in my basement, so I don't need to wear shoes if I don't want to. The less between your foot and the ground, the better energy transfer of the weight into the floor. I don't like shoes. Haha

    As fit the bench... I have a natural arch lying flat. The extra bit of arch I use to set my shoulders and drive them into the bench doesn't hurt me at all.

    Thanks for asking!