

  • mebras3775
    I am starting insanity. I have already done my first fit test and i am beginning the workout today. What would I log that as for my exercise on here?
  • JCS_EVmom
    JCS_EVmom Posts: 14 Member
    Loving the updates! Way to go mama_monkey! Woot-woot.

    mebras, i was told to log them aerobics, high intensity. I wear a HRM for actual cals, when I was just relying on MFP's estimation of aerobics, high intensity, the estimation was higher than what my HRM said.

    This morning I walked to the grocery store while pushing 2 kiddos in a double stroller (little over an hour round trip and almost 500 cals burned). Ha! Maybe not the best idea on a day that I am doing Pure Cardio and Cadio abs for the first time. Oh, well. Time to dig deeper :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am starting insanity. I have already done my first fit test and i am beginning the workout today. What would I log that as for my exercise on here?

    You have to log them yourself. Just click add entry (or something like that) and then type Insanity, total time, calories burned etc. As far as your actually burn. You will need a heart rate monitor or ball park it. They say average is 600..
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I did Pure Cardio on my lunch hour and am quite excited that I didn't have to ever take any breaks at all, I worked through everything, even those suicide jumps I hate. My HR average was 10 points higher than when I did this last week. Yeah!

    Wow! That's freaking awesome even Shawn T's minions take breaks

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm going home at lunch and doing Cardio Recovery today and Cardio Abs that I couldn't get done in time on my lunch hour yesterday. My kids are out for 1/2 day today so will have company and my dad is coming to visit for a week's vacation, I may need the stress relief :) My uncle passed away this AM, so a workout to remind myself to stay healthy is a great way to spend my lunch hour.

    Anyone gaining weight? I'm up almost 9lbs since starting insanity. I watch what I eat closely and am not going over on calories. I never worry too much about the scale, but was surprised by a gain, I certainly don't see it in my clothes so am not too worried yet.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm pretty exited at seeing such a dramatic 2 week weight loss but I also know ya lose alot in the first week or two due to water weight n what not. . . but i'll take it! Can't wait to see what the next 2 weeks has in store. . . Those 30 day Pics are gonna be awesome! And if anyone tells you "Oh I can't do Insanity because I'm too big" . . . They're just kidding themselves. I'm a chunky monkey mama moving with the best of them. . . might not look pretty and i might modify ALOT but "the proof is in da puddin!"

    You go girl, keep working it!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Loving the updates! Way to go mama_monkey! Woot-woot.

    mebras, i was told to log them aerobics, high intensity. I wear a HRM for actual cals, when I was just relying on MFP's estimation of aerobics, high intensity, the estimation was higher than what my HRM said.

    This morning I walked to the grocery store while pushing 2 kiddos in a double stroller (little over an hour round trip and almost 500 cals burned). Ha! Maybe not the best idea on a day that I am doing Pure Cardio and Cadio abs for the first time. Oh, well. Time to dig deeper :)

    This reminds me how I managed to lose my baby weight so quickly after my 2nd baby, I would walk miles pushing a (heavy) double buggy!! Looking at your burn for nearly an hour I must have burnt 1000's every week lol!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm going home at lunch and doing Cardio Recovery today and Cardio Abs that I couldn't get done in time on my lunch hour yesterday. My kids are out for 1/2 day today so will have company and my dad is coming to visit for a week's vacation, I may need the stress relief :) My uncle passed away this AM, so a workout to remind myself to stay healthy is a great way to spend my lunch hour.

    Anyone gaining weight? I'm up almost 9lbs since starting insanity. I watch what I eat closely and am not going over on calories. I never worry too much about the scale, but was surprised by a gain, I certainly don't see it in my clothes so am not too worried yet.

    Sorry to hear about your uncle.

    No not gaining weight, that's so not something I was expecting, all that killer cardio to gain??! No thank you!!

    I'm not in the mood for it tonight, but i'll do it and be glad I did when I finish.

    What sort of burns is everyone getting? I'm between 400 - 500 depending on the workout.
  • mama_monkey333
    I'm going home at lunch and doing Cardio Recovery today and Cardio Abs that I couldn't get done in time on my lunch hour yesterday. My kids are out for 1/2 day today so will have company and my dad is coming to visit for a week's vacation, I may need the stress relief :) My uncle passed away this AM, so a workout to remind myself to stay healthy is a great way to spend my lunch hour.

    Anyone gaining weight? I'm up almost 9lbs since starting insanity. I watch what I eat closely and am not going over on calories. I never worry too much about the scale, but was surprised by a gain, I certainly don't see it in my clothes so am not too worried yet.

    Oh goodness. . . Sorry for your loss. . . family can definately motivate you into getting healthy. . . . If ya have the room get the babies n2 the workout with ya. My husband and I wake up at 5am n do the workout because it is alot harder doing it with 2 youngin's running around but I found out if ya make it a game then they have fun and get a little worn down in the process. . . My youngest likes to count out my reps and scream," Go, Mommy Go!" My daughter is harder on us than Shawn T sometimes, my little drill sargent. As for the weight loss if your anything like me depending on what time of the month it is I can gain 8lbs n a day it seems but goes away after Aunt Flo packs her bags and leaves. If ur feeling good and not really seeing and change in clothes might be muscle weight. Wouldn't worry too much.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    All Shauns fault for shouting at me to go faster during those suicide things, whatever they're I tried my best to speed up and then the fall came, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I felt so stupid!!! :laugh:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    All Shauns fault for shouting at me to go faster during those suicide things, whatever they're I tried my best to speed up and then the fall came, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I felt so stupid!!! :laugh:

    I'm not bad with the suicide jumps but I get dizzy on the suicide drills I've had to run further between my ups and downs to not tip over. I love that he yells at you, it's very motivating to me. Just keep in mind - form....hence no falling. Assuming since you are laughing you didn't injure yourself. And hope you have a padded floor :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    All Shauns fault for shouting at me to go faster during those suicide things, whatever they're I tried my best to speed up and then the fall came, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the floor :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I felt so stupid!!! :laugh:

    I'm not bad with the suicide jumps but I get dizzy on the suicide drills I've had to run further between my ups and downs to not tip over. I love that he yells at you, it's very motivating to me. Just keep in mind - form....hence no falling. Assuming since you are laughing you didn't injure yourself. And hope you have a padded floor :)

    Oh yeah it was the suicide drills, luckily I had a rug to fall on! I'm just pleased my hubby didn't witness it he would have laughed himself silly. No damage done...apart from my pride lol!
  • kvokwana
    kvokwana Posts: 6 Member
    My week 2 Fit Test Results:

    Switch kicks 53 77
    Power jacks 49 56
    Power knees 88 102
    Power jumps 26 40
    Globe jumps 10 13
    Suicide jumps 15 15
    Push up jacks 24 35
    Low obliques 48 62

    These results make me feel much better than my first ones, I basically am at where I ended Round 1 of Insanity in May. I was off all of July from any form of exercise because of major surgery and took it lighter in August. I'm pleased.

    Wow, really impressive......those are really awesome improvements.......
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks Kvokwana, I'm amazed at how fast I've gotten back what I'd lost. I was off for 6 weeks of surgery and couldn't do anything, Just goes to show how our bodies answer when we call on them to get it together.

    Last night I was able to add in 30 minutes of Ho Ala Ke Kino Yoga for a great evening recovery.

    I did Cardio Power & Resistance this AM. I was able to do all the moves w/o resting during the routine, other than the scheduled rest. My HR was also a few point higher on average than the last time I did it. I never thought I would not have to rest during Insanity. Yeah.

    I'm not doing Plyo tomorrow, because I'm race training for a half Marathon in October,. I'll do my run instead. It's backed down to only 6 miles this week and back to 12 next week. I need to get some hill runs in, as the route I drove last weekend and it's straight up hill from mile 7 to 11. Yikes!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    I was looking for a Halloween challenge.. can I still join this?! :[ please?!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I was looking for a Halloween challenge.. can I still join this?! :[ please?!

    Everyone is welcome regardless where you are in the program :drinker:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I was looking for a Halloween challenge.. can I still join this?! :[ please?!

    Welcome, just jump in!!

    I'm on week 2.
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    Yay! :)
    I will post my stats tomorrow morning, there is no way I'm weighing myself in the afternoon haha.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yay! :)
    I will post my stats tomorrow morning, there is no way I'm weighing myself in the afternoon haha.

    I know exactly what you mean!
  • mama_monkey333
    Yay! :)
    I will post my stats tomorrow morning, there is no way I'm weighing myself in the afternoon haha.

    Welcome Aboard! I know the feeling. . . Only if we can weigh the same all day as when we first wake up. Sometimes I feel like one of those kid's toy capsules you put in water n they grow into huge animals or dinosaurs. For me it seems like first sip of water and i turn into sponge bob square pants.