

  • mama_monkey333
    Alright guys I need to pull some willpower from ya"ll or whatever you wanna call it. . . My daughter's selling Worlds Finest Chocolate and Aunt Flo's around the corner. . . Peeewww! I haven't given in to temptation yet but i'm so weak. lol I'm ok in the mornings nothing like sweating your butt off during workout for motivation to not over indulge but at night i can almost hear them calling my name. Nom, Nom, Nom Chocolate! I get these mental images of her walking in from school in finding me on the floor with chocolate smeared all over my mouth n wrappers all over the place. 'I'm so sorry baby! Mommy"ll get the check book!" Tah! So. . . anyone have any good, healthy alternatives to chocolate cravings?
  • JCS_EVmom
    JCS_EVmom Posts: 14 Member
    Today was my second Fit Test, I am amazed at how much better I did!

    Switch Kicks 40 (some with a hop) / 51 (no hop)
    Power Jacks 34/ 42
    Power knees 63/ 90
    Power Jumps 36/ 40
    Globe Jumps 7/ 12
    Suicide Jumps 0/ 11
    Push Up Jacks 0/ still no real push-up but getting a lot closer
    Low Plank Obliques 34/ 60
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Alright guys I need to pull some willpower from ya"ll or whatever you wanna call it. . . My daughter's selling Worlds Finest Chocolate and Aunt Flo's around the corner. . . Peeewww! I haven't given in to temptation yet but i'm so weak. lol I'm ok in the mornings nothing like sweating your butt off during workout for motivation to not over indulge but at night i can almost hear them calling my name. Nom, Nom, Nom Chocolate! I get these mental images of her walking in from school in finding me on the floor with chocolate smeared all over my mouth n wrappers all over the place. 'I'm so sorry baby! Mommy"ll get the check book!" Tah! So. . . anyone have any good, healthy alternatives to chocolate cravings?

    Hmm, not sure what to suggest, whenever I crave chocolate I do something to keep busy and ignore it, but sometimes the call is too strong so I just have some, enjoy and carry on!

    Would a homemade chocolate and banana milkshake do the trick?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Today was my second Fit Test, I am amazed at how much better I did!

    Switch Kicks 40 (some with a hop) / 51 (no hop)
    Power Jacks 34/ 42
    Power knees 63/ 90
    Power Jumps 36/ 40
    Globe Jumps 7/ 12
    Suicide Jumps 0/ 11
    Push Up Jacks 0/ still no real push-up but getting a lot closer
    Low Plank Obliques 34/ 60

    WOW!! That is such a huge difference, that's amazing how much by!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Alright guys I need to pull some willpower from ya"ll or whatever you wanna call it. . . My daughter's selling Worlds Finest Chocolate and Aunt Flo's around the corner. . . Peeewww! I haven't given in to temptation yet but i'm so weak. lol I'm ok in the mornings nothing like sweating your butt off during workout for motivation to not over indulge but at night i can almost hear them calling my name. Nom, Nom, Nom Chocolate! I get these mental images of her walking in from school in finding me on the floor with chocolate smeared all over my mouth n wrappers all over the place. 'I'm so sorry baby! Mommy"ll get the check book!" Tah! So. . . anyone have any good, healthy alternatives to chocolate cravings?

    My healthy alternative to Chocolate craving is a chocolate shakeology, made with Orange juice as it enhances the chocolate flavor. Another idea, go get the 90% dark chocolate squares, I freeze them, and only have one out at a time, that way I don't go back for more. And exercise always helps cravings too. Maybe Chocolate Almond Milk?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    It was Plyo Cardio day - but I ran 6 miles instead. I'm half training so need to get those "long runs" in. It was cut back week, so I did my own "race" for a 10K instead. I pushed super hard and beat my PR time of previous 10K races. I know this wasn't a real race, just my own, but still super on my time. I never want to eat on running days, food really is so unappealing after running that long or in this case hard to me. I burned over 800 calories as I'd done Yoga before I went running.

    Tomorrow is "rest" days, but I will probably at least do Xstretch or YogaX.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Did pure cardio and cardio abs tonight it was tough, I just could not lift both legs at the same time so stuck with bringing the knees in, thank God it was only 20 minutes as I was getting really tired!

    Looked at some of the workouts for the last weeks and am shocked at how hard they are, I can't see myself managing them. Some bits look like gymnastics, wth?!!

    It's quiet on here, how are you getting on everyone?
  • IHaveATail
    Ughhh - On my third rest day. How is everyone else doing? Starting week 4 this Monday. Anyone else getting a little bored of the same 'ol stuff? I can't wait till the circuits change up a little. At lease the workouts are short and sweet. Also, I was working out with a buddy who got a cold and I fear he has fallen off the wagon completely. Now I'm stuck in it alone :( boo!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ughhh - On my third rest day. How is everyone else doing? Starting week 4 this Monday. Anyone else getting a little bored of the same 'ol stuff? I can't wait till the circuits change up a little. At lease the workouts are short and sweet. Also, I was working out with a buddy who got a cold and I fear he has fallen off the wagon completely. Now I'm stuck in it alone :( boo!

    Month 2 is not boring and really extends those extra 15 to 20 more minutes and is a killer hence the "MAX" workouts. Great job of sticking to it alone, prove to him to get back on the wagon.

    I did HoAlakeKino Yoga this AM, Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs - a total of close to 90 minutes of workouts. I've decided that starting the day with that 30 minutes of yoga really makes my day go smoother. Have a great week everyone.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Where are you my Insanity Friends?

    I did Cardio Power and Resistance this AM, for some reason I struggled, I got through w/o resting, but still didn't feel like I was in it as well. I didn't fuel before bed last night like I have been, that may have been the reason. I did Ho Ala ke Kino Yoga at lunch, and had a great burn for power yoga.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Where are you my Insanity Friends?

    I did Cardio Power and Resistance this AM, for some reason I struggled, I got through w/o resting, but still didn't feel like I was in it as well. I didn't fuel before bed last night like I have been, that may have been the reason. I did Ho Ala ke Kino Yoga at lunch, and had a great burn for power yoga.

    I've no idea where everyone has disappeared to, not even the person that started the thread posts!! I was hoping for some support, motivation and generall chat but it's not happening on here!:huh:

    Did my 2nd fit test tonight and am pleased with the improvement.:bigsmile:

    switch kicks 58/60
    power jacks 62/65
    power knees 84/102
    power jumps 34/41
    globe jumps 10/11
    suicide jumps 13/17
    push up jacks 26/41
    low plank oblique 54/67
  • mama_monkey333
    Hey Guys! I'm still in it to win it. . . sorry haven't checked in for awhile. . . been running around like crazy trying to sell all this candy and get it out of the house. :smile: Thank you guys for all the chocolate idea's i'm loving them. Never thought to mix the Chocolate skakeology with orange that 's aweseme and freezing the dark chocolate squares. . . Amazing! This way I only eat one square at a time vs a bar. Duoh! And as for the chocolate/banana milkshake didnt do that but i did go to the freezer section of grocery store and they have these little bags with these little cubes of fruit n yogurt all made up stickem n the blender with a scoop of chocolate protein shake. . . Oh Awesome!

    We just finished week 4 day 2 and i am right there with ya'll getting really boring and mundane. Hubby and I traded saturday w.o. with P90x Kenpo. . . Let me tell you aside from it being extremely fun we made it thru the whole workout without stopping! We Love You, Shawn T! Nothing like having little reminders of why your working your body so hard. lol We beat the panties off that kenpo dvd was awesome even worked in my garden afterwards. :smile:

    Well guys ya'll keep on keepin on!
  • mama_monkey333

    I've no idea where everyone has disappeared to, not even the person that started the thread posts!! I was hoping for some support, motivation and generall chat but it's not happening on here!:huh:

    Did my 2nd fit test tonight and am pleased with the improvement.:bigsmile:

    switch kicks 58/60
    power jacks 62/65
    power knees 84/102
    power jumps 34/41
    globe jumps 10/11
    suicide jumps 13/17
    push up jacks 26/41
    low plank oblique 54/67

    That's so awesome. . . loving the numbers. . . i dunno how you guys do it cranking out those big numbers especially towards the end. Woo. . . I'm lucky if i can lift my pencil to record my numbers. . . keep it going. . . and yeah seems like this blog kinda fizzed out there quick. Oh well. . . Keep kickin chicken! :smile:
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Where are you my Insanity Friends?

    I did Cardio Power and Resistance this AM, for some reason I struggled, I got through w/o resting, but still didn't feel like I was in it as well. I didn't fuel before bed last night like I have been, that may have been the reason. I did Ho Ala ke Kino Yoga at lunch, and had a great burn for power yoga.

    I've no idea where everyone has disappeared to, not even the person that started the thread posts!! I was hoping for some support, motivation and generall chat but it's not happening on here!:huh:

    I was wondering the same thing! It's just the same handful of people posting here. I should im the OP and see where they got off to..
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I totally killed Plyo yesterday. My avg HR was 20 points higher than 3 weeks ago when I started. Today is Cardio Recovery, I didn't get home from work until after midnight as I had to go with my boss to pick up his new Porsche, I didn't get to drive it yet, but at least have my own key, as I'm always the Designated Driver :) Yeah Me! LOL.

    I have cardio recovery today, waited to do it at my lunch hour as I tried to get extra sleep this AM, I'm too old to say out late :)

    Tomorrow is Pure Cardio, and I'll do a 12 mile run again on Friday. I'm trying to decide if I should skip Pure Cardio and do Upper Body strength training instead to save my legs. It worked well when I did that 2 weeks ago, but I love pure cardio so much I hate skipping it.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I totally killed Plyo yesterday. My avg HR was 20 points higher than 3 weeks ago when I started. Today is Cardio Recovery, I didn't get home from work until after midnight as I had to go with my boss to pick up his new Porsche, I didn't get to drive it yet, but at least have my own key, as I'm always the Designated Driver :) Yeah Me! LOL.

    I have cardio recovery today, waited to do it at my lunch hour as I tried to get extra sleep this AM, I'm too old to say out late :)

    Tomorrow is Pure Cardio, and I'll do a 12 mile run again on Friday. I'm trying to decide if I should skip Pure Cardio and do Upper Body strength training instead to save my legs. It worked well when I did that 2 weeks ago, but I love pure cardio so much I hate skipping it.

    I had a go at the strength training last night after plyo, but missed out the cardio parts! Tonight is pure cardio (which i don't love as no breaks!) and abs. I'm so tired as had a late night, didn't get to bed until 2am :yawn:

    Enjoy driving the porche!!:wink:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Did my 2nd fit test tonight and am pleased with the improvement.:bigsmile:

    Good job on those improvements, I view even one more as a measurable improvement, it's fun to watch the numbers increase isn't it?

    I have the remainder of this week before recovery week, I'm looking forward to a Insane break...I remember how grueling Month 2 is :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Good luck with month 2, I had a peek and it looked like they were practising gymnastics for the Olympics, no way will I be able to do that stuff!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Good luck with month 2, I had a peek and it looked like they were practising gymnastics for the Olympics, no way will I be able to do that stuff!

    Month 2 was a killer last time I did it. It's really not that bad of moves, you learn them quickly, like Month 1 was. Then I'm moving onto Asylum, that looks to me like crazy moves.
  • mama_monkey333
    Hi Guys! I'm so happy to see people still in it . . .sorry i haven't been posting in awhile . . . I hurt my wrist doing those suicide push up drills. . . turns out a have a mild sprain in my left wrist .:cry: Way to push hard huh?!? So. . . takin off this week and doing my little zumba dance along with hiphop abs to keep my cardio going. Gonna try starting week 4 over again next week n go from there. Just gotta keep moving n work thru it. :wink: