What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Cadre Lead Circuit Workout:
    15 Jumping Jaxs
    High Knees
    Butt Kickers
    Toe Kick & Taps
    Heel Walks
    Hallways & Stairs run x 1
    10 Air squats
    10 Burpees
    Hallway & Stair Run x 2
    10 Pushup
    10 Situps
    Hallway & Stair Run x 3
    Plank/Leg Raise Holds for rest of class to finish

    Solo Circuit Workout:
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    25 KBell Swing
    25 Curls
    25 Push Press w/KBell
    100 1/2 Jaxs
    100 Skier
    25 Renegade Row
    25 Devil Press
    15 KBell Snatch
    100 Jump Rope
    15 Plate Raises
    15 Rear Delt Raises w/Plate
    20 Monkey Rows
    20 KBell Curls
    100 Fwd Jump Rope
    50 Cable Crunches
    50 Frankenstein (Walking Place High Knees)

    815 reps Total
  • makinlifehappen
    makinlifehappen Posts: 110 Member
    Had to take a couple days off due to my back. At it again though.

    Started a new program today PPL

    Push 1
    Incline DB rest pause. 15 reps, pause, 5, pause and 5 more. 3 sets.
    Same exercise lower weight 2 sets 30/30

    Dips, slow till failure. Then just the negative till failure. SS with-
    Barbell rolling push ups. Also to failure.
    4 sets.

    High and low cable fly SS. 5 count positive, 5 count hold, 5 count negative.
    5 sets 20 reps all.

    Standing side laterals. 10 count positive and negative.
    4 sets 20 reps all.

    Cable and rope front raises.
    4 sets 20 reps all.

    Giant set
    Ez bar french press, skull crushers, close grip press, close handed push ups.
    4 set. 20/20/20 failure. Then on the knees and failure again.

    Took a long time.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    40 min. on the elliptical at zone 3. I'm tired today, but I got off my butt and did it anyway. :smile:
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited January 2022
    An hour on the rowing machine (I know, what a shock! :D ). To make it less boring, I worked unstrapped and really concentrated on two things -- not letting HR drift too much and a consistent stroke. Did well on both -- 11,700 meters and kept HR all under 75% max, nearly all under 72% max. And all the splits (the rowing machine divides the entire row into pieces) were within around 10 meters of each other. Very consistent throughout.

    I'm also doing these at a higher Drag Factor (what most people mistake for resistance on the rower) at 118, so although I've lost patience with improving performance, I'm showing some improvements, though not on speed.

    Roughly 700 some calories for the hour.
  • Sharsou
    Sharsou Posts: 8,849 Member
    I’ve never detailed what I did in the session like the rest. Anyways, I did running for 2 miles on treadmill at 8.6 km/hr speed with 2.0 incline for warm up. 10 chin-ups + abs and core exercises+ biceps and triceps.
  • dblirondog
    dblirondog Posts: 133 Member
    It was my leg day, then I hit the treadmill. It was fantastic! Still taking somewhat light since its week2 though.
  • fitishbyfifty
    fitishbyfifty Posts: 23 Member
    Upper body and cardio. Current goal is to get to the gym twice a week, so one upper and one lower. I did 15 flights on the stair master today, and I plan to gradually increase the number of flights as I go.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    50 Skier
    50 1/2 Jaxs
    35 KBell Swing
    50 Dips
    50 Knee Tucks
    15 Pull-ups

    5 x 12
    Wide Grip Bench
    High Cable Flys
    Rev Grip Dbell Press
    Incline Dbell Press
    Low Cable Fly
    Land Mine Press
    Dbell Flys
    Dbell Bench
    Chest Press
    Smith V Bar Press

    Sporty 40
    Rev Crunches/ Leg Tucks/ Obliques/ Low Choppers/ Frog X/ Supine Bike/ Flutter K/ Cable Crunches/ Crunches/ Twists

    1250 reps Total
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,763 Member
    Merely 2 x (2k on, 2' off/CD) rowing machine, for 4500 meters total.

    That was all I could fit in: I had an . . . interesting? . . . day, involving fun things like fasted blood tests, and unplanned/unexpected rental car (not a crash, some electricals on the normal car went kerflooie), and more.

    Since it was shorter, I thought I might as we'll push a little, though not to max. 2:27.1 at 25 spm, 2:21.0 at 24 spm, on the 2k pieces. 44% of the short workout was Z4, topping out at 161, which is around 85% reserve. Around 5 minutes steady toward the end of the second piece was above my 220-age estimated HR (154). 😆 It felt OK, especially given that I've been doing entirely base workouts for a while.

    Finished just barely in time to rush over & pick up friends from the airport shuttle, as I'd offered to do.
    An hour on the rowing machine (I know, what a shock! :D ). To make it less boring, I worked unstrapped and really concentrated on two things -- not letting HR drift too much and a consistent stroke. Did well on both -- 11,700 meters and kept HR all under 75% max, nearly all under 72% max. And all the splits (the rowing machine divides the entire row into pieces) were within around 10 meters of each other. Very consistent throughout.

    I'm also doing these at a higher Drag Factor (what most people mistake for resistance on the rower) at 118, so although I've lost patience with improving performance, I'm showing some improvements, though not on speed.

    Roughly 700 some calories for the hour.

    @MikePfirrman, without my intending to be pushy, have you ever experimented with that drill I do sometimes, working for max meters per stroke? (I'd do it at normal DF, but up a little would be OK.) I'm asking because IMO it's useful, and IMO pairs really well with feet-out (unstrapped) rowing. The monitor isn't really set up for it: I usually just count strokes in my head in groups of 10, from 10 to 1 then start over, watching the meters roll down on the monitor to get a rough idea how I'm doing. Among other things, I think it's a good way to experiment with some of the low cost tricks to improve split (like fast hands or heels first) and see the result quickly, as well as having a power/patience focus.
  • makinlifehappen
    makinlifehappen Posts: 110 Member
    Pull Day 1

    Single arm row.
    3 drop sets
    Each set 20/12/7

    Barbell row drop set
    4 sets. 10/10/10 slow

    Lat pulldown V bar ascending, then drop sets.
    4 sets. Ascending 10/10/10, descending, all to failure.

    rear delt machine
    Partials at the top, full ROM, partials at the bottom.
    3 sets 20/20/20

    Barbell shrugs.
    3 sets 50/50/50

    Poor man's DB preacher curls ascending and descending.
    3 sets, ascending 15/15/15. Descending to failure.

    Cable rope curls drop set.
    4 sets. 30 reps with 3 drops each set.

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited January 2022
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Merely 2 x (2k on, 2' off/CD) rowing machine, for 4500 meters total.

    That was all I could fit in: I had an . . . interesting? . . . day, involving fun things like fasted blood tests, and unplanned/unexpected rental car (not a crash, some electricals on the normal car went kerflooie), and more.

    Since it was shorter, I thought I might as we'll push a little, though not to max. 2:27.1 at 25 spm, 2:21.0 at 24 spm, on the 2k pieces. 44% of the short workout was Z4, topping out at 161, which is around 85% reserve. Around 5 minutes steady toward the end of the second piece was above my 220-age estimated HR (154). 😆 It felt OK, especially given that I've been doing entirely base workouts for a while.

    Finished just barely in time to rush over & pick up friends from the airport shuttle, as I'd offered to do.
    An hour on the rowing machine (I know, what a shock! :D ). To make it less boring, I worked unstrapped and really concentrated on two things -- not letting HR drift too much and a consistent stroke. Did well on both -- 11,700 meters and kept HR all under 75% max, nearly all under 72% max. And all the splits (the rowing machine divides the entire row into pieces) were within around 10 meters of each other. Very consistent throughout.

    I'm also doing these at a higher Drag Factor (what most people mistake for resistance on the rower) at 118, so although I've lost patience with improving performance, I'm showing some improvements, though not on speed.

    Roughly 700 some calories for the hour.

    @MikePfirrman, without my intending to be pushy, have you ever experimented with that drill I do sometimes, working for max meters per stroke? (I'd do it at normal DF, but up a little would be OK.) I'm asking because IMO it's useful, and IMO pairs really well with feet-out (unstrapped) rowing. The monitor isn't really set up for it: I usually just count strokes in my head in groups of 10, from 10 to 1 then start over, watching the meters roll down on the monitor to get a rough idea how I'm doing. Among other things, I think it's a good way to experiment with some of the low cost tricks to improve split (like fast hands or heels first) and see the result quickly, as well as having a power/patience focus.

    I used to watch more with ErgData on that type of stuff and I do find it useful. I haven't done this recently just because I'm not as strong right now and I'm also afraid I'd start resorting back to old bad habits. But the idea of doing it unstrapped might prevent that.

    The straw that broke the camel's back (and mine, LOL) was a timed row like this. Back a few years ago, we had a timed 5K @ 18 SPM and I was trying to break 20 minutes. I didn't by the way (though I did average 2:04 pace). But that's when I really screwed up my disc. With my cruddy right knee, I'm sure I was using way too much of my upper body strength and not enough leg/hip drive looking back on that.

    I'm still, because I'm unsure of my form at times, a little leery of also doing harder strokes unstrapped. I just fell off the rower two days ago when I was stupid and did the 5K (was supposed to be 10K but I stopped after 5K) timed piece, stopped and reset for 2K X 2. On the first 2K, thought I'd go unstrapped and the sweat on my hands caused the handle to slip out and I fell backward onto the concrete! Not fun and the first time I'd ever done that. I'm pretty decent about not letting back momentum now slide me off but the handle coming out of my hand made me lose the balance. Luckily wasn't too bad. Wife called me an idiot but she had good reason :D
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Morning bootcamp, lunch 5K run and evening badminton...
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical 240 minutes for 16.25 miles
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited January 2022
    Another hour row. Again shooting for just a couple of things -- work on form (unstrapped) and have a consistent stroke throughout while not letting HR drift too high. Well, got two out of three, LOL. HR drifted up to nearly 78% of max at the end. Not too bad but higher than I like on steady state days.

    Pace was consistent around 2:30 @ 20 SPM (strokes per minute) the entire row. So much so that I got about as close to an "OCD" row as I'll likely get. That's where all your splits are identical, your Stroke Rate is the same for every split and the meters all are identical for every split. All were within around 2 meters +/- for every split (12 minute splits for an hour row). 12,002 meters.

    Drag factor around 119. Will likely have to lower SR or DF on next attempt to try to keep HR between 65% and 70% max (ideal for me for "easy" days). This was too hard because I have a legit hard day tomorrow.

    But this was encouraging for me. More consistent stroke, maintained for an hour without breaking form too much, at a higher Drag Factor.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Keep on Keepin' on....

    Started with a 15 min. elliptical jaunt in mostly HR Zone 3 (I enjoy that pace) followed by a continuation of my "ease into strength training" routine: incline pushups, bent-over dumbbell rows, planks, boat pose, supermans.

    I'm happy that my shoulder and quad both have been feeling good! As much as that makes me want to jump forward and do more, I'm not going to do it. Slow and steady....
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,763 Member
    edited January 2022
    Did a bit of plan-rearranging today so I could fit in some of the workout(s) I missed out on yesterday because of having an unexpectedly weird day. Today would normally be a bike/core day, but nope.

    2k+2' CD on the rowing machine, for a total of 2351m at pretty-easy 2:33 pace/23spm. 90% Z3. Inspired by Mike, I did this piece feet out (my term for what he describes as unstrapped).

    Little over half an hour strength training (dumbbell supersets).

    10k+3' CD stationary bike, for a total of 11,068m, about half Z3, rest below.

    In the dumbbell routine, everything's at 3 sets now, and most things have started increasing reps or weight. Usual pattern is to go up in reps, eventually increase weight but drop reps back some again, after which start to go up in reps again at the new weight. Each off-season, when I start up strength training again, I'm fairly cautious because of imbalances and some pre-existing joint problems, so I'm adjusting based on feel. If a joint feels unstable somewhere in a movement, but I want to increase challenge, I'd prefer to increase reps until the joint feels stable-ish at that weight. I don't normally post details, because what I'm doing is idiosyncratic and not a sensible/good model for anyone else, to say the least.

    Planning some tweaks to my usual schedule on Friday and Saturday, too, so I get a 3rd strength workout in with adequate recovery.
  • alexandramosenson
    alexandramosenson Posts: 50 Member
    Legs today but I barely feel sore. Makes me wonder if I am not working hard enough!
  • makinlifehappen
    makinlifehappen Posts: 110 Member
    edited January 2022
    PPL 3

    This one was rough, had to do a couple substitutions.

    Leg extension machine.
    10 count positive, 10 count hold, 10 count negative
    4 sets 20/20/20/20

    Split squat... I couldn't do this with weight. My knees sounded like bubble paper.
    3 sets 20/20/20/ each leg

    Leg press 3 way, feet together, toes out, regular.
    4 sets 30/30/30/30

    Lying leg lifts toes out (calves flexed), regular, stiff leg raises
    4 sets 20/20/20/30

    Calf machine
    Rest pause century set
    initial 15 reps, pause failure ect.

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Each off-season, when I start up strength training again, I'm fairly cautious because of imbalances and some pre-existing joint problems, so I'm adjusting based on feel. If a joint feels unstable somewhere in a movement, but I want to increase challenge, I'd prefer to increase reps until the joint feels stable-ish at that weight. I don't normally post details, because what I'm doing is idiosyncratic and not a sensible/good model for anyone else, to say the least.

    As someone with a previously dislocated shoulder, I appreciate seeing how others are dealing with joint issues. I like the idea of increasing reps first before increasing weight. Seems like a good strategy to prevent injury. So... thanks. :smile: