Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    SW (7/23): 300
    8/30: 290.6
    9/6: 289.4
    9/13: 287.2
    9/20: 287 (-0.2 for the week and -13 total)
    GW for September: 283-285

    I am shocked I had a loss at all this week - TOM arrived late last week and my weight shot up with it. It's finally starting to return to normal. Hoping for some additional losses this week.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @justanotherloser007 oh my goodness, did you piss off a witch somewhere or something? I can't imagine what you're going through. I don't remember where in the world you said you are, if you ever shared, and this is maybe a super long shot but if dementia IS what's going on...were you anywhere near Ground Zero immediately after 9/11, like the actual day back in 2001, by any chance? There are a number of people, mainly first responders who worked in the immediate aftermath, that are now showing up with dementia-like symptoms in their forties and fifties.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 539 Member
    I don't have Dementia, but I can feel for you because I suffer from Brain Fog brought about from the Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have locked my keys in my car or forgotten them so many times that now when I leave the house I have to wear them around my neck. I also lock myself out of the house quite often forgetting my keys. We have hidden house keys outside for me, but then I forget where they are. I forget things a lot. It's a terrible feeling, I constantly have to double check things. I'm sorry that you have Dementia, but I'm hoping its the reversible kind, that would be a Blessing.

    Your doing great by the way with a 2 pound loss :)
  • Hey @jeepkat1 we can be the Fog Sisters!! If I could remember more of the movie "The Fog" I would quote it here lols. Go @Nebslp, you can do this! I am personally tortoising this journey! I may be going slow, but I am getting there. I had a long way to go and now I have less long to go (started out with about 150 to lose now have 67 to go) . I am looking forward to maintenance, and some lucky ladies are already there! Someday, if I live long enough, I will be there too. 1 year to go plus a few months. Depending on how that last bit goes, and how aggressive I get at the end. I always hated sprinting, but I might make an exception when January 2023 rolls around. We do have some rabbits around here, and I wish them super extra success too!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    @justanotherloser007 Thanks for the encouragement. It's less lonely when you know you're working with others who understand the struggle. You are doing amazing with your weight loss!!! You'll reach your goal.

    @pdd1216 I'm working on losing 3 pounds by the end of September just like you. I think we've got this!!!

    I need to start working out again. I feel SO old! I quit lifting weights and even walking regularly a year ago so it's time to make it a regular part of my day again. Age has never defined me and I've always felt that it was just a number until this 15 pounds and lack of activity got me down this year. My grandkids used to tell me I wasn't old because I could do so many things with them and it's time to bring that back. Hopefully I'll be able to travel again soon so I have to be able to lift that luggage and climb those hills. I know I can turn things around again though. It's a matter of will...and no EXcuses! I thank you in advance for letting me share and keeping me accountable.
  • pandemonium1997
    pandemonium1997 Posts: 10 Member
    Woah, time got away from me here. My last weigh in was on the 15th. I weighed 220.8 lbs. On the 8th, I weighed 221.1. Hope I lose more this week!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning girls. How's everyone doing?

    I've had my birthday celebrations and I'm back on it and excited. I have a 12 week challenge I'm doing, ends at the end of December. Can't wait to see the results!

    SW: 257.8
    UGW: 165

    Sept 16: 257.8
    Sept 19: 253.8
    Sept 20: 253.4
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    Height 5'8''
    Age 58
    SW 401 5/5/20
    SEPT 21 294.5
    SEPT 8 21 290
    CW 288 16/9/21
    SEPT GOAL 278
    UGW 180

    you've come SO FAR!! Go you!!
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @roz0810 what kind of challenge are you doing if you don’t mind me asking? Doing challenges is what got me working out regularly and walking more steps. I’m not doing any right now though.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @jazzadesigns hey, it's just a challenge/thread I made myself on MFP, it's called Sept-Dec challange. I find it helps me keep focused and stick to my goals more :)