JUST FOR TODAY--One Day at a Time--Daily Commitment Thread for 2022



  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,358 Member
    Hubby update: Work issues (related to 1st shift personnel) were making the job intolerable for him; he was 2nd shift supervisor & had to deal with them. Even though he had already submitted his resignation, when he turned up for 2nd shift yesterday, he was terminated immediately. This was based on another B.S. write-up by 1st shift supervisor. Hubby had worked for 5+ years there without a single write-up, and this supervisor of less than 1 year wrote hubby up 3 times. Hubby was angry when I got home, but we were able to talk, and tried to count all the positives this means. Just an earlier date. Now hubby is able to devote himself full-time to completing the online training for his 3D software, and will continue to create his characters. It truly is an outlet for his artistic talents, and a passion of his. We hope when he submits his creations, it will generate income into both our retirements. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Wow, that is harsh. Hopefully his new venture will turn out to be a true passion and a lucrative one at that!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,707 Member

    JFT for 1/12 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today unless I want sugar free or no sugar added (last 1/9)
    2) No peanut butter today (last 1/9)
    3) Don't weigh again until Thursday, 1/13
    4) Up to 1.5 oz cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/9)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, none of nut gift today
    7) No dried apricots ok today. (last 1/10)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today including the turkey Kielbasa
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @Snowflake1968 and @beachwalker99 it was Saskias birthday yesterday (hoping you mean the 11th!) She's 8 now!

    What a popular day for birthdays!!

    Having said that, that's why I wasn't online yesterday (plus I ran out of data but topped up again today)
    I've caught up with my logging. Although I know there's things I've missed but I've got it as close as I can.
    We baked a cake for Saskia yesterday, we had music on for the kids. Casey's dance moves are next level... She goes all out. 😂

    I'm am completely shattered.
    In 3 days I've done 17,000 steps one day, 13000 the next and today im up to 16000 so far.
    Today after I got home from the kids ash asked me to walk to the shop to pick up some medicines for him.
    I was basically shuffling there. My legs have gave up 😂

    I've not posted goals again, I know what they are in my head but tomorrow I do want to recommit to the goal posting and just have a focus-day on my health
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,269 Member
    🦄 Terri
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hour commitment - After my milk and dose of metamusal, I won't eat again until dinner with DH. It's his birthday and I can be more flexible, including a dessert if he wants!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Evening all. Tired and hungry today - must be a mid-week slump. Have managed to stay within goal but I’ve been way under on other days so it feels like a bit of a failure. Glad I kept most choices super healthy.

    Tomorrow I have planning time and then a half day at home as I only work 4.5 days now. It’s good to have that release time as I have quite a difficult class this year with lots of behavioural issues and additional needs. It can really take it out of you. So some important life admin and rest is on the cards for tomorrow.

    Hope all is well with everyone. X

    Wednesday goals recap:
    Morning run ✅ 2.25m
    Walk kids to school ✅
    Prep History and Art lessons ✅
    Locate beanbags for PE lesson ❌ not needed
    Mark at lunchtime ✅
    Stay within calorie goal ✅
    Water ✅
    Book gym class for Thursday? ❌ will run instead
    Early night ✅

    Thursday goals:
    Morning run
    Drive kids to school
    Energy provider research
    Home improvement research
    Plan maths, science and topic for next week
    Pick kids up from school
    Cook veggies
    Buy cat treats and soup
    Stay within calorie goal
    Bed by 10
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member
    Reporting back tonight as I have an early start tomorrow, need to go to my parents house to put out bags for charity collection before grandson arrives around 7.30am.

    JFT Wed 12th

    Stay under maintenance yes
    Only one snack yes, one biscuit
    Eat some veg yes, cooked proper meal again
    Walk yes
    Collect dog yes
    Play :)yes

    I had a lovely day with grandson today, he was a joy to have around and didn't give me a moment's trouble. I'm so glad that he's more settled now, it's 6 months since his parents separated and he seems to have got used to all the changes now. I always make a point of telling him where he's going to be and who with, and warning him when I'm going to be away so won't see him at bedtime. He seems to understand and I'm sure it helps, even if he only remembers some of it. And at my suggestion he now goes to bed an hour earlier, so no more meltdowns at bedtime. So relieved. He told me today that he's a big boy now, and will be 8 on his birthday...he's 2 lol.

    We were out for almost 2 hours, a good walk pushing the buggy, and a play in the park. It was a lovely day, very mild for January at 7 or 8 degrees, and hardly any wind, made it a pleasure to be outside.

    Tomorrow will be a repeat of today

    JFT Thursday 12th Jan

    Stay under maintenance
    Only one snack
    Eat some veg
    Sort bins
    Charity bags out

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,269 Member
    ❄️⛄️JANUARY 2022 ⛄️❄️
    Life Affirmations
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    Personal Stats:
    • Name: Terri
    • Age: 75
    • Height: 5'2"
    • SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    • Joined MFP: Jan 2015
    • 1st Goal: 190 Sept 2015
    • UGW: 145
    • 01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    [*] 31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    [*] 31 Dec 2020: 145.6
    [*] Total weight loss: 81.4 lbs
    [*] (30 Dec 2021: 138.6 - Total Loss: 87 lbs)
    [*] 3 Jan 2022: 138.9
    [*] 8 Jan 2022: 135.8 - TL: 91.2

    January Daily Habits: Week 2
    Sat: ✅ Sun: ✅ Mon: ✅
    Tue: ✅ Wed: ✅ Thu: Fri:
    1. Weight < 145: ✅5/7 (I weigh each morning after ablutions)
    2. Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2 23.4 21%
    3. Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7: 30.9: 31.8
    4. Calories in the green ✅5/7
    5. Steps > 7500 ✅ 5/7
    6. Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅5/7
    7. Active hours > 6 daily ✅5/7
    8. 11pm shutdown of devices✅5/7
    9. Cleanup sweep of ground floor rooms✅5/7
    10. after making bed > 10 minutes of flex✅5/7
    Positive intentions for Wed 12:
    • Meditation 👌🏻
    • Daily Flex👌🏻
    • Clean out fridge👌🏻
    • Weekly shopping 👌🏻
    • jigsaw: crochet: 👌🏻
    • Daily Chores👌🏻
    • Self Care👌🏻
    Positive intentions for Thurs 13:
    • Meditation
    • Daily Flex
    • Sort out Tax docs for daughter
    • decluttering bedding
    • jigsaw: crochet:
    • Daily Chores
    • Self Care

    Managed another outdoor walk after we put all our groceries away.

    🦄 Terri

  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    JFT: Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Then wake up tomorrow with a fresh start.
  • tech_hunter
    tech_hunter Posts: 350 Member

    1/12/2022 JFT:
    -no snacking (!!!!)
    -go to gym
    -log and eat what I log
    -get in a walk at lunch

    Welp, all bets are off when a migraine hits. Also, I was waiting on doc approval for my prescription, so today was not fun. At least I didn't go nuts, I did have some almond milk with sugar free chocolate syrup this evening, and about 1/4 cup of almonds between lunch and dinner, basically to calm a sick stomach after taking Excedrin. Thankfully I have my meds for it now and just took some. I took a walk at lunch but did not go to the gym, hoping for tomorrow.

    1/13/2022 JFT:
    -no snacking
    -log food
    -go to gym (raincheck!)
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    edited January 2022
    @Bex953172 - Happy Birthday to your Saskia! I hope she had a wonderful day! Yes, lots of special people were born on January 11th, including my best friend from high school as well as my husband.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,358 Member

    Welp, all bets are off when a migraine hits. Also, I was waiting on doc approval for my prescription, so today was not fun. At least I didn't go nuts, I did have some almond milk with sugar free chocolate syrup this evening, and about 1/4 cup of almonds between lunch and dinner, basically to calm a sick stomach after taking Excedrin. Thankfully I have my meds for it now and just took some. I took a walk at lunch but did not go to the gym, hoping for tomorrow.

    Migraines are definitely a deal breaker. Hope the meds sooth you so you can get back at it tomorrow!

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hour commitment - I won’t eat again until tomorrow.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    JFT - January 11
    Log all Food - 🙂
    1.5 L of water - 😕
    Gratitude journal - 🙂
    Exercises - 🙂 I cleaned so that’s enough movement
    Log into JFT - 🙂

    JFT - January 12
    Log all Food
    1.5 L of water
    Gratitude journal
    Log into JFT

    My eyes are going crossed I’m so tired so I’ll have to catch up tomorrow
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,358 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    - Protein bar for breakfast :(
    - Take V to school :smiley:
    - Work by 7:30 :smiley:
    - Set up new laptop :smiley:
    - Meetings :smiley:
    - Protein Bar for lunch :smiley:
    - Set up play list on Amazon Music :smiley:
    - Ride Peleton ("Damn bike") :(
    - Church? :(
    - Dinner :
    - No alcohol :smiley:
    - Bed by 11:30 :smiley:

    Have a great day y'all!

    Didn't ride the bike yesterday partially because I got home late and partially because I wanted to go into this evenings spin class fresh. It's an hour class and I know I will struggle. Nothing like jumping in the deep end and seeing if you remember how to swim. Otherwise yesterday was okay. Hubby got called back into work around 9:00pm and didn't get home until 1:00am. Very long tiring day for him and today it looks like he's going in from 9:00am to 9:00pm. I have errands to run and such this afternoon, and spin this evening. No date night Thursdays anymore once I start teaching again. I'll grab something for dinner after spin class and bring it home for V & I.

    JFT Thursday

    - 7:00 am meeting (actually it was 7:30) :smiley:
    - 8:30 meeting :smiley:
    - Work stuff
    - Shower
    - Go to mom's do bills & fix her phone
    - Pick up V from theater practice
    - Go to Y & spin
    - Try not to die
    - Grab dinner
    - Home
    - try not to die
    - shower
    - no alcohol
    - bed by 11:30
    - log food
    - stay green

    Happy Thursday everyone! Take care of you for me!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,707 Member

    JFT for 1/12 (yesterday): ✔️
    1) No dessert today unless I want sugar free or no sugar added (last 1/9) Did share small dessert with DH for his birthday, as per hour commitment
    2) No peanut butter today (last 1/9)✔️
    3) Don't weigh again until Thursday, 1/13✔️
    4) Up to 1.5 oz cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/9)✔️
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)✔️
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, none of nut gift today✔️
    7) No dried apricots ok today. (last 1/10)✔️
    8) None of DH's treats today.✔️
    9) No turkey jerky today.✔️
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today including the turkey Kielbasa✔️
    JFT for 1/13 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today unless I want sugar free or no sugar added (last 1/12)
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 1/9)
    3) Don't weigh again until Friday, 1/14
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/12)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, none of nut gift today
    7) Dried apricots ok today. (last 1/10)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today including the turkey Kielbasa
    11) Can have an early lunch due to lunch meeting.

    Hour commitment - Won't have coffee stuff until 8 am.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,505 Member
    edited January 2022
    Amazing what a good night's sleep plus an extra hour (I skipped the treadmill before work this morning) does for a person. I feel so much more refreshed and ready to face the day. Helps that my work issues have been resolved, and hubby and I are adjusting well to our new normal. I love having him home on weekday evenings after 5 1/2 years not. <3

    Recap W 1/12 ~ Just Move It Day at work ~ minimum of 30 minutes activity
    1) X-trained before work (my version circuit & weights) :smiley: happy me
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks :smiley: 9.2K 22 floors (knees really bothering me lately) & 14/14 boom!
    3) Supper? leftovers / net calories zero / 112 oz. water :p evening drink with hubby & snacks, not sorry -382, sodium high, fiber good, protein ok, sugar high (wow, didn't realize until I logged) & 96 oz.
    4) Be somewhat productive in office hehe :smiley: more than I thought, or expected
    5) Be supportive of hubby when I get home <3 good evening together / boil eggs / meal plan & grocery list / pack last nativity / another ta-da? TA-DA :smiley: 5/5
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers just sooo tired / Voltaren / Calm app / 5:50 alarm (treadmill before work) = 2/6

    JFT R 1/13 ~ impromptu rest day, totally worth it, extra sleep has refreshed me
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    2) Net calories zero / 112 oz. water
    3) Issue GA-BJ report / Facebook Live 12:00 / good day in office
    4) Grocery shop on way home / hubby time / any ta-da?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 5:50 alarm (treadmill before work)

    About me: Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    64 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • registered for Frenzy on the Fox 5K on 1.21.22
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22
    • will register for Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 ~ first time in person since 2019
    • will register for Packers 5K when July details announced
    • will register for Bellin Women's Pink Pumpkin 5K when Oct. details announced
    • will register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K when Oct. details announced
    • watch for other events to add
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement
    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    Recap - Wednesday 1/12
    Log - :)
    Balanced meals - :)
    Stay hydrated - :)
    Exercise - :)
    2 chores - :/
    Start Spring course revisions - :/
    Start a new book? - No
    Bed by midnight - Almost

    JFT Thursday 1/13
    Balanced meals
    Stay hydrated
    Get out for a walk
    Bed by midnight
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hour commitment - after I finish my bowl of pumpkin and my dose of metamusal, I won't eat again until after 5 pm.
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @pridesabtch That is true about being there for your kids. I don't have kids but had experienced the opposite growing up. It does matter and show when you care.

    @cschmitz110515 (((hugs))) I'm glad you're able to be there for your hubby right now and that he has a sense of a new direction. I'm sorry people behave so badly! My runner-up to the job from hell was at a factory where the supervisor scheduled my "station shifts" in such a way that I got injured and couldn't work anymore, no matter what I said to the manager. It reflects on them, not on you.

    Along with everybody else, I'm struggling to stick to my goals.
    I'm behind on finances, and the apt is a complete wreck. I haven't maneuvered boxes enough to start a "flow" of packing. DH is being nice about it though as I'm still not well (it really hit me harder than him). He's been dealing with prepping other materials and dealing with unwarranted drama from the son. (court related)

    so my goals for the rest of today:
    JFT Thursday 1-13
    • stay under calorie limit (no breathing capacity or room to exercise)
    • pay those bills now
    • put away laundry in dryer
    • 1 more load laundry?
    • clean 2 more windows and blinds
    • pack! at least get 1 corner open and done, start the flow of organized chaos
    • work on new ytube blog post
    • journal with music after dinner
    • pray and read Scripture