Looking good for the New Year- challenge!



  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Nice job Renee. They should have you running all week! I have bad news...my scale was not level. I moved it this morning to a different part of the house with a level floor, I really weigh 170. I'm not even sure where I started now or how much I have lost. I feel better, look better and clothes fit better. I will just have to take solace inthatand keep on working to change my weight.
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    We all want to weigh less but that number on the scale isn't as important as how you look and feel. I would just start from today and make sure you continue to move forward. Don't let it discourage you!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Ok sorry to keep changing my mind. I've found a place that is level and hard. I weighed 167 at that spot, that feels right. I would have loved a 3 pound loss but that did seem aggressive. So my final answer for the week is 167 - down 1 pound.
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I have been so busy the last couple of days! Last weeks weight: 184 and current weight:182! I lost 2 pounds this week! And this was a huge one for me because that is a total of 40 pounds :)
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    Was swamped this weekend but did do weigh in friday just not able to post until today 249.5 so that is a gain that does not surprise me. I am ready to climb back on the wagon tomorrow so will weigh in again tomorrow for my profile and work from there.

    Hope this next wagon ride goes a little smoother and longer LOL.

    Good luck everyone.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Hi all!! I have not been too interactive in this group at all!! The last group I was in i was on all the time and did great. now i have been doing awful for the past three weeks!! i feel like this is it:( i need to move on and get my butt in gear but for some reason i am unable to do it! i am hoping that i will get out of this funk!! this friday is the hubby's 30th bday and i am taking him on a kid free trip to chicago! i am so excited, we have never been and we are doing tons of fun stuff and taking the train there. i have decided that i am going to not worry about anything about my weight til i come home! i will continue to get up in the mornings and excercise tho cuz i just feel better:) i am going to do a body flush monday, tuesday and wednesday after i get back and this will be the determining factor of what i am going to do, if i can last thru that flush i will be golden, if not i am going to be destined to be fat for the rest of my life. i am not sure why i am even writing this but i have to put it somewhere! hope you all have a great week and i will be off and on here for the week but hope to be hitting it hard come next monday:)
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    madyncaden - It does help to get it out there somewhere, so you ramble and vent as needed. I will listen cause I do it too.

    Well fell of the wagon badly, back up to 251 but seeing pics of myself at a wedding this weekend, looking all pretty and big a a cow is motivation to get back on the wagon quickly so we will see how it goes.

    Let's keep on a rolling everyone.
  • Maghenta
    Finally feeling MOTIVATED to start shedding all this "extras" took some pictures over the weekend and OMG!!!!!!!!! I do need to do some serious Work OUTs... So I started this morning with a good healthy breakfast, my daily 1 mile morning walk and 40 minutes of circuit training which I got from a home DVD by Jackie Warner, and boy am I feeling it all over my body.... :`) am also fighting a cold..... yuk!!!!
    Come On Ladies.... Let's Keep ON SHEDDING THEM EXTRAS for the NEW Year!!!!!!!!!!! We still got TIME!!! :`) Don't we all wanna look good for our New Year parties ????? :`)
  • Sunnimyst
    Sunnimyst Posts: 14 Member
    I remembered Friday weigh in!! It is Friday right!?!? LoL

    I'm at 198. . .first time under 200 since I was 20 yrs old!!!! YAY ME!!!
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats Sunnimyst, you have met my ultimate goal. Way to go.

    Yes Friday and I am excited for my weigh in, I am back on track and heading the right way. Wooo hooo 247 lbs this morning.

    Need to step up my water.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Hi all!! I have not been too interactive in this group at all!! The last group I was in i was on all the time and did great. now i have been doing awful for the past three weeks!! i feel like this is it:( i need to move on and get my butt in gear but for some reason i am unable to do it! i am hoping that i will get out of this funk!! this friday is the hubby's 30th bday and i am taking him on a kid free trip to chicago! i am so excited, we have never been and we are doing tons of fun stuff and taking the train there. i have decided that i am going to not worry about anything about my weight til i come home! i will continue to get up in the mornings and excercise tho cuz i just feel better:) i am going to do a body flush monday, tuesday and wednesday after i get back and this will be the determining factor of what i am going to do, if i can last thru that flush i will be golden, if not i am going to be destined to be fat for the rest of my life. i am not sure why i am even writing this but i have to put it somewhere! hope you all have a great week and i will be off and on here for the week but hope to be hitting it hard come next monday:)

    Don't put s much pressure on yourself. If you don't make it through your 3 day flush, it doesn't mean you'll be "fat" forever. You can change you life anyday you want. Just do the best you can. :-)
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Oh, yeah, and I'm at 186 for this week. Are we supposed to do measurements this week?
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I weighed 192.8 this morning! I'm down 1.6 since last week! It seems keeping up with the little grandkids was just as good as the gym!
    I'm driving them home to Portland today and spending the weekend with 3 other grandchildren. We're going to Ringling Bros. Circus tomorrow. I have tickets in my company's suite. Nothing like having free snacks and a private bathroom with a small group of friends!
    Have a great week everyone!
  • Maghenta
    :angry: Am very angry with myself.....Am addicted to FAST FOOD.......... :grumble:
    Gotta find a way to STOP it..... I think I should even get help.....

    Well my current weight is still at 170lbs
    My measurements are: Neck = 14.5 - Waist = 41" - Hips=42"

    My goal weight is 120lbs
    My goal measurements are: Neck=13 - Waist= 33" - HIps=38"

    Well till I find a cure to my addiction...... All I can do is keep on working hard at shedding this EXTRAS and wish you all good luck in all!!!!!!!!!
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    SW: 232.5
    CW: 222.5
    GW 190's

    10 pounds down for the challenge! Woot woot!
  • SarahHays82
    Lost .75 lb. :)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Hi all!! I have not been too interactive in this group at all!! The last group I was in i was on all the time and did great. now i have been doing awful for the past three weeks!! i feel like this is it:( i need to move on and get my butt in gear but for some reason i am unable to do it! i am hoping that i will get out of this funk!! this friday is the hubby's 30th bday and i am taking him on a kid free trip to chicago! i am so excited, we have never been and we are doing tons of fun stuff and taking the train there. i have decided that i am going to not worry about anything about my weight til i come home! i will continue to get up in the mornings and excercise tho cuz i just feel better:) i am going to do a body flush monday, tuesday and wednesday after i get back and this will be the determining factor of what i am going to do, if i can last thru that flush i will be golden, if not i am going to be destined to be fat for the rest of my life. i am not sure why i am even writing this but i have to put it somewhere! hope you all have a great week and i will be off and on here for the week but hope to be hitting it hard come next monday:)

    thanks girl! i am hard on myself all the time in life. one of the behaviors that have made me run to food to medicate myself! this too will change and thanks!!

    Don't put s much pressure on yourself. If you don't make it through your 3 day flush, it doesn't mean you'll be "fat" forever. You can change you life anyday you want. Just do the best you can. :-)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    madyncaden - It does help to get it out there somewhere, so you ramble and vent as needed. I will listen cause I do it too.

    Well fell of the wagon badly, back up to 251 but seeing pics of myself at a wedding this weekend, looking all pretty and big a a cow is motivation to get back on the wagon quickly so we will see how it goes.

    Let's keep on a rolling everyone.

    thanks! venting is one thing that helps me ToNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    Ok so weekends are my DOWNFALL. I cant do calorie counting and pay attention to food and drink my water and keep up with busy activites.

    So my new rule for weekends is dont count the calories and measure, make smarter food choices and find water somewhere and if all that fails, GET SOME EXERCISE.

    SO Monday today and back at it but i am now addicted to the new tims bagels. Have to stick with my oatmeal. But gave up the coffee this mornikng to have the bagel LOL.

    Will go for lighter lunch. Drinking my water though.
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I'm at 191.8 today! I'm now overweight and no longer obese! Down 1 lb. This week which is my goal. Have a great week everyone!