

  • whitewave39
    whitewave39 Posts: 118 Member
    wow...I've been going over my updates chart & I see that my posts are not all accurate!
    So, I am starting over (nearly from scratch here...had some trouble with a chart on my phone but it's fixed now)
    I have been back to walking outdoors since Wed. 10/13/21...1.2 miles, 44 mins., 125 calories ~ and I did this 3x, rode my new trike a couple of times now as well...my RunKeeper chart tells me that the day I logged a bike ride I worked off 300 calories! I'm not sure how accurate RK is with riding vs walking...but I guess I'll take every calorie output I can get at this point! LOL ...anyway...back to the challenge....

    F71 5'4.25"
    Highest weight: 198 lbs 10.15, '21 (thru 10/22 when I started back here)
    Current weight: 193.2 lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 175 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 135 lbs

    Day 1: 10/22 198 lbs
    Day 2: 10/23 196.4 lbs
    Day 3: 10/24 195.4 lbs
    Day 4: 10/25 195.4 lbs
    Day 5: 10/26 194.6 lbs
    Day 6: 10/27 195.4 lbs
    Day 7: 10/28 194.6 lbs again...holding...
    Day 8: 10/29 193.2 lbs FINALLY. PROGRESS!!
    Day 9: 10/30 193.2 lbs
    Day 10: 10/31 193.2 lbs
    Day 11 11/1 193.2 lbs (I'm beginning to think I'm better at maintaining than losing!! But at least it's not going back UP!)
    Day 12: 11/2 192.4 lbs
    Day 13 11/3 194 lbs (Dinner at my daughter's last night. Delicious home-made broccoli soup, 2 rolls, and the Halloween chocolate that the kiddos saved for their Gma Jenn! Plus, the 31st is my granddaughter's birthday, so there were leftover cupcakes....AGH!! delicious, and VERY dangerous....
    oh well, as they say in the funny papers ~ "Onward and upward, my friends!" ....back to the work-out we go!!!)
    Day 14 11/4 191.8 lbs Weird thing with the scale this morning...TWO weights kept showing up: this, and 194.6 lbs, which would also make sense...but I'm taking the 191.8 cuz out of 6or7 tries, this one came up at least 4x...so I'm thinking it's legit?!! I'll find out for sure tomorrow when I weigh in again...see where it lands.
    Day 15 11/5 192.4 lbs ok...now THIS is starting to make more sense. I'm just gonna take this as accurate (got on the scale twice) & go from here...
    Day 16 11/6 191.8 lbs This is the right weight now. I double-checked. 😉
    Day 17 11/7 191.8 lbs
    Day 18 11/8 192.4 went over on calories yesterday, plus NO workout (Sundays are my days OFF)...so here I am...
    Day 19 11/9 191.8 lbs.
    Day 20 11/10 191.8 lbs. I seem to have hit a plateau, but at least it's not rising!
    Day 21 11/11
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    JOLEDI830 wrote: »
    Day 1 11/09: 209
    Goal: Be under 200 by 12/21

    @JOLEDI830 - I keep mine off line in Notes on my computer/iPhone and then edit, copy & paste each morning to post the updates.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    Day 20 11/10 191.8 lbs. I seem to have hit a plateau, but at least it's not rising!
    Day 21 11/11

    That is so annoying when that happens! In the past that is what has always tripped me up and caused me to go into a depression. And then I'd give up which of course was counterproductive. I am determined not to lose faith when the scale is stubborn.

    Maybe your scale needs new batteries? I know mine gets wonky when it needs new batteries.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    Happy hump day! How's your week going? Except for some persistent back pain I am really in a good place right now.

    When my Fitbit nudges me to get up and get 250 steps in my puppy now sees that as the trigger for our "tug of war walking with resistance training" game that we have done the last 2 days. I was doing some steps in the living room and she immediately appeared with her toy wagging her tail. She's a good little trainer dog LOL.
    F 52 5'6"
    Highest weight: 277 lbs Oct. 2021
    Current weight: 269.4 lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 240 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 150 lbs

    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 272.8
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 271.6
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 271.6
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 271.6
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 270.8
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 270
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 270.8

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 270.2
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 270.2
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 269.4 Woo-hooo!!! Under 270 again!!! I hope that's the last I ever see of those 70s!!!
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 268.4!!! Holy cow, totally did not expect a 1 lb loss overnight LOL! But I'll take it :D
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11:
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:
    4th Week Goal Weight: 267.5
    4th Week Actual:

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    [Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 206.7 Walked 1.3 + 1.3, Strength Training 1 hr, weeding garden, ? cal, ? net carbs, AF. Still not journalling my food but I am paying more attention Mon & Tues. TODAY is the day I pull it all back together water, tracking every bite and exercise. Took the leftover pumpkin cookies & pear cake from the baby shower to alumnae social event last night instead of a bottle of wine. All the sweet temptations are gone!
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11:
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:
    4th Week Goal Weight: <205
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    That was a great idea to pass those sweets off elsewhere LOL. I had to scroll up to see what AF stood for because what I thought it stood for totally did not fit in with the context of the post LOL.

    I currently don't have any wine in the house and I'm not sure when I'm going to get more. I am enjoying 3 oz of Baileys at night. Something I can sip slowly. But it's a lot of weight watchers points! Way more than a larger glass of wine! I have to really budget my day for that. It really makes me think about how many calories I have consumed in alcohol when I have three or four glasses of wine at a time!

    How's your mom doing?
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @wizzybeth - My mom is doing fine. She is back home on her own and I'll be back down to visit her after Thanksgiving for a week. 85 years old ... still has the aches and pains but she said the meds and the stretching exercises I have her doing daily are helping. She is not yet doing the daily walks but she is active. I'm encouraging her to step out the door and walk 20 min like the doctor requested. Monday night she had weekly ladies poker, Tuesday she helped pick up trash along the road side as part of the volunteer fire department auxiliary group's commitment, she is training to help with the fire trucks (not the hoses but all the switches) in case she is needed, visiting weekly with a couple of friends that are 96 and 101 to help them with odds & ends, and gardening daily.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    @Lilylady3k that's awesome! And the fire truck thing sounds like fun!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,578 Member
    JOLEDI830 wrote: »
    Day 1 11/09: 209
    Goal: Be under 200 by 12/21

    Happy that you are joining us.

    I find that copy/paste works best.
    You can edit your own posts for only one hour.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,578 Member

    New decade for you. Yay!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,578 Member
    Tracking is everything, good, bad, or ugly.

    Some days I even put everything in for the day ahead of time.

    I will take something out of the freezer this morning for tonight, but my feel today is that I might order pizza. Frustrated with my gains since April when I was on such a good track. I don't want to sabotage myself, but being "good" has lost its lustre for me at the moment. Not enough so to have Ribs just yet though, that is a guaranteed 3 pound gain for me.

    I will track whatever I do end up eating.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,578 Member

    Please post a photo of your pooch : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,578 Member
    Thanks Miyoka : - )
    I think that this is my 8th round.
    If I don't have 500 calories in the Green on the tracker (on average) I don't lose weight.

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22:- 134.0 - Using my EW from the last 100
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23 - 136.6 - Had a healthy day, I don't understand the big gain.
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: 136.6
    Excess calories burned (in the Green): 911

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 135.9 - very late dinner after a super long workday
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 135.4 - No split shift today just a regular day shift, so I will be home for dinner at a reasonable hour. I am going to have a burger on a Kaiser, so had better eat very light all day until then.
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 135.1 - Going back to split shifts today, trying to have smaller dinners when they are late
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 136.0 - Trying to stay positive. Absolutely no reason for this gain, not like there was at Thanksgiving.
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 135.8 - Well, I ate an entire small takeout pizza last night, planning to have half only. I can't remember the last time that I had pizza (except for my own low cal Pita pizza). I gave into my frustrations that no matter what I seem to do I have been gaining weight, so basically said *kitten* it, I am having pizza.
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 136.6 - Pizza caught up with me as I knew that it would. Kind of worth it : - )
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30:

    2nd Week Goal Weight: I want to erase the gains from the last 100 and the one before - 0.8 and 1.8 = 2.6
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: N/A
    Excess calories burned (in the Green): 2229 - not enough to lose a pound

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: DNW
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 137.1 - Too high. I will work hard on this. Really glad that I have an active job.
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 136.4 - Long way to go to get back to that 130.6 and beyond, but going in the right direction.
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 135.6 - 2 nights of steak and prawns, but only half each night.
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 135.3 - Really happy to see this coming down. Back to chicken breasts and veggies for dinners. Tonight I will be having dinner at a "normal" time, so hoping to see a nice drop on the scale tomorrow.
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 135.0 - Glad to see it coming down, but I am being too strict with myself which is not a recipe for the longterm.
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 136.5 - not happy about the number, especially since I was at 135.0 yesterday. Day off today with lots of activity and dinner at a reasonable time.

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 133
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 136.5 - 0.6 down for the week, I'll take it even though i think that it is inflated.
    Excess calories burned (in the Green): 4417 - more than enough to lose a pound

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 137.5 - Completely don't understand this gain. Food and Exercise has been on point.
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 136.9 - Dinner will be at a "normal" time until the weekend when I go back to split shifts. Hoping that this makes a dent in this weight.
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 136.2 - Trying to keep an average of 500 per day in the "Green". I haven't had Ribs in 2 months, but my weight is still up so high, pants are tight.
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 135.9 - Heading out of town for work, off tomorrow. I am planning an indulgent evening when I get home, a few cocktails, possibly some pizza.
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11:
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:
    4th Week Goal Weight:
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14:
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15:
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16:
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17:
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18:
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19:
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20:
    5th Week Goal Weight:
    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21:
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22:
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23:
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24:
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25:
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26:
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27:
    6th Week Goal Weight:
    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28:
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29:
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30:
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3:
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:
    7th Week Goal Weight:
    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5:
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6:
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7:
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8:
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9:
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10:
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11:
    8th Week Goal Weight:
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12:
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13:
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14:
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15:
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16:
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17:
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18:
    9th Week Goal Weight:
    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19:
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21:
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22:
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25:
    10th Week Goal Weight:
    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27:
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29:
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31:
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1:
    11th Week Goal Weight:
    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2:
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3:
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4:
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5:
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:
    12th Week Goal Weight:
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9:
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10:
    Day 82: Tues, 1/11:
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12
    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13:
    Day 85: Fri, 1/14:
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15:
    13th Week Goal Weight:
    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16:
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17:
    Day 89: Tues, 1/18:
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19:
    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20:
    Day 92: Fri, 1/21:
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22:
    14th Week Goal Weight:
    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23:
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24:
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25:
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26:
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27:
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:
    15th Week Goal Weight:
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight: 134.0
    Challenge Goal: 124.0
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 10,898 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7) Dancing dangerously around the 190 mark. Gotta get my Fitness Marshall or my free form dancing with Alexa back on and start dancing back in the right direction. I ate all junk yesterday and I haven’t completed my logging since before surgery. DGS keeps my hands full at all times!

    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8) I hate that it’s trending upward. Like the universe has no faith in my future! I’ll show them!
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9) Good News Folks. No sign of cancer in my breast skin tissue! Pathology reported today. Today is a double day of celebration. May daughter who moved back in is celebrating her 27th birthday today. There will be a special dinner, cake, ice cream and lots of fun and love. I will try to watch portion control but the menu will put me over the top of my goals. Tomorrow back on 100% track. Lots of snow last night. Everything covered in lasting white here. It’s very pretty but not very useful. I will have to get creative on movement again today.
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)The celebrations are over. It’s time to get serious now. Today I take my DGS’s to their hair appointments and dinner afterward. I will not be ordering. Today will be a good day. I have no choice. Look how close I am to the 190’s again!
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2) Happy face on the scale going down. Sad face on the trend weight still going up. Gotta clean up this mess!
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2) More progress but still trying to turn that trend weight around. Inch by inch….pound by pound (or fraction thereof!).

    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2) A day very similar to yesterday but a gain this time. I’m sure it’s due to no TMI. I also had a bit fewer steps yesterday and not as much water as usual. Today I rake with a small crew of help. This should get in more steps and calorie burn. Just what the doctor ordered! Speaking of doctor…..I hope this will not cause problems with my stitches healing. I will try not to get over-zealous!
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2) Over 700 calories burned just in raking. But you can’t outrun the fork, believe me, I’ve tried!
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4) No TMI again. Very early weigh-in after, essentially, no sleep and all those other excuses. Yesterday it was not on my daughter. It was on me. I know what good habits are. I know what low calorie is and what low carb can do to help me. I recognize the right foods. It’s time to stop glancing at it all and start staring at what I need to do. It has been out of control since just before my surgery.

    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6) Total bingeing at night. Stuffing it in to the point of almost puking. It has to do with cravings, stress, not eating a sufficient dinner. I will try to stop the madness today. I have not been logging again. I know that will help and I’ll try to get the time I need to do it.
    Day 21…..11/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 22…..11/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 23…..11/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 24…..11/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 25…..11/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 26…..11/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 27…..11/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 28…..11/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 29…..11/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 30…..11/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 31…..11/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 32…..11/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 33…..11/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 34…..11/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 35…..11/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 36…..11/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 37…..11/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 38…..11/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 39…..11/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 40…..11/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 41…..12/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 42…..12/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 43…..12/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 44…..12/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 45…..12/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 46…..12/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 47…..12/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 48…..12/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 49…..12/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 50…..12/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51…..12/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 52…..12/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..12/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..12/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..12/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..12/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..12/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..12/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..12/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..12/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..12/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 62…..12/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..12/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..12/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..12/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..12/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..12/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..12/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..12/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..12/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..12/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 72…..01/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..01/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..01/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..01/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..01/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..01/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..01/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..01/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..01/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..01/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..01/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..01/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..01/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..01/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..01/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..01/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..01/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..01/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..01/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..01/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 92…..01/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..01/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..01/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..01/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..01/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..01/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..01/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 155
    Challenge GW: 140

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 155
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 154.4
    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 154.2
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 153.6
    Day 5: Tue, 10/26: 153.6
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 153.4
    Day 7: Thu, 10/28: 153
    Week 1 Loss: -2.6

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 152.4
    Day 9: Sat, 10/30: 152.4
    Day 10: Sun, 10/31: 152.2
    October Loss: -2.8

    Day 11: Mon, 11/1: 152.6 No obvious reason for the uptick. Didn’t do anything different yesterday. No candy.
    Day 12: Tue, 11/2: 151.6
    Day 13: Wed, 11/3: 151.8
    Day 14: Thu, 11/4: 152 Weighed 3 hours earlier than usual. Had to get up early to bring my sister to the airport.
    Week 2 Loss: -2

    Day 15: Fri, 11/5: 150.4
    Day 16: Sat, 11/6: 150.8
    Day 17: Sun, 11/7: 150.2
    Day 18: Mon, 11/8: 151.4 Had a high sodium day yesterday and only drank 6 cups of water. Was under calories and did 35 minutes exercise.
    Day 19: Tue, 11/9: 150.4
    Day 20: Wed, 11/10: 149.8


  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,146 Member
    edited November 2021

    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4

    Challenge Goal: 174

    Challenge Ending Weight:

    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 201.4

    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 199.8

    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A

    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 200

    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 202.2

    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 202.2

    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 200.8

    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 199

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 199

    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 197.6

    2nd Week Goal Weight: 198

    2nd Week Actual Weight: 197.6

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 197.6

    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 197.4

    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 198.4

    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 198.6

    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 197.2

    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 196.6

    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 197.2

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 196.2

    3rd Week Actual Weight: 197.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 196.4

    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 198.8

    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 198.6

    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 199.2

    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11:

    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:

    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:

    4th Week Goal Weight: 195.6

    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14:

    Day 25: Mon, 11/15:

    Day 26: Tues, 11/16:

    Day 27: Wed, 11/17:

    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18:

    Day 29: Fri, 11/19:

    Day 30: Sat, 11/20:

    5th Week Goal Weight:

    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21:

    Day 32: Mon, 11/22:

    Day 33: Tues, 11/23:

    Day 34: Wed, 11/24:

    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25:

    Day 36: Fri, 11/26:

    Day 37: Sat, 11/27:

    6th Week Goal Weight:

    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28:

    Day 39: Mon, 11/29:

    Day 40: Tues, 11/30:

    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:

    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:

    Day 43: Fri, 12/3:

    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:

    7th Week Goal Weight:

    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5:

    Day 46: Mon, 12/6:

    Day 47: Tues, 12/7:

    Day 48: Wed, 12/8:

    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9:

    Day 50: Fri, 12/10:

    Day 51: Sat: 12/11:

    8th Week Goal Weight:

    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12:

    Day 53: Mon, 12/13:

    Day 54: Tues, 12/14:

    Day 55: Wed, 12/15:

    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16:

    Day 57: Fri, 12/17:

    Day 58: Sat, 12/18:

    9th Week Goal Weight:

    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19:

    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:

    Day 61: Tues, 12/21:

    Day 62: Wed, 12/22:

    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:

    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:

    Day 65: Sat, 12/25:

    10th Week Goal Weight:

    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:

    Day 67: Mon, 12/27:

    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:

    Day 69: Wed, 12/29:

    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:

    Day 71: Fri, 12/31:

    Day 72: Sat, 1/1:

    11th Week Goal Weight:

    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2:

    Day 74: Mon, 1/3:

    Day 75: Tues, 1/4:

    Day 76: Wed, 1/5:

    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:

    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:

    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:

    12th Week Goal Weight:

    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9:

    Day 81: Mon, 1/10:

    Day 82: Tues, 1/11:

    Day 83: Wed, 1/12

    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13:

    Day 85: Fri, 1/14:

    Day 86: Sat, 1/15:

    13th Week Goal Weight:

    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16:

    Day 88: Mon, 1/17:

    Day 89: Tues, 1/18:

    Day 90: Wed, 1/19:

    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20:

    Day 92: Fri, 1/21:

    Day 93: Sat, 1/22:

    14th Week Goal Weight:

    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23:

    Day 95: Mon, 1/24:

    Day 96: Tues, 1/25:

    Day 97: Wed, 1/26:

    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27:

    Day 99: Fri, 1/28

    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited November 2021

    Testing out the changes. I saw mentioned that they are no longer supporting BBCodes. I was using color to highlight. No more color. No more bold or italics. No more hiding some of the history in spoilers to make the current messages more visible. 

    Looks like copy and paste spaces out my lines because it is using new paragraph. hmmmm 

    NOT A FAN!

    If you know how to use a new spoiler please let me know!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,307 Member

    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.

    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...

    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    Highest Weight: 192.2

    Challenge Starting Weight: 144.0 (10/21/21)

    Challenge Goal: 135

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0

    Day 01 - 10/22 - 144.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.71 miles in 100 mins

    Day 02 - 10/23 - 142.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.07 miles in 108 mins

    1st Week Goal Weight - 143.4

    1st Week Actual Weight - 142.2

    Day 03 - 10/24 - 142.4 at 7:30 a.m. ...rainy rest day

    Day 04 - 10/25 - 143.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer...plus...dun...dun...dun...SIL's b'day

    Day 05 - 10/26 - 143.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 107 mins

    Day 06 - 10/27 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 07 - 10/28 - 143.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.33 miles in 112 mins

    Day 08 - 10/29 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 09 - 10/30 - 143.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.37 miles in 112 mins

    2nd Week Goal Weight - 142.2

    2nd Week Actual Weight - 143.6

    Day 10 - 10/31 - 142.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.37 miles in 92 mins ...this weight will only count at 5:00 a.m.

    Day 11 - 11/01 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...bwahahahaha! ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 12 - 11/02 - 143.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.05 miles in 106 mins

    Day 13 - 11/03 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 14 - 11/04 - 143.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.69 miles in 119 mins

    Day 15 - 11/05 - 142.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 16 - 11/06 - 142.6 at 6:00 a.m. ...rest day

    3rd Week Goal Weight - 142.2

    3rd Week Actual Weight - 142.6

    Day 17 - 11/07 - 144.4 at 8:00 a.m. ...I sure hope not...Egads!!...6.68 miles in 114 mins

    Day 18 - 11/08 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 19 - 11/09 - 143.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.55 miles in 102 mins

    Day 20 - 11/10 - 141.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer

    Day 21 - 11/11 -

    Day 22 - 11/12 -

    Day 23 - 11/13 -

    4th Week Goal Weight - 141.6

    4th Week Actual Weight -

  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member

    Day 1, 105.3 cm, 93.0 kg, 1 min run

    Day 2, 105.3 cm, 2 min run

    Day 3, 106.2 cm, 3 min run

    Day 4, 106.4 cm, 4 min run

    Day 5, 106.3 cm, 5 min run

    Day 6, 106.3 cm, 6 min run

    Day 7, 106.2 cm, 7 min run

    Day 8, 106.4 cm, no run (rain)

    Day 9, 106.1 cm, no run (tired)

    Day 10, no reading, no run (rain)

    Day 11, no reading, 8 min run

    Day 12, 105.1 cm, 9 min run

    Day 13, 104.9 cm, no run (lazy) from now on recording waking myself up by snoring (WUBS)

    Day 14, 104.7 cm, no run (bad planning), WUBS

    Day 15, 105.0 cm, 92.5 kg, no run (lazy), WUBS

    Day 16, 104.8 cm, no run (busy), WUBS

    Day 17, 105.4 cm, no run (unwell), WUBS

    Day 18, 105.6 cm, no run (lazy), WUBS

    Day 19, 105.8 cm, WUBS

    Day 20, 105.2 cm, WUBS

    Day 21, 105.5 cm,

  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member

    Highest Weight 317

    Starting Again 312

    Challenge starting weight 253

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22:253

    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 250.4

    1st Week Goal Weight: 253

    1st Week Actual Weight:250.4

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24:250.6

    Day 4: Mon, 10/25:249.8

    Day 5: Tues, 10/26:250.6

    Day 6: Wed, 10/27:250.8

    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28:251.6

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29:253.0

    Day 9: Sat: 10/30:253.0

    2nd Week Goal Weight: 250

    2ndWeek Actual Weight:253

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31:253.8

    Day 11: Mon: 11/1:DNW – funeral

    Day 12: Tues: 11/2:256.4

    Day 13: Wed: 11/3:256

    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4:256

    Day 15: Fri: 11/5:254.6

    Day 16: Sat: 11/6:252.8

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 248

    3rd Week Actual Weight:252.8

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7:252

    Day 18: Mon: 11/8:251.8

    Day 19: Tues: 11/9:252

    Day 20: Wed: 11/10:249.6

    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11:249.6

    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:

    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:

    4th Week Goal Weight:246

    4th Week Actual Weight: 

  • Ms_Mia_
    Ms_Mia_ Posts: 128 Member

    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 90.3 kg/199.1 lbs

    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 90.3 kg/199.1 lbs

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 89.5 kg / 197.3 lbs

    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 89.9 kg / 198.2 lbs

    2nd Week Goal Weight: 90 kg / 198.3 lbs

    2ndWeek Actual Weight: 89.9 kg / 198.2 lbs

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 90 kg / 198.4 lbs

    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 92 kg / 202.8 lbs

    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 90.1 kg / 198.6 lbs

    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 89.1 kg / 196.4 lbs

    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 88.4 kg / 194.9 lbs

    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 89.0 kg / 196.2 lbs

    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 89.7 kg / 197.8 lbs

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 89 kg / 196.2 lbs

    3rd Week Actual Weight: 89.7 kg / 197.8 lbs / eeehhh could have been worse right? :D It is still less than what I started the week with, so I'll take that!

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 90.8 kg / 200.2 lbs

    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 90.2 kg / 198.9 lbs

    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 90.2 kg / 198.9 lbs

    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 90.0 kg / 198.4 lbs

    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 90.5 kg / 199.5 lbs / opff not good, I find it a kind of hard to dial up my nutrition after my birthday last week. Definitely have to do something about it!

    Day 22: Fri: 11/12:

    Day 23: Sat: 11/13:

    4th Week Goal Weight: 89 kg / 196.2 lbs

    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14:

    Day 25: Mon, 11/15:

    Day 26: Tues, 11/16:

    Day 27: Wed, 11/17:

    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18:

    Day 29: Fri, 11/19:

    Day 30: Sat, 11/20:

    5th Week Goal Weight:

    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21:

    Day 32: Mon, 11/22:

    Day 33: Tues, 11/23:

    Day 34: Wed, 11/24:

    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25:

    Day 36: Fri, 11/26:

    Day 37: Sat, 11/27:

    6th Week Goal Weight:

    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28:

    Day 39: Mon, 11/29:

    Day 40: Tues, 11/30:

    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:

    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:

    Day 43: Fri, 12/3:

    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:

    7th Week Goal Weight:

    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5:

    Day 46: Mon, 12/6:

    Day 47: Tues, 12/7:

    Day 48: Wed, 12/8:

    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9:

    Day 50: Fri, 12/10:

    Day 51: Sat: 12/11:

    8th Week Goal Weight:

    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12:

    Day 53: Mon, 12/13:

    Day 54: Tues, 12/14:

    Day 55: Wed, 12/15:

    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16:

    Day 57: Fri, 12/17:

    Day 58: Sat, 12/18:

    9th Week Goal Weight:

    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19:

    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:

    Day 61: Tues, 12/21:

    Day 62: Wed, 12/22:

    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:

    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:

    Day 65: Sat, 12/25:

    10th Week Goal Weight:

    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:

    Day 67: Mon, 12/27:

    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:

    Day 69: Wed, 12/29:

    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:

    Day 71: Fri, 12/31:

    Day 72: Sat, 1/1:

    11th Week Goal Weight:

    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2:

    Day 74: Mon, 1/3:

    Day 75: Tues, 1/4:

    Day 76: Wed, 1/5:

    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:

    Day 78: Fri, 1/7:

    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:

    12th Week Goal Weight:

    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9:

    Day 81: Mon, 1/10:

    Day 82: Tues, 1/11:

    Day 83: Wed, 1/12

    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13:

    Day 85: Fri, 1/14:

    Day 86: Sat, 1/15:

    13th Week Goal Weight:

    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16:

    Day 88: Mon, 1/17:

    Day 89: Tues, 1/18:

    Day 90: Wed, 1/19:

    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20:

    Day 92: Fri, 1/21:

    Day 93: Sat, 1/22:

    14th Week Goal Weight:

    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23:

    Day 95: Mon, 1/24:

    Day 96: Tues, 1/25:

    Day 97: Wed, 1/26:

    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27:

    Day 99: Fri, 1/28

    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:

    15th Week Goal Weight:

    15th Week Actual Weight: