🍁🍂November Daily Log-in and Weigh-in Challenge🍂🍁



  • sammcc2
    sammcc2 Posts: 64 Member
    edited November 2021

    Highest Weight: 85.7 kg ( 188.9 lbs ) - 17/10/21

    November Start Weight: 84.3 kg ( 185.8 lbs )

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 64 kg ( 141 lbs )

    November Weight Lost So Far: 1.2kg

    November 1 - 84.3kg

    November 2 - 83.5kg

    November 3 - 83.5kg

    November 4 - 83.2kg

    November 5 - 83.5kg 

    November 6 - 83.5kg

    November 7 - 82.5kg

    November 8 - 82.6kg 

    November 9 - 83kg

    November 10 - 83kg

    November 11 - 83.1kg - rained all day today and no walking to be had. Will try again tomorrow 

  • Ms_Mia_
    Ms_Mia_ Posts: 128 Member

    First and foremost thank you all for the birthday wishes! You people rock!

    Also sorry for being MIA (pun intended haha :D) I've continued recording my weight, just haven't been able to log into the forums and share everything, so here it goes!

    P.S. Ugh kind of annoyed that I am gaining and losing the same weight for the past 10 days or so now. I definitely have to dial up that nutrition!

    Highest Weight: 98 kg / 216.1 lbs on 30th of August 2021

    SW November: 92 kg / 202.8 lbs

    GW November: 86 kg / 189.6 lbs

    November Weight lost so far:

    November 1 92 kg / 202.8 lbs

    November 2 90.1 / 198.6 lbs

    November 3 89.1 kg / 196.4 lbs

    November 4 88.4 kg / 194.9 lbs

    November 5 89.0 kg / 196.2 lbs

    November 6 89.7 kg / 197.8 lbs

    November 7 90.8 kg / 200.2 lbs

    November 8 90.2 kg / 198.9 lbs

    November 9 90.2 kg / 198.9 lbs

    November 10 90.0 kg / 198.4 lbs

    November 11 90.5 kg / 199.5 lbs

    November 12

    November 13

    November 14

    November 15

    November 16

    November 17

    November 18

    November 19

    November 20

    November 21

    November 22

    November 23

    November 24

    November 25

    November 26

    November 27

    November 28

    November 29

    November 30

  • Ms_Mia_
    Ms_Mia_ Posts: 128 Member

    Also no idea why there is a giant smiley at the end of my post?? Hahahha whatever! :D

  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 699 Member
  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 699 Member

    5'2" 55 years old

    Highest Weight: 182

    Current Weight: 150.0

    November 1 150.0

    November 2 150.2 Not sure what's up. Second day in a row my weight hasn't changed.

    November 3 149.6 Finally, a drop!!:)

    November 4 149.2

    November 5 149.2 Went out for dinner last night. Tried to eat well but I'm sure I had too much sodium. Today is my sons birthday, so there will be chocolate cake in the house...yikes!!

    November 6 149.2

    November 7 149.2 I've been feeling achy and tired from the covid booster I got a couple days ago. Eating well, but I think the vaccine side effects may be playing a part in the weight stall.

    November 8 148.8

    November 9 148.6

    November 10 149.2 Yesterday was my birthday so we went out for dinner.

    November 11 149.0

    November 12

    November 13

    November 14

    November 15

    November 16

    November 17

    November 18

    November 19

    November 20

    November 21

    November 22

    November 23

    November 24

    November 25

    November 26

    November 27

    November 28

    November 29

    November 30

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,787 Member

    🍁🍂November Challenge🍂🍁

    Highest Weight: 234

    November starting weight: 212.4

    Current Weight: 210

    November Weight lost so far: 2.4 pounds

    🍁November 1….212.4… this is my jumping off point… October was pretty much a wash…. But I’m happy to have maintained. Here we go!

    🔸Logged & Weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸7,849 steps taken

    🔸ATE UNDER CALORIES…. Without starving myself.

    🍁November 2…211.1…getting back my groove! 💛🧡❤️ Feeling fabulous!

    🔸Logged & Weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸9,460 steps… walked Roxie an 10 minute Up to the Beat uTube warm up video

    🔸ATE UNDER CALORIES… 2 day streak

    🍁November 3… 209.5…am I still sleeping? Is this a dream? 😴 😁

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸10,030 steps

    🔸Ate under calories… 3day streak! Still not starving…. Just more water and less night time snacking.

    🍁November 4… 208.4…everything is working in sync… let’s keep it going! 🙂🙃🙂

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸8,275 steps

    🔸Ate under calories… 4 day streak!

    🍁November 5…208.2… really enjoying this roll I’m on. Happy Friday 🥰

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water


    🔸Ate under calories… 5 day streak

    🍁November 6…208….😁😁😁

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸10,300 steps…Walked Central Michigan University with my daughter… She had a scholarship competition and a campus tour.

    🔸Ate OVER calories…. But I am so proud of my 5 day streak!

    🍁November 7…208…whew! Glad for maintaining. This may readjust tomorrow, but I’m ready for it. Happy Sunday!

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸5,793 steps

    🔸Ate OVER calories

    🍁November 8…209.2… there is the correction from the weekend. Still happy it’s below 210. Back at it today! Happy Monday!

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸6675 steps

    🔸Ate UNDER calories

    🍁November 9… 209…😁 moving back in the right direction. Only 5 more pounds from my 30 pound challenge!

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Tracked water

    🔸12,034 steps

    🔸Ate UNDER calories

    🍁November 10…207.9…🥰 back on eating under calories and increasing step count. Feeling great!

    🔸Logged and weighed in

    🔸Didn’t track water

    🔸8413 steps

    🔸Ate OVER calories 

    🍁November 11…210…😕There is the correction from yesterday’s Popeye’s lunch. I would have been fine if I ate salad for dinner, but I did not. Ah well, it’s been logged and it’s time to move forward. No guilt monster… just healthier choices today.

    November 12

    November 13

    November 14

    November 15

    November 16

    November 17

    November 18

    November 19

    November 20

    November 21

    November 22

    November 23

    November 24

    November 25

    November 26

    November 27

    November 28

    November 29

    November 30

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,787 Member
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member

    Current weight : 150.8

    November weight loss so far: 2

    November 3: 150.8 🤦‍♀️

    November 4: 150.2 ⬇️

    November 5: 149.8 ⬇️ 1️⃣👏

    November 6: 149.6 ⬇️

    November 7: 149.4 ⬇️

    November 8, 149.0 ⬇️

    November 9: 148.8 ⬇️ 2️⃣👏

    November 10: 148.8

    November 11: 148.8 🐢

  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member

    Hi there! I’m Athena, I’ve been struggling on and off with my weight for a good while and was recommended to try accountability buddies to help each other reach our goals. Thought this would be a good route for that! Let’s see if we can survive turkey day! 😆

    My plan for the weeks ahead are to focus on eating at home and only go out to eat on Saturdays/Sundays (restaurant/fast food) and to focus on portion controlling. I’m also planning to work out for an hour three times a week.

    Currently, I am only 4 pounds away from my heaviest but determined to make that number bigger this month.

    Highest: 165 in 2017

    Goal: 130

    Current: 161

    End of month goal: 157 (6 pounds)

    Nov. 1 - 163 (home cooked/ walked 15 min.)

    Nov. 2 - 161 (home cooked/ Yoga 60 min.)

    Nov. 3 - 160 (home cooked/ Zumba 60 min.)

    Nov. 4 - 161 (home cooked)

    Nov. 5 - 161 (home cooked)

    Nov. 6 - 161 (went out)

    Nov. 7 - 161 (went out/ Zumba 60 min.)

    Weekly goal met!

    Nov. 8 - 161 (home cooked)

    Nov. 9 - 159 (home cooked/ Yoga 60 min.)

    Nov. 10 - 159 (home cooked)

    Nov. 11 - 160 (home cooked/ Pilates 60 min.)

    Hm! I had a bigger dinner last night, stuffed peppers with rice and a cookie for desert. I’ve got leftovers tonight so I’ll be eating the same thing. I’m curious to see if I’ll maintain or gain again tomorrow.

    Nov. 12 -

    Nov. 13 -

    Nov. 14 -

    Nov. 15 -

    Nov. 16 -

    Nov. 17 -

    Nov. 18 -

    Nov. 19 -

    Nov. 20 -

    Nov. 21 -

    Nov. 22 -

    Nov. 23 -

    Nov. 24 -

    Nov. 25 -

    Nov. 26 -

    Nov. 27 -

    Nov. 28 -

    Nov. 29 -

    Nov. 30 -

    Looking forward to doing this challenge with everyone! 🍁🍂🍁🍂

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,171 Member


    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me. 

    [b][i]Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again![/b][/I]

    [s][b][color=skyblue]250’s[/b][/color]; [b][color=orangered] 240’s[/color][/b]; [b][color=limegreen] 230’s[/color][/b]; [color=deeppink][b] 220's[/b][/color]; [color=orange][b] 210's[/b][/color];[color=blue][b] 200's[/b][/color]; [color=turquoise][b] 190's[/b][/color][/s]; [color=green][b] 180’s[/b];[/color][color=fuchsia][b] 170's[/b][/color]; [color=purple][b] 160's[/b][/color]; [color=royalblue][b] 150’s[/b][/color]

    Starting Weight (from Oct 31st): 188.2

    Goal: 183.2 (Five lb Loss)

    Actual Loss for November: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/01[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia]…...189.4…..(Trend Weight 187.7)….. Pizza and Candy does not a slender person make.


    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/02[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 187.8)….. Scale down. Trend up. Not good. I’m going to work harder in November.  October was a mess. Especially with surgery and so much long-distance medical travel. Even with Thanksgiving coming up this month, I hope things will be much much better.

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/03[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 187.9}…..Good news. No cancer found in the lumpectomy. What a relief! Today is my DD#2 birthday (the one who lives with me. Today will be special dinner, cake, ice cream and the trimmings. So many things to celebrate today. Tomorrow, back on track!

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/04[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.1)….. Okay. The celebrations are all over. Today I will pawn the leftovers off on my workers and make a good dietary plan regardless of what the others in the house do. Today I take my grandsons to their hair appointments. I always get them lunch or dinner afterward (dinner today because it’s a school day). I will not be ordering for myself. Getting serious here . I need a good streak!

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/05[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..188.8…..(Trend Weight 188.2)…..Diet on point yesterday so there’s the drop. Still trending up, however, due to all the bad days since surgery. Next stop…..turning that around too!

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/06[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..188.0…..(Trend Weight 188.2)….. Progress! 

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/07[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.0…..(Trend Weight 188.2)….. A day very similar to yesterday except no TMI and a little short on steps & water. TMI makes a big difference on the scale. 

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/08[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.2…..(Trend Weight 188.2)….. Lots of calorie burn yesterday raking for over 3 hours. But too many high cal snacks last night too. You can’t outrun the fork!

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/09[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.4)….. No TMI again. Very early weigh-in after, essentially, no sleep and all those other excuses. Yesterday it was not on my daughter. It was on me. I know what good habits are. I know what low calorie is and what low carb can do to help me. I recognize the right foods. It’s time to stop glancing at it all and start staring at what I need to do. It has been out of control since just before my surgery.


    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/10-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.6)….. bingeing is not the way to lose weight. I’ve got to get control here!

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/11-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..189.6…..(Trend Weight 188.6)….. For every obvious reason, I hate this new format. Too limiting….

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/12-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/13-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/14-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/15-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia]……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/16-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia]……xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/17-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/18-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/19-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/20-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/21-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/22-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/23-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/24-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/25-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/26-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/27-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/28-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/29-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    [b][b][b][color=fuchsia]11/30-[/b][/b][/b][/color=fuchsia].…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,787 Member

    🤣Thought we could all use this today!

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    How do we do the quote to have our past days in and add to it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    11/11/21-179.2 lbs. Did 210 minutes (3.5 hours) on my elliptical again today. Before came to 15.25 miles. Today it was 16 miles.

    Got a lot of lab work drawn today. Called Dr office on Tuesday to get my statin re-ordered hence the original needed lab work. Told girl I've lost an additional 50+ lbs since he saw me (5/10?) but that it was on purpose and I am doing low carb. So he ordered practically everything thinkable. CMP, TSH, Vit D, B12, CBC, HA1C(last serum glucose was slightly elevated(103?) in the hospital but it was AM after my 5/3 emergency gallbladder surgery and I had 2 Italian Ices during the night(2-4 AM, labs draw 5-6) to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth. I had no idea they were expecting fasting blood work. The RN gave them to me when I asked and c/o about the awful taste) and the cholesterol levels! Good for me. I get to see how everything is responding/changing.

  • SammyW103
    SammyW103 Posts: 45 Member

    5’5” 52 years old. Highest weight 138 (this summer) 

    Back from Spain and on a mission to fit into my wardrobe (125). Goal = 4 lbs for November, lots of days I can’t weigh in but I’m going to track calories.

    11/9 - 135.5

    11/10 - 134.8

    11/11 - 134.8

    11/12 -

    11/13 -

    11/14 -

    11/15 - travel

    11/16 -

    11/17 - travel

    11/18 -

    11/19 -

    11/20 -

    11/21 -

    11/22 -

    11/23 -

    11/24 - travel

    11/25 - travel

    11/26 - travel

    11/27 - travel

    11/28 - travel

    11/29 - 

    11/30 -

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member

    @mhoward685 Congrats on hitting Onederland! What a great feeling eh?

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member

    Ok have to just have a quick chuckle at the absurdity of that - I saw that on someone else's too and was wondering why it was there, funny it added it all on its own lol

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member

    Highest Weight: 293 (01/28/2021)

    November 1 - 197.4

    November 2 - 198.4 (It was a special occasion yesterday so I ate around maintenance calories! Had a great day.)

    November 3 - 198.6 (Another birthday dinner last night but calories were where I planned them.)

    November 4 - 197.2 (Food was really on point yesterday. Feeling good working my way further from the 200's.)

    November 5 - 196.6 (Chinese food birthday supper for a friend last night but I got good exercise in and planned around it.)

    November 6 - 197.2 (Burger and chips dinner with Mom last night that I planned for. Today is the last day of birthday celebration events.)

    November 7 - 196.4 (Last birthday celebration last night - my friend is an amazing cook but it's always healthy too. There was homemade amaretto cheesecake for dessert so I planned ahead to have the room.)

    November 8 - 198.8 (Food was good yesterday and my exercise was the most it's been all month. Time of the month started.)

    November 9 - 198.6 (Donated blood yesterday and had a great food day. Lots of exercise already today so hoping to see the scale down even more tomorrow.)

    November 10 - 199.2 (Odd week on the scale this week. I did eat a big salty snack before bed even though it was within my calorie range. Trend weight is still down for the week and no days spiked back into the 200s so still feeling great.)

    November 11 - 197.4 (There we go, body finally released that! Things have been busy but my husband and I continue to stay on track. Looking forward to making some progress for the rest of the month.)

    November 12

    November 13

    November 14

    November 15

    November 16

    November 17

    November 18

    November 19

    November 20

    November 21

    November 22

    November 23

    November 24

    November 25

    November 26

    November 27

    November 28

    November 29

    November 30

    Current Weight: 197.4

    November Weight lost so far: 0