Women 200lb+, Let's Start Strong This January!!!



  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    FushiaKat wrote: »
    One of my goals is to not leave the clothes in the dryer, but that is just not real life. Maybe I should change it to: do not leave the clothes in the dryer for more than 2 days at a time. >:)

    hee...will you need to stick a magnetic dry erase board to the dryer to make sure you *know* how long something has been there? (I'm not judging--in my house since all three of us do our own laundry, stuff often sits in the dryer till the next person needs to use it.)

  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Ah wedding season. My brother's wedding last October is what originally spurred me in early July to start focusing on weight loss again. I ended up losing about 22 pounds by the actual event.

    30k steps is an awful lot of steps! But you've crushed a pumpkin between your thighs. You've got this!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited January 2022
    Ah wedding season. My brother's wedding last October is what originally spurred me in early July to start focusing on weight loss again. I ended up losing about 22 pounds by the actual event.

    30k steps is an awful lot of steps! But you've crushed a pumpkin between your thighs. You've got this!

    damn right I did!! I came pretty close to 30k last time, so it feels doable.

    Now I just need to figure out what I'm wearing to this wedding. The forecast is almost 30F colder than is normal for this time of year - high of 58F for the day, the wedding starts at 5 PM and is outdoors on a beach/pier, so definitely some amount of windy. 58F walking around in the sunshine will be pleasant, 58F and falling in the darkening wind will be...markedly less so, I think. I don't really have an appropriate piece of outerwear, that's both at the right level of formality for a wedding and also at the right level of warm for sitting still outside on a 40-to-50-degree windy evening. I had some blazers that didn't *really* fit so I donated them during the Great Closet Purge of 2022, those would not quite have hit the right note but it would have been in the right key, at least. Moreso than my other options, which are "black hoodie, probably warm enough but way too casual," or "black cardigan, not warm enough but closer to appropriate for a wedding."
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 112 Member
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 252 (9/9 ATH)

    10/1: 241.7
    11/1: 231.4
    12/1: 218.9
    1/1: 210.6
    1/7: 209.0
    1/14: 205.5
    1/21: 202.1
    1/28: 201.4

    Jan weight loss: 9.2
    Total weight lost: 50.6

    Jan goal: 6 pounds
    Ultimate goal: 150ish

    ❄️ Walk 4.3k steps every day- 5 days a week
    ❄️ No fast food!
    ❄️ Pack my lunch
    ❄️ Limit Alcohol to once every two weeks and only 2 🍷
    ❄️ Treadmill three times a week

    I had hoped I'd make it to Onederland this week but it's not meant to be. But I'm not upset. I had a snafu with my scheduling and meal planning that resulted in us eating fast food two days in a row (although I kept the calories under my limit). And then I also started working out this week. So I expect the weight loss to slow a little and be a little less predictable for awhile. And I'm ok with that.

    I went through my closet about a month or so ago and got rid of stuff I don't wear. Last night, I actually took everything out and tried on stuff and purged a great deal more. Warm weather stuff I assumed fit were hanging off my body. It was absolutely mind boggling. I'm also getting a lot more comments from coworkers about my weight which is great.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member

    Now I just need to figure out what I'm wearing to this wedding. The forecast is almost 30F colder than is normal for this time of year - high of 58F for the day, the wedding starts at 5 PM and is outdoors on a beach/pier, so definitely some amount of windy. 58F walking around in the sunshine will be pleasant, 58F and falling in the darkening wind will be...markedly less so, I think. I don't really have an appropriate piece of outerwear, that's both at the right level of formality for a wedding and also at the right level of warm for sitting still outside on a 40-to-50-degree windy evening.

    They sell thermal tights (even skin colored ones) on amazon for $20. They came to my rescue during winter time formal events where I was expected to wear a skirt. I feel that long sleeved, knee length dresses aren't too difficult to find and have different levels of formality. Is the reception indoors? If so, most of the pictures with you in them are going to be inside, when you aren't wearing a coat or jacket, so that should matter less. But then again, I've always been a fan of throwing a leather jacket on over a dress, so I might be biased.

  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    January Challenge Weigh In Day

    Age 45
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 3/2020
    CW 220.2
    GW for January 215
    UGW 145

    1/1: 220.2
    1/8: 218.6
    1/15: 217.2
    1/22: 217.8 Happy Birthday to me
    Total month loss:

    Monthly goals:
    Hitting water goal -8 cups a day
    Gym 3x during the week
    Strength training 1x per week

    Very busy week for work this week so haven't come to the site too much. Have been working on water this week mainly but haven't been too good with it.

    Birthday was good. Did end up with 2 cakes which I was fine with. I had planned to freeze DHs but mom still complained a bit when we were down to 1 piece that I had expected to have. Not sure if it's talking to her and she's giving pressure to herself when I'd be fine having all of it. Explaining the why I had planned for both didn't end too well.

    The snow coming has paused the gym a bit, along with going to visit my quarantined cat. I can bring her back tomorrow so I can get back to going on a regular basis soon, even if it's without my friend.
  • Rainyvanc
    Rainyvanc Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2022
    Back at it! After slowly regaining about 25lb that I lost back in 2017.... time to get back at it. This time I have a VERY supportive husband who is doing MFP even though he only has 10lb to lose. He told me he'd keep tracking as long as I do even when he hits his goal just so I keep doing it too. Love him!

    Age:54 5'3"
    Highest weight ever (April 2021) - 272.1
    MFP SW - Dec 31, 2021 - 268.2
    CW - Jan 28, 2022 - 249.8. (-18.4)

    Have logged everything that entered my mouth for the last four weeks. Will continue to do so! Set MFP at 1.5/week. Main goal is to stay below calories although I am keeping an eye on staying under in carbs and sodium as well.

    I'm a long way away from any long term goals. My first target is 27lb lost (10% loss) which is less than 9lb from now... No timeline set for it . . . but at 1.5lb/week then hoping for mid-March.
    That will also be more than I lost in 2017 which felt really good so I'm looking forward to that.

    Haven't incorporated a lot of exercise yet. TBH, I want to get to that 10% level before attempting anything more than walks as I want to get to a healthier weight first before injurying myself. Excuse I know but that's what stalled/stopped my weight loss in 2017.

    Weather will improve soon so more outdoor time!
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I’m 53 and 5’6”.
    Starting Weight: 257.8 (1/14/21)

    Jan Start Weight: 220.5
    Jan Goal Weight: 216.6 (which was my Dec. start weight)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Jan 1: 220.5
    Jan 8: 221.5 (+1.0)
    Jan 15: 219.5 (-2.0)
    Jan 22: 219.5
    Jan 29: 219.3 (-0.2)
    Jan 31:

    Well I’m nowhere near my monthly goal weight. I am shocked that I had a loss as I went way off track this week!! It was one of the most stressful weeks I’ve had in years. Our administration is making us re-hire a man who was fired back in July. He is a nightmare! He is completely against management and turned people against each other. Things were finally getting better in our department. Sorry I just had to vent!! I can not allow this man child to throw me off track in my weight loss journey!!!!
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Rainyvanc wrote: »
    Back at it! After slowly regaining about 25lb that I lost back in 2017.... time to get back at it. This time I have a VERY supportive husband who is doing MFP even though he only has 10lb to lose. He told me he'd keep tracking as long as I do even when he hits his goal just so I keep doing it too. Love him!

    Age:54 5'3"
    Highest weight ever (April 2021) - 272.1
    MFP SW - Dec 31, 2021 - 268.2
    CW - Jan 28, 2022 - 249.8. (-18.4)

    Have logged everything that entered my mouth for the last four weeks. Will continue to do so! Set MFP at 1.5/week. Main goal is to stay below calories although I am keeping an eye on staying under in carbs and sodium as well.

    I'm a long way away from any long term goals. My first target is 27lb lost (10% loss) which is less than 9lb from now... No timeline set for it . . . but at 1.5lb/week then hoping for mid-March.
    That will also be more than I lost in 2017 which felt really good so I'm looking forward to that.

    Haven't incorporated a lot of exercise yet. TBH, I want to get to that 10% level before attempting anything more than walks as I want to get to a healthier weight first before injurying myself. Excuse I know but that's what stalled/stopped my weight loss in 2017.

    Weather will improve soon so more outdoor time!

    That's so awesome that you have a supportive husband!! I'm envious of just having a partner that you can bounce ideas off of and track together. I feel like that's such a good way to stay on course!

    I've had a challenging couple days. I had fast food a couple times (i tracked it and stayed within) but I just feel kind of low energy and like crap. I'm going to make some real food this weekend. I also hurt my back a little while ago and haven't been going to the gym. I work on Monday so I don't want to overdue it before I go back. I am SO CLOSE to onederland, that I just have to stay strong.