Team Nanoose-September Tribal Challenge (Closed Group)



  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    If it's just one arm side planks are fantastic:

    The reach under thing he does toward the end is a very solid core workout, which at the end of the day is the main thing that planks, even high low, promote.

    Ooh that's a good idea, I didn't even think of that. I'm definitely new at all help is appreciated!!

    Moonnstarz83-could you do side planks on the non-injured side??

    I should be able to do those. Sorry I haven't been on for a few days, its been a mess around here. Next 2 weekends are going to be nuts with a Amature radio convention this weekend and my brother's wedding next weekend.
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    Day 1-pygme done
    Day 2-pygme done
    Day 3 pygme done

    Situps done so far 50

    I just found out about the sideways plank and I am going to try to get that done to.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Anyone up for a sub-challenge this evening? I haven't done any of my planks yet, but anyone want to try to break 75 by tomorrow morning? I will be shooting for that, and a little competitiveness never hurt anyone =)

    I've already done 15 so I have a bit of a headstart...but you're on!!!! :drinker:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    300/500 Crunches

    45/100 High-Low Planks

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile jog

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 miles on elliptical

    Day 4 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Phew I tried to get up to 75, those planks kick my *kitten*. I might try to do more a little later. I did tomorrow's challenge as well because I am going out of town. Wanted to make sure I didn't get behind!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    300/500 Crunches

    45/100 High-Low Planks

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile jog

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 miles on elliptical

    Day 4 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Phew I tried to get up to 75, those planks kick my *kitten*. I might try to do more a little later. I did tomorrow's challenge as well because I am going out of town. Wanted to make sure I didn't get behind!

    Nice job!

    I was a slacker yesterday and didn't go to the gym until the evening. And then cause I pigged out at lunch meeting a college buddy, I had to spend the whole time doing cardio to burn the calories off. I managed to get in 50 planks this am before cardio, and I'll try to do the remaining 50 tonight when I get home.
  • shannonaufman
    Hey, teammates!! Hope this week is going well for you! I'm having a hard time staying within my calories this week, but I'm owning the exercises and water parts of the challenge. I typically do at least the pygmy exercises, but add in most of the bushmen exercises as well.

    So far:
    Day one: 10 globe jumps, 50 crunches, 50 toe touches, 25 squat kicks, 25 windshield, 2 mile walk
    Day two: 3x15 swimmers presses, 3 x 21s, 3 x 15 chest flys, 3 x 15 tricep kickbacks, 3 x 15 lawnmowers, 3 x 15 woodchops, 50 crunches
    Day three: 10 globe jumps, 50 crunches, 50 toe touches, 25 squat kicks, 25 windshield, 2 mile walk
    Day four: 3x15 swimmers presses, 3 x 21s, 3 x 15 chest flys, 3 x 15 tricep kickbacks, 3 x 15 lawnmowers, 3 x 15 woodchops, 150 crunches

    Calories: 2/4 (ugh)
    Water: 4/4
    Weekly challenge: 300/500

    Somehow I misread the weekly challenge and thought I only had 300 crunches to do. Whoops! So I'm a little behind on crunches but I'm determined to get it done!! I'm going to try my best to do the high-low planks for the mini-challenge by Sunday, but I have a shoulder injury that might prevent it from happening. Hope y'all are nailing it this week!!
  • tanisha1990
    so its the end of the week
    How did everyone do?? Well I hope x
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    So I've sent in my stats for this week already, but wanted to share with the team as a whole!

    Weight: 201.8
    6/6 Days completed
    6/6 Days Team Challenge completed
    500/500 crunches completed
    100/100 High-Low Planks completed

    Sorry I've been MIA the past few days - had another BBQ competition. Team did really well, took home 4 trophies. :happy: I also really watched my food and water intake and was down this week. Huzzah! I don't have another comp till the first weekend of October, so I'll not have long absences again.

    Goodluck with the next week everyone! We're doing GREAT.
  • tanisha1990
    I cant seem to find week 4's challenges anywhere im not sure if its me just being dumb but could really do with someone helping me find them or tell me what they are. Would bevery greatful x
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Michele asked me to post them for this week as she can't do it from her phone and she's at a conference... But I don't think they've been posted to Gary's blog site yet. Here's the site: and I'll check it every hour before I go to bed tonight and if he's put it up, I'll repost it here. If someone else catches it before me, just copy and past the two challenges here. :smile:

  • shannonaufman
    For week 3:

    Current Weight -- 168.5 (ugh)
    # of days of daily exercises -- 6/6
    # of days of weekly challenge -- 4/6 (explains why I'm up a pound...)
    mini challenge -- 500/500 crunches
    0/100 high-lows

    I'm excited for this upcoming week. I have three days of zumba, 4 days of heavy activity at work (stream sampling), and I cooked all of my breakfasts and all of my dinners for the week today! I'm bound and determined to be down this week.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Week 4 Pygmy challenge has finally posted! Once I see the Bushmen challenge I'll post it as well.

    Week 4 Pygmy Challenge

    Week 4 Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 4 you are the PYGMY TRIBE it’s time to push yourself! Make modifications as
    necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 2 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 35 Split Squats, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 2 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 35 Split Squats, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 2 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 35 Split Squats, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers


    Weekly Team Challenge - as a combined team effort attempt to reach a goal of an additional 2000 crunches. For a team of 10 that would be an additional 200 crunches per team member over a span of 6 days! As always water, calories!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    And here's week 4 Bushman Challenge!

    Week 4 BUSHMEN Series
    WEEK 4 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Week FOUR Daily Exercise Challenge

    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 2 you are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    Day 1 - 3 minute bearwalk, 100 Toe Touches, 100 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 40 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 3 minute bearwalk, 100 Toe Touches, 100 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 40 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 3 minute bearwalk, 100 Toe Touches, 100 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 40 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 4 we’re are stepping it up to another level!Raise those spears!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Four Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K this week.(3.1 miles) Each team member needs to do an additional 400 crunches for this week! If you have a full team of 10 people that is an additional 4000 crunches. You hate me now but you'll love me come October!
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    Ok team, I didn't do to well this week.

    Weight 208.8 (same as last week)

    I exercised 4/6 days (very busy weekend)
    I only did 50 crunches and 0 hi lows.

    I think this is all the info you need...

    Weekly challenge 4/6 days.

    I figure I didn't gain weight this week so it shouldn't be that bad right?
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi team!!!!! I'm back! Sorry about being MIA, I really thought I'd have internet access but I didn't. Thank you Sara for getting the challenges up!

    Everyone did really well this past week, keep up the great work! If you haven't posted or sent a message with your stats for the week, do so ASAP.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    DONE Day 1 - 2 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 35 Split Squats, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    DONE Day 2 – 3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    50/200 Extra Crunches done

    On a good start this week. Just got to keep the pace going. :smile:
  • tanisha1990
    Day 1: Pygym challenges compleated, under cal intake, lots of water drank

    Day 2: Pygym challenges compleated, under cal intake, lots of water drank

    250/200 extra crunches done for the weekly team challenges

    Hope everyone is doing well x
  • shannonaufman
    So far this week...

    Days one and two: done! Pygmy/bushmen blend done, under calories, plenty of water both days.
    150 extra crunches completed so far.
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    Due to basement flooding and trying to get it cleaned up before I go out of town this weekend I haven't been very good with the exercises. I did Mondays. Water is not a problem and neither is calories. I am sorry for this, but I have to get the basement done. We are both highly allergic to mold...any advise or ideas? I am shop vacing the carpets over and over again and we have fans down there...
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm behind but I plan on catching up tonight...I'll post my progress later!

    Moonnstarz83-just take care of you, we wouldn't want you getting sick. Seems like you are on the right track with the vacuuming and fans. I'm not sure how much a dehumidifier is but maybe they have them for rent somewhere???