Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I did my progress pictures this morning. I am amazed at the difference so far. This was the first time that my pictures have blown me away! I cannot figure out how to share my pictures in my feed so I am sharing them here. If anyone knows how to do that please help!


  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen I love the photo you took of yourself! I hope you had a great time at the comedy show!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    OK, time to be accountable. But first @skinnyjeanzbound I meant to answer last week yes, I'm Barb.

    Age: 73
    Starting weight (this time) 255.6 on 6/21
    Long term Goal: 150
    Short(er) term goal: 200

    6/21 255.6
    6/28 252
    7/05 249.8
    7/12 248.4
    7/19 246.4
    7/26 243.2

    8/02 242.2

    I'm hoping to do a little walking and riding my 3 wheel bike this month. (Had to give up my regular bike temporarily I hope.) I live in SW Florida and it's 92 and almost 60% humidity right now at 7PM. It's the humidity that gets to me.

    @JNettie73 great pictures, they really show your loss and are an inspiration!

    Wishing everyone a great August.
  • sisijamison
    sisijamison Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. Getting back active on mfp for this last 100 lbs
    Add me share ur tips ;)
  • selaine225
    selaine225 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I am happy to see this group on here. I have tried MFP before but never really got into the groups. I know now, I need the support to help me achieve my goals. I am 100% in this for my health. I want to feel better and get rid of some weight related medical issues. Im too young to feel the way I do. I am also trying to set an example for my 13 y.o. son. I have LOTS to work on but I am taking it one day at a time with the mindset of one step at a time = long term sustainable changes. I look forward to catching your inspirations, ideas, and motivations along the way & I hope at some point I might help someone too! Nice to meet you all! Have a great day!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sisijamison -- welcome to the thread!

    @barb-- I was just visiting a friend in Naples a few weeks ago, and we walked 4 miles around her condo complex every morning. I couldn't believe how hot and humid it was, even early in the morning. We have heat and humidity in Chicago, but usually you can avoid the worst of it by getting up early to "beat the heat" for any outdoor activities. That was NOT an option in Florida!

    @mnwalkingqueen -- great picture, Holly! Looks like you had fun at the comedy show.

    @JNettie73 -- wow, those pictures really show a major difference!! I regret not taking "before" pics when I first started. And because I hated the way I looked, its really hard to find ANY pictures of myself from that time period. I realized after I logged off MFP last time, that I forgot to send you my email, but I just saw your PM, so I will try to add you now.

    AFM-- You guys, I'm so excited! This morning the scale said 194.8!!! It's been so long since I've seen a number below 195. For the past 5 years, I've tended to stay between 195 and 205. When the weight would start to creep up above that, I would make more of an effort and drop a few pounds, but I would plateau at 195 and then creep back up, and start the cycle again. I'm so glad I pushed past that barrier this time, and I want to make sure I continue this time and reach my current goal of 185. I know a big part of it is being account here, so thanks to all of you for the support!

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @JNettie73 - Than you about pic and I laughed so hard my side hurt😊. Your pics definitely show the hard work.
    @Karen - Congratulations on the scale.
    @ New people- Welcome to the group.

    Just saying I will do plank challenge with you JNettie. I just not sure my form is right. If doing wall plank wrong will I hurt myself? Sorry this is my personality issue I need to be perfect but working on just being me😉.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Welcome to the new members of this group!

    @bapcarrier Thank you!

    @sisijamison My tips are give yourself reasonable goals. Log everything, even if it isn't the best foods choices you have eaten. Focus on your NSV (non-scale victories = these can be anything). Take body measurements and progress pictures. I find these help when your hit a rut and the scale isn't moving.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Thanks! I hear your on the not having any pictures of yourself. I am/was the same way. Congrats on your newest low!!!

    @mnwalkingqueen - I love when I laugh like that!
    So far we are 3 days into August. I have not planked at all yet. :s
    I keep forgetting to do them. I have to get on that. I'm sorry, I don't have any answers for you. I have never done planks before.
  • LewLooo
    LewLooo Posts: 6 Member
    I have about 150 lbs to lose and know it's gonna be a long journey.
    48, female, 5'9
    SW 340
    CW 322
    GW 165
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @LewLooo -- Welcome to the thread. Looks like you are off to a great start!

    @JNettie73 -- I also keep forgetting to plank.

    @mnwalkingqueen -- I don't know that you could hurt yourself. My only advice would be to make sure you are using your core, rather than arms so you don't hurt your shoulders. Of course, that's because after rehabbing both of my shoulders, I'm a bit overprotective about that body part. LOL

    AFM-- So I've made it through the week and the scale still reads 194.8. I had one day where it bounced back up to 196, but then it went back down the next few days. I have been active around the house and yard, but haven't gone out for a walk all week. Partially, that's due to being busy with appointments and meetings this last week before I start back to work next week. Partially, it has been due to weather. It's been either hot and humid or rainy quite a bit if this week.

    I've been better about sticking to my intermittent fasting schedule--trying to get back on track for work. It's pretty easy to wait to until noon to eat when I'm teaching because I usually don't have time until my lunch break anyways. This year, I have a prep period about 10 am, and then my lunch break is around noon. I want to refrain from eating anything during that earlier prep, so I'm trying to get my stomach used to that now.

    Yesterday, some friends and I went to lunch and then to Arlington Racetrack which is closing at the end of this season. It was sweltering early in the day, but by the time we got to the track, the humidity was gone and it was beautiful. It's a beautiful venue, but I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for the horses whenever we go there. Oh, and I know nothing about racing, so I lost $5. LOL

    Anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
    8/6/21 = 194.8
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021

    August Start Weight: 225.8
    August Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    I weigh in on Sundays.

    August 1: 225.8
    August 8: 224.2
    August 15:
    August 22
    August 29:

    Yesterday I derailed. I ate things I normally do not eat - Cheez-Its, a few of my daughters sour cream and onion potato chips (didn't log those) and a bunch of cheese. Today my digestive system is not happy with me. I feel bloated and gassy. However I weighed in this morning as usual and saw a loss. I am back on track so far today and am going to make it a great one.

    @LewLooo Welcome to the group!

    @skinnyjeanzbound That makes me feel better knowing you keep forgetting to plank too. I did a few days but skipped yesterday. Right now I am only up to 20 seconds. I am loosely following the chart. I am trying to do 3 reps of 20 seconds before increasing my time. I cannot make it to the third rep of 20.

    Speaking of charts, I saved the one you posted but cannot find where it saved to. I was too lazy to go through old post on here to find it again so I looked on pinterest and found one I liked. I will post the one I am using too.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound-I do, I do! Have something fun planned for this coming weekend that is! It probably won't help with the weight loss but I'm going in NC to see my son, daughter in law and 5 grandkids!! My grands are ages 16 to 6. So it won't be long before the older ones are grown and on their own. The 16 year old is working part time, in honors courses in school and is a member of the Civil Air Patrol. His brothers and sister are equally talented and amazing but I won't go into all their accomplishments right now! I hate living so far from them but that's life. I'd move closer to them but they tend to move around the country a lot so not an option.

    I'll check in tomorrow as it's my weigh in day. Just had to share the news about my weekend plans!! :)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good Day- Quick stop in before nightly walk with Riley. This weekend food wasn’t real good but I got out with some friends and bought new furniture for livingroom no more duct tape couch.

    @Karen- I re-read a post of yours and saw this about your mother in law” Borderline Personality Disorder” My mom has this but refuses to think she has any issues. I can’t really tolerate being around her and my dad was the buffer with him gone it gets harder to be around her. I was tild a book called “Surviving the borderline parent is a good help.
    @New people- welcome to the group.

    I have done wall planks for 2 days and wow 20 seconds is a long time for a big girl.😉
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @JNettie73 - I like the plank challenge you posted better than mine. Mine increased the time too quickly. Yours is more realistic. I also like the idea of doing 3 reps before moving on. Don't beat yourself up about the cheez-its and whatnot. We all have those days. The important thing is that you didn't let it derail you going forward.

    @bapcarrier -- Ooh, what fun! Safe travels and enjoy your time with family.

    @mnwalkingqueen -- My MIL also refuses to acknowledge her mental health issues. Instead, she fabricates issues for everyone else in her life. She drives everyone away from her, but it's always something they did. My husband can barely tolerate her, and we only went to visit so she would stop calling and threatening to show up at our house uninvited. I really wish we hadn't told her where we moved, but withholding our new address would have just started a big fight. I feel sorry for her, but I also resent her for not getting the help she needs, even though I'm aware that Borderline is very difficult to treat. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that with your mother. For a long time, my MIL was single, and when she finally remarried a few years ago, we were relieved that she found someone to be the buffer, as you put it. I'm sorry you don't have your father for this any longer. If you ever need to vent, feel free to message me; I completely understand what your dealing with, as I've watched my husband and his siblings deal with their mom for years. Congrats on the new furniture!! It's always fun to get new things. :)

    I start work again tomorrow. Wah!!! :cry:

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
    8/6/21 = 194.8
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I stink at doing the plank challenge. I keep forgetting to do them. I don't think I am going to make it through the entire challenge. Last night was my anniversary. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant. I made the decision to enjoy the night and eat what I want. I still made healthier choices but I didn't limit myself to getting a salad when we go out to eat. I indulged on a few pieces of bread as well as had desert. I thought for sure my glucose this morning would have spiked drastically but to my surprise it didn't.

    @mnwalkingqueen Congratulations on the new couch! Wahoo on the wall planks!

    @skinnyjeanzbound I hope you have a good 1st day back! Today was my last day teaching in my summer program. I do have to sub on Friday for the other summer program then I have a few weeks off. It always amazes me that other states start school so much earlier than we do in NY.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @JNettie73 -- Happy anniversary! Glad you enjoyed your night out. I also stink at the plank challenge. I kept starting and stopping, and now I haven't done any for over a week. I grew up in Chicago, and we never started school before Labor Day, but in the suburbs they always started and ended a week or so before us. My district used to start the 3rd week of August, but the trend at the HS level has been to start earlier and finish 1st semester before Winter Break. We have been pushing for that for years, and we are finally doing it this year. It sucked having such a short summer, but next spring we will finish before Memorial Day, and the summer will be back to the typical 9 weeks off.
  • COLarryB
    COLarryB Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! Brand new here. Still unsure how this works. Little about me is I dropped 100 pounds in college cold turkey mostly with just calorie counting. Post-covid I’m back up 50. Moved to Colorado and started doing Colorado things which has not been good for my weight loss journey. Looking for some motivation and accountability.

    Starting weight 260
    Goal weight 170

    Looking forward to meeting others!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    We just got back from our after dinner family walk. We only saw two bunnies this time however one that we saw was a baby. Well, really a juvenile as it was out on its own. It was so cute. My daughter begged me to knock on my neighbor's door to tell them we found a baby on their lawn so we did. They didn't answer though. I am on a 26 day streak, according to Fitbit, for meeting my step goal. I am pretty proud of myself. Though next week at this time that goal will be broken. We are going on a vacation and I will be spending several hours in the car driving. I will be surprised if I get any where near close to meeting my step goal.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Thank you!
    How did your first days back at work go? I finished for the summer on Friday. Technically my program ended Wednesday but they had me come back to sub for the other program. My daughter starts on the 31st but then has a bunch of time off for the Jewish holidays after she starts. I don't have to go back until mid September.
    I am glad you stink at the plank challenge too! It makes me feel less guilty for not keeping up with it like I had planned. I wonder how MNWalkingqueen is doing with it?!!!

    @LarissaBohn Welcome. All you have to do is post and you are in the group. Come back from time to time and let us know how you are doing! That is fantastic that you were able to drop 100 lbs while in college. Feel free to add me.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021

    August Start Weight: 225.8
    August Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    I weigh in on Sundays.

    August 1: 225.8
    August 8: 224.2
    August 15: 224.2
    August 22
    August 29:

    I am noticing a pattern starting between last month and this month. I am doing everything correct. I'm monitoring what I eat, using a food scale, drinking my water (though I lacked yesterday), getting my activity in. I've noticed that some weeks no matter what I do the scale just does not move. Then the following week I have a larger loss. This week is just that pesky week that it is staying the same. Of course I am not going to let me down.

    My NSVs:
    - I wore a tank top yesterday to a party. This tank top is more fitted and I normally would never wear it out in public. Yesterday I put it on and felt great with my new body so I wore it happily.

    - I find it easier to move in my own body. Yesterday we were at a pool party at a neighbor's house. I found it easy to sit on the side of the pool and get back up without looking like a seal on land. I also had so much more energy to run and fetch the beach ball when my daughter and the other children knocked it out of the pool. And lets talk about bending down to get it. I could bend down and not feel like my stomach was crushing my organs and making it difficult to breathe. As these things happened I smiled to myself as I made a mental note of the differences!

    - All my leg exercises are paying off. I am noticing that my thighs are starting to feel more firm. I still have too much skin and fat to see my leg muscles when I flex but I can feel them!

    - I decided to spice things up the other day and do 30 minutes of step aerobics then 30 minutes of my bike rather than 60 min of my bike. I worked up a nice sweat but I didn't get winded like I would have if I tried this back in March when I started on my journey.

    - My NSV I am most proud of is I have a 27 day streak where I have met my daily step goal of 10K steps!!!

    - Adding onto that... we have been going on family walks some nights after dinner if I have 2.5-3K steps left to get in. I am noticing my pace is a lot faster than it used to be. To me it is just normal walking however my husband and daughter are having difficulty keeping up with me.

    - I can walk and talk at the same time or engage in a physcial activity and talk at the same time without feeling like I am having difficulty breathing. I believe I have mentioned it before, for years I have struggled with respiratory issues that always went undiagnosed. I had a chronic cough that made it impossible to do a lot of things - sing, engage in conversation, walk and talk. I often found myself just wanting to sit.... all the time. Since starting my journey my chronic cough went away, my respiratory issues have completely disappeared. I no longer feel the need to sit for my own comfort. I have a lot of energy and looking forward to engaging in physical activities!

    - My last NSV - I am also most proud - my FBGL this morning was 101. (FBGL - fasting blood glucose level). This is the lowest I have ever gotten it!!! I usually test in the upper teens to low 120s. Compared to where I started when I was first diagnosed with diabetes to now this is fantastic!!!

    This upcoming week I will weigh in on either Friday or Saturday (if I have time). We are leaving for vacation Saturday morning. I don't know if I will have access to a scale on Sunday to weigh in.

    Wishing you all a week of nothing but greatness!!!