What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Still doing my Elliptical on my off work days. I did 223 minutes today. Increased because there was only 10 minutes left in the last movie I was watching and then I wanted to get to the 16 miles! I still feel great doing this and I got into a pair of medium PJ's I had from before. Shopping my closet!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 992 Member
    Updating here is hard now the app doesn't work.

    Climbing last on Thursday was brilliant fun. I'm not 100% sure of all the grades, as they had reset one of the two rooms and they keep the climbs untagged for a couple of weeks after a reset.

    I have now got all the 5/5+ graded routes at the gym. I'm not sure I had the right route for one - I entirely rest my knee on a hold, with my other foot wedged onto a wall. I then do a gaston pistol squat thing with no hand holds, but there are convenient walls. If I fall doing this, which does happen, there is a bunch of stuff you bounce against on the way down. However, if you hold it, it gets the job done.

    I got a bunch of 6A/6B graded ones, and there are a few more I'm getting close to. One of the new routes is an ultra-crimpy slab. I fell off last time doing a ropey foot swap. I came up with a new route this time, and avoided the foot swap by doing a short down climb. I'm on the penultimate move of a crimpy and slopey overhang coming out of the cave. The last move isn't particularly hard, but it's a really pumpy route and I've always been too tired to get that. My little brother got it, but he is good at overhangs. He didn't have the greatest session on the slab.

    On Saturday, I ended up at Paddington station. I decided to walk to a Vauxwall climbing gym. It's not particularly close, so I was on 21,000 steps when I got there. I expected to be rubbish, due to the excessive warm up. Instead, I snashed it. A really fun session. I lasted 90 minutes and left when they gym shut.

    Yesterday, did a short hike. It was 9 miles, with many hills, much mud, and a lot of drizzle.
    I finished after dark.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 992 Member
    edited November 2021
    For the calories burned lifting weights, I think it may be amenable to a direct calculation. For example, consider a typical deadlift session (for me) - I may do 3 sets of 5 @120 kgs.

    In this case, the work done each deadlift will be around 10 meters per second squared (force of gravity, roughly as this is just a ballpark calc) times 1 meter, (distance moved, roughly). So each deadlift is around 1,200 joules. So the full set is 18,000 joules, which translated to a slightly depressing 4 kilocalories.

    This type of analysis doesn't work for activities like rowing and running, as the main force is friction and estimating that is way harder.

    My calculation probably understates it, but if it's even remotely right ballpark, I personally wouldn't rely on weights for cardio. Resistance training is important, but not to burn calories.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    30 Hand Release Pushups
    30 Banded Wood Choppers Each Side
    30 KBell Swing
    400 Meter Run / 300 Meter Row
    3 Sets at Each Lifting Exercise;
    30 Reps Land Mind Press
    15 Reps Straight Leg Dead Lift
    30 Reps Seated Calf Raises (toes in, out, nuetral)
    400 Meter Run / 300 Meter Row
    15 36" box Step Ups each Leg
    30 Rev Grip Curl Bar Press
    15 Dbell Snatch
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    Still doing my Elliptical on my off work days. I did 223 minutes today. Increased because there was only 10 minutes left in the last movie I was watching and then I wanted to get to the 16 miles! I still feel great doing this and I got into a pair of medium PJ's I had from before. Shopping my closet!

    I've been reading your extended elliptical workouts and all I can say is WOW! That's a long time to be tethered to that machine. I don't ever remember a treadmill or elliptical session longer than about two hours, and I know I was more than ready to hop off after only an hour. :)

    I admire your focus...and congrats on the new wardrobe options!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    10K stationary row out on the deck today. Dang I wish this hot spell would pass. Great for enjoying the outside, not for exercising. Was 82 today. Normally, it's around 72 around this time of year here in Tucson. Despite the heat, all of the workout under 73% max HR and most nearly all of it under 70%.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,219 Member
    For today some strength training:
    - 3 sets of landmine deadlifts
    - 3 sets of cable rows
    - 3 sets of assisted pull-ups
    - 2 sets of cable biceps curls
    - 2 sets of dumbell side raises

    Followed by a short but intense rowing session, 2000m in 9min51. With my abs still sore from my strength training two days ago, the rowing was an 'interesting' experience at every pull movement 😆
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    Did double Fit Body Boot Camp today. Focus on core today. Abs are on🔥🔥
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    75 Jumping Jaxs
    25 Dbell Swings
    30 Hand Release Push-ups
    15 Dbell Swing
    15 Pull-ups
    40 Leg Tucks Seated

    Waiter Curls
    Rope Ext
    V Bar Pulldowns
    Hammer Curls
    Straight Bar Sweeps
    Preacher Curls
    Kick Backs
    V Bar Bent Over Row
    Iso Exts

    Colt 45s
    Situps/ Rev Crunches/ Jack Knifes/ Superman's/Cable Crunches/ Choppers/ Twists/ Obliques

    866 total reps
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    gym session with trainer. Bunch of core and stabilization movements. Swiss ball rollouts/bridges, single leg work, dumbbell back flys, etc.

    My gym is implementing a new tracking/trending app so trainers & clients can interact and share data: calorie expenditures, food tracking, etc. This could be a nice accountability tool. Anxious to learn more about it.
  • JonnyWiller
    JonnyWiller Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't worked out for some time after getting a couple of traumas while doing powerlifting but I know that I have to cause I've gained a lot of weight. Thinking of starting calisthenics and doing some cardio
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    What has become my Tuesday routine -- 4 X 2K on the rower with 3:30 rests. My best (recent at least) was the first one I did at 2:09.1 pace. This was 2:11.4 pace, so not terrible, but slower. Faster than last week though. But this time I did negative splits (each rep faster), which is what you're supposed to do.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,219 Member
    A short but intense run on the treadmill today, while dinner was cooking in the oven: 4km in 26min33.
    Starting at 8kph and building up to 10kph at the end. Probably ramped it up a bit too much in such a short run - I got some (mild) side stitches, haven't had those in years.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,636 Member
    I'm feeling good about my predictive abilities (probably undeservedly 😉).

    Did the default 3 x (2k on, 2' off/CD) rowing machine thing I often do, with the goal of finding a split where I could keep HR in Z3 and below (70%ish reserve, 144bpm-ish) throughout. Guessed at 2:35 pace to accomplish that, hit 2:34.8/2:34.9 average on all 3 pieces, HR topped out at 144 right near the end (134 average), 85% of the time Z3 (127-144bpm), the other 15% below 127bpm.

    A lot of luck in that outcome, I'm sure, but patting myself on the back as a guesstimator anyway. (Results will vary depending on the day anyway . . . .). That would be 10:19 and a few tenths time for each of the 3 2K pieces, 19-20spm; total 6000 meters plus 793 meters for the row in/out/CD.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Did my typical 30 min. elliptical "run". I'm not fast, but I'm loving to see the progress. When I started at the end of July, I couldn't go over 20 minutes without knee pain (and I only covered 1 mile). Then I progressed to 30 minutes (same pace - covered 1.5 miles). Over the last couple of weeks I've consistently been able cover 1.7 miles in 30 minutes without feeling like I'm pushing too hard. It feels good. Today is the 2nd day in a row that I reached 1.7 miles about a minute before the end of the 30 minute workout. Not a huge gain in pace, but it's a gain! :smiley:
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    30 mins of bootcamp
    Static squats
    Crab toe taps
    Banded bicep curl
    Box step up
    Cuban curls
    TRX chest press
    Medicine ball bear crawl
    Pulsing superman
    Plank jacks
    Kettleball swings
    Sky crunches
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Warm Up:
    15 pull ups
    15 standing barbell raises
    30 push ups
    15 dbell swings

    Military Press
    Dbell flys
    30 Knee tucks

    Chest Press
    Hands together plate raise
    30 Frog crunches

    Bench press
    Front raises
    30 Russian Twists

    Landmine press
    Lateral raises
    Plank for a minute

    Upright row
    Incline Dbell reverse grip
    30 Flutter kicks
  • amberisthecolorfyourenergy
    amberisthecolorfyourenergy Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2021

    I love grow with Jo's weekly schedules on youtube! .. This is this weeks I am currently on. Todays a rest day :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Haven't posted in awhile, so here's the last few days:
    Saturday started out cold (38 in the morning), but it warmed up into the lower 60's by the afternoon, so I rode 20 miles that afternoon.
    Sunday was an active day around the house with no deliberate exercise.
    Monday and Tuesday the weather (cold and very windy) so no ride, but did manage to get in upper body workouts.
    This morning I rode 19.28 miles @ 14.2 mph average.