30 Day Shred Challenge?



  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    I started the 30DS and only got through 2 days, my thighs were killing me!! I couldnt even go up or down the stairs without wanting to cry! LOL

    Any suggestions to help me push through the first few days?! Any help would be awesome!!

    I felt the exact same when I started! Sitting down was pure torture. I found taking a bath with epsom salts really helped me. I also put on some Rub A535, but don't put on it too high, don't want to get a certain area burnin'!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Want to try this out and just downloaded the 30 day shred from iTunes.

    I tend to let life get in the way, so could really use your help being disciplined here!

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    I wasn't able to get mine in this AM, but did get me 2.7 mile walk in. I am hoping to find time to squeeze it in tonight between work, which ends at 5:30 (if I can get out on time) and getting the kids to church and myself showered and to small group which begins at 6:30. Wish me luck!
  • tmacs
    tmacs Posts: 60
    I'm doing a 30 Day Shred Challenge with some of my mfp friends starting this Monday...if you would like to join us, add me! :)
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    Just finished! I noticed my endurance wasn't as good, that's what I get for missing two days!

    Is anyone going to post their before and after measurements? I can't believe I'm going to but I figure if I post it it'll motivate me to get through the next 30 days!

    In inches:

    Chest: 15
    Arms: both are 13
    Waist: 41
    Hips: 45.5
    Thighs: both are 24
    Calves: both are 17

    Weight 195
    Height 5'6

    At least are arms and legs symmetrical! :wink:
  • Great Idea !!! I am so posting my measurements tonight after the boys go to sleep !! And I am taking a before picture !! Mine should be here tomorrow I am so ready !!
  • konswela, I downloaded it on Vuze for free.

    Day 2 done. I am SO tired. I think I am also going to just go for 7 days a week. I'm scared if I don't I will quit. For me it's too easy to make an excuse not to work out!

    I will do measurements tonight and post them later. Not sure how to add pics here, I have them in my profile and I am NOT happy! BUT I was looking at old 30ds challenge before and after pics and WOW I can't wait!
  • Yikes.. day 1 done and I am sore already! I did it for about 5 days last time before quiting so i'm really hoping I am able to keep on it longer this time! Posting pictures and measuring tonight!
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I just started yesterday! About to do Day 2 even though I am so sore! My legs hurt the worst, but that's where I need to lose the most fat so I guess that's good!
  • I just did the video...And I am tired... I am just going to the gym and run on the treadmill..
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Day 2 and I still feel like I'm dying, even though it's only level 1. I have trouble with all the jumping (hurts my calves). Somehow I do all the exercises fine but when I get to those side lunges I'm sore all over and ready to stop. It's kind of funny how 20 minutes with Jillian is harder and more tiring than 2 hours of Tae Bo.

    Starting measurements...
    Waist: 69.5cm
    Hips: 103.5cm
    Thighs: 57.5cm

    Height: 162.5cm
    Weight: 62.2kg
  • I started yesterday, also. I have never been able to do more than a week. This will be a great challenge for me.:wink:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm starting Day 1 as soon as my son goes to bed......10 minutes until torture!!! I've never committed to exercising like this before but I need to work on my post baby figure!!!
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    today is day 3 of level one for me, first time doing the shred... very hopeful and motivated to do all 30 days and get so rocking results!! Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Hey could anyone tell me where to purchase Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD

    Got mine on line from wal-mart and had them mail it to me cost an extra 1.50 to have it mailed to my house. The shipping is free if you have it delivered to wal-mart and pick it up.
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Day 1 done!! Here we go.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I just got mine on Monday from Amazon.com and they gave me free online streaming of it! So I started Monday while I wait for the DVD to arrive.

    Day 3 today and while I've been sore since Day 1, today I actually managed to make it through with only resting during the push ups. Ew. Push ups.

    Ive never done an exercise video like this before. Im glad its only 20 minutes. I think I would die if it was longer!
  • I'm starting Day 1 as soon as my son goes to bed......10 minutes until torture!!! I've never committed to exercising like this before but I need to work on my post baby figure!!!

    Torture that's worth it!! I am still sore but feel energized and excited knowing I was able to work out and excited to stick with it! I hear it's unacceptable to use your almost 3 year old as an excuse for baby body so it's time to get into gear!
  • Started today, and legs are killing me. The squat and push ups were the worst, but I felt great after. Ready for day 2 tomorrow morning..excited about seeing the results at the end. Feel free to add me.
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    Starting tomorrow and I'm kind of nervous!! I have 2 of the levels on demand on my cable service but I went ahead and ordered the DVD so I can have all 3. I also went out to buy a yoga mat tonight at Ross and GUESS WHAT!? I found the 30 Day Shred Jillian kit for 12 bucks! It had the matt and 2 (3lb) weights in it. It was even cheaper than the matts alone. Maybe having Jillians name on my matt/weights will remind me how she doesn't take excuses. She was my favorite trainer on The Biggest Loser.

    I can't wait to start it tomorrow after I get home from work but I do worry about being sore or not knowing if I can do it. I've been out of shape and nonactive for quite some time. Baby steps I guess right?