60 yrs and up



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,745 Member

    Wonderful news, @Melwillbehealthy - congratulations, too, on that reinforcing your commitment to establishing healthier habits!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,745 Member

    47 pounds down since February is great, @qclady2: Congratulations on that success!

    In your current situation, did your loss rate taper off gradually, or were you losing at a pretty good rate then suddenly seem to stall?

    Many people report finding the last few pounds above goal weight to be a little slower/harder to lose. If loss tapered off gradually, it might be time to re-estimate your calorie needs if you haven't already done that; or think about whether there are ways to tighten up logging a little because the tolerances get tighter closer to goal weight. If loss was going along at a pretty good rate, and stopped suddenly, without any changes in eating or activity, then some kind of temporary water retention is possible . . . and it isn't always obvious why it would be happening. In that latter case, just hanging in there and sticking to your healthy routine for a while longer might be enough to see a scale drop - one of those "weight loss isn't linear" things. Bodies can be weird!

    Hoping you see a change soon - it can be frustrating, for sure!

  • OcalaGuy
    OcalaGuy Posts: 16 Member

    Hi @booboo1000

    Thanks so much for the encouragement and the great ideas.

    Congratulations on your great success, and I hope to join you there in about a year's time!

  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member

    Great news @melwilbehealthy So happy for you!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thanks Ann, and coblujay. I’m actually thrilled to be given this opportunity to get healthy. I went to the gym this morning and worked out. Then swam for a bit afterwards. I love swimming.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    That is great news, @Melwillbehealthy. All the more incentive to make the lifestyle changes that you want to undertake.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    qclady2 wrote: »
    I'm 66, and in February I left the doctors office in tears, with a weight of 203. I have counted calories, joined a gym, walk , or with bad weather I bring out my old Richard Simmons "Reach" tape. Love that guy!!! Here it is November and I have lost 47 lbs. I retired and I think that is what did it. My motivation? Getting back into clothes I haven't worn 10 years and health. I do feel alot better. I worry about the holidays, because I am yo yoing between 151 and 152, I cannot seem to break into the 140 category . I would love to hear any suggestions to break this. Its been a month now.

    @qclady2 - One other thing you might try is a diet break. Long term calorie restriction can cause hormone imbalances and lead to weight loss plateaus. There is some research that suggests that a diet break can help to reset your hormone levels and break through those plateaus. There is a detailed explanation in the thread below - most of the important information is in the first couple of pages.

  • newdoda
    newdoda Posts: 30 Member
    Kinda new here but been on a couple of trips and now caring for hubby who had total hip replacement Thursday. Have not been able to get my workouts in but I was able to walk the pup before sunset. I am hoping to weigh in on Wednesday at my goal weight; I've lost 36 lbs in the last year the most being the last 10 weeks.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited November 2021
    @alteredsteve175 CONGRATULATIONS on the WHOOSH!
    I got a WHOOSH today too, -1.6 lbs for 176.6 lbs now-78.4 lbs lost for aout 60% loss of my 133 lb goal.
    Did my Elliptical today for 223 minutes. Wanted to finish the last 10 minutes of the last movie and wanted to hit the 16 miles!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I think having 66 days for you to celebrate sounds Great! Means I would have 65 coming up in April!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,745 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    I think having 66 days for you to celebrate sounds Great! Means I would have 65 coming up in April!

    Exactly: Start planning now! 😉

    I thought this group would like this theory. 🤣
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I think in PA, in the next day or 2, we are to get some snow. Probably same storm as yours. Maybe will lay but won't last long as the ground is too warm. We usually have snow before Thanksgiving. To be expected. Heck, I was in Colorado one year in October for a funeral and came back and told everyone I already saw my first snow that year!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Love your birthday idea, @AnnPT77. I have some catching up to do! Haha! 😁

    @swimmom_1 - Congrats on the whoosh. That always brightens the day a bit.

    Just back from a 4 mile walk with Daisy. Overcast w/ temps in the 60's in SW Idaho. I'm going to enjoy this unseasonably warm weather while it lasts.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I like the birthday idea..I’ll have 72 days coming next month! (It’s the 22nd, so lucky if I get one, lol.)
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,862 Member
    I definitely like the birthday idea. I'd get 62 days!🍷🍻

    We had a little snow this past week but nothing is sticking so far. It did nudge me to buy my x-country ski (Nordic) ski pass for the winter though. There isn't usually enough snow to set the tracks till mid-December so this time of year is kind of blah for me. It's dark. It's wet. Too miserable to paddle the kayak or dragon boat. Not enough snow to ski or snow shoe. Usually I take spin classes in the Fall but due to COVID they were shut down in 2020. And then the owner decided to sell all the bikes and re-purpose the space. They were the only spin classes in town so that kind of sucks but what can you do? So I walk with friends, hike with the dogs, do some yoga, and do some weights. I used to go to deep water running classes but haven't returned since COVID, but I'm thinking that's a good option because right now I'm lacking cardio in my fitness routine. I need to have purpose for my work outs so basically my year looks like this: In the spring I work out to prepare for paddling, then in the Fall I work out to prepare for skiing. And I hike and snowshoe for my dogs 🙂
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Hello, I haven't posted in quite some time and thought it was past time to check in. It's been wonderful to see the encouraging activity on this thread and following along has been very comforting while I've dealt with some health issues. I'm doing good now and relieved that pathology screening came back clean. No matter how poorly I was feeling my daily walk was non-negotiable. I've continued tracking but changed my goal weight to maintenance which I think has helped me to slowly drop a few more pounds and move to the middle of the healthy BMI calculation. Still hope to go lower for the just in case roller coaster that the holiday season can cause.
    The weather here in the Washington, DC area has been lovely. The fall foliage is at peak color so my hikes in the wooded parks have been beautiful. Since I've received all three shots I've been able to take a couple beach trips recently which were just what I needed.
    @alteredsteve175 continued positivity for you and your wife, I know all too well the stress of being a caregiver for a cancer patient. You are doing GREAT!
    @AnnPT77 thank you for sharing all the links and important information you've learned in your healthy life journey. Enjoy your Birthday fun and now I'm looking forward to a 75 day celebration next month :D
    Welcome to all the new folks in the group, good work everyone and keep on tracking y'all.