

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,090 Member
    Ladies thank you so much for helping me deal with being unfriended. I feel better about the whole thing now.

    Machka great news no stomach cancer!

    AuntieBK The group I want to distance from is a Buddhist meditation group. I like the meditation, but I reach my limits with the Buddhism part. I like the morality but I'm not motivated by the fuzzy idea of enlightenment or Nirvana.

    I did text my sister and they arrive around seven. She said not to hold dinner. But I will have something for them to eat if they want. Gotta feed guests, it's tradition.

    I stayed up late last night reading. Time for a nap.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    This morning we take yogi to finally get his teeth cleaned..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca – Good news that your doctor’s appointment went well and that your hot baths help control muscle spasms. :star:

    Malynda in Maine - Dancing to the music sounds like a fun way to get good exercise and burn calories. :star:

    Michele – My dad was a big fan of sauerkraut. I remember a batch he made when I was in grade school that fermented too much and broke the glass jars. What a mess! It is a good memory. Dad didn’t ask me to help with the clean up because he was afraid I’d get cut on the glass shards. :smiley: I like a bit of sauerkraut with sausage. I am betting that your homemade sauerkraut will be wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    Heather – Sorry that the refuse collectors are on strike. Is there a garbage location where people can drop off their own trash? :huh:

    Machka – Delighted that you do not have stomach cancer! I hope the medication you are prescribed works for you. :star: As a kid I was crazy about horses but rarely had a chance to ride. I had a bike and loved to ride it in the neighborhood. :bigsmile:

    Allie – I hope your trip is wonderful. :star:

    Pip – Sending sympathy to Yogi. He may be uncomfortable getting his teeth cleaned. :wink:

    Yoga today and it seems like ages since I’ve been there. I need to get moving!

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Things I didn't like, but do now.... The list of food is long. I didn't like mushrooms, tomatoes, peas, cauliflower, fish (still don't if it's not cooked well or smells), onions (still don't if they aren't cooked), beer, wine. Broccoli....nope. Still hate it. Probably more.

    I didn't like metal music ("metal core" specifically), but the mister loves it and my ears have adapted to where I kind of enjoy most of it when the time is right (during workouts or high energy activities). Country music too. I don't like the style I grew up on, but I love how it's changed now and rather enjoy it.

    Running. Hated it. Now I love it, but can't do it. I'll start that again in November. My knee is better. I can actually do child's pose now and haven't been able to for 1.5 years.

    I wonder if I thought about it, if my list of things I used to like and now don't would be longer.

    Tina in CA

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,090 Member
    I used to dislike football because it is so violent. Then I watched it and liked it for a couple years. Now I'm back to being affected by the violence again.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Heather-Your view is lovely and peaceful.

    Machka-Great news about no cancer!

    Allie-Enjoy your trip!

    Malynda-What a great way to exercise! I wish I had any dancing talent at all. I don’t. I grew up with hair band music and it’s not good for dancing.

    Rebecca-Hope you’re feeling better.

    I became a “great aunt” for the first time, yesterday. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

    I get 8 days at home, then on the road again…well, in the sky. I still haven’t recovered from last week.

    Tina in CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Stressful (which meant restless) night last night.
    One of my cats has a UTI or something- found a little blood in his pee a few times yesterday afternoon. Son called in "sick" to work two days in a row- more of mental than physical- gets this way about every six months-wondered/worried if he would go to work today plus had five of the six cats decide to sleep in our bed, 4 of them on or next to me, including the big boy that has to go to the vet- he rarely sleeps with us, last night he was on me, all 18lbs of him. No room for me to really move plus stressing about everything- don't feel like I slept at all.
    This morning is better- couldn't sleep so got up and took care of my friends pets while she is out of town, came home and son was getting ready to leave for work. After multiple calls to local vets, I found one that can take my cat this afternoon-It is really rough trying to find same day appt. for pets here. Unless we do an emergency vet and the one we use isn't even open until this afternoon(they are 4PM-6AM or something like that.
    Hope they can treat Umaku and it isn't too serious. Will see how the afternoon goes. I may cancel going to Zumba but don't want to do that beings there are only 4 of us at most in the class.
    Think I will switch from tea to coffee- tea is not doing it for me.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Well I didn't go back to sleep ugh oh well.. watching morning news ,and will feed Alfie and start some laundry..I must say it feels good to actually have a good nights sleep.
    Tonight,could be iffy because of the excitement of the trip.. will just take the Melatonin tonight.

    Have you checked on the Bioplasmic Phosphate for sleep aid. (sorry, I think that is the name of it- by Hylands brand)for stress and sleep- works really well, fast and doesn't leave me drowsy the next day like melatonin does

    About $16 for 1000 quick dissolve pills
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk yogi to vet then gym- 16.35min, .74mi= 71c
    Strava app = 90c
    Treadmill jog- 1hr 32sec, start 5.8sp increase by one after every mile. Last mile put at 6.5-7.0speed, 10.05min mi, 145ahr, 181mhr, 6mi= 605c
    Walk gym to home- 51c
    Strava app = 66c

    Total cal 727
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I had my first cataract surgery Monday and all went well. I think after I get the other one, I will be able to go around without my glasses except when reading small type. I have been wearing glasses since my early 30's so this will be nice.

    Allie ~ I hope you enjoy your trip and know you will have fun! Hope the anxiety meds will help. I take them every single day.

    Heather ~ The view from your bedroom window is lovely.

    Carol in GA

    I am so happy to hear your first surgery went well and hope the second does too.
    I had both done about 7 yrs ago(just over 50yrs old). I was given the option to have my vision corrected while they did the cataract surgery but at a cost of $1600 more per eye, on top of what I was already paying. It would have been nice to not have them but I have been wearing glasses, mainly astigmatism, since 4th grade. I can get around pretty well in the house without them if I choose to- and did for a few weeks when I had to have my glasses redone(free revision during the first six months after getting them and they had to be redone because of the second cataract surgery). I didn't notice the cataract much but did go in because of "floaters"- some of them have gone away since the surgery but most I just got used to. Some days they seem to be worse than others. Don't think about them much most of the time.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    two foods I really hated as a kid were cabbage(raw-in coleslaw) was the worst and then beets(tasted like dirt)-now I will tolerate cabbage in my salad and like it cooked,still no to coleslaw, I think it is the dressing-would gag me when I had to eat a spoon ful-hated when mom made it.
    Beets, will eat them boiled with a little butter and salt and LOVE mom's pickled beets.

    There are certain veggies I love cooked but don't like raw and others the other way around
    Cabbage/broccoli has to be cooked
    Carrots and red bell peppers have to be raw.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member

    M – back in the 70’s the US had a fuel shortage. Those lines in the UK reminded me of that. What they did was the day you can buy gas was determined by the last number of your license plate. Evens on one day, odds the next. Also, there was a minimum of something like 10 gallons. So, if you were “topping” the tank and only needed 5 gallons, you were still charged for 10. This discouraged people from topping their tanks.

    People at BK told me that I was doing a good job and that they loved me. Not sure what that says. BK doesn’t exactly hire stellar workers. Alls I know is that I go in, try to do the best job I can, and leave. I try to be as nice as I can to everyone. Hours work for me and it's close to home. That's what I was looking for.

    Allie – have a great trip. When you get back, tell us all about it

    Carol – so glad the surgery went well

    katla – chopped the cabbage for the sauerkraut now have it fermenting.

    Anne DE – the only thing I like about football is watching those guys in the tight pants running around the filed. Don’t know the difference between offense and defense and really don’t care either

    Tina – congrats on your new “status”

    Heather – feel better fast

    Think I’ll go for a walk. Newcomer bowling tonight.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    Yogis cute paw
    Thanks for all good vibes on the trip.. im so looking forward to it,
    Looking forward to going to the Cape with Doris also,we have made reservations for Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant up there we went to before called Hearth and Kettle ..full turkey dinner ,seconds if you would like and a turkey sandwich to go.. we are so excited... and depending on the weather we can walk it off at the beach afterwards.. yipeee
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Yogis cute paw
    Thanks for all good vibes on the trip.. im so looking forward to it,
    Looking forward to going to the Cape with Doris also,we have made reservations for Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant up there we went to before called Hearth and Kettle ..full turkey dinner ,seconds if you would like and a turkey sandwich to go.. we are so excited... and depending on the weather we can walk it off at the beach afterwards.. yipeee

    sounds like a perfect trip!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Lisa ... no wonder they left out the rest of that Mother Goose rhyme... wow!

    Flea ... thinking about you today ...

    Heather ... hope you feel better soon!

    Carol ... glad to hear your eye procedure went well!

    Rainy day here. It's my husband's birthday ... he scheduled a covid booster for today? I'm making an apple cobbler for his birthday dessert. He's requested a spicy penne dish that I make. Will add a salad to the meal to make it somewhat balanced.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Pip ... uneven nails on Yogi's paw?