Teacher support Group



  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I need to vent a little please -
    Yesterday afternoon my classroom floor was a mess due to the grass being recently mowed & kids playing out on the field. They had tried to wipe their feet on the mat - it, too was covered in dry grass.
    My principal walked by & asked what was going on to make such a mess...have the kids sweep it up...
    I didn't snap, but boy I felt like it.
    The kids swept it up, sort of, but I was so irritated by that comment. We have custodians. They're going to sweep anyway. It was only an hour before dismissal. I didn't really see the need to take time out of the day for sweeping.
    Thanks for listening.

    You should have asked "Oh when did they add sweeping skills to the state proficiency tests?" LOL!:laugh:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I need to vent a little please -
    Yesterday afternoon my classroom floor was a mess due to the grass being recently mowed & kids playing out on the field. They had tried to wipe their feet on the mat - it, too was covered in dry grass.
    My principal walked by & asked what was going on to make such a mess...have the kids sweep it up...
    I didn't snap, but boy I felt like it.
    The kids swept it up, sort of, but I was so irritated by that comment. We have custodians. They're going to sweep anyway. It was only an hour before dismissal. I didn't really see the need to take time out of the day for sweeping.
    Thanks for listening.

    You should have asked "Oh when did they add sweeping skills to the state proficiency tests?" LOL!:laugh:

    NO DOUBT!!!!!!!!!!!! Man...I can't stand it when my kids track stuff in, and actually at the end of the day, I make my kids clean the floor, out of respect to our custodians who (most of them) work so hard...BUT, there are times that they just can't help it!!!! Do you have a Leadership Team? Because that may be something to have them bring up at that next meeting...that this is an issue, and interferes with teaching time????? Just a suggestion...but boy, I'd be p.o.'d at that comment!!!! Hang in there---it was just an ignorant comment...maybe you could make a flippant comment back about it...like, "Better to have them tracking in the grass, than smoking it!" :laugh:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Okay so this is my first time chiming in on this thread but I need to get something out.:grumble: I was sitting at my desk giving my HS Spanish 2 students a few minutes to review the info for their quiz. I eat a snack every day at 9-9:15, and usually on B-day I eat it during my 2nd period prep but lately I have had so much to do during prep I have been waiting til the beginning of 4th block to eat my snack. My morning snack is apple or blueberries with ff yogurt or cottage cheese and walnuts and uncooked rolled oats. Now I have had questions in the past about oh miss what is that or that looks good what is it? My students are generally supportive and nice. Well yesterday as I ate my snack and finished entereing a couple grades so they could see their current averages, one of the girls at the table closest to my desk says to her table mates-"Why is she always eating doesn't she know she's fat?"(okay so this girl has a 20.3F average in my class does nothing but sleep and look at herself in the mirror and eat chips and junk - she was eating hot fries at the time she made the comment, not exactly a rocket scientist!:grumble: ) No one agreed and only one girl said anything she said "You have room to talk you are always eating too." I know that the petty comments shouldn't bother me at my age and I just played off like I didn't hear her but it dug at me and hurt. I wonder when people's comments will stop making me hurt. I have worked for years on building myself up emotionally and it shouldn't take as little as a stupid twit's comments to bring me down but it does.:sad: Okay rant over!:blushing:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Rude student comments...kids can just be buttheads, for lack of a better word (of course I can think of worse words to describe some of them). Keep in perspective that you need to consder the source...she probably is so messed up in the head it's pathetic, and YOU know what you are doing to be a healthy eater. Many of us are learning that we have to eat regularly to boost our metabolism...she's a clueless kid...so ignore her the best you can...or educate her on what you've learned as an adult, that you didn't know as a child regarding eating issues???

    Maybe this will make you feel better...TRUE STORY ALERT:

    When my boys were little (around 4 & 5 years old) I was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch one day. One of my sons said he only wanted jelly on his...and I replied, "No, you don't want to eat a lot of jelly, because that will give you a fat butt."

    He remarked, "Wow, mom, you must've eaten a LOT of jelly!" UGH!!!!! Kids, gotta love'm or you'll strangle'm!!!! LOL:laugh:

    Hang in there!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Awww but it sounds so cute coming from the little one's who are just learning about what is appropriate to say and not say. I do not even like her so I am not sure why I let it bother me. Hmm maybe I'll move her to the other side of my room like by the door so she can get out the quickest :laugh:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Awww but it sounds so cute coming from the little one's who are just learning about what is appropriate to say and not say. I do not even like her so I am not sure why I let it bother me. Hmm maybe I'll move her to the other side of my room like by the door so she can get out the quickest :laugh:

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I had a student say in class that one of the girls looks like lumpy white potatos. Before I even thought about it I had told him that his obviously superior intellect (he has an F in EVERY class)apparently did not extend to censoring his mouth and he had really better think twice before I allowed him to become the target of his classmates. He said "HUH" which caused all the other students to laugh at him and tell him he'd better shut up (which he did).

    I also had one student who was really bad about putting down other students in the class ALL the time. I had called home, sent her to the office, filled out the bullying paperwork, you name it, I did it.

    Finally one day, I had enough of her and her mouth and gave the whole class five minutes of her being fair game, anything they wanted to say about her, no reprisals. After two minutes, she was in tears and we never had another problem with her mouth.

    This was two years ago and when she sees me anywhere on campus she either comes and gives me a hug or calls out hello.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    That's the way it always works - those tough cases are the ones who remember you!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    That's the way it always works - those tough cases are the ones who remember you!

    True...they are probably just looking for attention...anyway they can get it!

    We just started conference week today...but I finished mine for today, WHOO HOO!!! BUT, I have a lot of tough ones the next 3 days!
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    Sounds like a great idea!! How long are your lunch breaks? I have barely enough time to eat my meal before I have to escort my students back to class.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I wanted to mention that a group of us at my school go walking during our lunch break for about 15 to 20 minutes. We do so with weights and do laps in the halls and go running up and down stairs. Maybe this is something you can try at your schools. :wink:
    You are so fortunate to work with people that are willing to do that. :smile: I wish we worked together, because I'd walk with you at lunch! I've tried and tried to get my co-workers to go walking with me...but a bunch of them would rather sit around (and gripe) all lunch long. I'm really lucky to work at a campus right now with a beautiful view from the park next to us...I just love my walk there...it really clears my mind and boosts my postive energy for the afternoon. :heart:

    Weights? Now there's an idea!!! :happy:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    So how is everyone doing this week? Are we all swamped with testing torture???
    This week is going better for me. How about you?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    This is my 3rd year teaching sports medicine and I FOR SURE have a new respect for teachers. This year I have this one class with two kids in that I want to WRING their necks!!! It's totally stressing me out. My other two classes are AWESOME!! There always has to be just one eh!?!:mad:
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    One of my special ed students raised his hand with a problem. He had written about three of his five topics and was out of paper! OMG! Sometimes... He's the same one who asked me twice last week if he should put his name on his paper!

    I love them, but it's tiring when I have to do so much of their thinking!

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    All I can say is that I'm glad it's Friday!!! It was Conference Week this past week. Man...it's so hard to get certain parents to pull their heads out of their deep vats of denial. They think their kids are so perfect and what their child syas is the gospel truth. You know, I often wonder what happened to the days where the teacher was the authority figure not the child???? Go figure!!!! :wink:
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I had a teacher friend that explained everything about those parents and students in one simple phrase:

    No lifeguards at the gene pool!

    We start our testing this week. I'll be SOOOOOO glad to get done so I can start teaching again.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I had a teacher friend that explained everything about those parents and students in one simple phrase:

    No lifeguards at the gene pool!

    We start our testing this week. I'll be SOOOOOO glad to get done so I can start teaching again.


    Well...I DID get Pink Slipped this weekend...man it stinks! So I'm looking for a job. Anyone hiring for next year? :smile:
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    Sorry to hear it, I kept my fingers crossed for you.

    Are you interested in Florida??? I can keep an eye out.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    That's too bad. Maybe something will open up.
  • Well guys, I am a future teacher with a year of college left and I've got to say I'm glad I found this thread! I need to know what I'm getting myself into! Also, I have so much respect for each of you and can't wait to consider myself part of to group. Keep up the hard work of losing weight - you deserve to be happy!