

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited December 2021
    Thank you for the well wishes towards my pup Drew. I am still thinking of changing Vets. Right now all the Vets are swamped. Because of a bad snow storm I missed the Vet appointment. I was not able to reschedule for a week and a half. This is how bad it is here to get treatment. When you call emergency they are booked too.

    I do not believe Drew has an ulcer. I did not do the five drugs Vet wanted me to do to prove to him it is not an ulcer. She is doing better. She is eating again. Her coat and eyes look good.

    I believe it was stress and maybe something she ate that caused this. I did also have her nails clipped and her flea and tick/ heartworm treatment right when this was going on. I was particullarly stressed at this time too. Doing that medical regime of five other drugs would only cause more stress on her. I did get some cederwood and pepperment oil mixed with almond oil to do her flea and tick next time rather than a oral med. Heartworm there is no natural treatment so I will continue with that. Prevention is the best for heartworm.

    Just like for us diet, exercise, rest, and a calm atmosphere are sometimes the best treament.

    Just like with a doctor when I asked what is the best diet for Drew with her condition. He did not give me a straight answer. HMMM!

    My good neighbor at son's house just had to put her beloved dog down. She is a single woman with no children. Suggestions on what to say and how often to check in with her. I did get a card that said how lucky Max was to have her in her life and I added my favorite memory of Max (the time he gave me a Max hug). I also included a poinsetttia (she has poinsettia decorations) and some poinsettia paper plates.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    edited December 2021
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »

    I’m wondering how the entry/exit process went with respect to COVID. We are considering going in February.

    Tina in CA

    Lots of paper work. We each carried a folder of all of our documents -- I think there were six different things. Timing the Covid test was the trickiest for us, and we weren't sure we had done it correctly -- 72 hours? 3 days? Because of the time our flight was leaving, getting it actually within a 72 hour window would have been nearly impossible, because they required a PCR test. I think we were technically at 75 hours, but the Fiji Airways clerk just saw 3 days, and said we were fine. You must have arranged CareFiji approved housing for at least 3 days in country and CareFiji approved transportation directly to the resort. (And have proof of such before you can board -- some people had trouble with this at LAX). Once your approved transport has taken you to the resort, we had to quarantine at the resort for three days. Which was fine with us because we really just needed rest. On the third day, we had a rapid test (a hotel room was reserved for medical testing). Once we tested negative, we were able to leave the resort. That next day we took the village/river/waterfall tour. Which was probably the riskiest thing we did, but it didn't seem that risky because everyone is fully vaccinated and tested and we wore masks in the van/bus. All foreign tourists have to go through everything we did, and every business that was following the CareFiji guidelines had a sign on their window/door that said "100% vaccinated."

    Anyway, I'm getting everything out of order because there was so much stuff. We each had to download the CareFiji app on our phone and have blue tooth enabled for contract tracing, and show such to Fiji Airways before boarding. We scanned in and out of some places, although not everyone required it, apparently.

    To get back into the US, we found out, literally as we were flying over, that we had to have a form completed for the US government and get a rapid test 24 hours (1 day) before boarding our flight. Again, they did that right at the hotel. The Fiji security people at the airport checked that form, kept it, and we never had to show it again. To get back into the US at LAX, all I did was show my passport and walk through. My husband, because he has global entry, didn't even have to show his passport. That didn't fill us with great confidence.

    On the planes everyone is masked, but I was most uncomfortable on the domestic flights between LAX and PDX. But we really did have uneventful flights, all legs. No rude or disruptive people, and everyone wore their masks properly, which the attendants thanked all of us for. The flight home to PDX from LAX was booked solid. It was weird to be that close to so many people, knowing that not everyone had to be vaxxed.

    We were one of the earliest flights from LAX (not the first, so we didn't get the marching band and dancers at the airport in Fiji), so the flight attendants all wore PPE, the whole flight. I had a little panic walking onto the plane, because I don't see people dressed like that except when I had chemo treatment, but I got over it. Apparently they must have figured out that that wasn't a good look because there was no PPE (just masks) on our flight back to the US.

    Once there it was amazing, and the people were so thankful. For almost everyone we saw, it was their first week back to work in over 18 months. I can't express how grateful to see us they were. People waiting for buses or just walking down the road would wave and greet us, knowing we were tourists, well because we're white, but also because we were in a taxi or a tour van.

    Lots of trouble getting the paperwork together, but well worth going.

    Willamette Valley, OR

    We have been to Fiji 3 times. It's one of my favorite vacation spots for various reasons, but the Fijians are the nicest people I've ever encountered. We never stay on Nadi (the main island), so we will need to determine quarantine requirements before flying to one of the other islands. This sounds like a lot of effort, and with Omicron making its way around, I'm not sure we are willing to do it.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!

    Tina in CA
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,575 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »

    We have been to Fiji 3 times. It's one of my favorite vacation spots for various reasons, but the Fijians are the nicest people I've ever encountered. We never stay on Nadi (the main island), so we will need to determine quarantine requirements before flying to one of the other islands. This sounds like a lot of effort, and with Omicron making its way around, I'm not sure we are willing to do it.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!

    Tina in CA

    Yes. We were originally (we booked this back in February 2020) going to stay at Treasure Island, but it hadn't opened yet when we were there last week, I assume because of the difficulty in certifying Covid safe travel to the island. We had booked the Double Tree resort near Nadi as a back up, and it ended up that we needed that. Getting there was simple, and quarantining there wasn't an issue, but if we return, we would like to get off the main island. It just wasn't possible this trip, but perhaps in February things will be better? (or worse?)

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Morning again
    Went to see Homer and he was happy to see me and now im back home..
    The bad thing with working on the afghan is i have been pulling apart the old one,well silly me,i started pulling apart the new one oh lordy.. im back on track
    Poor Tracy was exposed to one of her coworkers that had covid.. sooo luckily i bought her a rapid test,she can take that and hope all us well.. she cant afford to take time off until she has the baby.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Kim--What a good feeling to give to someone who can't for themselves. DH belongs to a club and they had a couple families that needed help with Christmas gifts. So he picked one with 3 kids 3-girl, 6-boy, and 9-boy. It was fun buying for them. They each got a toy and an outfit. When the grandkids were younger we would take them to the giving tree and have them pick one and take them shopping. Miss that.

    Flea--What a Blessing you are to those people. It makes no sense to me why some people beat cancer and some do not. But you have nothing to feel guilty about, easier said than done I know. But you are here for a reason and helping others is a Blessing.

    I have a 2-3 hour meeting this afternoon and I just hope I can stay awake. I woke up at 230 this morning and been up ever since. This not sleeping at night is getting worse. DH has his home sleep study to night.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    edited December 2021
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rebecca - Our daughter in law is a brilliant scavenger. She owned one amazing artificial tree that went from the main floor to the second floor ceiling. The staircase wrapped it just right. She found two additional trees that people were throwing or giving away. All three were beautifully decorated by her. I have a 1950’s aluminum tree that was my parents. I set it up once. Not planning to do it again. Last year I brought in a living Alberta Spruce. It was beautiful. I haven’t brought it in so far this year. I hope to avoid becoming a Grinch this year.

    The two story tree sounds magical! My mother and stepfather had a potted tree one year, very beautiful. My stepfather and I had quite a traditional thing we did. We drove to the closed tree farm and picked out a tree in the quickest time possible! It usually ended up being a laughing, and tripping on tree stumps hilarious thing! I think one year it was 7 minutes! Then of course the crazy attaching the tree stand to the darn tree. " No its crooked, turn it that way, no the other way, nope still crooked"!!! One year my step father and I decided to create this beautiful 4 foot round wreath made of PVC pipe, green paint and bough branches. It was a disaster! The PVC pipe wouldn't hold (we didn't have Gorilla Glue back then). So I donated my hoola hoop and it was beautiful!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Yesterday my neighbor that lives next door and I finally met. Last week the President of our housing assoc. came by and noticed a tree in between us was leaning into the street a little and asked if we were ok with it being cut down. It wouldn't charge us anything, (which I stated that we were renters) so if our management co was ok with it, have at it. Well the city workers were right there cutting another tree, so that afternoon cut ours. So between us is a pile of wood, that is our responsibility to remove. Thought that was chinzy! Well we chatted and I met her 30 some year old son officially. He was the guy that poked his head in our garage one day, telling my son to stop with the scooter revving! My son says he's annoying! I found him to be very courteous. Well yesterday the mom came over because her son has a hankering to trim the trees more towards the backyard, but still in between us. I told her fine. She's a walker and I said we need to go walking together. That should be fun, and hopefully the beginning of a nice friendship. She walks about 5 miles though, so I have my work cut out for me, keeping up with her.
    Just trying to make friends on
    Whidbey island
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello all. I'm on a 2-day streak, yay me!

    Vicki: our snow didn't stick around much. Wow, it sounds like hubby has been sick! I'm sending healing thoughts~ good idea for both of you to use the gym. We had our 25th wedding anniversary reception and the band we hired (friends of ours) ended up not being able to play because two of the three members (the 2 unvaccinated ones) got covid, and he died. They were both vaccine and covid deniers, and when she posted on FB that he had died of it, she got so much hate mail from other deniers, that she had to close her account.

    Today is in the 50s here and sunny. Tomorrow will be 72 plus sustained winds of 65 mph, then Thursday it will be back in the 40s. What weird weather.

    We recently had a two-week Amtrak trip to the west coast, which was delightful, but did nothing for my healthy eating! But I can definitely vouch for Amtrak, especially if you get a bedroom.

    I think I have been gone long enough that you don't know about our beagle puppy. Her name is Bella Beagle and it's a darn good thing she's pretty cute. OMG she is a handful. I'll have to get a picture loaded up. One of the three cats really likes her but the others, well, not so much. She did just graduate from reform school (beginner training). We take her to doggy day care for 2 half-days a week and on the other days, she gets a couple hours of walking. And that makes her just manageable. She is sweet though...when she's not eating cat food, kleenex, rocks, paper bags, toilet paper, cat litter, etc. I think 85% of our time interacting with her is pulling non-food items out of her mouth.

    We finally discovered how she gets all this stuff. We have been very good about keeping things picked up so she won't get them. BUT Aurora Boreal-mus (her buddy) likes to shove things off of countertops, perhaps trying to hit her on the head, which she then eats. We have caught them in the act several times now. The favorite thing to shove off countertops, which fortunately is not edible, is coffee cups full of coffee. She just pushes them right off. She doesn't run afterwards, either!

    Well, time for some lunch and back to Christmas decorating! Take care Meg from sunny Omaha.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hello all from my new computer! It is slightly larger than my last one; still a Chromebook, though. I actually got it all up and running myself. Got the apps downloaded that were on my other, everything else seems to have transferred over on it's own. Bonus...my old laptop still works, so I will use that for the kids who don't nap, while I can get things done on this new one at that time! Woo-hoo! I had a devil of a time finding my wifi password, though. lol Been so long since I have had to sign in that I forgot where I had put it.
    Machka- love the new frames! I went from a bronze, to a purple, to a blue frame.
    Michele- Sorry about the girls not being able to spend Christmas with you. Christmas has been quiet for me since DD (and her family) are in Texas.
    Flea- Wow! Makes my heart feel good just knowing how you are passing along some "help" to others who need it! I am sure it makes you feel good, too!
    Meg- So good to hear from you! Your Amtrak travels sound wonderful. My parents did a National Parks Amtrak tour after my dad retired and during one of my mom's cancer remissions. It was a month long tour and they had such a wonderful time and raved for years about the service, food, and rail employees. Great pics, too!

    More of you that I wanted to respond to, but kids are going to be waking up shortly.

    On a side note: My trip to Texas has been moved up and I will be flying out on the 24th. SO...I won't be home for my younger son's birthday (on Christmas eve) or Christmas day. Tim is getting himself upset thinking about it. (I have never been someplace else for the holidays) I will have to see if I can think of a way to make Christmas special for him, without me here. I am very excited to be with the grandsons on Christmas morning, though. I think I will try to viber with Tim on Christmas morning, so he can watch the boys open presents.

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (kelly)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Crotcheting away ,those Amtrak trips sound like fun.. Tom and I did a few up to Canada they weren't overnights but they were lovely
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/yogi- 1hr 31min 3sec, 82elev, 84ahr, 102mr, 3.46ap, 5.20mi= 497c
    Strava app= 628c
    Zwift home spin bike- 36.22min, 214elev, 132ahr, 156mhr, 69arpm 95aw, 15amph est., 10.1mi= 314c
    Zwift app= 200c

    Total cal 811
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2021
    Barbie – I will be pleased to receive your nudges. I like knitting and enjoy making blankets. Do you have an approximate finished size for the ones you're working on now??

    Rebecca- I loved Whidbey Island the time we visited there. We thought about moving there but realized getting there was difficult enough that our own adult kids would not be able to visit us. We decided to stay here. We like our neighbors and have a nice view.

    Meg from Omaha - It is great to see you posting. :bigsmile:

    I have an appointment for a regular visit with my doctor this afternoon. It will be a simple check-up visit. I hurt my knee some time back and he is helping me to heal the damages. He sent me to physical therapy and I was helped but I haven’t been there since our return from Virginia. I don't know whether he will send me back for PT there now that we have returned home.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    The weirdest thing happened just now, this evening.
    We were watching a recording I had made in August of PLACE IN THE SUN, a series about buying houses abroad. This one was in southern Spain.
    DH said, "Oh that looks a bit like Anthony, Mary's son." Mary is his twin sister, who he only discovered at the age of 48. She is a very passive person, who is now beginning to experience memory loss. The programme gave the same name of his son as in real life. I looked carefully and saw he was the image of DH and Mary! He also had a very strong Yorkshire accent, which was right. The credits rolled up at the end and the name was right!
    It was a bit uncanny seeing someone who so resembles DH! Same mannerisms as his mother. DH hasn't seen him in many years. I have never met him. Saw his son once when he was a little boy.

    An unexpectedly interesting evening! :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited December 2021
    Michele: 🥰 the anchor
    Heather: Bravo on getting inspiration for the new book.

    I will get caught up with comments tomorrow afternoon. Have early start for weekly shopping tomorrow morning.


    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member