Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Guys.....I'm so I went pee today....and was wiping away pink.....what the hell....I got my period Sept 5th....which was over a week late.....but the tests were BFN. Wasn't a normal period for me either..pain, colour, I figure it could have been a spontaneous miscarriage.....which I updated you guys about....but why am I wiping away pink....and its not all the time either. My period finished on the weekend.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I wonder if I'm overreacting or if I should go see the doctor....
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Guys.....I'm so I went pee today....and was wiping away pink.....what the hell....I got my period Sept 5th....which was over a week late.....but the tests were BFN. Wasn't a normal period for me either..pain, colour, I figure it could have been a spontaneous miscarriage.....which I updated you guys about....but why am I wiping away pink....and its not all the time either. My period finished on the weekend.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I wonder if I'm overreacting or if I should go see the doctor....

    We are def the same person but in different countries! I had the same thing yesterday LOL....I figure it's just reminence of the miscarriage? I had a pap yesterday and they said everything seemed fine so i wouldn't worry about it. My hubby said that he read that spotting is a sign of ovulation (as I've told you he knows all of the POSSIBLE signs and keeps looking for them) so who freakin knows....if my cycle hasn't gotten normal again by next month then I may consider doing back to the doc.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Sending hugs your way Pam! way to keep your head up and have fun on your anniversary!

    So I don't know if it was a miscarriage or not, but I decided that if it was then if nothing else it is a sign that I'm fertile so that's a plus. Also I have read that you are more fertile after a miscarriage. Granted that is from the internet and I read some stuff that says your not, but I'm going to stick with the thought that I'm more fertile because it makes me feel better lol

    After going to the doc it turns out I don't have a yeast infection but I do have BV. The meds she gave me say not to take it if you're pregnant so I'm thinking of waiting until after my projected period to take them just in case. I took my first OPK yesterday, I took it because I wanted to know if I had ovulated, if I didn't then I would just use the meds now. Anyway, yesterday was the day after what fertility friend said would be O day, it got a very faint positive so I'm guessing that means I had just finished? either that or I'm toward the beginning of the 36 hours. Either way, for now I'm not using the drugs and if I turn out to be preggo I'll ask the doc for something that's better for pregnant women. I'm also thinking of ordering some OPK's I get why Jalara said they can be addicting. For me, it's like #1, it tells me my cycle is relatively normal and #2, it's nice to see those double lines even if it isn't a BFP. does that sound dumb? It feels dumb but oh well, I'm just gonna roll with the punches and see where I end up :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Must resist the urge to pee on things.....CD23 and 9DPO....I've made a deal w myself either lab results or CD29....which is NEXT tuesday....this whole 2WW thing SUCKS....been crampy and "stiff" in my uterine area...not sure what that means besides keeping me pretty cranky and uncomfortable....
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Guys.....I'm so I went pee today....and was wiping away pink.....what the hell....I got my period Sept 5th....which was over a week late.....but the tests were BFN. Wasn't a normal period for me either..pain, colour, I figure it could have been a spontaneous miscarriage.....which I updated you guys about....but why am I wiping away pink....and its not all the time either. My period finished on the weekend.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I wonder if I'm overreacting or if I should go see the doctor....

    Have you POAS since? I'm not trying to scare you but I had this same thing happen to me, I tested up until AF with BFN's then on CD8 I started spotting. I POAS just in case, in fact I forgot to look at it for over an hour cause I didn't believe it could be positive. Turned out I was pregnant and loosing my baby. At the very least POAS then no matter what the results are you should call your doctor.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Guys.....I'm so I went pee today....and was wiping away pink.....what the hell....I got my period Sept 5th....which was over a week late.....but the tests were BFN. Wasn't a normal period for me either..pain, colour, I figure it could have been a spontaneous miscarriage.....which I updated you guys about....but why am I wiping away pink....and its not all the time either. My period finished on the weekend.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I wonder if I'm overreacting or if I should go see the doctor....

    I wrote you a message Hun.

    Everyone else - I'm sorry but there is no way I'm going to be able to get caught up on everything. I really wish I could but I just don't have time.

    Things are okay here - still waiting for my period since the miscarriage and the doc put me on Baby Aspirin to thin my blood a bit in case implantation is our issue. I also have progesterone suppositories in case we get a BFP.

    School has started and I'm crazy busy with my Pharmacology class (oh the joys of medication math).

    To everyone who is new I'm very happy to have our community growing!
  • Pantera: I have had that happen before. I never really thought much about it though, because my body is just weird. I have never seen a doc about it... but I hate doctors, so you probably shouldn't listen to me on that end. lol.

    9Honey: :( I'm so sorry. Lots of hugs and prayers to you.

    AFM: I weighed in today and I am down 1.5 lbs. Yay! And I made a doctor's appointment, which I am definitely not looking terribly forward to, but I guess it's a good thing.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey all! WHEW this board is rockin.

    Not much to report here. Day 5 of Weight watchers--doing pretty good so far. My first "test" will be today and tomorrow--hubby has been away for the week at a trade show in Baltimore. Little guy and I are driving up there to meet him tonight, stay in the hotel, and then we are all going to the Children's Museum tomorrow. I think it'll be fun...but it'll be a lot of eating out, so I'm going to have to watch it carefully. One new phrase I hear from WW to encourage good choices while eating out that I'm liking right now is "The treat is not the food when you eat out. The treat is not having to cook and clean up." A good way of looking at it!

    In baby-related news, AF arrived today. Sounds crazy to say I'm happy, but today was the best day, since we are starting a treatment cycle--if it had come yesterday, I couldn't have gone to Baltimore, and if it had come tomorrow, I'd have to drive almost 2 hours one way to get a 2 minute bloodtest at the only office open on Sundays. At least this way I only have to drive about 45 minutes. Sigh....

    Hubby took the secondary infertiility book I had on his trip for a little light reading. i didn't know he had done it, but he told me he was reading it. I was glad to hear it. I knew if I pushed it on him, he'd be resistant, but he did it on his own this way. I hope it will help discussion, and help him understand some of the stuff I'm coping with. We'll see....

    Happy almost weekend to everyone!
  • Hello everyone, I thought I would join in since my husband and I have been TTC for some time now. We can get pregnant but we can't stay pregnant. Hopefully we will get our take home baby one day before my eggs shrivle up to dust! I have put on tons of weight since 09. Alot of it was from depression about miscarriages, the whole TTC process and just giving up on myself. Well I'm tired of making excuses and I've got to get the weight off. I'm not using bbt's, opk's or anything anymore. I opted not to have surgery for my fibroid out of fear of something going wrong and having to get a hysterectomy!! So I'm going the natural way to try and shrink that sucker on my on. My doc seems to believe that my eggs keep trying to implant on top of my fibroid so there isn't enough lining for growth! He said if it were to go the anterior portion of my uterus, I would be fine. Well I'm just focusing on losing weight right now and shrinking this fibroid. If were to get pregnant right now, I would be happy but scared!

    Age: 36
    Where you live: Alabama
    Job: Social Work
    Length of time on the board: almost 3 weeks
    Marital Status: Happily Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 5
    Do you have kids: I have kids, he has none
    Length of time TTC: two 6w mc's, one chemical over the course of 2 1/2 years
    Diagnosis: DX submucousal fibroid August 19, 2011. 5mm, half protruding in uterine cavity and the other in the wall
    Do you chart your BBT: I used to for a long time, found it too stressful!
    Do you use OPKs: I use to put it made me furious so now I know my window very well
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5" 6
    Weight: 238
    Goal Weight: right now I'm just focusing on losing 40 lbs
    Strange fact about yourself: I change my voice when I talk, maybe 25 times a day..LOL! I don't do it on purpose! Whenever I answer the phone, the person on the other line never thinks that it's me! The only person I can't fool is my husband!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, just want this to pop up on my topics. We thinking of TTC in the next few months. So want to keep updated. Hope you are all well.x
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    been crampy and "stiff" in my uterine area...not sure what that means besides keeping me pretty cranky and uncomfortable....

    I was like that with my son before I knew I was pregnant. We weren't trying to get pregnant and so I kept thinking the cramps were pre-period ones and I had noticed my uteran area was oddly stiff or hard. Found out two days later I was preggo! GOOD LUCK! SENDING OUT GOOD VIBES AND THOUGHTS!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    goals last week:
    increase water consumption - hit and miss, but getting better
    take all medication without forgetting - check
    continue the habit of eating breakfast (by 8am) - check
    balance running (four days), 30 day shred (five days) and bikram yoga (everyday? every other day?) - check, went with every day but one, switching to every other
    start volunteering in the boys' school again - check
    get rid of extra books - check
    work on paper clutter in office - total miss

    goals this week:
    consistant water consumption
    take all medication without forgetting (i already know this is a miss)
    send review book packages in the mail
    work on paper clutter in office
    spend the day saturday doing things my boys want to do instead of what i want to do
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    "The treat is not the food when you eat out. The treat is not having to cook and clean up."

    love this quote and it's really so true.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    My update: I will officially start my testing in the AM! I have taken tests already cause I'm an ADDICT! But they've all been negative so far. Although this morning I 'thought' I might have seen a little something on the test. Keeping my FX, last time I 'thought' I saw something in the morning, and nobody else could see it, I got my positive in the evening. Really hopeful, but I'm going to try to hold off until the morning.
    Currently 7dpo, nervous and excited, this feels so promising right now!!
  • Pantera/imarunner: My vitamins are from the brand vitafusion. I got them at a Target but I've seen them basically everywhere.

    Whoever it was that was talking about the expense of gummy prenatals, honestly, mine were only 2 dollars more than the name brand prenatals with the same number of doses... I know the brand isn't an isse for some people, but I don't do off brand vitamins, personally... it makes me too nervous. And for me, I can take these easily. The last time I tried taking vitamins years ago, I wasn't good at doing so because swallowing them literally hurt my throat (I literally took them so rarely that I ended up having to throw out the bottle half full of expired vitamins). So it's more worth it to me. Be careful about taking too many vitamins when mixing them with children's gummies though. I don't know about the children's ones specifically, but I know that vitamins in general really shouldn't be taken in bigger doses than recommended without a doctor's supervision because too much of certain vitamins can cause all sorts of problems, particularly in women (like reproductive system cancers). I'm not a doctor or anything, so feel free to ignore my advice, but that is just what I've been told in the past.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Looks like quite a few people are hopping on board or having minor successes a long the journey of gaining a future family. Good job to all you guys!!!

    AFM: So I have the most ridiculous story to tell. Today is day 26. I've had my blood tested 3 times to see if I've ovulated (I've had regular 36 cycles for almost the last year) in the past week and I got the news yesterday that we were putting the stuff on hold so I could have a cycle of BCP to help kick start me. As I walked out of the office yesterday, my nurse yelled out, don't forget to call with your day 1!!!! This morning I get into the office, make my tea and breakfast and realize I have to use the bathroom. Head in there and wipe and WOWSER RED stuff!!!! WTH!!!!!!! LOL So I called my DH and told him and he kept calling me crazy and to call in my day 1. So I called my clinic and they were stunned with my cyclical activity (not for the first time, either). What do you mean it's day 1....uh....not sure what else to say....LOL Are you sure it's not just spotting......Yup...uh....okay, then on Saturday when we were going to do a pregnancy test, we'll run some day 3 bloods, I guess and you get to go for more ultrasounds....LOL She hung up the phone muttering.....LOL

    So the good news is I assumed some key facts incorrectly....I start BCP on Saturday for 14 days. Then we add in the Lupron for another 5 days, stop the pill and continue Lupron for another 9 days. That should trigger AF. Then I wait 3 days and start another round of Lupron and then go in for retrieval. Hopefully, our transfer will be happening on Halloween. That means a June/July baby for me!!!

    Crazy cycles!!! I'm confused......
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats fitterpam! Hopefully it will happen quickly for you now that things are getting back on track!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Not being real great at responding to everyone but wanted to pop on and say hello. I hope everything you're doing helps! I know other people posted stuff I wanted to comment on, but it's too early and my mind is not working right now. Have a great day all!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    That's great news Pam!

    Fingers crossed for you Smores
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Kittyfelize- Go and get your wisdom teeth out.....Trust me....I just went through the same thing....only mine weren't bothering me...all they were doing is shifting my teeth....and I thought to myself if I don't get them out now...I never will....and will spend thousands on braces to correct my teeth if I got pregnant and they kept shifting....then who wants to get their teeth out with a new born to care for?? It will be that much harder for you to get them out later.....Do it if you're bad ;) I'm bad!! LOL

    Haha, I know I need to so bad! And I need to do it soon otherwise I'll be too busy at work soon to take time off. Stupid wisdom teeth!!!