My Doctor Suggested Weight Loss Surgery



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    @Coblujay, you are doing *just great*. In fact, it sound practically perfect, such as the way you've found forms of exercise it sounds like you really enjoy: Good stuff. I hope things are going well on the satiation front, too. Those are pretty key variables, I think, happy activity and reasonable satiety.

    A diet break can be a really good idea. You've done so well, I'm betting you'll ace that, too. Maybe thinking of it as "maintenance practice" helps frame it in an extra progress-oriented way?

    Since you're researching, you've probably seen the thread here, but in case not:

    It identifies some good outside resources, too.

    Wishing you continuing success . . . and in your case, I'd place bets on it!
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit Wowsa!! You are an inspiration. I'm so happy for you. I'm seeing some loose skin already, but taking it as a badge of honor. That could change as more appears. I do know that I'm feeling so much stronger and confident and I love fitting into clothes I couldn't wear before. Thank you!
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @springlering62 Thank you! I'm following your journey with your BL and enjoying every post. :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    coblujay wrote: »
    @callsitlikeiseeit Wowsa!! You are an inspiration. I'm so happy for you. I'm seeing some loose skin already, but taking it as a badge of honor. That could change as more appears. I do know that I'm feeling so much stronger and confident and I love fitting into clothes I couldn't wear before. Thank you!

    i remember how EXCITED i was when i realized i could buy clothes in a 'NORMAL' store! in 'NORMAL' sizes! i was like oh, wait! i dont have to go to a special store or to a back corner of the store!

    a lot of loose skin tightens up naturally as you go along and then more over time. stay well hydrated, lotion, coconut oil, pick your moisturizer of choice- a lot of people swear by it. it may or may not help, but it also wont hurt. and youll smell good LOL losing it slowly helps. gives the skin time to 'recover' it truly is not a race. i took about a 2 year maintenance 'break' and just started back at the beginning of this year. like i said, we will see what happens skin wise as i continue (im looking at you, lower stomach....), but for now its okay.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    coblujay wrote: »
    @callsitlikeiseeit Wowsa!! You are an inspiration. I'm so happy for you. I'm seeing some loose skin already, but taking it as a badge of honor. That could change as more appears. I do know that I'm feeling so much stronger and confident and I love fitting into clothes I couldn't wear before. Thank you!

    FWIW, WRT to loose skin after goal:

    @springlering62, who commented above, is one who's posted some good before/after photos, and she's approximately in your (our) demographic.

    Much less impressive, and only 50-ish pounds lost in total at age 59-60, but this is my loose skin report from age 64 after maintaining within a healthy range for a few years (I'm a tad thinner than that now, maybe a little more skin shrinking with time after those few more pounds, but no dramatic changes):

    My loose skin definitely looked worse en route to that point, especially during loss when subcutaneous fat was still conspiring with gravity to keep skin stretched. Don't let that scare you. Odds are good that it'll improve at goal weight, and improve further in the months afterward of maintaining goal weight. It's a process. 😉😆
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    coblujay wrote: »
    Two month update: I really appreciated all the great advice when I posted this two months ago and I took that advice very seriously. I've had some struggles, but have remained focused. On July 6th, I had lost thirteen pounds since officially starting this journey on June 3rd.

    As of today:
    • Lost 27.6# total
    • Exercising 4-5 days a week. I've added swimming to the mix of hiking and Orange Theory Fitness (OTF). It's been a great addition. I hadn't done laps before and while I'm still learning and working on my endurance, I've really loved my time in the pool.
    • Logged for 97 days
    • Went through my closet and donated anything that no longer fit or that I won't ever wear. All my size 22 pants have been donated. I'm never going there again.
    • I visit the forums on a regular basis to stay connected and gain inspiration

    What's next?
    • As the weather gets colder, my sister and I won't be hiking any more, so I plan to add more OTF sessions.
    • I found an indoor pool where I can continue to swim
    • Interested in adding more specific weight training
    • Will be researching taking a diet break for a week or two to give my body a rest. I'm a little nervous about this. I don't want to get off track.

    Thanks to everyone for all their encouragement and suggestions. Hoping to report back more progress two months from today.

    Thanks for the update!

    Why no winter hiking? I stop hiking in the summer and am happy when the cooler weather rolls around again. I just keep adding more layers, warmer boots, and wool socks. Save a pair of larger jeans and put some leggings or pajama bottoms under them.

    I've had decades of practice, lol.


    OMG that’s like Rudolph Christmas special cute!
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @kshama2001 My sister and I were looking at the trail today and decided we could easily do the more level road section even when it snows. The other trails we hike have steeper climbs and downhills and unless it's dry, I'm not confident enough to attempt them in the snow or mud. I've really enjoyed our hikes, not just the challenge, but spending time with my sister. So I'm hopeful we can keep going. What a fun picture!! :)
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I'm still far from buying "normal" clothes, but I'm fitting into clothes I have in my closet but haven't worn for years. I've been using lotions, but that might be a good place to add lots of yummy scents. Watch out, lower stomach, she has it in for you!! :)
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @AnnPT77 You have been one of my inspirations from the start, Ann. I read so many of your responses that are filled with wisdom from personal experience. I will check out the post on diet breaks. I don't crave much and seem primarily hungry when i don't have those extra exercise calories to add to my deficit calorie level. So, I'm careful to preplan when I know one of those busy days is coming up. I can't wait to read through the posts on extra skin. I'm just excited to see it right now. I'm sure it will get old as more weight comes off. I'll do my best to be patient and let my body adjust to the new norm. I still have about 60-70 pounds to lose, but I'm getting there!! Thank you for all your support!
  • RisingPhoenix1107
    I am a serial starter. I have been lying to myself for many years. I diet a bit, then I feel sorry for myself and think about all the food I cannot have anymore (which is stupid) and before I know it I start a pity party. After a few days, I tell myself all is lost. I stop weighing in and take a vacation in denial land.

    Today is my 58th birthday and I will be da...ned if I can't fulfill my greatest wish. I am an overeater, an overindulger and I need to get to the core of that. I started a blog today, I will write instead of eating. I have emotions, some regrets, have mistakes in the past. So much was out of my control, maybe that's why I am out of control when it comes to food.

    I am not a moron. I have about 150 pounds to lose. Scary amount but I suppose it doesn't matter how much I have to lose, as long as I stay on track most of the time. Weight loss surgery doesn't solve the problem. I watched a friend go through it. The result was great, she started drinking instead. Switched one addiction for the next.

    I would l like to find like-minded, crazy, sweet, moody people of all ages on my journey. It's more fun if we are not alone.

    I need to start make myself accountable. I need to stop looking at myself as a failure and I need to stop pretending that I don't mind being obese (fat) because I do. I am beautiful inside, time to adjust my outside.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    coblujay wrote: »
    Four month update: It's crazy how quickly time flies and as this year has really passed by, I'm so grateful to have prioritized my health. While I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, I find myself walking taller, gaining more confidence and getting stronger. I did change my starting weight on MFP to 264.1 which is what I weighed on May 11th of this year. I didn't officially start logging my meals until June 3rd.

    As of today:
    • Lost 48.5 pounds.
    • Continuing my exercise plan and have improved my swim times so I can complete 1300 yards in an hour, with the majority using the freestyle stroke. My hiking times per mile are also improving. My sister and I hiked 6.26 miles this morning with an elevation gain of almost 1,000 feet.
    • I love the feeling of my pants being loose in the thigh and bum area when before they were always so tight. It seems like I'm losing more inches off those areas and my waist is staying the same. While I'd like to be down another size or two, I'm still thrilled that my body is becoming a bit more balanced in proportion.
    • Logged for 158 straight days
    • Successfully managed a week long maintenance break a few weeks ago.
    • Still donating clothes to Goodwill as they get too big and adding some smaller sizes to my closet anticipating the next size or two down. It's amazing how many more nice clothes I can find on the racks when I'm looking at smaller sizes. What a treat!

      What's next?
      • I still plan to find a trainer to work with me on weight-lifting for the upcoming year.
      • The holidays are almost here and I'm a bit nervous, but working to make a plan I can live with while still enjoying some of the usual holiday trimmings.
      • My next big goal is to be under 200#. While I was hoping to be there this year, it looks like it will probably be early next year, which isn't so far away.
      • Next summer, I want to learn to paddleboard and add other unusual activities into my schedule that I've been afraid of in the past. I can't wait to see what I can do with the new improved me.

        I wouldn't be where I am without all the support of this amazing community. Thank you all. I'll be reporting back again in about two months!


    YOU ARE DOING AMAZING! Keep it up chickie!!!!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member

    I would l like to find like-minded, crazy, sweet, moody people of all ages on my journey. It's more fun if we are not alone.

    im crazy, sweet, moody, and foul mouthed.

    does that count?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    coblujay wrote: »
    Four month update: It's crazy how quickly time flies and as this year has really passed by, I'm so grateful to have prioritized my health. While I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, I find myself walking taller, gaining more confidence and getting stronger. I did change my starting weight on MFP to 264.1 which is what I weighed on May 11th of this year. I didn't officially start logging my meals until June 3rd.

    As of today:
    • Lost 48.5 pounds.
    • Continuing my exercise plan and have improved my swim times so I can complete 1300 yards in an hour, with the majority using the freestyle stroke. My hiking times per mile are also improving. My sister and I hiked 6.26 miles this morning with an elevation gain of almost 1,000 feet.
    • I love the feeling of my pants being loose in the thigh and bum area when before they were always so tight. It seems like I'm losing more inches off those areas and my waist is staying the same. While I'd like to be down another size or two, I'm still thrilled that my body is becoming a bit more balanced in proportion.
    • Logged for 158 straight days
    • Successfully managed a week long maintenance break a few weeks ago.
    • Still donating clothes to Goodwill as they get too big and adding some smaller sizes to my closet anticipating the next size or two down. It's amazing how many more nice clothes I can find on the racks when I'm looking at smaller sizes. What a treat!

      What's next?
      • I still plan to find a trainer to work with me on weight-lifting for the upcoming year.
      • The holidays are almost here and I'm a bit nervous, but working to make a plan I can live with while still enjoying some of the usual holiday trimmings.
      • My next big goal is to be under 200#. While I was hoping to be there this year, it looks like it will probably be early next year, which isn't so far away.
      • Next summer, I want to learn to paddleboard and add other unusual activities into my schedule that I've been afraid of in the past. I can't wait to see what I can do with the new improved me.

        I wouldn't be where I am without all the support of this amazing community. Thank you all. I'll be reporting back again in about two months!


    Wow, wow, wow. That's a swoon-y fabulous result, and you look fitter and healthier in your more recent photo besides: Good show!

    I think you'll find a good route through the holidays. For me, it helped to reframe it from basically a two month food-fest starting with a November birthday, then US Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, to just those few actual holidays days, with normal days in between (maybe slightly more days at/near maintenance than usual, vs. at a regular deficit, while in the losing phase). It was pretty achievable to moderate, even with some seasonal parties, bake sales, happy hours - more doable than I would've thought, once committed to it.

    Great plan for the upcoming months, too. I share your paddleboarding goal, but I'd prefer to find an instructional session someplace. There wasn't much of that available during the pandemic, though there had been in the past.

    Wishing you continuing success, and looking forward to your next update!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    I am a serial starter. I have been lying to myself for many years. I diet a bit, then I feel sorry for myself and think about all the food I cannot have anymore (which is stupid) and before I know it I start a pity party. After a few days, I tell myself all is lost. I stop weighing in and take a vacation in denial land.

    Today is my 58th birthday and I will be da...ned if I can't fulfill my greatest wish. I am an overeater, an overindulger and I need to get to the core of that. I started a blog today, I will write instead of eating. I have emotions, some regrets, have mistakes in the past. So much was out of my control, maybe that's why I am out of control when it comes to food.

    I am not a moron. I have about 150 pounds to lose. Scary amount but I suppose it doesn't matter how much I have to lose, as long as I stay on track most of the time. Weight loss surgery doesn't solve the problem. I watched a friend go through it. The result was great, she started drinking instead. Switched one addiction for the next.

    I would l like to find like-minded, crazy, sweet, moody people of all ages on my journey. It's more fun if we are not alone.

    I need to start make myself accountable. I need to stop looking at myself as a failure and I need to stop pretending that I don't mind being obese (fat) because I do. I am beautiful inside, time to adjust my outside.

    You can do this, and it sounds like you have some solid plans.

    It's not the right route for everyone, but it helped me to think of the process as experimenting and finding some new enjoyable (or at least readily tolerable) habits I could pair with a sensibly moderate calorie deficit for long enough to lose meaningful weight (not a short time for anyone), then continue indefinitely afterwards while eating maintenance level calories. As you say, extremes of denying oneself desired foods is likely to backfire, maybe better to figure out how to integrate reasonable portions of at least some of them into regular life, maybe just a little less frequently or something.

    Writing sounds like a really good outlet, and I'm sure you can find other non-food strategies for comfort, stress relief, etc. Clearly, your head's in a good place.

    Wishing you huge success!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    For what it's worth, while I will always encourage people to find an instructor in any activity-

    Paddleboard is a good workout and physically demanding, but those boards are WAY more stable than they appear to be. Standing up takes some learning about where the center of the board is, and some work at not looking down, but it's probably not as hard as you think. Also very easy to get back on.

    Do know, though, that falling on one will HURT YOU. Fall into the freaking water.
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @RisingPhoenix1107 If I can do this, you can too. Check out the advice others gave me on the first page of this post. I've tried to follow their lead. I'm not perfect, but most days I stay under my calorie goals and get in some exercise. I've been working at this for about 20+ years and this is finally the time when I'm going to get there. I feel great. I can't wait to follow along as you move forward.
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit We're both doing great! I love reading your posts, laughing along the way. :smile:

    @AnnPT77 Thanks Ann. I wish I lived closer to a place where I could learn to row. That sounds like lots of fun. I like the idea of adding a few maintenance days in the mix over the next two months, just to give myself a little leeway. I have company coming into town and they know I'm focused on eating right and exercising, so we are planning some hikes, swims, etc. together and they are going to help me cook for Thanksgiving. I'll be doing paddleboard lessons at first, too. I need all the tips and tricks I can get. I've been so unsteady on my feet for so long, but now I'm seeing improvement. I can't wait!!
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @wunderkindking Thanks for the great advice! I'll remember to jump off when I'm going to fall. I'll post pictures when that day comes. They should be pretty hysterical. I hope you didn't have too many bruises. I love kayaking and that doesn't seem to hurt too much. :)