Welcome New Members!



  • Patekrover
    Patekrover Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning MFP fam!

    First post!

    Man it’s been a long time coming!

    The name is Mike or Mr. Classic or Patek
    I started MFP back in 2012 as a calorie tracker app to track calories for my clients to assist in losing weight.

    Throughout my life I struggled with weight. I remember when I was 300 plus pounds size 52’ waist. 6x tees and 4xl Sweats 

There is no substitution for hard work. I’ve been on the weight roller coaster for most of my life. I finally decided a couple of years ago that I was done and dropped over a 100lbs doing low carb diet and vigorously working out.

    But guess what? Over the course of 7 years of living I slowed gained it back but now, I’m back on the journey again!

    I’ve learned so much about Keto and Intermittent fasting and how to workout properly that I’m ready to execute and share it with the world.

    The reality is weight lost isn’t easy. It’s 🤬 hard. It takes consistency, patience and a lot of practice.

    I’m a foodie, I love wine, I love Bourbon and the occasional Taco Bell. Life is all about Balance right?!

    So I as progress I will continue to share. If you like to see more or know more. Find me on the gram and Fitbit: https://www.fitbit.com/user/23XBRB
    Gram: mr.claxxic, keto_claxxic
  • MegsFitnessJourney22
    Hello everyone,

    Just started a week or so ago and wanted to reach my fitness goals by my wedding in September!! I'm currently going to the gym 🏋️‍♀️ and taking additional gym classes. I'm in a calorie deficit and it is going well. Hope everyone else is as excited as I am!

  • blue_5454
    blue_5454 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all,

    Starting again after regaining weight during a series of "life experiences". I know life doesn't stop, but I think I need to review ways to cope with it instead of eating ;-). I'm ready to go!

  • Radigan8899
    Radigan8899 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there everyone! New to the MFP community. Hoping to make a permanent change and get healthy. Cheers to a new year and a new me.
  • Sofab21
    Sofab21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Back on this app. New journey. Just need to drop weight and be healthier.
  • aLiEnGiRlUwU
    aLiEnGiRlUwU Posts: 99 Member
    Hey y'all, I'm new to this whole healty lifestyle. So far I'm doing ok I think lol Lost 1.2 lbs already so yay. And I don't know what else to say so yeah 😅
  • Clairewalls848
    Clairewalls848 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I’m very new to my MFP. I’m hoping I’m thinking right that you try and stick to the calories set out for you & log everything you eat which comes off your calories. I have got my iPhone sync with MFP so it will count my exercise. If I keep to the set calories will I lose weight ???? Can I lower my calories???? Thank you
  • determinedlaney
    determinedlaney Posts: 3 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

    Not new here - last logged in was back in 2018. Lots have happened since then, the biggest, having given birth to a baby boy! Before that, weight had been fluctuating between the 120s-140s.

    Unfortunately, I'm at my heaviest since my pregnancy! Whooping 154 lbs this morning. I attribute this to having a stressful span of 2-3 months with the occasional bad habit - chewing and spitting - attack me occasionally when I am stressed.

    On this day of love, I am gifting myself some self love by logging onto MFP again to get me back on track to pre-pregnancy shape... Gradually but surely.
  • Shanklet2144
    Shanklet2144 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I’m new! Looking to make lasting life changes! Looking to get healthy and be serious about losing weight. So glad I found this app! I’m also looking for accountability friends! Send me a request!
  • ImDoinItRightNow
    Apparently I joined a few years ago, but just recommitted to using myfitnesspal today! I started OMAD at the first of the year and I'm down 18.4 lbs now. I'm here to track my food and hoping there is a way to view others food diaries for ideas?? Please tell me there is a way to do this! Thank you for your help in advance!
  • johnsoper6205
    johnsoper6205 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all! Just joined up for a year of Premium.

    I am excited to give MFP a go. I am coming from another app/program that I just canceled. Had good success with it, but the foods database, App crashes and abysmal support experience has led me here!

    I am an avid cyclist and runner who has recently decided to loose the weight to get myself out of the "obese" risk category and eat healthier!
  • mwcorgilover
    mwcorgilover Posts: 5 Member
    Just starting ugh nervous and excited at same time

    I can relate :-)
  • mwcorgilover
    mwcorgilover Posts: 5 Member
    katiya81 wrote: »
    Apparently I joined a few years ago, but just recommitted to using myfitnesspal today! I started OMAD at the first of the year and I'm down 18.4 lbs now. I'm here to track my food and hoping there is a way to view others food diaries for ideas?? Please tell me there is a way to do this! Thank you for your help in advance!

    What is OMAD? I'm going to have to go ask Uncle Google!
  • mwcorgilover
    mwcorgilover Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. I've used MFP before, but tracking is just not my thing. I do find electronic tracking way easier than paper though, so I'm going to give it another try. And tracking does help me significantly when it comes to accountability and trying to stay within a specific calorie goal. Good luck to us all!
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 163 Member
    katiya81 wrote: »
    Apparently I joined a few years ago, but just recommitted to using myfitnesspal today! I started OMAD at the first of the year and I'm down 18.4 lbs now. I'm here to track my food and hoping there is a way to view others food diaries for ideas?? Please tell me there is a way to do this! Thank you for your help in advance!

    What is OMAD? I'm going to have to go ask Uncle Google!

    One Meal A Day?
  • cherteal2021
    cherteal2021 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Trying to do fasting + tracking food + exercise. Interested in connecting with anyone else on a similar journey. Had 4 kids and looking to get back on a healthier weight range and fit my old clothes!
  • KristaBattram2001
    Hi All,

    Just started and really excited. I'm from Rickmansworth (Ricky) in UK anyone else from my area?

    Looking forward to my fitness journey.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,201 Member
    Welcome to MFP... I hope you all have great success on your journey :)
  • Jensc1512
    Jensc1512 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Been on MFP a while but never been on to the community before. Been back on Keto since 3rd Jan and lost 21lb so far. Got a way to go but am adamant I'm on it until I reach goal!
  • Rodeema
    Rodeema Posts: 9 Member
    branmart17 wrote: »
    Niteman3d wrote: »
    branmart17 wrote: »
    I have a question - Do I have to purchase the "premium" membership to log food and stuff?

    No. Everything works for free, but I think you get some more flexibility with macros if you track them.

    Thank you - maybe I was somewhere I was not supposed to be in the system, it had everything locked down. :neutral: Anyway, I finally got my breakfast, lunch and water logged.

    Now to figure out how to sync my apple watch..... oh the learning curve - it will be worth it once I get all the things figured out.

    Have you figured this out yet? Let us know if you did not and can probably help you. My iWatch works well with the app :)