30 Day Shred Challenge?



  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I looked it up previously and according to Jillian, the average person burns 504 calories AN HOUR during her videos. I calculated it to 20 minutes and its 167 calories. Ive definitely heard of people counting it as circuit training. When I entered that in, it came out to 175 calories for me for 20 mins of circuit training.

    I wish I had a HRM. It would be nice to be able to be absolutely accurate!

    Either way, Jillian is definitely working me. My muscles ache!
  • Hey guys!! Can I join your group?! I have just done level 1 daY 6.... could use a bit of support for when it gets tough!! xx

    We're here! EVen being able to just come on and see people posting about doing it daily has given me the motivation to keep doing it... Frankly if I felt I had a choice i'd probably have quit because my legs are KILLING.
  • so yesterday was my day 4 and as I posted earlier I had NOTHING as far as energy or motivation. My legs hurt so bad I could barely walk and then my husband suggests we go to the zoo (ugh, lots of walking in the sweltering heat Im thinking) but--we went and walked around for 2 hours and yes it was painful and I was sweating from the heat but once I got home and several hours later I felt so much better. All of the pain and tightness in my legs was diminishing. I decided I need to take a day from the video and not push myself as hard. I will take longer than 30 days but Im older than alot of you also. Slow and steady wins the race.....
  • jellybean82
    jellybean82 Posts: 48 Member
    So I was really really bad and didn't do my shredding on Friday.

    Saturday is a rest day for me so I was dreading getting back into it after two days of rest but I got up early this morning to get it done!

    I'm getting so bored with level one, I can't wait to start level 2, Tuesday for me!

    I have a feeling this week is going to be tough, it's my birthday this week so I'm sure there will be some celebrating going on, I just can't deny myself the birthday cake! LOL
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    L1 D5 done and its getting easier. I'm almost kicking my butt in the butt kicks. Half way thru level 1! Can't wait to check my measurements on day 10. I feel like I'm in school cramming for midterms...
  • L1D5 done. It's definitely getting easier, but I'm still sweating and pushing through it. My upper body strength is getting better-as I can do the push ups. That alone makes me happy. I'm getting a little bored...but...will finish the 10 days of L1 before moving on to L2.

    We're kicking our own butts. :)
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Finished L1D5. Still doing modified push ups, but those are going better.
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    level 1 day 7 done!! it is definately getting easier, but its the lunges that kill me!! I'm gonna try and do propper push ups tmorro!! I'm looking forward to seeing what level 2 has in store.....more limping for a few days probably!!

    How is everyone else doing?! I am deperate to measure and weigh, but also would like a surprise on day 30 so I'm trying to resist!! xx
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I am going to join this a little late, but would like to be able to check in with some other people doing the shred. I just completed L1D2 today. I took some before pics today and I am very excited to see the results. Good luck everyone!
  • talia25
    talia25 Posts: 35 Member
    Completed L1 on Sat by doing it twice! Gosh my fitness has got heaps better, so happy with that. Did L2D1 yesterday and I managed to stick with Natalie all the way until the double jump rope, whereas I had been sticking with Anita in L1. Slept in this morning so not going to be able to do L2D2 til I get home from night school at about 10pm, but Im not going to skip a day so will just do it!! Good luck everyone :-)
  • L1D4 completed, and I'm glad I made it through. I did a lot better on all of the movements, and was able to do all the push ups (modified) without stopping. Also, as much as I hate the bicycle kicks, I managed to hold my legs up for at least 50 seconds before dropping...that's a huge improvement, considering on day one I had to break at least 4 times during the whole minute. Jillian's tough, but her workouts seem to be helping me, so I'll just keep going. 26 days to go, and counting.
  • Am I too late to join?
  • Finished Day 5 /Level 1 today. Cardio and abs not really a problem, but boy am I having a rough time with strength. Doing modified push- ups and still have to stop occasionally and can rarely do any of the other strength moves without stopping, as well. Good news is I can feel that muscle on my arms..it's working.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I took a rest day on Sunday. It wasnt my intention but we were out all day. I'm kinda glad because it gave my aching calves a rest.

    Today I was able to do THREE pushups instead of the regular two but the rest of the time I only went halfway down.

    I'm finding that I can do more of what Natalie is doing instead of sticking with Anita the whole time.

    The lunges are KILLER, though.
  • Today I did Level 1, Day 3. It is starting to get easier to do the moves and with less breaks in between or during the circuits.
    Can't wait to have great results!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    So, I just did Level 2, Day 2. So, I am on day 12 total.

    I almost skipped Day 1. But about 10 last night, I couldn't stand the thought of mising a day.
    So, I did it, I was dripping with sweat and shaking in the shoulders.

    Day 2 was much better than day 1.

    I only have 8 more days of level 2. Woo-hoo!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished L1D6. Definitely getting easier but still haven't ventured into REAL push-ups.
  • Yesterday was my rest day (on accident, was just too sick to - I actually forgot you are supposed to rest a day!) and i'm ready to get back into it.... Saturday I spent the day out and about at the zoo and by the time I had to do Jillian that night I HATED her.. I did not want to do it at all but am glad I did.. I feel like i'm starting to notice small differences but the scale#'s are fluctation and my measurements are the same :[
  • goshagirl
    goshagirl Posts: 30 Member
    I just finished day 2 of level 1. I took measurements yesterday... not really thrilled about that. I will be when I see some results!
  • goshagirl
    goshagirl Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone else notice any soreness today? I have been doing a lot of walking lately, but that does not at all compare to Shredding it!! I will have to hit the bed early tonight b/c my walking buddy and I hit the pavement at 5:30 so I will need to get up and get my Shred on before that. Whew! That is early! Good luck everyone, on to DAY 2

    I do today in my glutes and thighs!