October 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    edited October 2021
    @martaindale Uneventful runs are good runs. You are doing great. Hope you like the new gels.

    @Teresa502 You are doing so good. I hope you enjoy the survival class tomorrow.

    Nice @CarsonSurfs .

    @sweetdaisy13 If they gave you energy, does it really matter if it's real or psychological? Great run.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    Good luck on your race on Sunday @katharmonic ! Glad you have a friend you are going to run with. That will make it fun.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    October 1 – 5.14
    October 2 – 22.24
    October 4 – 5.14
    October 5 – 3.01
    October 6 – 5.05
    October 8 – 6.02
    October 10 – 5.50
    October 11 – 5.03
    October 13 – 5.18
    October 14 – 3.89
    October 15 – 5.21
    October 18 – 5.46
    October 20 – 5.02
    October 22 – 10.09
    Total – 91.98/125

    I met a couple of friends for 5 miles this morning and then I ran another 5 miles by myself. I’m signed up for a Wilderness Survival Class which lasts all day tomorrow so thought I had better get a long run in today.

    @polskagirl01 – According to Google, that’s the symbol that the item is safe to come into contact with food. Do you have bleach that you could dilute in soapy water to wash it in again? The pictures are gorgeous!

    Thanks for the info on the ring neck snake @rheddmobile. Glad you saved it!

    I bet it’s a beautiful day for your trip @Tramboman – share pictures with us please!

    @Scott6255 and @Orphia – Ya’ll are scaring me! I just bought a new pair of the Ghost 13s.

    I regret to report that @Tramboman does not know how to take pictures.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @Scott6255 @Teresa502 This is my first pair of Ghosts. I've had a lot of pairs of Nike Pegasus 33 and 34 and 2 pairs of Nike Wildhorse which have all been great. I've worn Brooks before (Ravenna and Adrenaline) but I should not have had those support shoes and/or shouldn't have worn them with orthotics. Disappointed that the neutral Ghosts were so hard with my orthotics.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    Hahaha I think @Tramboman needs to sign up for some classes. :wink: We need a LOL button.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary So sorry that you are going to be in lockdown until the end of November. That really stinks. I'm sure your DH's hair looks good. Mom used to do my dad's. His was super curly, so some days it looked good. Other days, not so much, but I didn't say anything. Short is short, for the most part. :wink: Love the dinosaur cake! You are very talented. Hang in there.
  • sweetdaisy13
    sweetdaisy13 Posts: 357 Member

    @sweetdaisy13 If they gave you energy, does it really matter if it's real or psychological? Great run.

    You're right @quilteryoyo, I think I need to try them a few more times to be certain. They are jelly (jello in the US) blocks that contain Carbs (31g) and Caffeine (68 mg) per block and whilst I'm sure they did help I'm not yet truly convinced.

    When running an ultra marathon I tend to eat 'real' food such as flapjacks, salted crackers, baby food pouches etc as opposed to the gels/carb bars, but this is the first time I've tried something artificial like this.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,096 Member
    Somehow skipped almost 2 pages.
    @julieannegannon I have a very similar roller to the one @shanaber linked too. It is a great all-purpose foam roller. Highly recommend. I also have a lacrosse ball (cheap at any sporting goods store) that is my go to for more targeted relief, a small ball with plastic spikes that I use for my plantar fascia sometimes, and a travel roller (basically a smaller version of the workhorse one). My living room kind of looks like a PT office but it's nice to have options and foam rolling was a game changer for me with recovery.

    @kgirlhart I saw your race is at Possum Kingdom. I did a race there earlier this year and it is such a pretty set of trails. Have a great time and I can't wait to see some pics.

    @Teresa502 I want to see what you think of the 13s. I have several pairs of the 12s and had enough backups that I haven't used any 13s. Maybe I have 1 pair of 13s in my closet stockpile. Hopefully your experience is better than @Scott6255 and @Orphia

    @sweetdaisy13 Glad you are enjoying the lower mileage. Sounds like you needed a little break.

    @ContraryMaryMary That cake is super cool!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    @martaindale Glad the run was okay, but sorry you didn't get to do all of your normal after run activities and that your calves are sore. Hope the bath makes you feel like new.