

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    <3 Hey all! I am here and reading for a bit each morning; trying to stay caught up. Three more days of work this week, then I am on a plane to Texas.
    Congrats to all who are meeting goals or attaining "surprise" achievements!
    Beautiful pics of crafts, fur babies, and grandbabies!
    Lovely to hear from our friends hopping on and touching base.
    Hugs to all who are struggling this holiday season.
    I will try to get a proper post up once I am in Texas.
    Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (kelly)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    That was huge fun and I am absolutely knackered! :D
    Managed to drag ourselves, once they had gone, to the exercise machines and do a good stint. I will finish it off this afternoon.
    Here they see playing 'Poohead'. The real name is a bit ruder than that. :p I told them they could call it Scheisskopf. :o

    It was lovely because the parents stayed for coffee when they came back to collect them and we had a good, long chat.

    Lots of arguing etc, but we are already looking forward to Friday! >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Chose well: BP
    Bonus: made and wrapped fireball fudge, made and bagged Chex mix, baked almond crescents.
    Just one thing:
    Do good December.
    21: Appreciate kindness and thank people who do things for you. Thank Joe every time I see the lights in the garage and on the fence.

    Happy shortest day of the year! Longer light starts tomorrow. Whew, we made it again!

    Joe did hook up the TV from the bedroom, which we never watched anyway. Bullet dodged.

    Machka look forward to more pics of your beautiful nail polish snowflakes.
    Annie, bravissima!
    Heather “… he will not take instruction…” neither will Joe from me. What is it about husbands who will listen to any lazy, incompetent, grubby male but not to their intelligent, hardworking wives who love and support them? That frosting does not look like marzipan? “…nothing in it to frighten the horses…” :laugh: Bowdler would be proud. :love: the pic of the grands and Johnny playing cards. “Scheisskopf” :laugh:
    SueBdew so sorry for your friend, ALS took Papa, it’s a horrible disease, but aren’t they all?
    Rita, could you ask for a referral to a different therapist? No call from the first is not a good sign.
    Debbie I loved bubble lights. Even got some “remakes” as an adult, but had to give them up. Those suckers were H O T and dangerous to trees. Might be ok in your windows…
    Vicki ((hugs)) so many losses the sad season.
    Rebecca :love: the Athena-in-the-snow pics.
    Katla what Okie said about getting on a breeder’s list. Means you can’t wait for the pup to choose you, but afraid that’s the way of the world now. Fingers Xd
    Lisa glad C-19 test negative and REALLY glad blood work results were much better. Postponing Christmas for a few days sounds like a good idea.
    Pip voting with your wallet, like Margaret said, yes!

    Another day of choosing to make/pack goodies instead of taking dogs to powerline, doing SWSY or making up T’ai Chi and line dancing. Doubt the calories burned in the kitchen fully offset the “tasting” CI. All giveaway goodies made. Tomorrow will finish packing up and delivering. Then will trim the tree and get back to routine activities.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I contacted a dog breeder several months ago. At that time she was looking ahead to 2022. I will contact her again.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,906 Member
    Katla my colitis is called microscopic collagenous colitis and will never go away. No cure but will go into remission. Mine depends mostly on what I eat. It will act up to no reason too. Adds a great deal to my anxiety levels. I also have to take a low level expensive steroid that helps keep it stable. No fun.

    Enough doom and gloom! I mailed out my Christmas gifts yesterday, later than I usually do, but done. I also bought two Christmas socks for DH and I, then proceeded to fill them. Had fun doing that. Last evening a friend called and had me over to watch a Christmas baking show. We watched 2 episodes while polishing off a bottle of sangria. Nice day overall.

    RvRita in Roswell NM
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Sending hugs Rita. I hope you have a good Christmas. You really deserve it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    I have no one but myself to blame. At weigh in this morning I am back up where I started the month. I have to get back on track.

    DH started cardiac rehab this morning and will go 3 days a week here at the hospital where I work. I also belong to the gym here so figure we can go acouple days at least when I get off work. Start slow but do something. I have no excuses not to.

    Heather--Great news for Max and school, what a proud moment.

    Took our pug, Jake to the vet yesterday and they are changing his meds and hope that will help. She explained that his brain and muscle are not tracking together very well, that is why he has trouble walking sometimes. He is 11 years old and it scares me. But he is still eating and playing some so see what the new meds do. :'(

    Not a lot else going on here, just working. DOS has talked about us coming over for Christmas dinner in the new house. It would just be us and them and would be nice. Having family Christmas on New year's eve and New Year's day. Going to be in the 50's the rest of this week and sure does not feel like Christmas. Going to church Christmas eve.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    true about significant others not taking avice/instructions.

    I once gave some key suggestion to SO and he pretty much tossed it out the window.
    I didn't say another word on that. it's his life. 4 month later he informed me he had decided to take the suggestion. (major life changing! - we're not together now but I think it made his life much better and more comfortable...but it is his life.)

    I find saying things 1x and keeping mum is sometimes the best strategy in facer of one who always rejects SO advice, on reflex.

    I think it's something of the rebellious teen in them that remains....

    or just a feeling of need to keep their autonomy, that they fear losing...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    happy solstice.
    today I fasted and went screen free till sunset.

    it felt refreshing.
    I had a sold dinner: I'm in airbnb leaving tomorrow morning so wanted to finish some stuff.
    3 small hard boiled eggs, cooked yesterday rice and lentils, zapped veggies, a pastry and a banana.. a bit much with the last two...oh well! overall calorie deficit today. I walked quite a bit...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    We got the amazing news from my son and DDIL that Max has got a full scholarship to Lewis Old Grammar School. LOGS. :p This is a private school and very expensive normally. (Apparently he 'smashed' the exam!)
    I am delighted for them and it will be great for Max, but neither DH nor me are in favour of private education. I refused to send my kids to private schools, despite the grandparents offering to pay for it. My kids went to the local comprehensive. DH taught most of his life in comprehensive schools in difficult areas of London.
    However, DDIL went to a famous school on a cello scholarship, so ...... We just keep our mouths firmly shut. :o:|:p<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    That's wonderful!

    My husband went to a private school for kindergarten to Grade 12.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    edited December 2021
    Walk w/family- 2hrs 31min 10sec, 122elev, 84ahr, 111mhr, 3.22ap, 8.14mi= 742c
    Strava app = 982c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited December 2021
    M – that’s probably Vince’s view on decorating. Beautiful snowflakes

    Lisa – so glad you’re feeling better

    Heather – so sorry about your friend’s partner. Happy for B

    Rebecca – love watching Athena grow up.

    Denise and Pete bought a new car, a Tucson. Or at least they “say” they bought it. The last time Denise “said” they bought car, in reality Pete’s father bought it.

    Anne DE – you go girl!

    Heather – how did you get the icing so fluffy? Congrats to Max

    SuebDew – so sorry for your friend and for you not seeing your son

    Debbie – I always wondered where Vacaville was. I see that TSO plays there, but I had no idea where it was. Now I do. We have the bubble lights!

    Vince hates to be wrong. The other day I was cleaning out all my old insurance cards, etc. I asked Vince if I needed any of the papers and he said “no”. Well, the other day he said to me “I hope you didn’t do what I think you did, throw out your new registration” So I said “that’s exactly why I had you look at them” I did go thru the recyclables only to find out that Vince tore it up. I said “why didn’t you put it in the pile of things to be shredded?” So, really, the new registration in the trash is not only my fault but his also.

    Worked today until almost 12. Tomorrow should go very fast. I’ll even try to get there early. You know, a few days ago the manager told me that I needed to clean up. Well, I usually do. Then she went on to sweep even harder. Well, yesterday I said to her “there’s a mess on the floor in the lady’s room, it looks like someone cut their hair”. She just said “oh, that was me”. I thought to myself “why would you leave hair on the floor and in the sink in the bathroom that a customer sees? They don’t see in the back where I do the prep”. But this is her BK, not mine. Today as I was leaving I heard this one gal taking an order and saying “will that be a small, medium or large drink”. When I worked at a fast food place, you never gave people the option of a small. You always said “large?” A lot of people say “yea” even tho they really don’t mean it. But still...it’s greater profit for the store. Admitted, not much. But something is certainly better than nothing. I didn’t say anything.

    I think I may have screwed up my laptop by spilling water on it. Vince is letting it dry out now so we shall see what happens. So had to get caught up for a few days. Therefore, skimmed some.

    Pete texted me some pics of PJ. Evidently they took him to see Santa Claus. You know, I made a tree skirt for Denise. So what do they have under the tree? Not the one I made. I made a Diamond Dotz, Pete’s is hanging up in their bathroom, Denise’s is behind the sofa. I made her a beaded banner, it’s never been out. Same with the blankets I made and the coasters. I’ve pretty well decided I’m not going to make anything else for her. I made Pete a ceramic turtle, he ran to put it outside. I made Denise one and I had to be the one to put it outside

    I did see a plastic canvas tissue box cover with a Christmas kitty on it. I went to order it today, and for the life of me I can’t find it.

    Maybe tomorrow I can get to the gym.
    will have to see their schedule.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) The last time any family member thanked me for a knitted gift was the sweater I knit for grandson Jack in 2008. Now I knit for Project Linus--for people who appreciate what I do. Since then, we have made life even simpler by not buying or giving gifts and asking friends and family to not give us anything.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA