60 lbs by March- September



  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    :) I'm nowhere near a plateau yet. Can't wait to be where you are! My issue is more that I can't seem to get a handle on my eating again. I did so well for a decent stretch and then the old emotional overload started up again. My son had surgery, we got bad medical news, I got the good old crazy hormones flowing, and we started a new year of homeschooling. So yeah, between worry and stress, I've fallen back into stuff your face mode. I'm glad that I at least recognize the damage I'm doing and I'm not at that stage of binging until I'm ill, but I need to get my butt back on track before I undo all of my progress thus far.

    I have a date to walk with a friend this morning and might try to sneak in another walk tonight. As for now, I'm going to go plan out my eating for the day as much as I can. We have a birthday party today where I plan on taking the smallest piece of cake possible. I'd take no cake, but my friend was just bragging about all the time she put into it yesterday and how proud she was, so I don't want to hurt her feelings. Two bites max. :)

    Hope you all have wonderful Saturdays! Weigh in tomorrow, right?
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    I'm weighing in a day early, tomorrow is a super busy day and I will just not be able to fit it in! So, here goes!

    CW: 185.6 (for a loss this week of 1.9.lbs!!!)
    GW: 130
    September GW: 182
    Waist: 42
    Hips: 39.5
    Right Thigh: 23.5 Left Thigh: 23
    Right Arm: 13 Left Arm: 13
    The plan: Walk 2 days a week, Rec Center 2 days a week, Wii Active 1 day a week
    Water Intake: 6-8 oz cups or 2 of my steel water bottles a day, 3 full meals a day, with 2 small snacks. Get 8 hours of sleep a day.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Catherine-sorry to hear about everything that is going on in life right now! Just remember this...life will always happen, there will always be excuses, and there will all be a "reason" to eat...don't let eating be the solve all! Find something else to do while you are stressed...if you have time to eat then you have time to read for a bit, or work on a puzzle, or do some cleaning...there is always something else that can be done! Also....if you have ONLY healthy options in your house then, even if you do overeat you will at least be eatin healthy!! And yes, I do realize that you have kids...but there are healthy options for them too...my son will eat fruit as a snack, or granola bars vs chips and cookies, any day! YOU CAN get this back under control right now, and continue on with your journey...no need to take 2 steps back! I'm here if you need any support or a push!! Keep it up and enjoy your walk...and 2 bites of cake! :wink: :happy:

    tjandjm-CONGRATS on the loss for this week!! and great goals for the month!!!:drinker:

    AFM-I will be checking in tomorrow as planned...but I can say this...i got ALL of my planned workouts done for the week...WOOT!!
  • pb3693
    pb3693 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I decided to join this group because I lost the bulk of my weight while having a "Contest" with a couple friends where we weighed in weekly for 3 months. I've lost some of my focus since then and thought this would be a good way to get back on track. I was able to lose more when I started using MFP on my phone and online to track my calories and food choices. I do better with regulating my diet than with exercising, so my challenge is getting active. My lowest weight was 129.7 which was amazing to hit, but I put a few pounds back on :( I'd like to be back to 129 by the end of September and hit 125 by the middle of October when I will be going to Chicago for a concert. I am more concerned with how I look and feel than what the scale says though. Right now I am feeling that I still need to lose more because my confidence is waning. I will update my measurements ASAP

    SW: 146.6 (Oct 2010)
    CW: 133
    GW: 120
    September GW: 129

    Right Thigh:
    Left Thigh:
    Right Arm:
    Left Arm:

    The plan: Increase water and lean protein intake, reduce sugar and carb intake, exercise at least 2x a week to get myself started. Increase activity by 1x a week each week until I am active 7 days a week.

    Water Intake Goal: at least 64 oz a day
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    welcome to the group Penny!! Weigh-ins are on Sunday and if you need any "challenges" to get you started again I'd be happy to have you join me in the challenge that I am doing right now (starting today actually), but it is a "diet" not fitness related challenge this week.

    The challenge FORANYONE INTERESTED is to stay under your calorie goal for 7 days straight (starting today-Friday), and to eat at least 5 fruits or veggies each day!

    Lemme know if anyone is interested?!
  • pb3693
    pb3693 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Tara, thanks for the welcome! I like the idea of your challenge, it will be a great way to jump start myself. I am going grocery shopping tomorrow for the week so I will plan accordingly to get the fruits and veggies in. So my week will start tomorrow :)
  • Catherine- Hope things get better for you!! *hugs*

    tjandjm-- Great loss for the week!!!

    Penny- Welcome to the group!! As Tara said we weight in on Sundays.

    Tara- Im in for the challenge!!

    Weigh in is tomorrow!! Good Luck!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sweet!! let me know how you guys do each night for the challenge!!! good luck!
  • CatherineMH- Sorry to hear things are so stressful for you right now. I can definitely relate...both to the stress and the stress eating. It is a very hard habit to break, but it helps to have such supportive friends on MFP! :) Just gotta keep plugging at it and hopefully one day it will be easier...

    tjandjmkahrs- Awesome loss this week! Hope next week goes well for you and you meet all of your goals!!

    Tara- Great job on completing all of your planned workouts. You rock! As for your challenge, I was already over on Friday, but I will join for the rest of it! ;)

    vixy412- Welcome to the group! I think having the extra support and accountability really helps. :)

    I didn't hear what I wanted at the doctor Thursday...I had apparently been overdoing it a bit and have to slow down even more. I already felt like I was taking it way too easy before that. :( Good news is that he said I CAN use the elliptical a little....bad news is that I don't have one at home and now that school has started, it will be harder to get to the gym...especially since I can only go when they have childcare. But I'm definitely going to do my best to try and work it in because I REALLY miss my cardio!! :D I might try to work in some arm strength training when I get there too.

    I have been slipping a little on the diet this week, so not expecting much for tomorrow's WI, but I have been on a scale diet all week so I am still excited to weigh and see where I am. Looking forward to tjradd73's challenge to keep me on track next week! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    silvery-this group is joining in my challenge tomorrow....so no worries about Friday!! lemme know how you do each day :)
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Heres my info for the week:

    CW: 259 - down 1.5 lbs
    GW: 150
    September GW: 255
    The plan: work out at least 30 minutes/day 5x/week
    Water Intake Goal: 8 cups a day minimum
  • CW: 179
    Gained 2lb....but Iexpected it.
    September goal weight 174

    Chest: 37.5 (-1 )
    Waist 38 (-2.5)
    Hips: 40 (-3.5)
    Thighs:23.25 (+.25)
    Calves: 14 (-2.75)
    Arms: 13.5 (+.5)

    9.75 inches lost since August 26

    The plan for the week: Stay under calorie goal, lower sodium, start C25K (again) Increase fruits and veggies
    Water intake: 96 oz

    Shell: Great loss!!!

    Tara- I was under for yesterday but only got 2 fruits and veggies. Well maybe 3 if you want to count all the veggies on my sandwich...
  • BttrflyKisses925
    BttrflyKisses925 Posts: 43 Member
    CW-258.8 - 2 lbs loss!

    September GW: 240

    March GW: 170

    GW: 123

    not gonna do measurements every week maybe once or twice a month; dont wanna be disappointed :D
  • CatherineMH
    CatherineMH Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I know there are excuses everywhere and all the time. Not trying to excuse my poor eating habits - - just trying to recognize what it is in my life that triggers the behavior so that hopefully, I can be watching for it and work out other ways to deal with it.

    Silvery, do you have an injury that is healing?

    My info:

    CW: 178.2 (-0.3)

    GW: 140

    September GW: 174

    Waist: 36 (down an inch - - ab ripper finally showing results?)

    Hips: 42

    Right Thigh: 26.25 (no change)

    Left Thigh: 25.75 (no change)

    Right Arm: 13.25 (no change)

    Left Arm: 13 (no change)

    The plan: I did a good job tracking food & exercising daily last week. This week, I'm shooting to be under my calorie goal every day and keep my fingers out of the desserts.

    Water Intake Goal: 3 liters (fell short a lot last week, so I'm keeping this as a goal)
  • Well I was good until Friday night, will have to work on the weekends better. :)

    CW: 291 ...down 1 lb
    GW: 150
    September GW: 282
    Waist: 56
    Hips: 58
    Right Thigh: 31
    Left Thigh: 31
    Right Arm: 19
    Left Arm: 19
    The plan: Keep watching calories and working out Sunday through Thursday
    Water Intake Goal: 80 oz
  • CW: 210.6
    September goal weight 207
    The plan for the week: Stay under calorie goal all week, 5 fruits/veggies per day
    Water intake: 12 cups

    I'm +2.4 from my last "official" WI, but the last Sunday I weighed 215.6 so from that I'm down 5 lbs....but I didn't count that last week because I had a lot going on the day before that threw it off a little. I have been over a few days lately, though so I knew I didn't expect to be back at 208.2. So, next week I'd like to get a little lower than that.

    shell- very nice loss!

    bttrfly- 2 pounds is great!

    Catherine- Nice job! you are still going the right direction at least. ;) And to answer your question, I had knee surgery Aug. 1, so still recovering from that. Slow process and I'm feeling super impatient, but definitely want to make sure it heals correctly! ;)

    Fahren- Nice! You should still be proud of that 1lb!

    Tara- Under on calories yesterday and I would say I had 4-5 servings of veggies (it's hard to tell because I weigh instead of measure by cups...but I loaded a lot onto my pizza and sandwich), no fruit (unless wine counts) lol!
  • EllieElephant
    EllieElephant Posts: 19 Member
    SW: 183
    CW: 182

    I actually gained a pound, even though I did a ton of cardio and stuck to my diet.
    Man, that's depressing... Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    shell-great job on your loss!!! and great plans for the rest of the month!

    Jess-i have a gain this week too...let's kill it this week!! and great start on being under on cals!!

    BttrflyKisses-great job on your loss too!! are you still shooting for the 240 by the end of this month...just curious? And I won't be doing my measurements every week either...just once a month :)

    Catherine-good job! every little bit counts :) and feel free to join a few of us in the group on the challenge I started for the next 7 days....goal is to be under cals for all 7 days and to eat 5 fruits/veggies per day (that should help with the desserts)! keep me posted if you are in!

    Fahrenholz-great job on the loss!! and weekends are hard...but they will eventually get easier :)

    Tasha-pretty sure that wine does NOT count as fruit...LOL!! Great job on your 5lbs lost in the past 2 Sundays! SUnday to Sunday is what counts for this group!

    Ellie-do NOT get discouraged!! Few things that I recommend...watch your water and sodium intake, and try not to eat back ALL of your exercise cals!! If you are really sore from your workouts...that gain could be from water retention in your muscles...just keep on doing what you know is right...eat right, be honest with your logging, and get in your exercise! You will do great!
    AFM-I am at 130.6 which is UP 2.8lbs from last week...but I went over 3 days in a row so I can't be too upset about it!!! I was under on my cals yesterday...and got in all of my fruits and veggies!
  • pb3693
    pb3693 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok here are my stats for my first official weigh in...
    On the upside, the weight I posted yesterday was my weight from Monday, and it's went down :D

    SW: 146.6 (Oct 2010)
    CW: 131 (down 2lbs from Monday)
    Sept GW: 129
    GW: 120-115 (depending on how I look and feel)

    Waist: 28.75
    Hips: 35
    R Thigh: 23.25
    L Thigh: 23
    R Bicep: 12
    L Bicep: 12.25

    I need to start doing cardio to get rid of the flab in my upper arms, thighs and hips in particular. They appear to be genetic trouble spots so I have a feeling they are going to be the hardest for me to lose it in. Staying positive because I have not been exercising regularly like I should be so at least the scale is still moving downwards. Now I just need to get myself moving to burn some of it away!

    I came in under calories for today, but only got in 3 servings of fruits and veggies. I went grocery shopping today though so I will have plenty of fruits and veggies around for the rest of the challenge.

    p.s. I've started using the MFP blog feature as well. Kind of my online account to keep me honest and motivated!
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I can not wait to see the results everyone has. I just joined MFP Monday night. I had set my goal to lose 60 by my birthday in March. After the week I have had so far. I am still leaving it as I would like to see 60 lbs gone by then. Good luck everyone!