Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Hey there! My weigh in for this week is 164. Slowly but surely. Hope everyone has had a great week!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Some of you have had really great reductions in your waist. What have you been doing that you think is making the difference?

    30 Day Shred... for sure.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I would love to lose stomach weight, too. my stomach is only 1 inch smaller than my bust measurement. I'm clearly an apple. Is it true that the best thing to do is aerobic activity? I hope not, because I can't do much in that direction - I make it about 10 minutes before my knees tell me to stop.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Some of you have had really great reductions in your waist. What have you been doing that you think is making the difference?

    30 Day Shred... for sure.

    Oh that would kill me right now! I'm going to try and focus on the belly dancing again. IIRC I lost several inches years ago doing it. I have a hula workout tape my daughter used to use that I'm going to try again. I never felt I could get the "motion of the ocean" going!
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    I am down by 2 pounds this week... down to 191 lbs. Will send u the measurements in some time.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    MEASUREMENTS: then / now
    Neck: 14 / 14
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts):33 / 33
    Bust (women across breasts):41 / 39.5
    Waist:40.5 / 39
    Hips:43 / 42
    Upper arm:13 / 13
    Forearm: 10.5 /10
    Thighs:27.5 / 26
    Calves: 16 / 16

    My weight this morning was 192 this morning.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    The real reason is that I moved cross country - packing and moving and unpacking is hard work!! I'm not exercising enough other than that, but when I do, I add 10-20 minutes of hula hooping. I'm mostly surprised about my chest measurements - I went from 37" to 31.5 with only a one inch drop in my bust size - the fat was inside my chest!! Ick! I keep looking at my belly and thinking I haven't lost ANYTHING in my waist, but I have - it's just all shrinking pretty evenly and the shape isn't much better yet lol. I will just keep going!
    Some of you have had really great reductions in your waist. What have you been doing that you think is making the difference?
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I've thought about hula hooping. I was never very good as a child though!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well! We are a little over 25% into this challenge (0.2857142857142857 if you want to get technical :bigsmile: ) I thought I would check in with my weight goal to see if I'm on track.

    By now I should have lost just a tad over 9.6 lbs and I've lost 9.8! If I can stay on pace I should hit my goal by Thanksgiving. If you're not on track what do you think is hindering you?

    Anyone setting small goals for the week? Or bigger ones for the month?

    I want to continue to focus on the water intake, walk 3x a week, and tone up my waist. I would like to take 3" off it by the next measurement date.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I've thought about hula hooping. I was never very good as a child though!

    i'm awful at hula hooping, too. My daughter just got one and my kids just laughed at me when i tried it!!

    However, there is hula hooping on the WII fit. it's a great workout and by the time it's over i'm tired and sore the next day.

    hmmmm, might have to start that up again!!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I love the childhood memories that pop up when I think about hula hoops.

    I'm trying a new food plan starting tomorrow. My goal is to work it for a week.
  • Sorry so late but my weight for Wed. was 169.7. I recorded it but forgot to send it :( I've strayed off course! I need to focus on this. Not exercising and it's what keeps me in a healthy frame of mind, which motivates me to eat better.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Momof2inMD - Hang in there! It does get hard sometimes to focus on this. I know your plate is full, just try to make a little room everyday for weight loss. I keep a visual reminder in my bedroom that I see every morning to remind me of my goals. Best of luck this week!
  • Thanks mabug! You are right. I appreciate the motivation. It helps to know someone is pulling for me! I need to make some changes and I need the accountability. Maybe I should make my food diary public again. No more hiding!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    My son left yesterday - it's sad, but it's time to kick myself in gear! No more eating out, since he isn't here wanting to spoil us in the short time that he can. The hide-a-bed will stay hidden, too, which means enough room to do my workout dvds. I definitely do better with my eating when I am also working out, and I am more likely to work out if I eat breakfast. So my goals for this week are to spend at least 30 minutes per day in dedicated exercise - to be increased next week - eat breakfast every day and buy a bathroom scale, even if it is a really cheap one, and get back to drinking 10-12 cups of water each day.

    Feel free to ask me how I am doing......I seem to have lost a bit of my motivation and I really DO want to lose the rest of this weight!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    My son left yesterday - it's sad, but it's time to kick myself in gear! No more eating out, since he isn't here wanting to spoil us in the short time that he can. The hide-a-bed will stay hidden, too, which means enough room to do my workout dvds. I definitely do better with my eating when I am also working out, and I am more likely to work out if I eat breakfast. So my goals for this week are to spend at least 30 minutes per day in dedicated exercise - to be increased next week - eat breakfast every day and buy a bathroom scale, even if it is a really cheap one, and get back to drinking 10-12 cups of water each day.

    Feel free to ask me how I am doing......I seem to have lost a bit of my motivation and I really DO want to lose the rest of this weight!

    You can do it! And as sad as it is, the distraction to be unhealthy is gone and you can focus on your goal! I suggest though if you're going to get a bathroom scale, spend a little extra and get what that is going to be precise. You don't want to get one that's going to waver a few pounds if your weight hasn't changed!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Momof2inMD - Opening your diary is a great idea! Just knowing people might look at mine helps me to eat better.

    Quietlywinning - I miss my son, too, but you have to admit the freedom of having your room back is incredible!

    Is anyone planning to watch The Biggest Loser, which starts on Tuesday? It might be fun to discuss the episodes here. I wonder what the new trainer will be like.

    I'm on day 3 of the new eating plan recommended by my trainer. it's pretty much no-frills foods eaten every 3-4 hours. She promises it will rev my metabolism; I can hardly wait to see how this turns out!

    The best news of the day is I received my blood work report and I dropped my cholesterol by 55 points and am now back in the normal range! Woo-hoo!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    This was a post from me last night:
    My current clothes are fitting kinda wonky - mostly from being stretched to their limits embarassed so I thought I would look for a coupe of pieces to extend my wardrobe. Well it turns out that size 16-18 in regular clothes is cut too small and size 16-18 in womens is cut too generously. UGH! So after a very frustrating shopping trip I realized that I can't stay this size - I have to get bigger or smaller if I want to buy some clothes that will fit. I choose smaller. This is just the push that I needed - the little fire is burning again, I had lost my fire since I don't feel horrible EVERY SINGLE DAY, allowing me to lose focus instead of losing weight.

    My plan is to go back to drinking only water. No soda, coffee, milk, etc. I don't manage these calories well, and they bring no nutrition points to the table.

    I need to eat protein at every meal again. I need to do some type of exercise everyday - even if it's a tiny walk, or a few squats.

    I am ready for this.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    mabug01, GREAT JOB dropping your cholesterol so much!!!!!!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    The best news of the day is I received my blood work report and I dropped my cholesterol by 55 points and am now back in the normal range! Woo-hoo!

    That is awesome!

    I slipped on my water this week. First time in about 2 months that I have been under every day for a week. Hoping to get back on track since I know my weight loss slows down when I'm not drinking enough water!

    I did really good with the walking this week. I have a really busy seminar schedule this week so I hope I can stay on track with it.

    My computer crashed on Thursday and I lost almost all my weight loss photos and tracking. If it wasn't online I don't have it now. I didn't eat any different but I wasn't motivated to track anything but the water since then. I also lost about 2K from my novel but I'm hoping to piece together parts I have in different places and it won't be that much.

    I'm not adding anything new this week goal wise. I just want to get the water back up, keep walking, and stay on track with the fat grams.