Atkins Support Group



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    how do you all count net carbs? I have been doing research and there are all sorts of theories on how to calculate it. net carbs= carbs - (fiber+sugar alcohol) or net carbs= carbs- fiber.

    I guess I should just run an experiement and see which causes me to gain?
    I've never seen anything but the first one: net carbs = total carbs - (fiber + sugar alcohol) . Sugar alcohols don't impact your blood sugar levels like regular carbs, so you don't count them.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Well, it looks like I'm starting to have consistent loss rather than having to wait for the WF every few weeks. And even though I've still been losing, I've been battling with self-doubt the past few days. I love the weight loss, but I hate the lack of energy. I have been forgetting to take my vitamins, so I'm going to make sure I take them everyday this week and see if it has any effect.

    Because of having WLS a couple of years back, I have to take so many damn vitamins I swear I rattle when I walk in the morning ;)
    B12, B complex, Calcium w/ D, Multivitamin, Fish Oil and Vitamin C.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    how do you all count net carbs? I have been doing research and there are all sorts of theories on how to calculate it. net carbs= carbs - (fiber+sugar alcohol) or net carbs= carbs- fiber.

    I guess I should just run an experiement and see which causes me to gain?
    I've never seen anything but the first one: net carbs = total carbs - (fiber + sugar alcohol) . Sugar alcohols don't impact your blood sugar levels like regular carbs, so you don't count them.

    I've seen this too. But if you start to stall, you should cut out the things that have sugar alcohols because they could be the culprit.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    This TOM stuff seriously needs to make its way to GONE!!! I was finally back down again yesterday to my low point, and again this morning....but tonight, I am UP 6 POUNDS from this morning. I know it is water weight, but it is hard not to freak. My sodium was pretty high today, so I know that did not help matters, but I am staying at NET 20 carbs and I cannot seem to break 125.5 no matter what I do, and then to be up 6 pounds since 7 am is just....grrrr!!!

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I don't do net carbs..............

    I count total carb intake as the original Atkins '72 book did not count net carbs either.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    This TOM stuff seriously needs to make its way to GONE!!! I was finally back down again yesterday to my low point, and again this morning....but tonight, I am UP 6 POUNDS from this morning. I know it is water weight, but it is hard not to freak. My sodium was pretty high today, so I know that did not help matters, but I am staying at NET 20 carbs and I cannot seem to break 125.5 no matter what I do, and then to be up 6 pounds since 7 am is just....grrrr!!!

    I had a day like that yesterday. Started at 126.4 and at bedtime I was at 130.2. Yikes! I had a good day and was even in ketosis, so WTH, right? I was down to 125.6 this morning, though. Huge overnight loss. :)
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member

    I finally got a whoosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lost 2.6 lbs! I increased my food a little. I think I have been eating too little in the hope that it will make things move faster! I am now 139.8lbs. Fingers and legs and everything crossed I can keep at this and maybe even lose another 4lb if possible!!
    Oh and I check keto sticks everyday and they are normally pink - darker pink. Today It was the darkest purple within a second!! Hopefully this is all good signs?

    Thanks for all your support

    Jaycee xx
  • @jaycee76 - GJ!!!!
  • I have only lost 0.5 lbs this week which is discouraging since I had big losses the past two weeks. Official weigh in day is tomorrow, so we'll see what that brings. I know part of my problem was to much sodium even though I drink more than a gallon a day of water, I haven't been urinating as usual. Yesterday I had a great sodium intake day, consuming way under my goal, however, my carbs were higher than I wanted. Also, I've got find more sources of fiber.

    Btw, I had Linda's Big Mac salad for lunch yesterday and it was great! You all should try it.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    This TOM stuff seriously needs to make its way to GONE!!! I was finally back down again yesterday to my low point, and again this morning....but tonight, I am UP 6 POUNDS from this morning. I know it is water weight, but it is hard not to freak. My sodium was pretty high today, so I know that did not help matters, but I am staying at NET 20 carbs and I cannot seem to break 125.5 no matter what I do, and then to be up 6 pounds since 7 am is just....grrrr!!!

    I had a day like that yesterday. Started at 126.4 and at bedtime I was at 130.2. Yikes! I had a good day and was even in ketosis, so WTH, right? I was down to 125.6 this morning, though. Huge overnight loss. :)

    You can't really count your night weight for anything. Remember this is after an entire day of exercising, working, eating and drinking. Your body is full of fluid and food. I highly recommend NOT weighing yourself at night for this reason. You don't want to freak over nothing :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    This TOM stuff seriously needs to make its way to GONE!!! I was finally back down again yesterday to my low point, and again this morning....but tonight, I am UP 6 POUNDS from this morning. I know it is water weight, but it is hard not to freak. My sodium was pretty high today, so I know that did not help matters, but I am staying at NET 20 carbs and I cannot seem to break 125.5 no matter what I do, and then to be up 6 pounds since 7 am is just....grrrr!!!

    I had a day like that yesterday. Started at 126.4 and at bedtime I was at 130.2. Yikes! I had a good day and was even in ketosis, so WTH, right? I was down to 125.6 this morning, though. Huge overnight loss. :)

    You can't really count your night weight for anything. Remember this is after an entire day of exercising, working, eating and drinking. Your body is full of fluid and food. I highly recommend NOT weighing yourself at night for this reason. You don't want to freak over nothing :)
    Agreed. I don't actually freak out over what I weight at night. I just find it really interesting how much weight we can lose overnight. The night above was probably my biggest overnight loss.

    I should add that I'm also the kind to take my temperature every half hour when I have a fever. I just want to know exactly where I'm at all of the time. LOL
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Does anyone ever find that the thought of eating protein & fat just doesn't sound appealing?? Ugh, I had that this morning. I made myself eat, I was really hungry, but my normal eggs & bacon/sausage just didn't sound good. :huh:
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Does anyone ever find that the thought of eating protein & fat just doesn't sound appealing?? Ugh, I had that this morning. I made myself eat, I was really hungry, but my normal eggs & bacon/sausage just didn't sound good. :huh:

    Yes, (chewing bacon), I find it completely disgusting..(nom, nom, nom)....seriously, can't look at another piece of bacon...(gulp)..don't even get me started on cheese (licks fingers)...

    Seriously, I don't think I'll ever grow tired of meat or bacon. We've been experimenting with a lot of different low-carb marinades, and I love what my husband comes up with for dinner. When I got pregnant, I started disliking eggs, and it never went away after my son was born. I can only tolerate eggs in small doses, now. Which sucks because according to Dr. Atkins, eggs are the perfect food.
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    Just been offered a carburys mini roll in the office. I politely declined, only to be faced with, "but it's tiny, and quite low fat... It's not going to hurt is it.... anyway you're going to the gym later"

    No matter how many times I explain this diet, people don't understand it. I guess I should expect no less from an office full of oldies who've spent their whole lives on weightwatchers. They even still believe fruit and veg is "FREE", which frustrates the hell out of me after losing most of my weigh by calorie counting. I guess it explains why 2 of them have gone up and down the same stone each year since I started working here 4 years ago.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Just been offered a carburys mini roll in the office. I politely declined, only to be faced with, "but it's tiny, and quite low fat... It's not going to hurt is it.... anyway you're going to the gym later"

    No matter how many times I explain this diet, people don't understand it. I guess I should expect no less from an office full of oldies who've spent their whole lives on weightwatchers. They even still believe fruit and veg is "FREE", which frustrates the hell out of me after losing most of my weigh by calorie counting. I guess it explains why 2 of them have gone up and down the same stone each year since I started working here 4 years ago.

    I find it quite interesting that some people cannot quite grasp the concept of a carb. Even my husband, who is a fairly intelligent individual, after being told an umpteen number of times that I'm "avoiding carbs" will ask me "Can you eat this?"
    "It's made with wheat, I can't eat it." or "It's rice, no I can't eat that." or "No, potatoes are not on my diet". Seriously?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Does anyone ever find that the thought of eating protein & fat just doesn't sound appealing?? Ugh, I had that this morning. I made myself eat, I was really hungry, but my normal eggs & bacon/sausage just didn't sound good. :huh:

    No, I am sorry but I have never had that happen to me...................

    The thought of being able to eat fat excites me to no end!!! Shhhh, don't tell my husband that, LOL.

    Bacon and eggs or my home ground and seasoned sausage and eggs is something I could eat 3 or 4 times per day!!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Does anyone ever find that the thought of eating protein & fat just doesn't sound appealing?? Ugh, I had that this morning. I made myself eat, I was really hungry, but my normal eggs & bacon/sausage just didn't sound good. :huh:

    No, I am sorry but I have never had that happen to me...................

    The thought of being able to eat fat excites me to no end!!! Shhhh, don't tell my husband that, LOL.

    Bacon and eggs or my home ground and seasoned sausage and eggs is something I could eat 3 or 4 times per day!!!

    Normally this is true for me as well, but today....ugh. I think it might just be from my tummy being messed up? :sick:
  • @shar140 - It happens at times. Its like anything else, you get bored of the scenery and look around. Stay on course but try something different. Do more chicken or turkey or more seafood.
  • Hi I just started Fitnesspal but have been on Atkins since 8/15. I have lost 8 lbs. and totally enjoy all the protein. I need some help with how you track your carbs on this site? I am very slowly moving into phase 2 but I am keeping to the 15-20 carbs with a few additional foods like nuts. I have not had a chance to read all the posts for this group so if you could help me out I will get to reading asap.