skinny people....who have never been fat!



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    yes skinny people do think like that .....and now I am using MFP to repair the damage done.

  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I've polled my skinny friends - they eat what they want, creamy stuff, sweets, cakes...but they don't like to feel full, and I do. There's the difference. They'll make a takeaway last two (or even three - weirdos!) nights. I'll save the calories and have the lot in one go (and what got me here was NOT saving the calories). I love to feel stuffed (yeah, I'm sure there's a psychological thing in there) and they don't and/or are more in tune with their bodies. God damn them! :tongue:
  • CocoNuttie
    There are 2 types of skinny people around me

    First type : (Like most of my friends)They don't have much interest in food. So when they eat, they eat just enough to get by, without paying much attention. They don't crave, don't snack (unless given or in social occasion) don't DREAM about food (like i do :D). So averagely they just eat much less, in portion and in frequency. When they do eat cakes, cookies, cream, fried stuff, fast food, whatever, they never have to concern about the calories because that's not their daily diet. Eating junk happens as occasions, not daily. Admit it most of us(including me) have gone though eating those junk EVERY single days(or meal!!) before. So most of my friends, when i see them, they eat EVERYTHING, but i know at home, everyday, they eat normal and small portion.

    Second type : (My sis and mum) They are born to like healthy food...and don't like sweet stuff. Again they do eat them when it's there (like eating out, sharing, socialising) but won't eat in huge quantities. Daily wise, they just LOVE vegetable and fish.

    I've NEVER met anyone who eats junk, fatty and sweet food every single days or meal and stay slim. Or they could just have worm in their tummy...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi there this is just one of those silly questions i have been thinking about and really still don't know the answer so what do you guys think....

    i was standing in the post office que the other day next to all the cheep big yummy chocolate bars thinking is it just me thinking i could eat all them :devil: do skinny's and people who have never had a problem with being overweight think the same way?

    Also when i am in a supermarket and even just glance at the little chocolate bars i feel guilty like someone is watching me!:devil:

    Well, I was one of those never-been-fat people until I was 29 years old. At my heaviest, I was a size 12, so not too bad.

    Yes, I could have eaten all those chocolate bars. Also, entire pizzas and an order of wings in one sitting. Anything that tasted good to me. Luckily, I had a fast metabolism. Unluckily, it slowed down and I had to completely re-learn nutrition and exercise.
  • lordsangel
    Yes, I cant speak for everyone who's been skinny forever, but I know I do. I look at them and wanna eat them all. And half the time I will buy one, nut I try to eat a small portion of it and save the rest for another day when I get a craving like that.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I was always slim and fit, until this last baby (6 years ago). I ate whatever I wanted, BUT, I was also very active. I rode a bike 10miles a day, played volleyball and softball, did scuba diving and rock climbing, and went out dancing at night. Since the baby, I'm working two jobs (at a computer), playing online games, and driving kids around to activities. All of it involves sitting on my behind. I'm doing something 18 hours a day, but none of it involves heavy physical exertion (unless I actually work out).

    Also, when I was active, I didn't eat like it was going out of style. I might take a single bite from a cupcake, not go back for seconds (or thirds). I would stop after half the hamburger and only eat a couple fries instead of licking the empty wrapper and shaking crumbs from the fry box into my mouth :blushing:

    That's why I am having to lose weight....and it's taking a consious effort to make the changes as I never had to think about it before.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have a large clientele of strippers (night time sales) and they just eat and eat and eat! Chicken wings every night, big 'ol burgers and the worst things I could possibly make, when I eat a burger maybe once a month! They are so hot, and here I am with all my heavy glory looking like I'm the one eating all the food!
    If you danced for a living, supplemented with cocaine and heroin, you would be skinny too.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I think they do! Actually I am convinced that skinny people are usually that way because they're just more active!

    I think this is right on. I was always skinny and ate whatever i wanted with no worries until i had kids. It wasn't til i tried to lose the baby weight that i realized how active i was before kids. I never really exercised on purpose but did a ton of walking and dancing.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I used to eat footlong Philly cheesesteaks, followed by a bag of chips and a bottle of pop, and then I'd go raid the fridge. And I was thin. But eventually it caught up with me, and now I'm here. :laugh: So yes, some skinny people think that way. Not all, I'm sure. But some.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I watched a really interesting BBC documentary recently called "Why Aren't Skinny People Fat?" -- Look it up on YouTube, there are about 5 different segments (watch them in order!).

    It was really fascinating to see and hear some of the explanations as to why some people gain weight and others don't. Look it up, seriously!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    My girl, whose always skinny, just had me go out and buy her chocolate, cheetos, and ranch. Same cravings, she just doesnt eat very big meals, but she likes to do small snacks all the time, thats why she stays so thin imo

    I don't think so. Even if you don't eat big meals but all you've been eating is a lot of junk & lots of high fat-high calorie foods plus a sedentary lifestyle, you will gain weight. She may be active or has a very fast metabolism.
  • christina000
    Everyone is different. I know this one lady is who is pretty skinny. Not like scary skinny, but what a person would consider more on the slim side. I know she works out, but I have a feeling not overly, as she has alot of equipment, that doesn;t get used much. However, you go in her fridge and there is low calorie everything, and diet everything. She definitely watches what she eats. Also, eating out with her you find she tends to eat very little.

    I have a skinny friend who has always been skinny, and she never ever works out, and she eats like a horse. Not joking. Not like chips, and cookies, and bags of stuff. But she will eat muffins, and potatoes, and whatever is around, without watching calorie intake at all.

    Then you have me. I don't necessarily watch what I eat, but I try to be in moderation. The only diet thing I consume, is coke zero, but that's because the sugar in a regular coke really gives me the jitters. However, I was overweight in my child years, grew out of it, and then became bulimic to compensate for my binges, and trying to maintain my figure. It was horrible. I still battle with the thoughts. But for me it's not just, you eat you deal with it, it's you eat, you deal with the urge to purge, and I hate purging. Anyways, I'm rambling here.

    I have a fridge full of chocolate right now ( thanks sis for the bday basket), and I eat a little everyday, but I just try to jog a few extra miles a week, ansddo a little more stretches and such to make up for it. Nothing wrong with a little booty!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.

    I wish I could do this.

    with me it's all or nothing.

    I crave WHOLE bags of chips and WHOLE packages of oreos..and if I have a few, I WILL eat the WHOLE thing. So I just don't eat it.
    I have no problem saying "no, I can't have that" and it doesn't drive me crazy or make me want it more. I can abstain. But if I do decide to have a "Few" it inevitably ends up "all".
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Believe me, I have a couple friends who have always been skinny and think about eating food all day long. One of my best friends that I've known for 18 years has always been in great shape. He has a 6 pack and looks toned / muscular but he doesn't work out and he eats like crap. When I visited him a couple months ago he ate soooo much food over the course of the day lol. I'm talking 2 philly cheese steaks, french fries, 6-8 beers, wings, 4 bbq pulled pork sandwiches, and some other random stuff. He probably lost weight the next day for all I know. He's always eaten like that and his body stays the same. Wish that could happen to me.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.

    I wish I could do this.

    with me it's all or nothing.

    I crave WHOLE bags of chips and WHOLE packages of oreos..and if I have a few, I WILL eat the WHOLE thing. So I just don't eat it.
    I have no problem saying "no, I can't have that" and it doesn't drive me crazy or make me want it more. I can abstain. But if I do decide to have a "Few" it inevitably ends up "all".

    I'm the same. As long as I don't have that first bite, I'm fine. But that first bite reminds me of how good it tastes and that's pleasure and I want MORE!

    I never remember that I even LIKE Oreos until I have that first one and then that's it for me.

    I'm not a binger or emotional eater. I just like tasty things. Too much! lol

    But I was the same when I didn't have a weight problem (and was not more active than I am now).
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.

    I wish I could do this.

    with me it's all or nothing.

    I crave WHOLE bags of chips and WHOLE packages of oreos..and if I have a few, I WILL eat the WHOLE thing. So I just don't eat it.
    I have no problem saying "no, I can't have that" and it doesn't drive me crazy or make me want it more. I can abstain. But if I do decide to have a "Few" it inevitably ends up "all".

    See, thats where I get confused.

    If you can abstain from eating it totally, then why can't you just have a serving and be done? It's basically the same thing in my eyes, except your eating what your craving.

    My mind set is, I can always go back for more.. but once I have that little taste, it satisfies what I need and then I'm done.
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    I've never been fat, but I know my metabolism is slowing down real fast as I get older so I know to control what I eat even though I know I won't put on much. Thing is, I think of food very often and realise that the more I've been controlling my food intake, the more I've been thinking about all those foods I once used to eat but never thought twice about the calories I've been putting on. Still, been quite disciplined so I think I'm doing all right in maintaining my weight so far :D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.

    I wish I could do this.

    with me it's all or nothing.

    I crave WHOLE bags of chips and WHOLE packages of oreos..and if I have a few, I WILL eat the WHOLE thing. So I just don't eat it.
    I have no problem saying "no, I can't have that" and it doesn't drive me crazy or make me want it more. I can abstain. But if I do decide to have a "Few" it inevitably ends up "all".

    See, thats where I get confused.

    If you can abstain from eating it totally, then why can't you just have a serving and be done? It's basically the same thing in my eyes, except your eating what your craving.

    My mind set is, I can always go back for more.. but once I have that little taste, it satisfies what I need and then I'm done.

    That's like trying to explain why the sunset is pretty. It just is. Like some people don't have that full switch, some of us don't have the "a little is enough" switch.

    I keep hearing about how French women aren't fat because they have a little taste of everything and that the first bite tastes better than anything after, so they can stop easily.

    For me, the last bite tastes as good as the first. I don't have that "switch." And while I know I can have more later, it's too tasty -- too pleasurable -- to just stop after that first bite.
  • rhiannonrees134
    Coming as a skinner person, I think for me, It's about self control.

    I can stop at only 3 or 4 fries and not eat the whole container.. or I can have just a serving of cookies and not eat the whole darn bag.

    I eat chocolate all the the time.. but I'll only eat half the bar and save the rest for the next day. That way I'm still getting what I want, but I'm not eating massive portions. No point in drooling over something and denying yourself.. cause thats only going to make you binge.

    And there's the answer!
    I think the problem for some people of not being able to stop at a little is psychological and not just about food. Will power is very personal.